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Lesson IV

Talking about action we often ask about what they are planning on doing at some time in the
future. Here are ten phrases that English speakers often use to ask other people what their plan

1. What are you doing tomorrow?

2. Got any plans for tomorrow?
3. What's your plan for tomorrow?
4. Are you doing anything tomorrow?
5. What's on the cards for tomorrow?
6. Busy tomorrow?
7. Have you got anything on tomorrow?
8. Have you got anything planned for tomorrow
9. What's happening tomorrow?
10. How's tomorrow looking?

How To Use These Phrases In Your English:

1. Phrase 1 is a general question and might be asked just out of curiosity.

2. Phrase 2 is a more relaxed and informal version of phrase 1.
3. Phrase 3 might imply that I have my plan, and I am asking you what your plan is. Your boss
could ask this to check what you are doing.
4. Phrases 4, 6, 7 and 8 can all be used when you are hoping to arrange something with a friend
or colleague.
5. Phrase 5 uses a fortune telling metaphor: 'it's on the cards' means it's likely, but not certain.
This expression is often used in the negative form to say we have no intention of doing
6. In phrase 7, note that we use the expression 'I've got something on' to indicate a definite plan.
7. Phrase 9 is a general question, similar to phrase 1.
8. Phrase 10 could be used to check that something you have planned for tomorrow with a friend

is still OK. You hope the answer is: 'fine' which means your plan is still on.

Talkig about action in furture time it’s mean about our planning now day that related to simple
future which is formula to expression about feture, except simple future tense, continues tense
also describe the action happening in future time, for example

1. I will be preparing the balloons

2. I will be decorating the room.
3. Who will be helping you?
4. I will be carrying the cakes.
5. I will be turning up the fireworks.

Example :

Tony : Hi Brian, i start thinking about the plan for the party next week
Brian : What sort of party Ton? You haven’t told me yet, have you?
Tony : Ooh yaa I forget to tell you that i’m going to have a party next week for my graduation.
Bria : Lucky you Ton, I wish my parents would give me a present as well. What will you be
doing on the party next week?
Tony : There will be several activities Brian. I will be dancing of course and i will be singing.
How about you, what will you be doing at my party?
Brian : I won’t be dancing at that time because i can’t dance but i’ll be making some beverages
for all.
Tony : That’s awesome Brian. Thank you so much.

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