DR Jigna Ganatara - Bio - Profile

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Jigna Ganatra
Consultant: Obstetrician , Gynecologist & High Risk Pregnancy
Specialist Diploma in Gynec Endoscopy, CICE (France)
CIMP Cerified Indian Menopause Prac oner
FMF Cer fied OB-GY Sonologist

Dr. Jigna R. Ganatra has done her gradua on and post-gradua on from Saurashtra
University, Gujarat She has been working in the field of Obstetrics & Gynecology for
the past 28 years and has a vivid and extensive experience in conduc ng normal &
abnormal vaginal deliveries, cesarean sec on & abdominal & vaginal hysterectomies
& obstetrics and gynaec Ultrasonographies & Foetal dopplers. She has gained wide
experience in managing infer lity pa ents & high risk pregnancy cases.

Professional • MBBS from M.P .Shah Medical College, Jamnagar (1995)

Qualifica on & Fellowship • Post Gradua on (DGO) M.P.Shah Medical College, Jamnagar (1999)
• Fellowship in Gynaec Oncology at Gujarat Cancer & Research Ins tute,
Ahmedabad (2000)
• FMF Cer fied OB-Gy Sonologist (2021)
• FOGSI recommended basic course of ultrasonography in obstetrics
& Gynecology (2009)
• Diploma in Gynec Endoscopy CICE, France(2016)
• ISUG, Basic USG Course (2021)
• Cer fied Indian Menopause Prac oner (2021).

Experince • Since last working 15 years as a full me Onbestetrician & Gynecologist at

N M Virani Wockhardt Hospital & Managing high risk Pregnancy cases

• Worked as a senior registrar in Obstetrics & Gynecology department at

Sir Hurkissondas Nurro umdas Hospital, Mumbai for 3 years.

• Worked as a full me Obstetrician & Gynecologist at Smt B.B Desai

General Hospital Gariyadhar (Periphery) in Bhavnagar- District &
handled many referred cases single handedly for 3 years
• Worked as a Consultant Obsterician & Gynecologist at other reputed
ins tute of Rajkot for 3 Years.

Membership • Worked as a Joint Secretary & Treasurer at Rajkot Menopause Society

• Worked as a General Secretary & Tresurer at Rajkot OB-Gy Society
• Member of Indian Medical Associa on (IMA)
• Member of Foetal Medicine Founda on (UK)
• Member of Indian Society of Assisted Reproduc on (ISAR)
• Member of Interna onal Society of Ultrasound in Obstetrics and Gynecology (ISUOG)
Clinical Exposure • Managed large Numbers of antenatal, intra natal & post-natal cases,
High risk pregnancy cases, infer lity pa ents & played a major role in
guiding pa ent on family planning & menopause related issues.
• She has done large Numbers of abdominal & vaginal hysterectomies
and laparoscopic hysterectomies and NT Scan and detailed anomaly
scan and foetal dopplers.

Publica ons & Associa ons • 23rd SOGOG conference (Surat Oct 1998) winner of 1st prize in paper,
Topic Cri cal Care In Cases Of Placenta Previa
• Winner of 1st Prize in P.G. Debate at Annual Conference of Baroda
obstetrics & Gynecology Society, Topic:Conserva ve Vs Opera ve
Management in Ectopic Pregnancy
• Best obstetric paper presenta on in 24th SOGOG conference,Bhavnagar.
Topic : Missing lud Thread
• Shirin Mehtaji Comple on by AMWI (Feb 2001) winner of 1st Prize Topic
Role Of Colposcopy & Cytology In Preven ve Oncology
• Na onal Congress of AMWI Mumbai (Dec 2001) 1st Prize (Win Winfred Prize)
• Yuva FOGSI Conference (October 2002) winner of Best Obstetric paper
presenta on, Topic: Newer Approach To Treatment Of Thalassemia.

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