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Descriptive Essays Ideas

Crafting an essay on the subject of "Descriptive Essays Ideas" can be a challenging endeavor. The
difficulty lies not only in the demand for creativity and originality but also in the need for a deep
understanding of the chosen topic. Generating unique and captivating ideas that go beyond the
ordinary can be a daunting task, as it requires a keen observational skill and the ability to convey
those observations in a vivid and engaging manner.

Moreover, the challenge extends to the selection of the right words and the construction of sentences
that evoke a sensory experience for the reader. It's not just about describing something; it's about
painting a picture with words, making the reader feel as though they are immersed in the scene or
concept being presented.

The process of brainstorming and refining ideas to create a well-structured essay can be time-
consuming. It demands meticulous attention to detail and a commitment to revising and polishing the
writing until it achieves the desired level of clarity and expressiveness.

In navigating through this intricate process, writers often find themselves grappling with the balance
between providing enough detail to create a vivid image and avoiding overwhelming the reader with
an excessive amount of information.

Despite these challenges, mastering the art of descriptive essays can be immensely rewarding. It not
only hones one's writing skills but also enhances the ability to perceive and articulate the nuances of
the world around us.

For those who may find this task particularly daunting, it's worth noting that assistance is available.
Various platforms, like , offer services where similar essays and much more can be
ordered. These resources can provide valuable support to individuals seeking guidance or seeking
professionally crafted essays on a wide range of topics.
Descriptive Essays Ideas Descriptive Essays Ideas
Analysis Of David Mccullough s The Battle Of Bunker Hill
The American Revolution, when 13 American colonies waged war against the most
powerful country in the world, Great Britain, for their independence. Soldiers who
fought in the war and risked their lives to gain the freedom we have today, is just one of
the many prime examples of prevailing hardships in battle. George Washingtonproved to
be exemplary just like many others heroic patriots, like Henry Knox and Nathaniel
Greene, when triumphing over the British soldiers with what little strength they had and
defeating them. Their victory was more than enough proof on why they deserved
independence. David McCullough s 1776, describes and educates us about events which
happened before the war and foreshadows up to the revolution. We learn about the
hardships thrown at George Washington and the Continental armywhose intentions
switched from equal rights to complete emancipation. Battles throughout the
Revolutionary War, like the Battle of Bunker Hill, are well known, but McCullough
shows the reader how the Continental army continues to strive on even when victory is
not in their favor. The story starts off with King George III being shown as more lower
class than of royalty. King George eventually has suspicions that the American colonies
will try to rise and rebel against him, so in return he begins to gather troops on both land
and sea to defend England s honor. Their blunt distrust of the colonies was a bad choice
on their part which spurred conflict towards war. Discussions
The Military Recruiters On My Military Base For My Final...
Final Sales Report I chose to interview one of the military recruiters on my military
base for my final sales report. He has been a recruiter for almost 5 years in the
Pennsylvania Air National Guard. The Air National Guard offers members the
opportunity to serve in the military in a part time capacity. Our recruiting team is
nationally recognized as one of the best in country and are always receiving various
awards and accolades. Their professionalism and reputable sales techniques are
highlighted as great practices across the Air National Guard nationally. All recruiters
must have a basic understanding of all the jobs offered on the base that they work at.
When they have vacancies that need filled they are responsible for matching people
and jobs together based on their compatibility. Their basic understanding of all job
functions allows them to put individuals in jobs where they are happy and successful,
while filling a manning requirement. Their job involves skill in sales techniques and
principles in many ways, however, their pay is not reflective of most salesperson s
jobs. They are not paid on commission or any other incentive program. Their pay is
only reflective of their rank. At the 193 Special Operations Wing there are a handful
numerous jobs that he is recruiting for all the time. The 193 SOW is the largest Air
National Guard base in the country, and is also one of the busiest. They also have two
detached units that they are also responsible for maintaining
My Love About My Family
I grew up with both my parents working hard each day and an older brother that always
pushed himself every day to do his best. What I admire about my family is how they
care about people and how they interact every day with other individuals attempting to
get others to feel hope, opportunity, and joy. My hope is to inherit their caring,
determined hearts and carry it with me through college and the rest of my life to make
a difference. I grew up with both my parents working hard each day and an older
brother that always pushed himself every day to do his best. What I admire about my
family is how they care about people and how they interact with other individuals
provoking feelings of hope, opportunity, and joy. My hope is to inherit their caring,
determined hearts and carry it with me through college and the rest of my life to make
a difference. As a child, I continually visited my mother s work, where she dealt with
young children with severe speech difficulties. Witnessing my mom develop significant
progress with young, unfortunate children, shaped my passion for helping people. Since
then, my love for helping others has prospered. I began my quest in middle school where
there was pressure on being the most popular, the prettiest, or the most athletic. With
those traits on the back burner in my mind, an opportunity to help kids in need jumped
into my hands. In my class, there were twin boys that had disabilities; I had known them
for quite awhile because our brothers
Research Paper On Grapheme-Color Synesthesia
I have a neurological condition. With only 2 4% of the human population living with
this condition little research has been done on its cause, thus, there is no cure. I have
a neurological condition and it is called synesthesia. Various types of synesthesia exist
and I happen to have both grapheme color synesthesia and chromesthesia; my brain is
cross wired to associate multiple senses with one stimuli. In the same mental space as
when you imagine a box in your head you do not see a box in the space in front of you,
but in the space in your head I consistently see numbers and letters in their own specific
colors. With my chromesthesia, I naturally see three dimensional landscapes composed of
morphing shapes and colors when I listen to music.
The Theme Of Gender Roles In Trifles By Susan Glaspell
Crying over spilled milk is silly, right? Worrying about the little, mundane things is
pointless and a waste of time. In Susan Glaspell s one act play Trifles, she
demonstrates how being sensitive to the subtle details can be vital to solving a
mystery. Throughout the one act play, Glaspell highlights the theme of gender roles
through the women s worries, irony, and symbolism. Glaspell develops the theme of
gender roles by what Mrs. Hale and Mrs. Peters fret about at the crime scene. For
instance, the first concern that Mrs. Peters voices revolves around Mrs. Wright s fruit
preserves and implies that the women are housekeepers. Both the Sheriff and Mr. Hale
remark about how the women are worryin about her preserves and worrying over trifles
(Glaspell 3). Later, when the men go upstairs to look for evidence, the women decide
to bring Mrs. Wright s apron, fruit, shawl, and quilt for her in prison. To further
establish Mrs. Wright as a domesticated housewife, Mrs. Peters suggests that Mrs.
Wright wants her apron to make her feel more natural (Glaspell 5). Because of what
Mrs. Hale and Mrs. Peters discuss at the crime scene, Glaspell verifies that the women
play the role of housekeeper and cook. Glaspell also uses irony to advance the theme of
gender roles. The title of the one act play Trifles is ironic because while the women were
taking up their time with the little things...waiting for [the men] to get the evidence, the
women found the dead bird (Glaspell 6).
Case Analysis Of Royal Dutch Shell
Royal Dutch Shell Plc commonly known as Shell, is an Anglo Dutch multinational oil
and gas company headquartered in the Netherlands and incorporated in the United
Kingdom.Created by the merger of Royal Dutch Petroleum and UK based Shell
Transport Trading, it is the second largest company in the world, in terms of revenue,and
one of the six oil and gas supermajors .
As of January 2013, the largest shareholder of the company was Capital Research
Global Investors with a holding of 9.85% with BlackRockat second place with 6.89%
shareholding.Shell topped the 2013 Fortune Global 500 list of the world s largest
companies. Royal Dutch Shell revenue was equal to 84% of the Netherlands s $555.8
billion GDP at the time.
It has minor renewable energy activities in the form of bio fuels and wind. It has
operations in over 90 countries, produces around 3.1 million barrels of oil equivalent
per day and has 44,000 service stations worldwide. Shell Oil Company, its subsidiary in
the United States, is ... Show more content on ...
There are more than a dozen such cases in various courts all over India. Multinational
companies have been complaining that Indian tax authorities are arm twisting them to
derive more tax revenue. In the earlier Vodafone case, the I T department had sought
adjustments of over Rs 4,500 crore Indian subsidiary of Vodafone Group Plc. With
Nokia, the department had slapped Rs 2,000 crore notice. Other companies that are
facing such demands include IBM and Cairn. So, Vodafone and now Shell s win is likely
to be a big boost for all these companies.
This is a positive outcome which should provide a further boost to the government
initiatives to improve the investment climate, a Shell India spokesman said in an e mail
Definition Of Coronary Artery Disease
Definition of Coronary Artery Disease
Coronary artery disease (CAD) develops when plaque builds up in the narrow arteries of
the heart. The arteries that are affected supply blood to your heart, oxygen, and numerous
amounts of nutrients to the heart. The plaque that builds in the arteries is from the
amount of cholesterol that is accumulated in the arteries. The plaque that builds within
the arteries of the heart decrease the blood flow to the heart often resulting in chest pain
(angina), shortness of breath, or other symptoms. This disease is often not diagnosed
until the patient has a heart attack. The reason that coronary artery disease goes unnoticed
is because this disease develops over decades. Heart disease is the leading cause of ...
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Nicotine is the main active toxin in cigarettes, other chemicals such as tar and carbon
monoxide also affect the heart. The toxins that are contained in cigarette smoking
increases blood pressure, decrease exercise tolerance, and increase the tendency for blood
There are other risk factors that affect a person s chances of developing coronary artery
disease such as obesity, high blood pressure (hypertension), diabetes, lack of regular
exercise, high fat diet, and emotional stress. These other risk factors are preventable and
can be changed with daily exercise, eating healthy options, and making healthy daily
choices for your heart and body.
Normal Functioning of the Cardiovascular System
To understand the importance of the blood flow throughout the heart and lungs. The
heart is made up of solid muscle, which helps the heart contract and release. The heart
has multiple chambers that lead to different arteries and veins throughout the body. The
purpose of the heart is to bring oxygen rich blood to all the tissues of the body.
There are two major cycles in the heart the systemic loop and the pulmonary loop. The
systemic loop begins with oxygen rich blood coming from the lungs enters the upper left
chamber of the heart. As the blood flows through the entire heart the blood then begins
the journey through

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