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Oh, how my heart weeps for the fate that has befallen me.

Trapped in this cruel world, torn between

the expectations of society and the desires of my heart. My love, Crisostomo, where art thou? Amidst
all the chaos and darkness, my only solace is the memory of your love. But alas, the chains that bind
me are strong, and I am but a fragile bird seeking freedom. How I long to break free from this gilded
cage and fly towards the horizon. But duty calls, and I must learn to be content in my misery. Though
my voice may not be heard, my spirit remains unbreakable.

After reading, it shows how women like maria Clara during this time has no choice and are chain to
follow the expectations of others, sacrificing her own happiness and desires. Solely missing the love of
her life who is Crisostomo as she has no idea on where he is and whom to asked about him. The
loneliness she felt during this time perhaps also a factor for her misery as she is forced to continue her
life amidst her misery.

On the other hand, it also shows how Maria Clara is not the type of person to give up that despite her
situation she still continue to live and believe that one day she will be able to attain freedom with the
person she love.

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