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Egzamin ósmoklasisty Ćwiczenia leksykalno - tematyczne

1.1 Połącz słowa z ich definicjami.

1​. SCARF A​. a man whose wife died

2​. LOOSE B​. something that makes you angry
3​. FOREHEAD C​. you put it up when you like something
4​. THUMB D​. something that you put around your neck when it's winter
5​. EARRINGS E​. a woman whose husband died
6​. FRECKLES F​. dots on a person’s face, most often on the nose
7​. WIDOWER G​. a part of your head which is sometimes covered with a fringe
8​. IRRITATING H​. the opposite of tight
9​. SPOTTED I​. jewelry for your ears
10​. WIDOW J​. used to describe material that has dots on it

1.2 Wybierz poprawną odpowiedź.

1. Which of these doesn’t describe a person’s marital status?
a. single b. married c. divorced d. lonely
2. Which is NOT a trait of character?
a. stubborn b. honest c. wrinkled d. calm
3. What can you see on a person’s face?
a. anorak b. spotted c. pimples d. tongue
4. What can you NOT put on?
a. trousers b. pocket c. anorak d. sweatshirt
5. Which trait of character is negative?
a. honest b. tolerant c. modest d. irresponsible
6. Which emotion is positive?
a. lonely b. tired c. worried d. excited
7. Which of these items of clothing is typically worn by women?
a. tights b. anorak c. suit d. underwear
8. How would you NOT address a woman?
a. Mrs. b. Ms. c. Miss d. Mr.
9. How would you NOT describe a person’s hair?
a. straight b. wavy c. tanned d. spiky
10.Which item of clothing is typically worn at home?
a. slippers b. top c. scarf d. belt

1.3 Uzupełnij zdania.

1. Mike was supposed to be here by now, he is never late. Maybe something happened,
I'm really __ __ __ __ __ __ __ .
2. I hate wearing pyjamas which is why I wear a __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ instead.
3. You're smiling all the time and you seem to be in a very good __ __ __ __. What
4. My fiancé wanted to make a good __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ on my parents when
we visited them for the first time. Wszystkie prawa zastrzeżone 2

Egzamin ósmoklasisty Ćwiczenia leksykalno - tematyczne

5. Are you married or single? Actually I'm __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ . I used to have a wife,

but now I don’t.
6. Children were playing in the snow for an hour and when they came back home they
all had red __ __ __ __ __ __ because it was quite cold outside.
7. My geography teacher is really __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __, he's tall and well-built and he
has big blue eyes.
8. What should I wear to the wedding? I think you should wear a __ __ __ __, Mark. You
have to look elegant.
9. My skin is so __ __ __ __ __ __ after the holidays in Greece, it was so hot and sunny
the whole time we were there.
10.- What's your __ __ __ __ __ __ __ ? - 10 Downing Street. Why are you asking?

1.4 Słowotwórstwo. Uzupełnij zdania wyrazami utworzonymi od tych, które zostały

podane w nawiasach.
1. I like wearing (comfort) ……………………………………… clothes.
2. Can money buy (happy) ……………………………………… ?
3. Is he an (ambition) ……………………………………… student?
4. What is your (nation) ……………………………………… ?
5. I'm not (marry) ……………………………………… , I'm single.
6. Mike is very (talk) ……………………………………… , he talks all the time.
7. I'm (worry) ……………………………………… about my future.
8. My friends weren't (help) ……………………………………… at all, they didn't even give me
any advice.
9. What did you use to wear when you were a (teen) ……………………………………… ?
10.(Beautiful) ……………………………………… is only skin deep. Do you agree with that?

1.5 Przetłumacz fragmenty podane w nawiasach na j. angielski, tak aby otrzymać

logiczne i gramatycznie poprawne zdania. W każdą lukę możesz wpisać maksymalnie
trzy wyrazy.
1. She has (ciemną karnację) ……………………………………….. .
2. What are you (boisz się) ……………………………………….. ?
3. I would like to (przymierzyć) ……………………………………….. this dress.
4. Are you going to the party? (Baw się dobrze) ……………………………………….. time.
5. Listen! My best friend (zakochała się) ……………………………………….. with you when she
saw you! She wants to go out with you!
6. What is your (stan cywilny) ……………………………………….. ?
7. (Nie mogę znieść) ……………………………………….. this music! Turn it off!
8. What is your (miejsce urodzenia) ……………………………………….. ?
9. I’m (taki podekscytowany) ……………………………………….. . I’m going to stay in the USA
for a year!
10.I was in (dobrym humorze) ……………………………………….. so I decided to buy a present
for my mum. Wszystkie prawa zastrzeżone 3

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