Examples of Example Essays

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Examples Of Example Essays

Writing an essay on the topic "Examples Of Example Essays" presents a unique challenge that many
might not anticipate. Firstly, the very nature of the topic requires a certain level of meta-cognition
and self-awareness. You're essentially tasked with crafting an essay about essays, which demands a
deep understanding of the mechanics, structure, and purpose of essays themselves.

To start, one must consider the definition of an "example essay." It's not merely about providing
instances or illustrations but delving into the essence of what makes a good example within an essay
context. This involves analyzing various essay genres, styles, and forms to extract exemplary
instances that demonstrate effective writing techniques, persuasive arguments, or engaging narratives.

Furthermore, writing about example essays requires a balance between theoretical discussion and
practical demonstration. It's not enough to talk about what makes an example essay effective; one
must also provide concrete examples to illustrate these points effectively. This demands a keen eye
for detail and the ability to dissect essays across different subjects and themes to extract relevant

Moreover, there's the challenge of avoiding redundancy and clichés. Since the topic itself revolves
around examples, there's a risk of falling into the trap of using tired, overused examples that fail to
engage the reader. Thus, the writer must strive to find fresh, compelling examples that not only
support their arguments but also captivate the audience's attention.

Additionally, there's the inherent pressure to deliver an exemplary essay on example essays. After all,
the expectation is heightened when the topic directly pertains to the craft of writing itself. This
means that the essay must not only meet but exceed the standards expected of a typical academic or
analytical piece.

In conclusion, writing an essay on "Examples Of Example Essays" demands a nuanced understanding

of essay writing principles, a creative approach to selecting and presenting examples, and the ability
to transcend clichés to deliver a truly exceptional piece of writing.

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Examples Of Example Essays Examples Of Example Essays
Toni Cade Bambara The Lesson Essay
The Lesson by Toni Cade Bambara demonstrates a monumental piece that deems the
financial inequalities of the 1960s. African Americans began to initiate a more active
role around the 1950s to end discrimination in the United States. Bambara conveys this
message through the perception of a young girl name Sylvia. Sylvia states in The
Lesson , She can run if she want to and even run faster. But ain t nobody gonna beat me
at nuthin (Bambara 6). This quote leads to the illusion that young people need to change
their course of action; in which Sylvia determines to not let anything stop her. In the
short story, Bambara uses economic prejudice through the theme of poverty and wealth,
the symbolism of the F.A.O Schwarz (Toy Store), and the style of her written work.
Economic prejudice through the theme of poverty and wealth stages a crucial impact
during the mid 1900 s. Many African Americans desire a new lease on life which
ultimately causes numerous southerners to migrate north. In volume 12 of Short Stories
for Students, Jennifer Smith claims, New York has been a place where the wealthy and
poor live, sometimes within only blocks of each other (Smith 176). This quote conveys
that... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
Even though African Americans existed with fewer opportunities during the mid 1900s,
the difference today currently displays little to no change in the current economic state.
In the 21st century, African Americans attended inadequate schools because of the
government charges and property laws that prohibit the children s parents from migrating
to neighborhoods with better education. Segregation will always affect the white
population and the black population due to most of the biased public. Toni Cade
Bambara is one of the many African American authors to present a voice and advocate
topics not addressed in the civil rights and women s
Roleof Women in the Things They Carried
The Rose of the World

Why do we blame Helen s beauty for the Trojan War or Eve s curious nature for Adam s
choice to eat the apple, thus beginning the mortal human civilization? Throughout history
men have found it convenient to hold women responsible for their own weaknesses and
intolerance. The apathy of anti feminist and conservative movements showcases the
reality of the Stockholm syndrome and medieval serfdom. Men have been the captors
and the masters of the women for time in antiquity, but we still see empathy in women.
Henry Kissinger could not have summarized it any better when he said, Nobody will
ever win the Battle of the Sexes. There is too much fraternizing with the enemy. Tim O
Brien s The Things They Carried is neither ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
One word is too often profaned
For me to profane it;
One feeling too falsely disdained
For thee to disdain it;
I can give not what men call love;
But wilt thou accept not.

The love stories of Jimmy Cross, Mark Fossie, and Henry Dobbins end in either rejection
or despair. These stories are more about cathartic redemption and courage rather than
failure and pain. Jimmy Cross is transformed into a dutiful and responsible leader after
detaching himself from Martha. The author assumes an introspective tone as he discloses
Lieutenant Cross transformation in the following excerpt:
There was the new hardness in his stomach. He loved her but he hated her...No more
fantasies, he told himself. He would accept the blame for what had happened to Ted
Lavender. He would be a man about it. He would look them in the eyes, keeping his
chin level, and he would issue the new SOPs in a calm, impersonal tone of voice, a
lieutenant s voice, leaving no room for argument and discussion (O Brien 24 25).
Henry Dobbins unlike Fossie, is able to keep himself together after his girlfriend leaves
him, and now those stockings around his neck symbolize his resolve to withstand the
pain of desertion and turn it into the strength to fight and stay alive in the war. Dobbin s
commendable light heartedness after reading his girlfriend s break up letter is evident
when he
Two Forms of Intelligence Collection Essay
This essay examines two forms of intelligence collection, namely signals intelligence
(SIGINT) and open source intelligence (OSINT), with a view to determining whether the
collection methods can be ranked in terms of importance. To this end, this essay will
describe SIGINT and OSINT, with a focus on outlining the relative advantages and
disadvantages of each method. It will be shown that any attempt to rank collection
methods in terms of their importance is only productive insofar as it is necessary to
effectively direct the most suitable collection method against an intelligence target.
Moreover, it will be argued that OSINT has a uniquely significant, although not more
important role, in serving as a foundation upon which ... Show more content on
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(Although it is possible to sanitise end products to lower levels of classification, this is
time consuming
Heart Of Darkness Essay
Joseph Conrad s novel Heart of Darkness uses character development and character
analysis to really tell the story of European colonization. Within Conrad s characters one
can find both racist and colonialist views, and it is the opinion, and the interpretation of
the reader which decides what Conrad is really trying to say in his work.

Chinua Achebe, a well known writer, once gave a lecture at the University of
Massachusetts about Joseph Conrad s Heart of Darkness, entitled An image of Africa:
Racism in Conrad s Heart of Darkness. Throughout his essay, Achebe notes how
Conrad used Africa as a background only, and how he set Africa up as a foil to Europe,
(Achebe, p.251) while he also projects the image of Africa as the other ... Show more
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Saravan said that Conrad perceived that native woman as a gorgeous, proud, superb,
magnificent, terrific, [and] fierce person whose human feelings [were] not denied
(Saravan, p.284). In comparing the two views, one must step back and consider that
both views are only interpretations on what Conrad may have intended. Since no one
can ever really know what his actual meanings were for these two women being so
similar (in their movements), and yet so different (in their character), only individual
explanation can be brought up. This in particular, is what brings me to question both
Achebe and Saravan s points. By reorganizing Conrad s descriptive words, Saravan was
able to propose that Conrad did not intend for the mistress to be perceived as the savage
counterpart (Achebe, p.255). Yet, at the same time, both Saravan and Achebe each write
about what they think to be the right thing. It seems to me that Achebe was looking for
racism in this short novel, and that Saravan was so taken back by Achebe s accusations,
the he himself, went and looked for ways to defend Conrad. However, this particular
shortcoming of the native woman, is not the only one that Achebe finds. As stated
earlier, communication
Their Eyes Were Watching God Women
In the past, women have been sentenced to a life of silence and obedience, but resilient in
their efforts to find equality. Once they saw how unequal they were to their male
counterparts, they were so unwavering in their attempts that everyone had no choice but
to acknowledge women s mistreatment. Janie Crawford, from Zora Hurston s Their Eyes
were Watching God, is a prime example of how women actively began to start seeing
themselves as independent and changing the way society sees them. Janie is brought
up to view women and herself to be lesser than men but when she grows older and is able
to decide things for herself, she sees how unfair and wrong that is. It may take her a
while before she able able to fully free herself, but she knows... Show more content on
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As a whole, most of the female characters are shown to be cruel and obsessed with
gossip. This particular example is demonstrated early in the novel when Janie is first
coming back to Eatonville and the women chewed up the back parts of their minds and
swallowed with relish. They made burning statements with questions, and killing tools
out of laughs (Hurston 2). This scene exposes the bitter truth that women are quick to
turn against each other every opportunity they get. It clearly establishes the jealously and
spite that fuel women to treat each other so awfully. There is an unmistakable
disconnection between the novel s protagonists and the other women for not only the
hatred they feel towards janie, but also their lack of independence and simplicity. The
women in this novel, including Janie, are not valued in society but Janie appears to the
one of the few to try and overcome barrier. Mary Helen Washington, in her contribution
to Zora Neale Hurston s Their Eyes were Watching God, supports the notion that these
female characters are denied the right to participate in society. On multiple occasions
the women are confined and silence not only by their husbands, but also by the world
they are subjected to. She writes about how the women in the novel were never able to
talk, or at least be listened too. Janie was included in these women, but is soon able to
find her voice. While most of the female characters depicted in the novel are judgmental
and one sided, they also act as components to add to Janie s struggle for
Striving For Perfection In The Birth-Mark By Nathaniel...
Nathaniel Hawthorne s short story The Birth Mark shows the thoughtlessness of creating
a perfect being. Hawthorne conveys this message through the tale of the scientist Aylmer
and his wife Georgiana, who has hand shaped birthmark on her cheek. Aylmer becomes
engrossed with Georgiana birthmark that keeps his wife from becoming perfect and
decides to remove the birthmark through his science. In The Birth MarkNathaniel
Hawthorneutilizes Georgiana weak self conscious, the birthmark, and the concoction to
emphasize the theme of striving for perfection.
Aylmer critical perception of Georgiana birthmark hinders her self confidence. Aylmer
constant glances at his wife s birthmark caused extreme discomfort for Georgiana. She
begins to question ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
In this scene, Aylmer at last succeeds in perfecting the concoction to cure her flaw.
Aylmer is confident in his scientific abilities that the concoction will remove Georgiana
of her birthmark. His expression for perfecting the concoction is revealed: Aylmer was
pale; but it seemed rather the consequence of a highly wrought state of mind and
tension to spirit than of fear or doubt (Hawthorne 300 ). The birthmark on Georgiana s
cheek does fade away. However, he sees his awake for a short moment. After
Georgiana awakes from the sounds of Aylmer success, Georgiana can only appreciate
this moment for a brief period of time. The birthmark represents the difference between
life and death for Georgiana. Once it disappears away, so does Georgiana from the
physical world. Aylmer does successfully remove the birthmark, but ultimately fails to
notice the significance of the birthmark concerning Georgiana life. This all happened
because Aylmer places the importance of obtaining perfection over his love for
Georgiana, and in doing so, commits a disastrous
Poverty And Poverty Quotes
Almost half of the entire world is so greatly impoverished that they live on less than
$2.50 per day, and at least eighty percent live on less than ten dollars each day. With this
much of the human population affected by such a terrible issue they must have a very
strong will power to survive. The issue of povertyrequires people to endure certain
circumstances which could be similar to the ones shown in Angela s Ashesby Frank
McCourtor The Street by Ann Petry. McCourt demonstrates a mindset of survival by
depicting a little boy stealing to provide for his starving family. Petry uses a single
black mother in search of a new home while also facing a violent wind storm. The
passages from Angela s Ashes by Frank McCourt and The Street by Ann Petry use
characters, events, and settings to help prove the theme that when people are affected by
poverty, they keep moving forward with the help of perseverance.
While writing Angela s Ashes, Frank McCourt used characters, events, and setting to
portray the theme that people who struggle with poverty require perseverance. First,
McCourt uses the main character, Frank, to help support his theme. The narrator of the
story explains that he has to do a lot to provide for his family when Frank thinks, I can t
spend my whole life running around lifting lemonade from pubs (McCourt 10). This is
significant because it shows that Frank and his family struggle with poverty which
prevents them from being able to go out and buy food

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