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Inductive Essay

Writing an essay on the topic of "Inductive Essay" can be a challenging yet rewarding endeavor. The
difficulty lies in the nuanced nature of inductive reasoning, which requires the writer to draw
conclusions based on specific observations or instances. Crafting a coherent and persuasive argument
involves not only presenting evidence but also navigating the complexities of logical inference.

One of the initial challenges is grasping the concept of inductive reasoning itself. Understanding how
to move from specific observations to general conclusions demands a keen analytical mindset. It
requires the ability to identify patterns, make connections between seemingly unrelated elements, and
then synthesize these findings into a cohesive narrative.

Furthermore, the writer must tread carefully in avoiding logical fallacies. Inductive reasoning is
susceptible to errors, and a misstep in the logical process can weaken the entire essay. Balancing the
need for specificity in examples with the overarching generalization poses an additional layer of

Research becomes a crucial component as well. Finding relevant and compelling examples to support
the inductive argument requires thorough investigation. It involves sifting through various sources to
gather data that not only supports the conclusion but also represents a diverse range of perspectives.

Structuring the essay poses its own set of challenges. A well-organized essay must present a logical
progression of ideas, with each paragraph building upon the previous one. Ensuring that the
inductive reasoning is evident and compelling throughout the entire piece adds complexity to the
writing process.

Moreover, expressing complex ideas in a clear and concise manner is crucial. Translating intricate
concepts of inductive reasoning into accessible language for readers can be demanding. Striking the
right balance between sophistication and clarity is an ongoing challenge.

In conclusion, tackling an essay on the topic of "Inductive Essay" demands a combination of

analytical skills, research acumen, and effective communication. The difficulty lies in navigating the
intricacies of inductive reasoning, avoiding logical pitfalls, and presenting a well-structured,
persuasive argument. However, overcoming these challenges can lead to a profound understanding of
the topic and hone one's skills in critical thinking and effective communication.

For assistance with similar essays or a variety of topics, consider exploring the services offered on . Their experienced writers can provide guidance and support to help you navigate
the complexities of academic writing.
Inductive Essay Inductive Essay
Juvenile Delinquency and the Criminal Justice System
There are so many issues facing our society today, especially in the criminal justice
system. Within the criminal justice system, juvenile delinquency is an issue that I find
the most overlooked and it is a problem that is growing, particularly in the poorer areas.
The term juvenile delinquency refers to the antisocial or criminal activity under the age
of 18 which violates the law. Everyone is affected by juvenile crime, parents, teachers,
families and neighbors. It is essential that programs are implemented to help with
juvenile delinquents. Although delinquency rates have decreased dramatically, the effect
of delinquency still affects the victims of crime, the perpetrators and even the bystanders.
There are many interventions that attempt to lower the rate of juvenile delinquency; some
are successful while others are waste of resources.
Juvenile delinquency has two main risk factors; parenting style as the number one and
peer group as the second. While many programs exist to help delinquents, those that start
after the occurrence of the behavior tend to be less effective. While the programs that
intervene prior to the occurrence of the deviant behavior often end up more effective.
The programs that intervene before the onset of the deviant behavior are known as
prevention programs. Parenting style plays a huge part on determining a child s future in
delinquent behaviors. For instance, permissive parenting leads contain neglecting child s
activities and also lack of
Netflix Case Study
Summary The movie rental industry is a living industry; there are constant changes with
advances in technology, rights management, and the slow, but steady, move away from
physical Media. Companies such as Netflix, Hulu, RedBox, and Blockbuster are being
forced to look at new business models and try to keep up with these changes.
Assignment Questions 1. How strong are the competitive forces in the movie rental
marketplace? Do a five forces analysis to support your answer. Threat of New
Competition: Netflix has almost zero threat of new competition. Any new competition
would have to overcome large capital expenses to get started; these expenses include
obtaining TV show and movie rights from the studios. Even if the starting... Show more
content on ...
Streaming licenses can be revoked and/or modified at any time by the content
provider. Intensity of Competitive Rivalry: The threat of rivalry is relatively low. The
movie rental industry is dominated by a few firms, namely Blockbuster, and Movie
Gallery (which liquidated all itself in 2010). However they are in competition with
other industries such as cable and satellite companies, VOD services and sites like
Hulu and Amazon. 2. What forces are driving changes in the movie rental industry?
Are the combined impacts of these driving forces likely to be favorable or unfavorable
in term of their effects on competitive intensity and future industry profitability? The
demand for digital content is driving changes in the rental industry. Technology is
shifting from a physical medium to a digital distribution system. This is likely to be
beneficial because Netflix is already rooted in the digital streaming industry and would
only have to adapt to minor changes in technology. 3. What does your strategic group
map of this industry look like? How attractively is Netflix positioned on the map? Why?
Netflix is in a fairly favorable position on the strategic group map. Where Added value is
measured in terms of instant movies and recommendations, and market coverage is
measured in number of stores, vending machines, and online presence. 4. What key
factors will determine a company s success in the movie rental industry
Buwan Ng Wika
Eidul Fitr is an important celebration for Filipino Muslims, marking the end of the
month long fast during Ramadan and marks the beginning of the month Shawwal. Also
known as Eid al Fitr , Wakas ng Ramadan and Pagtatapos ng Pag aayuno , it is a
national public holiday for all in the Philippines.
Originated by the Islamic Prophet Muhammad, Eidul Fitr is a cause for celebration and
thanks giving to Allah. Eidul Fitr has been proclaimed a national holiday in the
Philippines since 2002, and was the first predominantly Christian country to do so. This
proclamation was made to foster peace and goodwill between major religions in the
Eidul Fitr is celebrated using the Islamic calendar Hijra and is also ... Show more content
on ...
The combination of these means that the date to celebrate Eidul Fitr constantly changes.
It is the duty of the National Commission on Muslim Filipinos (NCMF) to inform the
Office of the President on which date in the Gregorian calendar it should fall.
For Muslim Filipinos, Eidul Fitr marks the end of fasting during Ramadan. On this
day, it is forbidden to fast as it is a day of celebration. Muslim Filipinos practice ritual
washing before heading to a community gathering, usually in a mosque, and offer special
prayers to Allah. On this day, they give the obligatory charity in the form of food known
as zakat al fitr and listen to special sermons on the occasion. After attending this
gathering, many families choose to celebrate with a feast with their extended family and
As it is a national public holiday for all, non Muslim Filipinos may choose to spend the
day with their family and friends. Shopping centres and public transportation continue to
run as usual, with the exception of Muslim businesses closing or having limited trading
hours on that day.
Eidul Fitr is an important celebration for Filipino Muslims, marking the end of the
month long fast during Ramadan and marks the beginning of the month Shawwal. Also
known as Eid al Fitr , Wakas ng Ramadan and Pagtatapos ng Pag aayuno , it is a
national public holiday for all in the Philippines.
Originated by the Islamic Prophet Muhammad, Eidul Fitr is a cause for
Diverse Mating Strategies Among Different Species
Diverse Mating Strategies Among Different Dolphin Species

There are a variety of different mating strategies among different male dolphins species.
Male mating strategies and forms of competitive interaction among male cetaceans lead
to the development of sexually dimorphic features such as prominent postanal humps,
reproductive adaptation such as large testis size, and retained bodily scarring caused by
interactions with conspecifics. (Murphy, 2005) Cetacean have been noted to either have
a polygynous or polygynandrous mating system. (Murphy, 2005) These mating systems
have led to a number of different types of competition among males such as contest
competition (where males limit the access of other males to females by aggressive
displays or fights) scramble competition (competition to disperse and find sexually
receptive females), endurance rivalry competition (competition to remain sexually active
over a longer period of time), mate choice competition (competition in courtship), and
sperm competition (competition between the sperm of 2 or more males). (Murphy, 2005)
Individual males will use these different strategies depending on their dominance in rank,
size, age , and number and quality of reproductive females. (Murphy, 2005) Contest
competition and courtship competition have been documented in polygynous species
such as bottlenose dolphin (tursiops truncates), and humpback whales.( Murphy, 2005)
Sexual dimorphism in size, weaponry (teeth and husks), and
Analysis Of Ever After
Danielle s life is miserable as she lives in the same house as her stepmother and
stepsisters. Because she is the different one in the family, she is treated as a servant and
is forced to do chores around the house. On top of this, Danielle s heartless stepmother
and stepsisters are in constant competition with her, and will do anything just to feel
better than her. Thus, Danielle is persistently being oppressed and put down by them,
which is in no way satisfying her need for a caring familyand motherly advice. Danielle
s expectations for a loving mother and family are often not fulfilled by her stepsisters
and stepmother as a result of their cruel treatment due to their need to compete with her.
Ever After, directed by Andy Tennant, is a 2003 adaptation of the well known fairytale,
Cinderella. Danielle, who is the daughter of a dead nobleman, is a servant under the
roof of her wicked stepmother, Rodmilla, and her stepsisters, Marguerite and
Jacqueline. One day while in town, Danielle crosses paths with Prince Henry of France.
The two secretly fall in love, but they nevertheless have a strong force keeping them
apart: the Baroness and her determination that Marguerite or Jacqueline will become
Prince Henry s bride. However, Danielle proves that it is being kind hearted and
courteous that will win the crown in the end.
It is shown throughout the entire movie how disrespectfully Danielle s stepmother and
stepsisters treat her. In the scene that features Danielle doing
Snapchat s Negative Influence On Communication
When something goes away in less than 10 seconds it becomes more valuable. The
viewer only gets a short span to view it and therefore will focus more attention on it.
This is the idea that is demonstrated by Snapchat. Users can send photos or video clips
but they must be under 10 seconds. After the recipient has viewed the snap, the snap is
deleted. Many users praise the efficiency of the app and the effortless communication
style it brings. Snapchat was started in 2012 by Evan Spiegel, Bobby Murphy, and
Reggie Brown. The trio attended Stanford University together, and they launched
Snapchat after their previous application, Future Freshmen, had failed. They were
inspired to create an app with expiring data so that users would not have as many
consequences from what they sent... Show more content on ...
He believes it has caused social skills to decline in the younger generation. I think
people are less inclined to embrace awkward conversations with random people and
they really miss out on a lot because of that, Randel said. He sees this lost ability as an
epidemic in this generation which is fueled by the use of social media like Snapchat.
Randel says that because users typically just Snapchat things that are exciting or
interesting so they will forget the blandness of life. Many times people go through life
and only remember the exciting things, says Randel, which takes away from the human
touch in life. John Park, freshman at John Brown University, agrees with Randel about
Snapchat creating single emotion environment. Park says because people on Snap
happy or funny things, the application doesn t create the same emotions as a face to
face conversation or phone call. You get just one emotion out of it, jokes, happiness, and
fun. You never see someone send you a snapchat saying my cat died. On the emotional
level it is totally different than a phone call or face to face conversation, said
An Investigation Into Aristotelian Functionalism
An Investigation into Supposed Aristotelian Functionalism In recent years, modern
functionalists have taken to claiming Aristotle as one of their own or at the least a great
grandfather of sorts. This essay will investigate the extent to which Aristotle was a
functionalist, and once this question is resolved, we will evaluate to what degree his
view reliably accounts for a valid philosophy of mind. Before we can explore the degree
to which Aristotle s philosophy aligns with that of modern functionalists, we must first
account for the philosophy of modern functionalism. Principally, functionalists believe
that mental states (e.g., beliefs, desires, feeling pain) are solely constituted by their
function. This is their solution to the mind/body problem . Cartesian dualists claimed
that a special mental substance (distinct from the body) is where the ultimate nature of
the mental resides. Physicalists ( descendants of the materialists) equate mental states
with brain states. On the other hand, functionalists assert that the mental states causal
relations to one and other and to sensory inputs and behavioral outputs constitute these
mental states. Some functionalists, often called computational functionalists, go as far as
to say that these internal states operate in the same way as a computer program.
Furthermore, this line of thought leads directly to the transportability thesis , which
hypothesizes that a human mind could be transported into an electronic computer,

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