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Scarcity Of Water Essay

Writing an essay on the scarcity of water is a challenging task that requires a thoughtful and
comprehensive approach. Addressing this complex issue involves delving into various aspects such
as the causes of water scarcity, its environmental and socio-economic impacts, and potential
solutions. Researching credible sources to gather relevant information is crucial, as it's essential to
present a well-informed and balanced perspective.

One of the difficulties in crafting such an essay lies in navigating through the vast amount of data
available on the topic. There are diverse factors contributing to water scarcity, ranging from climate
change and population growth to inefficient water management practices. Organizing these factors
into a coherent and logical structure can be challenging, requiring careful planning and consideration.

Furthermore, striking the right balance between raising awareness about the severity of the issue and
offering feasible solutions is another aspect that demands attention. The essay should not only
highlight the gravity of the problem but also inspire readers to take action or adopt more sustainable

Maintaining a clear and engaging writing style is essential to keep the reader's interest throughout the
essay. Avoiding jargon while conveying the scientific and technical aspects of water scarcity is a
delicate balance to strike. The use of vivid examples, compelling statistics, and real-life case studies
can enhance the essay's impact.

In conclusion, writing an essay on the scarcity of water is a challenging endeavor that requires in-
depth research, careful organization, and a compelling writing style. Successfully addressing the
complexities of this global issue involves creating a well-rounded narrative that educates, motivates,
and fosters a deeper understanding of the importance of water conservation.

If you find yourself struggling with similar essays or need assistance with various academic writing
tasks, you can explore resources like , where professionals can provide support and
guidance tailored to your specific needs.
Scarcity Of Water Essay Scarcity Of Water Essay
Analysis Of `` Killings `` By Andre Dubus
By analyzing the conflicts of stories help readers understand why the specific characters
act certain ways. We better comprehend the characters personality and why the flaws of
other character affect the main character. Are main characters problems the result of
other characters personality flaws? Characters endure arduous situations and it is because
of another characters flaw. Being possessiveness, overly critical, and controlling of others
are the reason for main characters problems.
When a characters flaw is dominating, it causes much problem to another character. An
example of possessiveness is by the antagonist, Richard in Killings by Andre Dubus.
Matt s problem is a result of Richards selfishness. Richard is possessive of Mary Ann is
ex wife is filing for divorce. Richard Strout shot Frank in front of the boys (115). Frank
is Matt s son, who Richard has killed because of his selfishness of seeing his ex wife
with Frank. Matt s problem is full of sadness and anger which makes him commit
murder on killing Richard. He walks the Goddamn streets (Dubus 111). Since Richards
been out of jail. He walks around, living a free and normal life since he has gotten out,
like nothing has happened. That angers Matt. Richard does not want to see ex wife
Mary Ann with nobody else. Even though Richard has a new wife he is still possessive
with his ex wife, not wanting anyone to be with her.
When a characters flaw is being judgmental, it causes much problem to another
Similarities And Differences Between The Movie And The...
In The Silence of the Lambs, both the book and film have the same storyline of Clarice
Starling, a young U.S. FBI trainee, seeks the advice of the imprisoned Dr. Hannibal
Lecter to apprehend another serial killer, known as Buffalo Bill . When she uses Dr.
Lecter s help to capture Buffalo Bill, he somehow escapes out of the prison he is in.
But in the end, they are able to capture Buffalo Bill, but Dr. Lecter was never found.
He did, however, call Clarice and told her not to search for him, and he would not
search to kill her. Much of the film and book are exactly the same with only small
differences, which set them apart. In 1992, it won an Academy Award for Best
Writing Adapted Screenplay, which really shows how much effort Jonathan Demme,
the director put into this film to keep the same plot. The small differences throughout,
really sway the reader or viewer to make a decision on which one really captured the
storyline better. In the film, the backstory of Jack Crawford is not really shown. In the
book, however, the reader can really tell how much effort and sacrifice he made for the
job he has. Because of all of Crawford s effort, it really built Clarice s character. Clarice
in the story is seen as a second chance for Crawford because of his mistakes he made
with Will Graham. Both stories really mirror each other and fit into each other. In the
film, however, it is hard to fit so much tiny detail into a two hour film, so the movie
wasn t able to show the small details about Clarice. The book nevertheless, was able to
shape Clarice as an individual. But, during the film Jodi Foster, the actor who played
Clarice Starlingin the film, was really able to embrace her character and brought as
much detail as she could. Another small detail about Dr. Lecter is in the book, he is
described as having red eyes and six fingers on one hand, but in the film, he has blue
eyes and both hands only have 5 fingers. In a crucial scene, in the novel, it sways the
guard s attention from his other hand, in which he holds a makeshift key to his
handcuffs. This allows him to escape from his cage. This was done in the book, to make
him seem creeper, but Anthony Hopkins, the actor who played Dr. Lecter, really
understood the
Self Reflection Essay
On Sunday, December 3, 2017, I delivered my first oral presentation on Janette, a peer
in my Communicating Effectively course at Manhattanville College. The objective of
the project was to familiarize yourself with a classmate, ask/answer questions provided
by Professor Brosnan, and then share the knowledge you gained about the individual
in a two minute presentation. The presentation was required to introduce the
classmate, what graduate program they are pursuing, why he/she is in the program,
their long term career goal(s), current occupation, favorite class, and an interesting fun
fact. The oral presentations were done in the classroom without any visual aid,
allowing you to use notes if preferred. By analyzing my 1 minute and 25 second
presentation using the 7 Step Presentation Process I uncovered my strengths and
weaknesses as a presenter. As a student, I never paid much attention to my presentation
skills and was never required to take a class that made me assess them. I never
considered myself a fearful presenter or one that is petrified of speaking in front of an
audience. I always measured my fear as average, like the usual presentation jitters that
everyone gets. This presentation revealed to me that every presentation is relative to
the audience, objectives, topic, and implementation. This self reflection is the first
time I have every truly assessed my skills and I think that is a fear in itself. After every
presentation throughout my college career I rarely took the time to evaluate myself
and make self improvements. In 7 Steps to Fearless Speaking , Lilyan Wilder
discusses the 5 fears of public speaking one of them being avoidance (Wilder 15).
Although Wilder is referring to the avoidance of preparing for your speech, it is
evident my fear is avoiding self evaluation. I have avoided my fears as a public speaker
by just categorizing them as normal . My presentation strengths consisted of both verbal
and non verbal skills. While listening the recording of my presentation without any
visual, I could hear my animated voice tone. When speaking about exciting parts of
Janette s life such as her dream to move into Finance and her current occupation at Pepsi
my tone changed. This voice
Disappearance Of Jimmy Hoffa
show you what Jimmy Hoffa s life was like and what may have happened to him on the
day that he disappeared, but first it will inform about his life prior to the
disappearance. Hoffa was born in Brazil, Indiana on February 14, 1913, to Indiana
natives John and Viola Hoffa. His father, who was of Pennsylvania Dutch ancestry,
died in 1920 when Hoffa was 7 years old. The family left to live in Detroit in 1924,
where Hoffa grew up and lived out his life. Hoffa left school at age 14 and began
working full time manual labor jobs, to help support his family. Hoffa met Josephine
Poszywak, a Detroit laundry worker, at Bowling Green, Ohio on September 24, 1936;
during a... Show more content on ...
The first is that he was ground up in a processing plant that is Michigan and disposed
of in a Florida swamp or at a fat rendering plant. The second is that his remains were
mixed in the concrete that was used to make the New York Giants stadium, but the
Mythbusters proved that to be wrong. As the time continued, witnesses to appear
everywhere. No one knows why Provenzano would have been part of the meeting if he
was going to kill Hoffa. The men who were supposed to kill Hoffa showed up 45
minutes late, which also seemed weird. Mobsters find that punctuality certainly makes
the job easier, which makes it even more unusual. These questions unanswered, the
authorities were able to find the car, and traces of blood and hair inside,that Hoffa got
into. Many believed that Hoffa was garroted from behind, when he entered the car.
Though all these theories may or may not be true, they are purely conjecture. Despite
this, over the years, Hoffa has been declared legally dead and along with many of the
suspects or they have gone to prison. Any convictions for the murder would depend on
testimony from an inside source but none have been found. This is a fact that may prove
that any chance of finding out what happened is gone. Though this essay is to show you
what may have happened, it can t tell you what actually
Stadium Contracts

Need to talk about criteria/ funding where the money came from

The Wembley stadium was built using a Design and build Procurement strategy. A
Design and build strategy is where a single contractor is responsible for both the design
and construction of the stadium. The client must specify the type of building they require
and the contractor proposes the best design to meet this, this information was found at
the web address

A design and build project allows the low risk factor as for the client has the contractor
takes on the risk by offering a fixed cost contract. The web address designbuild states the original provision for a building cost was around £352m, with
total project costs of £757m. A ... Show more content on ...
cover the roles and responsibilities of the Client, Design Team and Contractor involved.

The first Scottish parliament building was created in September 1997 after a referendum
in which people of Scotland voted by almost three to one. The client, the Scottish
government decided on building a complex building from a mixture of steel, oak, and
granite. The procurement route chosen by the Scottish government was construction
management. The web address explains the procurement route
chosen was to turn out to be the most significant decisions during the project, and also
states Construction management offers the advantage of speed but with the disadvantage
of price uncertainty until the last has been leased. Construction management was chosen
not only for allowing the project to be started quickly and the reduction in overall
construction. But the procurement route allows for change in design during the project
and problems are generally solved rather than passed around the separate contractors.

Choosing construction management as a procurement strategy means the client is

responsible for leading the
Changes In The Poisonwood Bible By Barbara Kingsolver
Whenever someone goes to a new place, they have to adapt to their surroundings and
often times it causes changes in their behaviors. The Poisonwood Bible by Barbara
Kingsolver is a novel about a pastor who takes his family to the Belgian Congo on a
mission to spread his Christian beliefs to the Congolese. The mother and four daughters
taken to the Congo were all affected by the Congo environment, which in turn lead to
changes in their psychological and moral traits. The character that is affected the most by
her new environment is Leah Price. She is affected by the Congolese culture and how
they do things differently from Americans. Kingsolver portrays these changes in the
character to show how after one has a life changing experience, it may... Show more
content on ...
She is able to see the truth in her father and how he only cares about pressing his
religion upon other people. This was clearly shown when her father only mentions
how [Ruth May] wasn t baptized yet (368). Not only does Leah s surroundings shape
psychological and moral traits in her, but also her surroundings are affecting her
physically. While wandering through the jungle to leave the Congo, Leah gets
malaria and therefore has to stay behind in Bulungu with Anatole. However, even
when she gets better, she chooses to stay in Africa with Anatole. Staying with Anatole
comes with consequences because she is white among all the other Africans. This
environment puts her in danger, but she states I d fight alongside the Simbas if they d
let me (421). She understands that what the Belgians and Americans are doing is
wrong and she takes responsibility for it because she is white. Leah takes
responsibility for this and therefore she always feels guilty because it is her home
country that is causing all this pain on others. She even states how all the Congolese
that were killed will go uncounted...or count for nothing, if that is possible (422), but
the white people that were killed will be noticed. These surroundings allow Leah to
see the unjust treatment the Congolese are given. Also, after living with Anatole in
Kinshasa, her outlook on life is more negative and she describes how she survives here
on outrage (450). She used to be a very optimistic person, but now that she sees the true
way these people have to live, she feels empathy for them, while also seeing how
unfair everything is. Moreover, Leah tries to fit in in the new neighborhood, but after
her husband is back in prison, she says her skin glows like a bare bulb (472). Without
Anatole there she feels empty and she no longer has the one thing that shields her from
being different than others. She used to love her father indefinitely, but over time her
love for her father is

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