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Exemplification Essay Example

Writing an essay on the topic "Exemplification Essay Example" can be a challenging task, requiring a
combination of research, critical thinking, and effective communication skills. The difficulty lies not
only in presenting a clear and well-organized argument but also in selecting relevant and compelling
examples to support your thesis.

Firstly, the process begins with understanding the essence of exemplification, which involves
providing instances or examples to illustrate and support your main point. This requires careful
consideration of the topic and the identification of suitable examples that resonate with the audience.
The challenge is in finding a balance between providing enough examples to strengthen your
argument without overwhelming the reader with unnecessary details.

Additionally, crafting a strong thesis statement is crucial for an exemplification essay. The statement
should clearly convey the main idea and set the tone for the entire essay. Developing a thesis that is
both specific and debatable can be a demanding task, as it requires a deep understanding of the
subject matter and a keen awareness of the target audience.

Research plays a pivotal role in the difficulty of this task. Collecting relevant and credible examples
to support your arguments necessitates thorough investigation and a discerning eye for reliable
sources. The challenge lies in sifting through vast amounts of information and selecting examples that
not only enhance your essay but also contribute to the overall coherence of your argument.

Moreover, organizing the essay in a logical and coherent manner is a challenge in itself. Ensuring a
smooth flow of ideas from one example to another while maintaining clarity can be demanding. The
writer must create a compelling narrative that engages the reader and effectively conveys the
intended message without losing focus.

In conclusion, writing an exemplification essay on the given topic involves a complex interplay of
various skills, including research, critical thinking, organization, and effective communication.
Successfully navigating these challenges requires time, effort, and a commitment to producing a
high-quality piece of writing.

If you find the task overwhelming, it's worth noting that assistance is available. Similar essays and
more can be ordered on , a platform that provides support for various academic
writing needs.
Exemplification Essay Example Exemplification Essay Example
Camelot Hills Neighborhood Case Study
Camelot Hills Neighborhood is a suburb community of Clarksville, Tennessee and has
managed to hold on to its country roots of a small town, while adding offering the latest
of modern conveniences to its real estate properties. Camelot Hills is located north from
the center of Clarksville with a thriving business environment and just 50 miles from
Neighborhood Real Estate Market
The real estate in Camelot Hills Neighborhood are single family styled homes with
single and multi level designs of contemporary, ranch style and large spacious classic
homes with the choice of open or custom yards and tree lined landscaping. These home
designs embrace the natural countryside geography making living here the perfect get
away from a busy
The Social Sciences Of Modern Societies
Within the social sciences in contemporary times it is argued that corporatism has
shrugged off its previous association with authoritarian and fascists regimes, and is now
deployed as a means for analysing the role of organized interest in present day liberal
democracies. Outhwaite argues that corporatism has also passed into common political
usage as shorthand for the involvement of trade unions, together with organisations
which represent the interests of capital in bargaining with governments over economic
policies. Debated publicly, corporatismis now seen as the antithesis of neo liberalism, in
which governments seek to use competition rather than negotiation as the dynamic of
policymaking. Contrastingly, contemporary academic writers deem corporatism as the
antithesis of pluralism, Philippe Schmitter (1974), who is argued to have been the
leading exponent of corporatist theory in the 1970s portrayed corporatism as a critique
of what he saw as the dominant pluralism orthodoxy in Political Sociology. The
extraordinary range and diversity of interest organisations in modern societies were,
according to the pluralist, evidence for the openness of democratic governments to a
wide range of influence, and offered a benign view of interest group politics as a
supplement to electoral mechanisms for ensuring democratic accountability. On the
contrary, corporatist theorist stressed the number of organisations which are politically
influential, and the tendency for such
The Government s Energy Star Program
The federal government s energy star program was established in 1992 by the
Environmental Protection Agency (EPA). This program is voluntary and started in order
to save businesses and families save money. This program has many companies investing
in energy efficient projects to help boost the market. While promoting these products, the
energy star program also helps to reduce energy consumption and pollution. Along with
saving energy, it helps to reduce greenhouse gases. Reducing the greenhouse gases
contributes to the health of individuals and the environment surrounding them. This will
hopefully control the climate changes brought on by the emission of such gases and
strengthen our economy (Energy Star, 2014).
High efficiency washing machines help families cut energy and water costs (Energy
Star, 2014). These machines are front or top loading with a larger tub capacity.
Families are able to wash fewer loads which enables them to use less water. Companies
continue working on their models to save more money. Washers made after 2003 are
more efficient. If your washer is more than ten years old, you should look into
purchasing a newer model (Energy Star, 2014). Washing machines did not earn the
Energy Star label until 1997 (Mother Earth News, 2010). When comparing the how
much energy the models use, you need to look at the yellow EnergyGuide label. This
tells you how much energy each load of laundry uses and the
Saulsberry N MBA504 Assignment 2

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Zachary Saulsberry

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Your application was created successfully. Print this page, sign it and mail it to:
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The $ 100,000 paid annually at the end of each of the next 25 years is the better option.
PV n = (CF/r) X [1 1/(1+r)n] = $1,409,394.457

E5 4Your firm has the option of making an investment in new software that will cost
$130,000 today and is estimated to provide the savings shown in the following table over
its 5 year life: Year
Savings Estimate
$15,000 Should the firm make this investment if it requires a minimum annual return of
9% on all investments? 130,000 X (1+.09)5 =$ 206,005.82 Yes the firm is wise to choose
this investment at this time based on the Future Value of the investment decision. The
reason is that present value inflows is more than present value outflows.

E5 5Joseph is a friend of yours. He has plenty of money but little financial sense. He
received a gift of $12,000 for his recent graduation and is looking for a bank in which to
deposit the funds. Partners Savings Bank offers an account with an annual interest rate of
3% compounded semiannually, while Selwyn s offers an account with a 2.75% annual
interest rate compounded continuously. Calculate the value of the two accounts at the
end of one year, and recommend to Joseph which account he should choose. Using the
compounding calculation FVn = PV X (1 + 0.03/2)mXn FV1= $12,000 X (1+0.03/2)2X1
=$12,362.70 Money
How Did The Crusades Affect Society Today
The Crusades were a series of wars that happened over the control of the Holy Lands in
Jerusalem. This was a series of Holy wars that started in 1096 and lasted 200 years.
They fought these wars because both the Muslims and the Christians wanted it for their
control because they both saw it as a holy land for their religions. These bloody wars
impacted the society at that time and the effects of the Crusades can still be seen in
society today.
The Crusades impacted people of that time. First of all, Pope Urban the II was telling
the people that the Holy Lands that were being invaded by the Muslim Turks and that
they needed people to go fight. As a result, thousands of people went to fight and not a
lot came back. When people traveled to the ... Show more content on ...
Each group thought that
Jerusalem should be solely their own in order to bring closeness to their God. But in fact
Crusades caused each group to behave in ways that were against their own religion
anyway. A few people, like Marco Polo, looked past the desire for control of the land
and focused on the all the new places, people and knowledge to explore. This brought
about learning about things unknown and about developments that improved the lives of
people in other parts of the world.

It s not hard to image the results of a Crusade today because Holy Wars are still being
fought in many parts of the world. The Muslim and Jewish people are still fighting a
war over land in the Middle East. In 1947, the United Nations separated land and gave
some to the Jewish people and created the state of Israel. This was not accepted well by
either group of people. The
Jewish people say they have a right to the land based on history and their religion. The
Palestine people also say they have the right to the land on the basis of history, religion
and their ethnic claim. Fighting is still happening.
Another modern day religious war happened in Nigeria in the 2010 s between
Mummies Informative Speech
Informative Speech Outline
A.Attention Getter: Not only living, walking, breathing humans can be issued a
passport. A mummy can also be issued a passport. Ramses the 2nd was issued a passport
to travel to Paris where King was listed as his occupation.
B.Background and Audience Relevance: With having knowledge on the past life, we
know why certain things are the way they are now, how far we have gotten.
C.Speaker Credibility: As someone who is always interested in world culture, life in the
past and being a witness to certain old practices. I am credible to give information.
D.Thesis: Learning about old methods like mummification will enlighten you on the
oddest things hardly noticed.
E.Preview Main Points: First I will give a brief history of mummies, how mummification
is done, beliefs and mummies now.
Transition to first main point: So how did mummies and ... Show more content on ...
I will now talk about the present day mummies
IV.Main point 3: After everything one would like to know what happened to mummies
A.Sub point A: Now scientists are studying mummies, which can lead them to lifestyle
back then. Mummies are now being displayed in exhibitions, and museums. They can
also fly round like Ramses II, They are also found in different parts of the world
Restate Thesis: It is important to know about different cultures and the past because it
can help solve some problems in the future.
B.Review main point: First all I gave a brief history, then mentioned the procedures of
mummifications, the superstitious beliefs, and present day mummies.
C.Memorable closer: We may sit down and wonder how things came about and how
things are now, just look back at history and know everything has a beginning.

Mummies of the World: The Exhibition. (n.d.). Retrieved October 24, 2014.

The Egyptians Mummies. (n.d.). Retrieved October 24,

Interesting Birth Story
One interesting birth story about myself is that my mother at thirty four weeks broke
her own water bag by drinking a laxative and walking down the street. It was then that
my mother knew she was in trouble and had to get a neighbor to call the EMS. Once
she arrived at Roper hospital in Charleston South Carolina, she was given an extra shot
that was not an epidural to help push me out of her womb. Apparently, I was so
comfortable inside my mother s tummy that when it was time to push, little ole me was
not ready to come into this world. My mother was in labor approximately twelve hours
before a star was born on March 12th, 1995. Only weighing seven pounds seven ounces
I was as light as the game light bright, but easy to handle and hungry. My... Show more
content on ...
The walker was my absolute favorite thing back then because my legs were moving as
fast as they could at that time. My mother told me that during the times I learned how
to walk was when I started snatching everything that I could get my hands on off. It
was during those times that I found myself being put right back into my crib to fall
asleep. As the woman, I am today, I can honestly say that I had the best childhood ever
and there are so many memories that I still have from decades ago. When I sit and
think about all the things that were trends back then and where there are today brings
me much laughter. Being a young adult today, I am very proud of the way I was
brought up and happy with the mother God has blessed me with. As stated above, I grew
up in the city of Charleston located in South Carolina. The climate never bothered me
much growing up because Charleston gets a lot of sun, which gave me many reasons to
be outside enjoying the weather. Charleston carries a lot of history behind itself, which
could mainly be seen in the downtown area as you pass rainbow row and the

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