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This study determined the effectiveness of the strategies

utilized by the English teachers in improving the grammatical

fluency of the Grade 3 learners in the public elementary schools

of Calauag East District, Division of Quezon for school year


Further, it looked into: the teachers’ strategies utilized

in improving the grammatical fluency of the Grade 3 learners in

terms of: Direct Instruction, Interactive Lecture, Guided

Inquiry, Learning in Groups, and Game-Based Learning; the

significant agreement on the rank orders of the strategies

utilized in improving the grammatical fluency of the Grade 3

learners among the different types of schools; the level of

effectiveness of the English teachers in improving the

grammatical fluency of the Grade 3 learners along: Spelling,

Vocabulary Development, Grammar Structure, and Sentence

Structure; the significant agreement on the rank orders of the

English teachers in improving the grammatical fluency of the

Grade 3 learners among the different types of schools; the

problems encountered by the English teachers in improving the

grammatical fluency of the Grade 3 learners among the different

types of schools; the significant agreement on the rank orders of

the problems were encountered by the English teachers in

improving the grammatical fluency of the Grade 3 learners among

the different types of schools; and the policy recommendations

formulated based from the findings of the study.

This study was delimited to the Grade 3 English Teachers in

improving grammatical fluency of Grade 3 learners in Calauag


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