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Topic For Argument Essay

Writing an essay on the topic "Topic for Argument Essay" can be quite challenging due to its inherent
ambiguity. The difficulty lies in the broadness of the subject, as it lacks specificity, making it hard to
determine a clear direction for your argument. Without a well-defined topic, crafting a focused and
compelling essay becomes a formidable task.

One of the primary challenges is the need to narrow down the scope and define a specific
argumentative stance. The absence of a concrete subject makes it challenging to identify relevant
evidence, examples, and counterarguments to support or challenge your position. Additionally,
without a clear focus, maintaining coherence and logical flow within the essay becomes a constant

Another hurdle is the potential for a lack of engagement from the reader. Without a captivating and
specific topic, it becomes difficult to pique the reader's interest or address a particular issue that
might resonate with them. As a result, the essay may lack the depth and relevance needed to make a
lasting impression.

Furthermore, finding credible sources and literature to support a generic argument can be a daunting
task. The absence of a specific subject may lead to a lack of scholarly research and a dearth of
authoritative voices to reinforce your points. This, in turn, compromises the overall academic quality
of the essay.

In conclusion, writing an essay on the topic "Topic for Argument Essay" poses substantial challenges
due to its lack of specificity. Crafting a coherent and compelling argument becomes a complex task
when faced with the need to define a clear stance, engage the reader, and support your claims with
relevant evidence. It is advisable to choose a more defined and focused topic to ensure a more
successful and impactful essay.

For assistance with essays or any other writing challenges, you may explore additional resources.
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Topic For Argument EssayTopic For Argument Essay
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Finding time for a love life in a hectic schedule is not always high on people s priority
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to find what we feel we all deserve; love. Unfortunately, while online datingis more
convenient than traditional dating it also comes with its fair share of dangers. Online
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When it comes to dating online there are a variety of different websites that satisfy all
different types of people and relationships. Having websites like,,, and that cater to the type of relationship that
you are looking takes away some guess work in finding a partner. Joining a website
that is for straight relationships or same sex relationships lets you know that everyone
on there is searching for the same type of relationship. When you join one of the
numerous online dating sites available, you are asked to fill out some basic, yet
lengthy, information about yourself and what you are looking for in a potential partner.
Users of online dating sites have the ability to browse as many profiles as they would
like and with the information provided, one can get the sense of whether or not the person
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Cold Stone Creamery Coldstone creamery believes that the world should have better
ice cream why not give that to belvidere, Belvidere needs I believe that we should have
better ice cream here They all have different varities of food in their restraunts.Im pretty
sure many of americans love dessert so why not have that in all towns and cities. Like
my town Belvidere , we just have bland culvers and mcdonalds ice cream, like we have a
place called dari ripple but it s only open in the summer time not all the time for those
people who love ice cream all year around,like me. My restaurant Cold Stone Creamery
is open all year round and has a lot of ice cream desserts a lot of people would love.
So,we should have a higher class ice cream place.
Essay On The Red Pyramid
Title: The Red Pyramid
1.Significance of the title: In this fictitious story, the plot revolves around a red pyramid
created by the Egyptian god of deserts, Set, whom causes Sadie and Carter to develop
their magical skills and to push their search for their father, and answers, along.
2.Genre: Fantasy, Adventure Fiction
3.Date of original publication: May 4, 2010
4.Author: Rick Riordan
5.Setting(s): London, UK; New York, NY; Paris, France; Egypt; Washington, D.C.; Duat
6.Importance of this/these setting(s): The first setting in the story that was very
important was the British Museum, where the journey initiated for Sadie and Carter after
their father blew the Rosetta Stone to bits in an attempt to summon Osiris s spirit. The
next important
Ice Hockey Vs Roller Hockey Research Paper
Ice Hockey verse Roller hockey
Ice hockey and roller hockey are two of the fastest paced games and proven to be one of
the hardest games to be played. You have to have the coordination of any athlete the
strength, speed, and conditioning of a football player while putting those skills on skates.
Though the two sports sound much alike they are actually very different.
In the game of ice hockey there are many rules and ways to play the game. The most
basic rules of the game are, In order to start a game you must have 5 players and a
goalie. The maximum players you are allowed to have on the bench are 18 skaters and
2 goalies. Every player must have the required equipment. The required equipment is a
helmet, gloves, shin guards, skates, elbow pads, mouth guard, and chest protector.
Games are three twenty minute periods played with a rubber puck. The game is very
physical and is based around body contact but to hit legally you can only hit with your
shoulder making contact anywhere as long as ... Show more content on ...
Ice hockey and roller hockey are alike by the same concept of game of having players
and using a puck to score goals. They are both team games and use a lot of teamwork
and individual skill and mental toughness. The two games are different by the rules of
the game, first the amount of players needed to start a game. In ice hockey you must
have 5 and a goalie and in roller you only need 4 players and a goalie. In ice hockey you
play three twenty minute periods and in roller hockey you play two fifteen minute
periods. Roller hockey there is no icing or off sides but with ice hockey there is which
changes the idea of the game tremendously. Having no offsides or icing gives you
more time being able to spread out the rink and have more of a possession, and skill
game. While Ice hockey is more of a fast paced game while being very physical and
having to react quickly with having more guys on the ice and less time with the
Marie Daly Research Paper
Marie Daly Marie Daly is a famous biochemist who had to overcome dual hurdles of
racial and gender bias to peruse her lifelong love of chemistry. Marie had to undergo
judgment from her being a woman and trying to become a scientist, which was a male
dominated occupation and also had to endure racism because she was an African
American. Marie made many scientific discoveries that we are lucky to have today.
Marie Daly s full name is Marie Maynard Daly. Marie was born on April 16th 1921 in
Queens New York as an only child to Ivan and Helen Daly. Her father, Ivan C. Daly,
had emigrated from the West Indies at a young age and enrolled at Cornell University to
study chemistry. A lack of money forced him to quit college, instead he returned... Show
more content on ...
Their work provided us with new understanding of how foods and diet can affect the
health of the heart and the circulatory system. During this time Daly also worked on
how cigarettes effect the human body. Once Daly found the importance of her work,
she knew she wanted others to have the opportunities she had. This made Daly work
really hard on efforts to get students of color enrolled in medical schools and graduate
science programs. In honor of her father, in 1988 she started a scholarship, for
minority students who want to study science at Queens College. Daly retired from
Albert Einstein College and from her studies completely in 1986. Marie was a member
of various different groups such as American chemical society, American Society of
Biological Chemists; Ameri can Heart Association; Harvéy Society; National
Association for the Advancement of Colored People; National Association of Negro
Business and professional Women, and New York Academy of Sciences Board of
Governors. Marie liked being able to be involved and support the
Little Polish Boy Analysis
Literature is the foundation of our beliefs, cultures and traditions. It is why as human
beings we thrive in the world, learning from the past through stories and illustrations
that create emotion, desire and inspiration. It was literature that started Adolf Hitler s
reign, through the simplicity of words. When World War 2 began, literature was a
basis of hope, it would encompass emotion and for many their last mark on the world.
Little Polish Boy, (1969), written by Peter Fischl, a survivor of the Holocaust, explores
the war through a child s perception. The poem highlights the naïve nature of children,
witnessing an act of inhumane proportions, their voices suddenly neglected and
powerless. In comparison, the Boy in The Striped Pyjamas, a novel written by John
Boyne in 2006 demonstrates children s willingness to defy an ingrained war culture due
to the naivety of their actions and understanding. Little Polish Boy is a poem that
highlights the impacts of war on children. It explores the war through the perspective of
an unnamed child, symbolising the extent to which civilians were involved in the war,
reiterating the helplessness of the Jewish prisoners. The poem uses hyperboles and
personification such as the world who said nothing to convey Fischl s frustration and
sorrow over the atrocities and inhumanity of the enemy and the world who stood and
watched. Fischl uses repetition such as the little polish boy to allow the audience to
create an instilled idea of the

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