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How To Write Argumentative Essay Sample

Crafting an essay on the subject of "How To Write Argumentative Essay Sample" is no small feat. It
involves a multi-faceted approach that demands not only a profound understanding of the intricacies
of argumentative writing but also the ability to convey this knowledge effectively.

The process begins with comprehensive research to gather relevant information, facts, and evidence
to support your argument. This alone can be a daunting task, requiring hours of meticulous reading,
note-taking, and critical analysis to ensure the incorporation of credible sources.

Once armed with the necessary information, the challenge lies in organizing your thoughts
coherently. Creating a well-structured essay involves carefully planning the introduction, body
paragraphs, and conclusion. The introduction should captivate the reader's attention, provide context,
and present a clear thesis statement. Each body paragraph must articulate a distinct point while
seamlessly connecting to the overarching argument. The conclusion, meanwhile, must succinctly
summarize the main points and reinforce the thesis without introducing new information.

Beyond the structural aspect, attention must be paid to the language and tone. An argumentative
essay demands a persuasive and assertive tone, and choosing the right words to convey your ideas is
crucial. Clarity, coherence, and consistency are essential, making the writing process even more

Moreover, the task extends beyond the initial draft. Proofreading and editing are imperative to refine
the essay, checking for grammatical errors, clarity issues, and logical coherence. This phase is time-
consuming and requires a meticulous eye to detail.

In summary, composing an essay on "How To Write Argumentative Essay Sample" involves

navigating through the complexities of research, organization, language, and refinement. It is a
demanding process that requires a deep understanding of the topic and the skill to communicate that
understanding effectively.

If, however, you find yourself overwhelmed by this challenge or simply prefer assistance, there are
alternative avenues. Similar essays and a variety of writing services can be found on platforms like . These resources can provide valuable support in the form of samples, guidance, or
even custom-written essays tailored to your specific requirements.
How To Write Argumentative Essay SampleHow To Write Argumentative Essay Sample
Comparing Plato, James Madison, and John Mills Essay
Comparing Plato, James Madison, and John Mills

Plato, James Madison, and John Mills are all supporters of the idea that opinion must be
discussed in public debate. In my own reason based thought this idea that through silence
ignorance grows louder is my own general understanding.

In Plato s The Republic he discuses the idea that there is first knowledge at the first
degree. In the second degree there is opinion which is neither proven to be true or false.
In the last degree is falsehood. He argues that opinion is not pure knowledge and
therefore can not be pure truth. Plato goes on to say, But surely when a man is deceived
in his own mind we can fairly call his ignorance of the truth true falsehood . For a false ...
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Plato stated, And it will produce its natural effects also in the individual. It renders him
incapable of action because of internal conflicts and division of purpose, and sets him
at variance with himself and with all who are just. He said this about men who were at
odds with themselves. In reality falsehood causes inner conflict and in order to have
inner peace that conflict must be resolved. Therefore, the falsehood in ones own mind
must be purged and tested by the means of public debate to solve the inner conflict and
set the man at peace.

In James Madison s Federalist # 10 is also familiar with Plato s writings. Madison said,
As long as the reason of man continues fallible, and he is at liberty to exercise it,
different opinions will be formed. As long as the connection subsists between his reason
and his self love, his opinion and his passions will have a reciprocal influence on each
other. This idea connects with the thought that in order to find pure knowledge these
opinions must be brought to public understanding to be tested and debated for their
truthfulness. Madison further states, No man is allowed to be judge in his own cause;
because his interest will certainly bias his judgment, and, not improbably, corrupt his
integrity. Also in my opinion, the man will not have inner peace due to his bias. Thus, it
is important to have a forum to voice these truths that we hold in our mind so as to have
the inner peace we want.

Abolitionist And The Civil War
Abolitionist and the Civil War Three decades before the Civil War, a movement wanted
Emancipation for all slaves. The Abolitionists were wanting slavery to be abolished due
to moral causes along with courage. Tis movement became and Evangelical crusade in
the 1830s. Their main focus and pus was to end the sin filled behaviors against the slaves
everywhere. Personal freedom was exceedingly important and a belief that, all men are
created, (Abolitionist Movement, History, N.p.,n.d.). There were religious, political,
radical and militant abolitionists. The religious abolitionists tried to get religious
institutions as their allies. They gained the Methodist, Baptist and the Presbyterian
groups for their anti slavery movement. All of this brought dissension among the Baptist
and Methodist. The northerners were protested against for allowing slave owners into the
house of worship. An American Missionary Association, was created by the abolitionist
after various groups resisted the movement. Political abolitionist started placing their
focus on political antislavery reform, ( AAP Brief History, N.p, n.d.). Petitions were
gathered and many politicians were questioned on their stance on slave issues. The
government chose to not respond, the abolitionists then formed the Liberty party. The
Liberty parties were charged with emancipation where they expected immediate
abolishment of slavery. Their stance was on of morals and political grounds for their
Different Attitudes To Social Welfare Reform From The 19th...
Different attitudes to social welfare reforms from the 19th century onwards depended
on what lifestyle a person was living in. If a person was wealthy, they enjoyed an easy
life. However, on the other hand, if the person was poor then that would make their life
harder and difficult to live. Any able bodied poor person able to work did not receive
help from the authorities. They only entered the workhouse because they were desperate.
People within the workhouses lived in terrible conditions, overcrowded, poor hygiene.
Another name given to the workhouse was the slums (Tom, 2016). Strict rules were put
into place. If rules were broken severe punishment would follow. Inmates of the
workhouse were treated harshly. They all worked long hours
How Energy Can Be Conserved, The Fiscal Value Of...
Introduction In the world that we live in today, energy is in high demand. Businesses
and family budgets require energy efficiency in order to get their money s worth.
Technology is being constantly developed to help make our energy sources more
efficient. More efficient lighting, like LED light bulbs are being produced to conserve
energy, along with more efficient vehicles. Some of these technologies are more readily
implemented, and affordable than others, but efforts are still being made to make the
world a more energy efficient place. In addition to energy efficiency saving money for
businesses and households, it also helps reduce the emission of greenhouse gases that
contribute to global climate change.
This research ... Show more content on ...
Sources of greenhouse gases include: 1) Domestic gas used in homes for heating
water, the stove, and the house in general. This tends to be the most noteworthy source
of emissions by individuals.³ 2) Electricity used for running refrigerators, dryers, and
televisions, and charging devices uses approximately 4,000 units of electricity per
annually.³ 3) Traveling by air is also a part of the average person s carbon footprint;
although the tendency tends to be for a person to either rarely fly, or fly often (as in
about twenty flights yearly).³ 4) Electronics like phones, iPods, and laptops use up
energy, and have to be charged often.³ 5) The food that we eat is also a component of
our carbon footprint. The fertilizers used to grow, and produce the food that we buy is
the main source of greenhouse gases in the food process; although packaging, and
transporting food is also a small part of it.³ 6) The production of the clothes that we
wear has an impact. Manmade materials give off less emissions opposed to products
like cotton and wool.³ 7) Paper uses up a lot of energy when it is produced. Recycling
helps reduce the amount of energy expended in paper production.³ 8) Water and sewage
takes up energy because of the power it takes to pump water to houses and buildings, and
treating water also produces
Children s Center Preschool Room For My Prosocial...
I went to Keiki Hau oli Children s Center preschool room for my prosocial observation
assignment. During my visit, it was indoor free play time, meanwhile teachers were
offering breakfast. The schedule is not rush, they can play indoor and outdoor with free
choices for one hour. First, the room was organized by the section. Each section has
double or multiple amount of toys for children to play with their friends. For example, on
a shelf, there are three baby dolls and their matching clothes. Children interact each other
by asking questions such as, Baby is hungry. What can I do? Another childsaid, I will
show you. She used her baby bottle to pretend feeding a baby. There is big open floor
space in the back of the room for the children to play freely. Children were playing with
blocks and cars on that open floor. Some were playing with Kapla on a low table with
one caregiver. Other children were sitting at the carpet, listening a story. Children play
peacefully because there are variety of activity choices they can play. Two things if I
am able to change, I will change the floor arrangement and add more books. First, I
will move free floor space from back of the room to the middle close to the entrance
because I can hear them well, so I could interact with them more. I like ocean, nature,
and Hawaiian culture area. They display nicely, but they are not create any prosocial
environment. I display more attractive to the children. I will put books related with
The Bombing Of The United States Essay
On September 11th, 2012 a United States outpost in Benghazi, Libya, was attacked.
Leaving four Americans killed, Ambassador Chris Stevens, Information Officer Sean
Smith, and two CIA operatives, Glen Doherty and Tyrone Woods, both former Navy
SEALs. Stevens is the first U.S. ambassador killed in an attacksince Adolph Dubs was
killed in 1979. Questions have continued to arise over the role of then Secretary of State
Hillary Clinton in the attack or rather lack of role to do anything to help these men.
Hillary Clinton is essentially who to blame for the heart wrenching deaths of these four
To being, I am going to talk about a little bit of background. The attack was coordinated
against two United States government facilities in Benghazi, Libya by members of the
Islamic militant group Ansar al Sharia. (The Atlantic Times, Pg 1, 2016) At 9:40 PM,
September 11, members of Ansar al Sharia attacked the American diplomatic compound
in Benghazi ( pg 1, 2016), resulting in the deaths of U.S. Ambassador
Christopher Stevens and U.S. Foreign Service Information Management Officer Sean
Smith. The timeline shows that at around 4:00 AM on that day, the group launched a
ordinance attack against a CIA annex approximately one mile away, killing CIA
contractors Tyrone S. Woods and Glen Doherty and injuring ten others. At the Command
of the CIA, top U.S. officials initially described the attacks as the product of a unplanned
protest triggered by recently released

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