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Essay On Conservation Of Water

Crafting an essay on the conservation of water is undoubtedly a challenging task that requires a
thoughtful and comprehensive approach. The difficulty lies not only in conveying the significance of
water conservation but also in presenting a well-structured argument that engages readers and
prompts them to reconsider their perspectives on water usage.

Firstly, delving into the extensive research needed to gather relevant information and statistics poses
a significant challenge. One must navigate through a plethora of sources, ranging from scientific
studies to policy documents, to grasp the multifaceted aspects of water conservation. This process
demands a meticulous and discerning eye to filter out credible information from the vast sea of data

Furthermore, the essay must strike a delicate balance between raising awareness and proposing
practical solutions. Addressing the urgency of water conservation without inducing panic requires
finesse. The writer needs to tread carefully, presenting the gravity of the issue without overwhelming
the reader. This involves mastering the art of persuasion and maintaining a persuasive tone
throughout the essay.

The complexity of the topic also lies in the need for creativity and originality. Water conservation has
been a recurring theme in various academic and public discourse, making it challenging to offer a
fresh perspective. The writer must find innovative angles, unique examples, or compelling narratives
to make the essay stand out and leave a lasting impression on the reader.

Structuring the essay is yet another obstacle. Balancing the introduction, body, and conclusion while
ensuring a seamless flow of ideas can be daunting. Each section must contribute cohesively to the
overarching argument, and transitions should be smooth to maintain the reader's engagement.

In conclusion, tackling an essay on water conservation demands a combination of research skills,

persuasive writing techniques, creativity, and structural finesse. Successfully navigating these
challenges requires dedication and a genuine passion for the subject matter. However, with the right
approach and commitment, one can create a compelling piece that not only educates but also inspires

And remember, if you find yourself overwhelmed or pressed for time, assistance is available. Similar
essays and much more can be ordered on , a resource designed to support
individuals in their academic endeavors.
Essay On Conservation Of Water Essay On Conservation Of Water
Pubic Shaming
Analytical Summary of Cole Stryker s The Problem with Public Shaming

In The Problem with Public Shaming, an essay that first appeared in the Nation, Stryker
argues against the form of public shaming promoted by online networks and how people
have figured out a way to deal with crimes but not with social media. Stryker introduced
the essay s subject matter through social media examples, while reflecting on past
experiences and stating important details that reinforce the subject of public shaming as
well as dox and discusses this term throughout the essay. Stryker helps define the term
dox by listing the common traits and information doxxers try to gather, which include
name, phone number, address, social security and financial ... Show more content on ...
When justifying a punishment, American adjudicators look for five reasons to justify the
punishment: incapacitation, restitution, deterrence, rehabilitations and retribution. Out of
these five reasons only three apply to doxxing and even then they are classified as
deeply noted social ills (racism, sexism and homophobia) to shame others. Stryker
continually states that people are bound to impulses they hate.
Having demonstrated how the use of technology can influence young generations,
Stryker goes on to say that punishing those who make bad and or racist remarks only
breeks further hatred. Stryker uses a hypothetical example to support his claim and
explain why. He continues to go further and give real world examples of how a New
York City EMT was fired because of his racist tweets on his online profile (Stryker 588).
This strengthened Stryker s position on how publicly shaming an individual only causes
more harm and problems.
During Stryker s claim he provides an excellent example of how news wants to get
everything out first even if it is not accurate. The example he provides is from Sandy
Hook and how in the beginning of a major event reporters are notoriously bad at getting
the facts straight (Stryker 589). He then relates this to social media and how once
something is out even though it might be incorrect people are still going to believe it
because it was on social media. The intent however for each post
American Politics Analysis And Perspective By Ken Kollman
In chapter 5 of, Readings In American Politics Analysis and Perspective by Ken
Kollman, David R. Mayhew poses the question of what would Congress look like if its
members were only interested in re election? Mayhew poses this question as a pretext
for his theories on this topic and uses it to form his own viewpoint based off of his
experiences in the realm of domestic politics, more specifically Capital Hill. Directly
after Mayhew poses this question, he answers it by saying that members would posture
and preen and occasionally produce pieces of legislation that are useful to there
constituencies, which would then be a direct representation of the legislation we observe
in the United Sates in present day. In order to help the reader... Show more content on ...
It is stated in the text, a member will never come close to losing their seat but their
need to have a seat is what inspires their behavior . The example of congressmen Smith
is used in the text which says that he is unbeatable but only if congressmen Smith
continues to do what he is doing which is representing the common interest of his
constituency. Mayhew is unable to prove this idea because no political actor is willing
to risk halting his or her efforts in congress to prove a political theory at the expense of
there seat in office. This first idea presented by Mayhew can be applied to common day
politics because re election is a key goal for all political actors, if that wasn t a goal then
why would the actors be running for a seat in office time and time again. This idea can
be proven with the common day affairs in politics because political actors often use
their advances in congress to maximize their votes and they re potential to win the
election. So if they had no advances then there potential to win would severely decrease,
according to this theory and that would be a conflict of interest to the political actor
because they want to win. For example, a governor who lives in the south will make
advances in congress based off of agriculture because that is the primary interest of his or
her constituency. Another idea introduced by Mayhew is the
congratulationrationalization effect, which is an effect geared
Ira Hayes Essay
Ira Hayes was one of the flag raisers captured in the famous picture on Iwo Jima hill.
Ira Hayes was a Pima Indian born in Arizona on the twelfth of January 1932. Ira
dropped out of high school just before going into his junior year. He went on to join
the conservation corps for two months in 1942 ,after this he became a carpenter. Ira
Hayes enlisted in United States the Marine Corps Reserve in Phoenix Arizona. He
was soon assigned to parachute boot camp in Gillespie Marine Corps Base in San
Diego California. On December 2, he joined company B, 3rd Parachute Battalion,
division special troops third Marine division, stationed in California. Ira and his
company were sent to Noumea, New Caledonia March 1943. Again, Ira Haye s and his
unit was resigned to Company K, 3rd Parachute Battalion, First Marine Parachute
Regiment. They were sent to Vella Lavella to occupy an island until December 3rd.
They pushed north and fought the Japanese for a full 15 days. Hayes was ordered to
return to U.S soil after 11 months of fighting the enemy. He was then reassigned to
Company E, 2nd Battalion, 28th Marines, 5th marine division in camp Pendleton,
California. Hayes was sent to Hawaii for more combat training, before he made land in
Iwo Jima he was sent to Europe to assist Iin allied efforts. He landed for d day combat,
February 19, 1945. He stayed and fought until the 26 of March. Afterwords he left for
again Hawaii, soon after he was assigned and fought in Iwo Jima. Because
More than 4,000 years ago, Japan was one of the first...
More than 4,000 years ago, Japan was one of the first countries to start whaling,
Norway was another. When whaling first began, every part of the whales were then
use: the meat, skin, bones, blubber, and organs. During the Middle Ages, whaling
grew in Northern Europe because of whale oil and baleen (also known as whalebone).
The oils were used for oil lamps and the baleen was used for corsets and hoop skirts
(NG). Japanese culture was founded on the idea of whaling. Eating whale meat is a
sacred Japanese tradition that they as a country feel shouldn t be broken. Today Japan
says that their whaling research over past years has led the way to sustain this renewable
marine food resource (NG).
Mid 1700 s, whaling from Europe caught wind in ... Show more content on ...
Right after the IWC launched their whaling ban in 1986, Japan started labeling their
whaling as research to cover up their commercial whaling efforts. The meat from the
whales killed is then sold for cheap or for free even in markets throughout the country.
Norway still whales and didn t follow the IWC ban for any more than seven years.
They found a loop hole in the ban and now hunt minke whales. They have also began
looking for minke breeding females which will severely endanger the survival of the
minke whale as a species in the Atlantic Ocean. Iceland was one of the countries apart of
the IWC, however, they didn t stay a part of it for long, and in 1992 Iceland left the
IWC. When they rejoined in 2004, they added a rider into their contract about how they
were not for the IWC whaling moratorium. In 2006, Iceland began to commercial whale
again and has since killed 148 endangered fin whales and 60 minke whales (International
Fund for Animal Welfare).
There are always going to be groups and organizations that will stand up for the whales
and against any kind of whaling, however, that doesn t mean that this problem is going
to be eradicated easily. Japan, Norway, nor Iceland seem to be stopping, or even,
slowing down on whaling any time soon regardless of their reasons. The future looks
grim for whales unless there is something big done. The IWC states that no whaling can
occur until the populations have returned to at least 54% of what they used to
Summary Of Looking Glasses And Neverlands By Karen Coats
In chapter seven of Looking Glasses and Neverlands by Karen Coats, the subject of
abjection and adolescent fiction is discussed. Coats says, In its social context, abjection
means to operate at the social rim (Looking Glasses and Neverlands. 138) which I
interpreted as meaning trying to fit into societal standards; whether it be in terms of
dress, language, sexuality, or race. (There s obviously many more examples, but those
were the few that came into my head immediately). Coats goes on to say, Adolescence is
a time of cultivating group identity; socially abject figures cannot seem to manage either
the material conditions and habits or the identifications necessary to sustain a position in
a social group (Looking Glasses and... Show more content on ...
Characterized by the material expressions of dress, drugs, music, language, and
sexuality, most young adult novels have a relatively short shelf life (Looking Glasses
and Neverlands. 137 138) which I feel as though The Yellow Wallpaper almost ignores,
which makes it such a memorable piece for the ages. As mentioned before, this piece
was published in a time where mental illnesses were not something people were
extremely knowledgable and accepting of (compared to today s time). The interesting
thing about this piece, though, is that the narrator even overlooks her illness because
her husband has convinced her it s no big deal. I haven t done any research, but I m
sure this piece caused some controversy about how it discussed mental illness,
especially coming from a woman. It s interesting because if this piece was published in
the 2000 s, it would be no big deal, because mental illnesses are so commonly known and
accepted; people definitely have more knowledge about them than they did in 1892.
While introducing herself and her husband, John, the narrator in The Yellow Wallpaper
says, If a physician of high standing, and one s own husband, assures friends and relatives
that there is really nothing the matter with one but temporary nervous depression a

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