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Heroism Essay

Crafting an essay on the theme of heroism is undeniably a challenging endeavor. The difficulty lies
not only in defining heroism but also in navigating the intricate web of perspectives that surround
this concept. Heroism is a subjective and multifaceted phenomenon, encompassing acts of courage,
selflessness, and resilience, among other qualities. Consequently, delving into this topic requires a
nuanced understanding of the diverse contexts in which heroism emerges.

The complexity of the task further intensifies when one considers the historical, cultural, and societal
dimensions of heroism. Different cultures and epochs have produced varied ideals of heroism,
making it a formidable task to encapsulate the essence of heroism in a singular essay. Moreover, the
evolving nature of societal values adds another layer of intricacy, demanding an exploration of
contemporary notions of heroism in the context of an ever-changing world.

Complicating matters, the definition of a hero is not universal, and what may be perceived as heroic
in one context could be contested in another. Unraveling these layers of interpretation requires a
delicate balance between academic rigor and personal reflection. One must grapple with questions
surrounding the moral and ethical dimensions of heroism, considering the motivations and
consequences of heroic actions.

Additionally, the process of constructing an essay on heroism requires a careful selection of examples
and case studies to illustrate and substantiate arguments. Navigating through the vast array of
historical and fictional figures who embody heroism adds another layer of difficulty. Selecting
pertinent examples that resonate with the reader and effectively convey the nuances of heroism
becomes a critical task in this intellectual journey.

In conclusion, writing an essay on heroism is a formidable challenge that demands a thorough

exploration of diverse perspectives, historical contexts, cultural variations, and ethical considerations.
It requires a delicate balance between scholarly analysis and personal reflection. However, with
dedication, research, and a nuanced understanding of the subject matter, one can embark on a
rewarding journey of unraveling the complexities inherent in the concept of heroism.

For those seeking assistance with similar essays or any other academic writing needs, a valuable
resource is , where professional writers are available to provide support and
Heroism Essay Heroism Essay
Economic Variables And Asset Returns Using Monte Carlo...
Economic trends vary from time to time. No one ensures today s gain will lead to the
consequence that I will still profit tomorrow. Therefore, it is truly crucial to generate
scenarios for various economic variables and asset returns using Monte Carlo technique
across multiple time periods. Moreover, many economic variables such as equity
returns, credit transitions and exchange rates are stochastic processes. As a simple
illustration for equity scenarios, we can use the basic Geometric Brownian Motion,
which is given by: , which is unpredictable random shocks . In order to deal with the
randomness, Economic Scenario Generators produce the forward looking situations for a
specified set of risk ... Show more content on ...
Using Time Value of Money calculation, , which is the present value, DF is the discount
factor and is the future value.
Under the continuously compounded hypothesis, we get , where can be either stochastic
or deterministic processes.
2.2 Annuity valuation
When the policyholders retire, they can choose to buy an annuity from an insurance
company using the previous lump sum. The annuity will offer 20 annual payments paid
at the end of each year. The payment amounts depend on interest rate at retirement and
can be formulated by solving: for the unknown , where represents the lump sum and
means the price of a zero coupon bond maturing at time t as seen at time 15. Prove that if
the interest rates at retirement are 6% per year, then the annual payment are
approximately £43,600, and then calculate the annual payments if the interest rates were
to fall to 1%.
Firstly, we can demonstrate using the given annual payment £43,600 to calculate the
lump sum. The lump sum is £500,088.5651 £500,000.
Next, we will use the £500,000 to calculate the value of X.
As known before, the lump sum is £500,000, which is the present value at time 15.
Using the annuity paid annually in arrears equation to find the accumulated value of all
cash flows received, , where is the annual cash flow, is the interest rate and denotes years.
Substituting with what we have already known, , we get
Brief Bio of The Stooges
When you think of The Stooges what s the first thought that pops into your head?
Probably a 50 year old, prune like, Iggy Pop running around like a mad yoke to the
video for Lust For Life from the Trainspotting soundtrack. That s okay. I m here to tell
you about the original Proto Punk (a nascent predecessor of punk) band, the intense,
raucous and truly bizarre, The Stooges. Without this band would rock music have turned
out the same way we know it? Would the evolution of punk vary from what we now
know it? Many artists credit The Stooges as an influence to them, whether they were
punk artists or artists that adopted the punk ethos, artists such as The Sex Pistols,
Nirvana, David Bowie, Kiss, The Clash and many, many more. The Stooges staggering
live shows were explosive, frightening and unforgettable, never failing to make an
impression, leaving audiences in a daze. With songs about sex, working class alienation,
self loathing and the commonality of the current consciousness , I believe the stooges
truly were ahead of their time. Iggy Pophas stated his and the Stooges music to be a
Dionysian art form , in that it is based on chaos and appeals to the emotions and instincts.
When asked about the Stooges chaotically mezmerising live shows, frontman Iggy Pop
said The demons didn t show up until I started going out live and playing with them
(The Stooges)... The demon says Fuck you, I don t wanna be like you, I don t wanna live
like you, I don t believe any of the
Prevention And Training Program Of The Memphis Va
PURPOSE: This document establishes policy and responsibilities for the Awareness and
Training of the MVAMC information and information systems contained at this facility.
The Awareness and Training program of the Memphis VA Medical Center (MVAMC) is
designed to protect all Information Technology (IT), systems, information, and
telecommunications resources from unauthorized access, disclosure, modification,
destruction, or misuse. The MVAMC complies with VA Directive 6500, Managing
Information SecurityRisk: VA Information SecurityProgram, and VA Handbook 6500,
Risk Management Framework for VA Information Systems Tier 3: VA Information
Security Program, Federal IT security laws and regulations, including the Computer
SecurityAct of... Show more content on ...
The procedures can be established for the security program in general and for particular
information systems, if needed. The organizational risk management strategy is a key
factor in establishing policy and procedures. 2. ROLES RESPONSIBITIES: .The E
Government Act of 2002 requires federal agencies to provide mandatory periodic security
awareness training and accepted computer security practices for anyone involved with
management, use, operation or access to federal information or information systems. VA
requires the completion of initial training before obtaining access to information or
information systems and annual refresher training thereafter to retain access privileges.
The Facility Chief Information Officer (FCIO) is responsible for safeguarding the
Automated Information Systems (AIS) assets under his/her management control,
Information Security Officer (ISO), Office of Information Technology (OIT), VistA Staff,
and TELECOM Staff, and including those shared with other VA organizations.
a)Supervisors collaborate with ISOs to identify training needs in relation to job
requirements for those positions with additional significant security responsivities.
Supervisors are responsible for ensuring that their staff complete all required training by
specified deadlines.
1920s-1930 Music Essay
Music in Annie in 1920 1930
The Roaring Twenties was a decade absorbed with the growth of the music industry
thanks to the radio being born in 1920 (Tyle). The excitement of the war being over
brought the Roaring Twenties forth. The American people hungered for change, and the
new music of the era, jazz, satisfied their great hunger (100 Favourite Songs). Jazz was a
brand new type of music drastically different from anything the American people had
heard before. Unfortunately, the Great Depression, which occurred in the thirties,
brought forth an aroma of sadness and despair in the lives of the American people.
Would jazz also cave into the Depression? Or fight back? Although the mood of the
American people changed from the Roaring ... Show more content on ...
How advertisements were used on the radio was shown on the Hour of Smiles show with
Bert Healey in the play Annie; the Boylan sisters helped to advertise Oxydent toothpaste
(Annie). The radio produced many effects in the typical American lifestyle; it brought
families together and even knitted the nation together (Bailey 761). The music of famous
artists and symphony orchestras was beamed into countless homes through the radio
(Bailey 762). The play Annie expresses that one of these homes included an all girls
orphanage; jazz music was beamed into the orphanage thanks to their radio (Annie).
The iconic mark of the music in the twenties was jazz. According to a website devoted
to posting and commenting on jazz music in the twenties, jazz music appealed to the
young people of the era. The music...was fast and furious it was young people s music...
(100 Favourite Songs). Jazz became popular because it was so drastically different than
anything they had heard before. Independent (or indie) record companies were
introduced in the Roaring Twenties (Tyle). Some of the greatest jazz musicians appeared
on indie labels: Gennett, Paramount, and Oken (Tyle).
Belle Isle Research Paper
A Day in Detroit: Family Fun on Belle Isle
Right in the middle of the Detroit River is Belle Isle, an oasis of family friendly
activities. As part of the city of Detroit, Belle Isle is officially the largest city island
park in the U.S. With 987 acres of things to do, the little island paradise could keep your
family busy for days. It s a safe bet that your group will enjoy any of these Belle Isle
Belle Isle Nature Center
Get an up close look at 19 species of Michigan wildlife, including the black rat snake
and fallow deer at the Belle Isle Nature Center. Peer through a bird observation window
in order to watch both native and migratory birds feed from natural food sources. Learn
more about water protection and how to track and eliminate ... Show more content on ...
Opened in August 1904 and named after Whitcomb in 1955, the conservatory is the
oldest continually operating conservatory in the U.S. In addition to tropical trees, palms,
succulents, cactuses, ferns, and fruit trees, you will see an astounding array of flowering
plants as well as a fountain designed by Marshall Fredericks, a Japanese Tohro (stone
lantern), and the Peacock Sundial, erected in 1927.
Belle Isle Aquarium
When Belle Isle Aquarium closed in April 2005 it was the oldest public aquarium in
North America. Fortunately, it reopened in August 2012 and is run today by a crew of
dedicated volunteers. The 10,000 square foot historic building is a sight to behold with
arched ceilings covered in green glass tiles that may make you feel as though you re
underwater. Once you get past the intense artistry of the building you have access to
more than 1,000 types of fish and 118 species of sea life.
Dossin Great Lakes Museum
No one will blame you if Gordon Lightfoot s The Wreck of the Edmund Fitzgerald
floats through your mind as you explore the 16,000 square foot Dossin Great Lakes
Museum. After all, the museum was built to share the tales of the Great Lakes and
Detroit s unique role in maritime history. The fate of the Edmund Fitzgerald in 1975 is
just one of the many stories
Causes And Effects Of Methamphetamine
Methamphetamine is a chemical formation. According to Monitoring the Future Study:
trends in Prevalence of Various Drugs (2015) which are man made home labs products,
often located in secluded wooded areas; on regular stove tops. The demand for
methamphetamine is high across the sections of the world. Much of the orders are from
illegal manufactured buyers. Methamphetamineis now a billion dollar industry in 2013,
methamphetamine account for 13 billion dollars each year in the United states alone.
According to the Drug Enforce administration (2001) since the middle of the 1990 s drug
smuggling from Mexico to California started to take over both the production and
distribution of around the clock laboratories setups.
Even taken in smaller quantities methamphetamine can instantaneous effects the body.
According to the National Institute on Drug Abuse (NIDA) methamphetamine can
produce instant profound effects instant euphoria; alertness, strength supernatural powers
in users. On the other hand, user begin to experience cardiovascular problems, such as
increased and irregular heart palpations and hypertension (2017): convulsion and
extremely great levels of hyperthermia, meaning raised up levels of body temperature.
Methamphetamines can cause multiple long term problems destructive turmoil on a
person overall health. According to the National Institute on Drug Abuse (2013) this type
of drug seeking behavior is an illness that is caused by fragments changes in the brain.
Besides addiction, a few long term effects of methamphetamine include: figment of the
imaginations, suspicion, forgetfulness, loss of appetite, and serious dental issues.
According to Substance Abuse and Mental Health Service Administration (SAMSHA), in
the United States it is estimated that 779,000 individuals, ages 26 or older used
methamphetamines within the last year (2009). Then, SAMHSA Office of Applied
Studies (2005) tells more than 10 million individuals around as young as 12 years of age
and older has both used and abused methamphetamine. SAMHSA (2005) admits that
around 4.5% of teenager; grades 9th thru 12th had already misused methamphetamine.
Other research papers determined that critical care facilities say that at least 4 percent of
A Multidisciplinary Approach to Patient Care
The goal for nurses as a profession is not only to be patient advocates but also assist the
patient to learn and gain the necessary skills to achieve the best level of functioning for
the patient based on their current illness. In order to help a patient achieve their optimal
level of functioning the nurse must work with the patient and the interdisciplinary team
to create a collaborative plan that is logical for the patient. Through examining a
musculoskeletal disorder case study #35 from Preusser (2008), one can create a critical
pathway for the patient, S.P. a 75 year old female, with severe rheumatoid arthritis(RA)
and admitted to the orthopedic ward for a hip fracture status post fall (p. 183). Since the
patient s needs is unique... Show more content on ...
She has a medical history of severe RA, had an upper gastrointestinal bleed in 1993, and
had coronary artery disease with a coronary artery bypass graft (CABG) 9 months ago.
She lives alone but has three children whom live close to her. She is a widow and her
father died of cancer at 62 years old and mother died from heart failure at 79 years old.
She has a 50 pack year smoking history but denies alcohol use. Ever since her CABG
she has engaged in very mild exercises at home. Her medications are Rabeprazole
(Aciphex) 20mg/day, Prednisone (Deltasone) 5 mg/day PO and Methotrexate
(Amethopterin) 2.5 mg/week.
Through use of the Universal Intellectual Standards of Quality Thinking (UISQT) the
nurse should use the standards, relevance and significance, to organize and categorize
the patient s information and separate the important assessment data that will help to
tailor an appropriate plan for the patient (Wilkinson, 2011, p. 70). These skills are
important because through relevance one can separate what information is relevant to
the patient s problem and through significance one can sort out what data is most
important and what data is normal for the relevant data. The assessment data of S.P. s
vital signs and body mass index are normal. The important data sorted for S.P. includes
her age, medical history, oxygen saturation and 50 pack year smoking history, fall at
home leading to an intracapsular fracture of the hip at the

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