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Exploratory Essay

Writing an exploratory essay can prove to be a challenging task that demands both critical thinking
and a flexible approach to the chosen topic. Unlike more structured essay types, an exploratory essay
encourages the writer to delve into an issue, investigate various perspectives, and develop a nuanced
understanding of the subject matter. This freedom, while liberating, can also be daunting as it
requires the writer to navigate through a sea of information, opinions, and ideas without a
predetermined thesis.

The complexity arises from the need to maintain a balanced exploration of the topic while presenting
diverse viewpoints. This type of essay often involves extensive research and analysis, requiring the
writer to sift through a multitude of sources to gain a comprehensive understanding. Selecting
relevant and credible sources becomes crucial, adding an additional layer of complexity to the
writing process.

Moreover, crafting a coherent narrative in an exploratory essay poses its own set of challenges.
Striking the right balance between presenting different perspectives and maintaining a cohesive flow
can be intricate. The essay must guide the reader through the exploration seamlessly, allowing them
to follow the thought process without feeling overwhelmed by the diversity of viewpoints.

Another difficulty lies in avoiding the temptation to form a conclusive argument or take a definitive
stance on the issue. The essence of an exploratory essay lies in the exploration itself, without
necessarily arriving at a definitive conclusion. This requires a certain level of discipline and restraint
to resist the urge to present a clear-cut thesis or solution.

In conclusion, writing an exploratory essay demands a unique set of skills, including research, critical
thinking, and the ability to present diverse perspectives coherently. It's a journey into the unknown,
and the writer must navigate the complexities of the topic with finesse. For those seeking assistance,
it's worth noting that similar essays and more comprehensive writing support can be obtained through
services like .
Exploratory Essay Exploratory Essay
The Buddha And The Founder Of Buddhism
After reading the book and doing some online research which you can check below
under sources which is where I got all my information. I have read and completely
understood the story of Siddhartha also known as the Buddha the founder of Buddhism.
And one of the stories from a different religion that I can compare to the story of
Siddhartha Gautama Is the story of Jesus Christ. The founder of Christianityand is the
most famous myth in Christian religion. I can compare both because of the way Buddha
and Jesus was born. They both came from a different country and womb but they do
have the similarities of how they were both born. Like Jesus, Siddhartha was believed to
be a miracle child from an unknown deity. As for Jesus case, it was the... Show more
content on ...
They were both a prince and both of them had married have a family and a child.
Which they both abandoned and casted away from after their eyes had been opened to
the reality of the world. They both traveled seeking for teachings, truth, enlightenment,
liberation and inner peace. They both practiced extreme asceticism, begged for food
and last but not least they found the answers they ve been looking for while they re
meditating. In Buddha s case, he sat under the Bodhi tree. Starving and weakening and
while meditating he reached a state of profound understanding, called his Awakening,
or Enlightenment (bodhi) . He saw suffering, aging, and death in a new way,
recognizing them as an inevitable part of life, but also seeing the possibility of release
. (Molloy, 2012) This is where Siddhartha got the name Buddha means the Awaken One
taken from a Sanskrit word to wake up . On the other hand, on Mahavira s case, He
spent 12 years doing hundreds of meditations and fasting Mahavira was able to attain the
total freedom from the cycle of birth, life, pain, misery, and death itself. He achieved the
permanent blissful state of one s self which is also known as the great liberation
(Moksha) meaning the absolute freedom . And right after their enlightenment and the
great liberation. They both lived the rest years of their lives preaching their faith and
belief to people. Furthermore, also passing down this faith and teaching it to their
American Cinema And Its Effect On The Middle Class
During the early 1900s motion pictures became popularized as an escapist entertainment
medium that began transforming kinetoscope parlors, lecture halls, and storefronts into
what became known as nickelodeons. Thanks to vaudevilles and their popularity, films
were already known to have a vast audience and to be a new form of business with
possible great success. These pioneer movie theaters had an affordable entry fee that
expanded movie viewing to the middle class, not only increasing the popularity of motion
pictures but also simultaneously increasing the demand of their production (Dirks). With
nickelodeons golden age beginning in 1905 and lasting for about nine years they vastly
modified the landscape of the American cinema by not... Show more content on ...
In addition to that, the fact that only a projectionist was needed to operate the act, it
allowed for flexibility as to where on the vaudeville bill it could be placed. During the
beginning of its introduction to the vaudeville bill, motion pictures were a major
headlining act that would help vaudevilles, capture an audience. But as the novelty
wore off it became the closing act for many vaudevilles and no longer the headliner.
None the less, vaudevilles helped the concept of motion pictures to be introduced to
the middle class while also allowing businessmen and others with economic interests
to see the mass financial appeal that films could bring about ( American Variety Stage
). Tally s Electric Theater built in 1902 in the city of Los Angeles was actually the first
structure that was entirely focused on just showing motion pictures, but it did not
cause a large domino effect like nickelodeons did. As the popularity of movies
continued to rise regardless of its placement in the vaudeville bill they proved to several
business owners and entrepreneurs that movies were in fact a lucrative business ( From
Nickelodeon to Picture Palaces. ). June 19, 1905 was a historical year for the path that
the American motion picture industry was going to take. It was the day that a vaudeville
entrepreneur named Harry Davis, and his partner, John P. Harris opened a theater in
Pittsburgh that was going to have one sole economic business focus, which included only
The Effects Of Socioeconomic Modernity And Civic
Despite its personal effects, money can feel decidedly impersonal in an advanced
economy. A young debtor s obligations, for instance, might very well find its way into a
mutual fund her parents own. The idea of civic community, on the other hand, feels
infinitely more personal. After all, even members of groups as large as the ACLU can
feel a connection with their peers.

Although money can feel personal and groups impersonal, most political scientists
separate the effects of economic and civic culture when explaining democratization. In
his book, for example, Putnam analyzes the effects of socioeconomic modernity and civic
community in distinct sections. Researching the two effects separately has advantages
for one, theories with only one explanatory variable become simpler. Yet the same forces
leading to the development of civic communities also lead to the development of
economic ones, and from such communities spring modern markets.

As much as the masses champion small businesses and denigrate big ones, large
organizations are essential to a modern economy. For all their missteps, businesses with
thousands of employees enjoy economies of scale that let them fulfill crucial economic
functions. Replacing FedEx or UPS with a plethora of tiny businesses, for example,
would undoubtedly hurt America s logistics networks. Replacing the Big Three
automakers with smaller ones would likewise cause cars to become unaffordable to
most. To be clear, small businesses play a vital
Stress and Health
Stress and Health

Andrew Arnold
March 25, 2010

Ever wonder about how stress affects our bodies and our health? This word stress is
thrown around by the media so much it s losing its meaning but have you ever wondered
how they define stress? The Merriam Webster dictionary defines stress as a physical,
chemical, or emotional factor that causes bodily or mental tension and may be a factor
in disease causation. Our text book defines stress as the term used to describe the
physical, emotional, cognitive, and behavioral responses to events that are appraised as
threatening or challenging. Stress causing events are called stressors, they can come
from external sources or from within us and can scale from relatively mild to ... Show
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Believe it or not there are such things as good and bad stress. Too much of either can
lead to disorders that can control our lives and can help spiral our lives out of control.
These disorders can possibly, in a sense, make us do things that we normally wouldn t
do. It s almost like an altered uncontrollable state of both mind and body. One of those
stress disorders is called acute stress disorder. Acute Stress Disorder, or ASD, is
characterized by the development of severe anxiety, dissociative, and other symptoms
that occurs within one month after exposure to an extreme traumatic stressor. This
disorder was unfortunately the most common suffered by many people after the
traumatic events of 9/11.
Another stress disorder that is commonly found among returning soldiers from war is
called post traumatic stress disorder, or PTSD. Post traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) is a
disorder that can develop following a traumatic event that threatens your safety or makes
you feel helpless. Traumatic events that can lead to PTSD include rape, a natural disaster,
kidnapping, assaults, car or plane crash, medical procedures especially in young
children, and war. According to The National Institute of Mental Health, women seem
to be more susceptible to PTSD and have almost twice the risk of developing PTSD. It s
easy to talk about the major life changes and major stressors but the most of our daily
stress come from the smallest things. From minor

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