Cons of Death Penalty Essay

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Cons Of Death Penalty Essay

Writing an essay on the cons of the death penalty presents a challenging task that requires careful
consideration of various perspectives, ethical implications, legal arguments, and statistical data. This
topic is inherently sensitive and controversial, making it crucial to navigate the complexities with a
balanced and well-informed approach.

One of the primary difficulties lies in the emotional nature of the subject. The death penalty involves
matters of life and death, triggering strong emotions and differing opinions. Crafting an essay that
respects diverse viewpoints while maintaining a coherent and logical argument requires a delicate

Additionally, researching and compiling relevant information demands thorough investigation into
legal frameworks, historical cases, and sociological aspects. The writer must be adept at critically
analyzing the data and presenting a comprehensive overview of the cons of the death penalty,
considering factors such as potential for wrongful convictions, racial disparities, and the moral
implications of state-sanctioned killing.

The essay should also address the evolving global perspective on capital punishment, taking into
account international human rights standards and the trends towards abolition in many countries.
Striking a balance between providing factual information and engaging the reader emotionally is
crucial in making a compelling argument against the death penalty.

In conclusion, writing an essay on the cons of the death penalty involves navigating through a
complex web of ethical, legal, and emotional considerations. It requires a careful examination of
various perspectives, thorough research, and the ability to articulate a well-reasoned argument.
Successfully tackling this challenging topic involves presenting a thoughtful and informed discussion
that respects the gravity of the subject matter.

For assistance with essays on a variety of topics, including controversial ones like the cons of the
death penalty, individuals may explore the services provided by , where
professional writers can provide support in crafting well-researched and articulate essays.
Cons Of Death Penalty Essay Cons Of Death Penalty Essay
The Major Spender Of Tax Dollars
In a country that revolves around money, if the economy would fall, it could take the
whole nation down with it. The United States is one of many countries built up by its
power in the economical industry. Facing a national debt of $20 trillion now, America
may not know its power for very much longer. Janet Bodnar, expert in children and
family finances, explains the heights America s debt has reached in America s Perilous
National Debt by saying . . . the national debt is the highest it has been since just after
World War II and twice the historical average, and it s expected to grow indefinitely. If a
solution is not enacted, the United Stateseconomy will deteriorate and collapse. The
current issues of increasing healthcare costs, social security programs, and the defense
budget expenses will cause an economic collapse in the United States, devastating the
economy. The major spender of tax dollars, as well as moneyfrom the United States
budget, has become healthcare expenses. This ranges to everything from prescriptions to
surgeries. America s healthcare spending has reached an all time high and shows no
signs of receding. The Affordable Care Act (ACA) is a type of governmentprovided
health insurance for those who are in poverty. Since the Affordable Care Act has been
put into place in 2010, healthcare spending has been unsustainable for the country. In
M.D John Geyman s peer reviewed journal article PROMISES VS. REALITY OF THE
A Brief History of Time Summary Essay
Theoretical Physics, a modern topic of science with an extremely deterring sound and
famous for being beyond complex, is a subject which cannot be explained with ease.
Stephen Hawking, the most famous living scientist today, wrote A Brief History of Time
in 1988, updated in 1996, in order to take upon this daunting task of explaining basic
theoretical physicsto a population who had previously barely studied any science. Within
A Brief History of Time, Hawking touches upon seven topics in depth while easily
explaining them in a simple manner: our picture of the universe, space and time, the
expanding universe, the uncertainty principle, elementary particles and the forces of
nature, black holes, and the origin and fate of the universe.... Show more content on ...
Thus, the ether was created. Albert Einstein proposed though that the ether was not
needed, for objects do not have to be at absolute rest as long as there was no absolute
time. Thus, the theory of relativity was developed. In his discussion of light, Hawking
cites that light is described by a cone. The top of the cone represents the future path of
light, the bottom half of the cone represents the past path of the light, while the central
vertex represents the actual light. In the third chapter, Hawking takes upon the
continuous and accelerated expansion of the universe. In order to prove this, he uses
the Doppler shift which is almost identical to the Doppler Effect. In sound, the
Doppler Effect creates an increasingly louder sound as the event approaches us, and
then as the event moves away the sound begins to dull. In light the same basis applies,
but with a color shift. Blue shifting and red shifting are the opposite effects of the
Doppler shift . When objects are moving away from us, their light is shifted in the red
direction on the electromagnetic spectrum. Inversely, as objects approach us; their light
is shifted in the blue direction. Hawking uses this to prove the expansion of the
universe, for many stars found by Edwin Hubble, of whom the Hubble telescope is
named after, are observed to be red shifted. Thus, Hawking cites the
Breastfeeding Practices
The health benefits of breastfeeding are established, but low breastfeeding rates remain a
U.S. public health concern. The Baby Friendly Hospital Initiative (BFHI) designed Ten
Steps to Successful Breastfeeding (Ten Steps) as a guideline to increase breastfeeding
rates. The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) established the Maternity
Practices in InfantNutrition and Care (mPINC) biennial survey in 2007 to monitor U.S.
maternity care facilities on the basis of the Ten Steps guideline.1 Researchers have used
the mPINC data in multiple studies identifying practices in U.S. maternity care facilities
that can guide public health initiatives to improve breastfeedingoutcomes in the U.S. A
study published in December 2013 used data... Show more content on ...
Survey respondents identified if support was offered to hospital staff in a designated
room to express milk, permission to use breaks to express milk, electric breast pump
provision, lactation consultant availability, breastfeeding support group access, on site
child care, and paid maternity leave. From 2007 to 2011, only on site childcare
decreased and the six other supports increased. Less than 15% of hospitals provided
direct access to the breastfeeding child with on site childcare. Another major concern
was noted with less than 35% of hospitals offering paid maternity leave. The authors
concluded that major areas for improving employee breastfeeding support are having
direct access to childcare and providing access to breastfeeding support groups.3 This
study displays that mPINC data can be used to access hospital breastfeeding support for
maternity care employees that wish to breastfeed at
Beyonce On The 100 Most Influential People
J Qwan Williams Professor Brock Adams English 102 3 March 2017 A True 2016 Impact
When you hear influential, you think of something or someone who has impacted
society. Whether they were positive or negative, it is the contribution that makes them
influential. These people shape our history. In modern culture, it is celebrities and
entertainers that have the most influence. I believe that when someone is given a
platform they should use it to make a difference in the world. I also think Nicki Minaj
should be replaced with Beyonce on The 100 Most Influential People of 2016 because
she possess authenticity, generosity, charisma and passion. Beyonce, a black woman, has
been an inspiration to many. Recently, in the United States, minorities... Show more
content on ...
Although she is currently still making music, her lyrics are not influential in any way.
In her 2016 song, Do You Mind she says, Yo, he ain t messin with no average chick,
pop, pop he got Nicki, he know that he hit the jackpot. she is basically talking about
her personal life, throughout the song it only gets more sexual and less important.
Her music in 2016 were neither moving nor inclusive like Beyonce s. Beyonce
produced music that would touch the souls of millions in a positive way she is the
light when people are feeling they are in a time of darkness. Nicki did not provide that
with the music she produced in 2016. Even though she has done charities and produced
songs that contain positive messages, she has not qualified to be on The 100 Most
Influential People for 2016. In 2016, she focused more on her movie, The
Hurricane Essay
Though Andrew was a small tropical cyclone for most of its lifespan, it caused extreme
damage, especially in the Bahamas, Florida, and Louisiana. The vast majority of the
damage was as a result of extremely high winds, although a few tornadoes spawned by
Andrew caused considerable damage in Louisiana. Throughout the areas affected, almost
177,000 people were left homeless. Outside of the Bahamas, Florida, and Louisiana,
effects were widespread, although damage was minimal. Overall, $26.5 billion in losses
and 65 fatalities were attributed to Andrew.[1] Other estimates, however, indicate
Andrew caused about $34 billion in damage overall.[37] As a result of damage in
Florida and Louisiana, Andrew was listed as the costliest hurricane in U.S.... Show more
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Additionally, the storm cause severe damage to the sectors of transport, communications,
water, sanitation, agriculture, and fishing.[42] Four deaths in the country were attributed
to the hurricane, of which three were direct;[1] the indirect fatality was due to heart
failure during the passage of the storm.

Tides were generally between only 4 to 6 ft (1.2 to 1.8 m) above normal in the Biscayne
Bay area, though near the Burger King International Headquarters, tides reached as high
as 16.9 ft (5.2 m) above normal. Storm surge on the west coast was widespread, but
mostly light, with a peak height of 6 ft (1.8 m), measured at both Everglades City and
Goodland. The storm surge was reported as far north as Homosassa. Strong winds from
the storm were confined to a relatively small area, stretching from Key Largo to about
Miami Beach. A house in Perrine initially reported a wind gust of 212 mph (341 km/h);
this measurement was reduced to 177 mph (285 km/h), after a wind tunnel testing at
Clemson University of the same type of anemometer revealed a 16.5% error. At some
locations, the instruments measuring wind speeds failed before the highest winds
occurred. At the National Hurricane Center, sustained winds of 115 mph (185 km/h) and
gusts to 164 mph (264 km/h) were measured before the anemometer failed. The highest
sustained wind speed in relation to the storm was 146 mph (235 km/h), recorded at the
Turkey Point Nuclear

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