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Legalization Of Marijuana Argumentative

Crafting an essay on the topic of "Legalization of Marijuana" can be a challenging yet rewarding
task. The subject is multifaceted, involving various perspectives, legal considerations, medical
aspects, and societal implications. To present a well-rounded argumentative essay, one must delve
into the historical context, examine the current legal landscape, and explore the contrasting
viewpoints surrounding marijuana legalization.

Research is a crucial aspect of writing this type of essay. Gathering reliable information from
reputable sources, including academic journals, legal documents, and expert opinions, is essential to
building a strong foundation for your argument. Additionally, staying updated on recent
developments and changes in marijuana legislation is crucial for providing accurate and current

Another layer of complexity arises from the need to address the ethical, health, and social dimensions
of marijuana legalization. Analyzing the potential benefits and risks, considering public opinion, and
exploring the impact on communities are integral components of a comprehensive argument.

Furthermore, structuring the essay effectively is paramount. Clearly outlining your thesis, supporting
arguments, and counterarguments in a logical manner will enhance the essay's overall coherence.
Balancing the presentation of evidence and maintaining a neutral tone while discussing controversial
aspects is also key to a persuasive essay.

Despite its complexity, writing an argumentative essay on the legalization of marijuana provides an
opportunity for critical thinking, research skills development, and honing the ability to communicate
complex ideas persuasively. As with any essay, attention to detail, thorough research, and a well-
structured argument are essential for success.

For those who find the process daunting or time-consuming, it's worth noting that there are resources
available to provide assistance. Similar essays and more can be ordered on platforms like , offering a helping hand to those seeking expertly crafted and customized content
on a variety of topics.
Legalization Of Marijuana Argumentative EssayLegalization Of Marijuana Argumentative Essay
The Importance Of Companion Animals And Physical Well...
A giant fluffy dog walks past you as you cross the street on your college campus. You
cannot help but notice him smiling up at you with his tongue half hanging out. Although
you have felt today has been the worst day, you cannot help but feel compelled to
respond back with a big grin since he looks so happy. According to Wells (2009), it is
only recently, however, that any scientific attention has been devoted to the relationship
between companion animals and physical well being in humans. With new information,
owning a companion animal has become increasingly more popular for college student to
have on their campuses. College campuses can be a hard time for many, and can drive
students to be continuously stressed, or to ... Show more content on ...
In order to conclude her results she looked at attachment style For her results she
concluded, a direct causal association between human well being and companion animals
is still not conclusive, the literature reviewed above is largely supportive of the widely
held belief that pets are good for us (Wells, 2009). Although she found no supportive link
between the two variables, she did still see that somehow and someway animals can
improve people s lives. College students can fall under the disease category of this study
since many students suffer from these conditions when times become stressful.
Friedman and Son (2009) also studied the association of companion animals and human
health benefits. An important question is whether pet ownership causes better health or
better health encourages pet ownership (Friedman and Son, 2009). After researching
this question, they found that pet owners had lower levels of cardiovascular risk
factors such as serum triglyceride and blood pressure than non owners (Friedman and
Son, 2009). They even looked at a longitudinal study that pet ownership was associated
with increased 1 year survival rates in patients hospitalized for coronary heart disease
(Friedman and Son, 2009). There results provided a basis that the association between
both variables does
The Reluctant Fundamentalist
The Reluctant Fundamentalist Where to belong?
An analysis of the relationship between Erica and Changez amp; Changez development

What is a reluctant fundamentalist? To be reluctant is to have feelings of aversion. A

fundamentalist is one who holds on to any set of principles. Then the term of being a
reluctant fundamentalist is somewhat an ironic term in this context, because our main
character is a person who is not sure what beliefs he should adhere to. The novel The
Reluctant Fundamentalist is written by Mohsin Hamid and was published in 2007. Our
main character, Changez, struggles to find his identity between being an American or
Pakistani through certain events in his life.
The main character, Changez makes his home ... Show more content on
Just as Changez is fascinated by the magnificence of the American dream, he is also
deeply attracted to Erica. At their first meeting, Changez describes her as a stunningly
regal , wealthy and popular: [...] so stunning regal was she. Her hair was piled up like
a tiara on her head, and her navel ah, what a navel. (p. 19, l. 15 16). Erica is described
as possessing an uncommon magnetism that attracts people to her. In the same way,
America also has a tempting quality that Changez cannot resist at first. Both Erica and
America are beautiful, but it is not entirely what captivates Changez. Erica has a
mysterious quality that makes her slightly out of reach, but Changez is truly attracted to
her as if Changez s pursuit of Erica is symbolic of his pursuit of the American Dream.
Changez s relationship with Erica and America develops a turning point for him after
the attacks on World Trade Centre, which represents his life journey, and his first
reaction is to smile at the fact that America was sinking. At the same time, his
relationship with Erica becomes gradually more alienated, as she separates herself from
his life, and from the world around her. You can say that his relationship with Erica is a
symbolic measure of his loyalty to America. Meeting Erica in the aftermath of the attack
of World Trade Centre was like being at a funeral, as if someone had lost something dear
to them. Realizing that his relationship with Erica is ruined, Changez witnesses
Sorrowful Women and a Story of an Hour
The traditional outlook on life has dissipated in modern years. Men were usually the
ones who worked to support the family and maintained a steady income to make the
family financially stable. On the contrary, women were expected to raise the children,
prepare meals and keep a tidy house. For most, this was the ideal life style that worked
effectively. Throughout Gail Godwin s short story, A Sorrowful Woman, the character is a
component of a troubled family. Furthermore in the short story, The Story of an Hour
written by Kate Chopin, the protagonist, Mrs. Mallard is notified with information that is
life altering. A characters motivation drives a story towards the authors intended theme
through the actions taken and emotions... Show more content on ...
As her husband came home, it is no wonder that she had a heart attack. It was stated
that she already had heart problems. It is ironic that she begins these plans in her head
for a life without her husband, when she in reality is the one who dies and whose life
is cut short. These two stories show how the traditional lifestyle of woman has changed
over the course of time. They both show how troubles within the family can create
problem even if it is a tragic event that sparks these troubles. In the story A Sorrowful
Woman the reader will certainly notice how she has created the troubles depicted from
the family vantage point. This idea of how lifestyles have changed is perpetuated by the
story The story of an Hour by Kate Chopin. This shows how a life altering event has
changed the mindset of a woman who was rather traditional in thoughts regarding
marriage and life with her husband. In conclusion, these main characters actions and
emotions are supportive of the author s intentions and thus the theme of the

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