Any Essay

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Any Essay

Crafting an essay on any given topic, whether assigned or self-chosen, presents a multifaceted
challenge that extends beyond the mere act of writing. The difficulty lies not only in the intellectual
demands of researching and organizing ideas but also in the intricate dance between creativity and
structure. The process of essay writing requires a delicate balance between expressing personal
insights and adhering to established academic conventions.

One of the initial hurdles is selecting a compelling and relevant topic that engages both the writer
and the audience. The challenge intensifies when the subject matter is broad, as narrowing it down to
a coherent thesis becomes a meticulous task. The writer must navigate the fine line between
originality and adherence to scholarly discourse, ensuring that their essay adds value to the existing
body of knowledge.

The research phase adds an additional layer of complexity. Distinguishing credible sources from the
vast sea of information available online demands a critical eye and discerning judgment. Delving into
the depths of the chosen topic requires not only time but also the ability to synthesize diverse
perspectives into a cohesive narrative.

The actual act of writing necessitates a command of language, a nuanced understanding of tone, and
an artful mastery of persuasion. Each sentence must contribute to the overall flow and coherence of
the essay, demanding both clarity of thought and eloquence of expression. Striking the right balance
between simplicity and sophistication is an ongoing struggle for writers of all levels.

Editing and revision are integral aspects of the essay-writing process, adding an extra layer of
challenge. It involves a critical evaluation of one's own work, often requiring a willingness to discard
cherished phrases or restructure entire sections for the sake of clarity and coherence.

In the end, the difficulty of writing an essay transcends the mechanical aspects of putting words on
paper. It delves into the intellectual and emotional realms, demanding creativity, analytical prowess,
and a commitment to refining one's own thoughts. While the difficulty can be daunting, the rewards
lie in the personal and intellectual growth that accompanies the journey.

For those seeking assistance in navigating the challenges of essay writing, there are various resources
available. Professional writing services, like , offer support in crafting essays on a
wide array of topics. These services can provide valuable insights, guidance, and even bespoke essays
tailored to individual needs, making the intricate task of essay writing more manageable for those in
need of support.
Any Essay Any Essay
Analysis Of Porter s Five Forces
Nowadays, organizations is facing rapid change to the business environment where it
becomes more complex than it were before. Indeed, these situation means that businesses
need to find strategy to analyzing the implications of these changes and modifying the
organizations reaction itself towards these situation. The strategies that the organization
will apply also require gaining a complete understanding of the external environment of
the organization. While understanding the macro environment of the business is
important, organization also need to have great understanding of the competitors and the
impact they will bring to the organization (Dobbs, 2014). In 1979, Michael E. Porter, a
Harvard Business Schoolstudent introduced five key forces that determined the
essential appeal of a business sector in a long run (Schachter, 2012). Porter s Five
Forces is a framework that analyzes and identifies strategy of an industry, and also
determines the weakness and strength of an industry, where the activities of the
competitors also involved. Porter s Five Forces is cover understanding strategy of
bargaining power of supplier, bargaining power of buyer, competitive rivalry, threat of
substitution, and lastly threat of new entry. In addition, by having good understanding
where the power rely on, businesses may take advantage by gaining strength or improve
the weakness and evade taking wrong decision. Porter s Five Forces will help
organizations to define the market properly and
Vegan Diet Research
How Vegan Diets Can Affect Micronutrient Deficiencies and Bone Health In 2012, a
Gallup Poll showed that 2% of Americans practice a Vegan diet.1 While the global
population of people eating Vegan is unknown, the diet is becoming increasingly
popular in developed countries as a way to eat healthier or lose weight.2 A Vegan diet is
a highly restricted Vegetarian diet that refrains from all animal products, including but
not limited to: animal milks, honey, meat, and eggs.2 The health effects of practicing a
Vegan diet are relatively unknown because of a lack of research. In professions involving
nutrition, it is frequently assumed that the health effects of a Vegan diet will coincide
with that of a Vegetarian diet in which dairy and eggs are incorporated. In this paper,
five research articles will be discussed to help explain how a vegan diet may impact
people s health and explore the... Show more content on ...
(2015) used a cross sectional study.3 Researchers hypothesized that bone healthy
components of Vegan diets would outweigh the negative effects of low BMI (Body
Mass Index) and low intakes of protein and Calcium on BMD in the Vegan subgroup
(28 participants). 3 82 male and female participants between the ages of 19 and 50
years old, with a BMI of less than 30, and who had adhered to their diet for over one
year were grouped by their diet type to form three groups consisting of: 28 Vegan, 27
Lacto Ovo Vegetarian, and 27 Omnivore.3 Diet quality, BMI, urinary pH levels, and
BMD were collected from each participant and averaged within each group.3
Researchers found that the Vegan group did not have significantly lower BMD than the
Lacto Ovo Vegetarian or Omnivorous groups therefore supporting their hypothesis.3
This research was limited by its participation size and sample bias in addition to its one
day analysis which may render it irrelevant to other
Female Sterilization Essay
Sterilization was a racialized procedure because the procedure targeted minorities, more
specifically women of color. Female sterilization is an irreversible and controversial form
of fertility control that most often involves the surgical cutting or tubal ligation of a
woman s fallopian tubes (Ruiz Korrol, 2006). Sterilizationwas important for the eugenics
movement and sterilization of females helped eugenics move forward. Eugenics was
intended to stop individuals deemed unfit from reproducing in hopes of keeping the
human population pure. Eugenics, like birth control was a program for making working
class families healthy, for improving the condition of the country and it stood in contrast
to the racialism of tropical medicine (Briggs,... Show more content on ...
A study done by Novak et al. displayed that a disproportionate number of Latinos were
sterilized between the years 1920 to 1945. The rates of sterilization after 1945 did not
decrease but remained just as high. The primary victims of sterilization were women of
color and sterilization procedures took place in abundance in the United States as well as
Puerto Rico. In this essay, I will examine women of colors experiences of forced
sterilization in the U.S and Puerto and see how the experiences compare.
In Puerto Rico: A People Challenging Colonialism, it was said that more than 35
percent of Puerto Rican women of child bearing age had been sterilized. This statistic
reporting the highest rate of female sterilization in the world at that time. Between
1972 and 1973, sterilizations had increased by 180% in hospitals in predominantly
Puerto Rican neighborhoods. Population growth in Puerto Rico was a concern for U.S
government since 1930 and in 1937 the Puerto Rico Legislature passed a bill that
legalized sterilization. Until the mid 1960 s, sterilization was seen as the only way to
limit Puerto Rican family size. Given the islands overpopulation problem, it seemed as if
sterilization was the only option for Puerto
Ethics Of Computing And The Internet
Ethics in Computing and the Internet
Jorge Zacarias
Written Assignment Unit 7
University of the People

Inside the topic of health care system ethic is implicit the pregnancy dilemma. This
wide topic can include hundreds of pages; herein we are going to cover principal s data
of this essential topic in today s lives.

Pregnancy includes a debate for more than 4 decades and some topics that affect not only
mothers even child, there are many dilemmas surrounding this controversial topic, where
some argue one specific thing and much other argue another things.

The first debate comes around the medication; they divide pregnant into different groups
Pregnancy and childbirth have become increasingly medicalized in most parts of the
world since the early twentieth century. That is, they are increasingly processes that in
fact and as a social ideal are managed and overseen by medical professionals, typically
involve a high degree of technological medical intervention and contact with clinics and
hospitals, and are assessed by medical experts who are the authorities on their progress.
Amy Mullin explains that medicalized pregnancy involves interpreting pregnancy itself
as a disruption to health that necessarily requires expert medical intervention, and
thinking of pregnancy as primarily about health and illness (Mullin 2005, 54). The
concept of medicalization is helpful in making clear how this sort of insertion into a
medical context is not (or
Winter Tires Research Paper
Winter Tires Must be Required in the Winter
By: Richard
Have you ever been in a car in the winter and your parent yells Hold on! . Slipping on
black ice is a driver s worst nightmare. The car could slip off the road, go to the opposite
side, spin, flip, roll, or even worse. That would be deadly. The good news is there is
something called winter tires and it could save your life. Life saving, winter tires must be
required because they make your ride safer, they help create a more relaxing ride, and
they are not expensive. Winter tires are a very good idea for winter driving, it will help a

Winter tires ultimately increase the safety of the drive. The rubber is a special type of
rubber that will not harden (5 Facts About Winter Tires and Why You Need Them).
Soft rubber means better traction. This is essential to brake and grip the road better. A
car with winter tires will brake 30% faster than a car with all seasons. In fact, most
accidents in the winter could have been avoided if the driver was using winter tires (5
Facts About Winter Tires and Why You Need Them). Safety is... Show more content on ...
According to CNBC, they are not as expensive as they might look. Tires only last a
certain amount of time, based on how many miles you put on them. So if you re only
using a set of tires for eight months out of the year, they ll last longer. Put winter tires
on for the winter, and you ll go much longer in between pricey tire replacements. DId
you know Canadians are the world leaders in debt? (
/congrats canadians youre world leaders in debt/ ). You would not want to add to that.
Knowing this you do not want to spend more money on tire replacements. It is just that
one big investment and you are good to go for about double the time than if you were to
not to have winter
High Stakes Testing In Schools Essay
Should our public schools continue to allow high stakes assessments, for example the
FCAT, to play a large factor in determining if a student has met mastery of grade level
standards? Numerous students do not test well due to nerves or other disabilities; some
students even become ill which equates to inaccurate testresults. Additionally, testing is
such an enormous process that students are losing out on valuable classroom instruction.
Finally, with students pending graduation or promotion to the next grade these high
stakes tests are forcing teachers to teach to the test to ensure greater success.
High stakes testing is a high pressure situation for any student at all grade levels. There
are many seniors ready to graduate but have not passed their final state assessment to
meet that requirement or a younger elementary student pending promotion to the next
grade based on the results of the state assessment. No wonder kids are literally a bundle
of nerves, making themselves sick over these tests. As stated by Melissa Nott, a
seasoned public school teacher, Children in high stakes testing situations are more likely
to throw up, lose control of their bowels, and experience ... Show more content on ...
Ben Johnson is an educator, author, and administrator and basically feels if a teacher
does not teach to the test then the student will not be prepared. Johnson compares it to
preparing a kids sports team for a soccer game. If you just drill them and they go to the
game but have no idea which goal to shoot the ball or the importance to defend your goal
it would be a losing game. In order to be successful in the assessments the teachers and
students must equally understand and know what the expectations of the assessment are
and how they can work together to meet these expectations (Johnson). When it comes to
high states testing failure is not an option for the student or

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