Evaluation Essay Samples

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Evaluation Essay Samples

Crafting an essay on the subject of "Evaluation Essay Samples" can present its own set of challenges.
Firstly, the topic itself necessitates a keen understanding of the evaluation process, demanding a
critical examination of various samples. This requires a thoughtful analysis of the chosen samples,
delving into their strengths, weaknesses, and overall effectiveness.

Moreover, the process of evaluating essay samples often requires a comprehensive grasp of the
subject matter being assessed. This means not only understanding the content but also the context in
which it is presented. It involves navigating through the intricate web of ideas, arguments, and
stylistic choices made by the authors of the samples.

Another layer of complexity arises when attempting to maintain objectivity throughout the essay.
While evaluating samples, it's crucial to avoid personal biases and subjective opinions, focusing
instead on concrete criteria that contribute to the overall assessment. Striking the right balance
between critical analysis and impartiality can be a delicate task.

Furthermore, crafting a well-structured essay demands effective organization of thoughts and ideas.
The essay should flow logically, guiding the reader through the evaluation process without confusion.
This involves careful consideration of the introduction, body, and conclusion, ensuring each section
contributes cohesively to the overarching evaluation.

In conclusion, composing an essay on the topic of "Evaluation Essay Samples" demands a

combination of analytical skills, subject matter expertise, objectivity, and effective writing
techniques. Successfully navigating these challenges results in a comprehensive evaluation that not
only provides insights into the samples but also showcases the writer's ability to critically assess and
communicate their findings.

For those seeking assistance with similar essays or any writing challenges, services like
HelpWriting.net offer a platform where expert writers can provide guidance and deliver well-
crafted essays tailored to specific requirements.
Evaluation Essay Samples Evaluation Essay Samples
Social Injustice in Roundhouse Essay
Native American Literature Film
22 April 2014
Social Injustice in Roundhouse
Lives for Native Americans on reservations have never quite been easy. There are
many struggles that most outsiders are completely oblivious about. In her book The
Roundhouse, Louise Erdrich brings those problems to light. She gives her readers a
feel of what it is like to be Native American by illustrating the struggles through the life
of Joe, a 13 year old Native American boy living on a North Dakota reservation. This
book explores an avenue of advocacy against social injustices. The most observable plight
Joe suffers is figuring out how to deal with the injustice acted against his mother, which
has caused strife within his entire family and within ... Show more content on
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We try to press against the boundaries of what we are allowed, walk a step past the
edge. Our records will be scrutinized by Congress one day and decisions on whether to
enlarge our jurisdiction will be made. Some day. We want the right to prosecute
criminals of all races on all lands within our original boundaries. Which is why I try to
run a tight courtroom, Joe. What I am doing now is for the future, though it may seem
small, or trivial, or boring, to you (Erdrich 229 230).
Because he is too young to fully understand all the factors of the situation, Joe teeters
between taking the law into his own hands and trusting his father to achieve justice
through diligence. Inevitably, Joe plots to take his own actions against the attacker. He
and his friends conspire to find the attacker. They undermine Bazil s attempt for
restorative, long term justice when they confront the attacker and shoot him.
In addition to the issues within the family, the crime committed against mother has
cause inner turmoil for Joe. He is faced with the feelings of obligation to avenge his
mother. He sees her sheltering herself every day in her bedroom, slowly becoming just
a shell of the woman she used to be. The damned carcass had stolen from her. Some
warm part of her was gone and might not return. This new formidable woman would
take getting to know, and I was thirteen. I didn t have the time (Erdrich 193), says Joe.
Feeling more and more alone, Joe is forced into
The Discovery Of The Traditional Orthodox Form Of...
Gnosticism can be defined as the mystical perception of knowledge and was considered
to be a heresy that was condemned by those who followed the traditional Orthodox form
of Christianity. In the second century the movement of Gnostic Christianity occurred; it
is also referred to as a Christian sect (Carus). Though people viewed Gnostic Christianity
as a sect, it has never been denied that Gnosticism is older than Christianity and the
relation and importance between the two groups have never been acknowledged
(Gnostic Discoveries). Since the discovery of texts found at Nag Hammadi which
presents Jesusas a Gnostic teacher, the connection between the two groups has grown
exponentially, and Paul Carus the author of The Monist even believes that Christianity
is a branch of Gnosticism. Marvin Meyer a professor of Bible and Christian studies,
has found that the discovery of the Gnostic texts allows scholars to get a deeper
understanding of Christian teachings and relate the findings to biblical texts (Gnostic
Discoveries). It is said that Gnosticism formed when early Christians did not agree with
the Old Testament and that Gnosticism was another way for them to understand Jesus
teachings, which is why there are differences between Orthodox beliefs and Gnostic
beliefs (Mansager). In Gnosticism, Jesus, instead of being looked at as a human, is
only looked at as a divine being and the divine being presents the key to reaching
salvation. In line 39 of the Gospelof Thomas it is
Using Aweighted Graph Of A Graph
INTRODUCTION we define a graph as a collection of a number of vertices and edges,
and each of its edge basically connects a pair of its vertices. Whereas a tree can be
defined as an acyclic graph that is connected. The edges of a graph are assigned with
some numerical valuethat may represent the distance between the vertices, the cost or the
time etc. that is why it is called aweighted graph. An acyclicgraph that is weightedis
known as a weighted tree. The minimum spanning tree(MST) in a weighted graph is
called aspanning tree. In this graph the sum of the weights of all the edges is minimum.
Multiple MST are present in a graph, but all of theseneedto have unique sum total
cost.The problem in constructing MST in an undirected, connected, weighted graph is
one of the most known classic optimization problems.Such problems can be solved by
greedy or dynamic algorithms within polynomial time.In 1926, first practical problem
related to the MST was identified by Boruvka. But now, there are several practically
relatedalternatives of the MST problem that were verified to belong to the NP hard
class. For an instance the Degree Constrained MST problem [2],Bounded Diameter MST
(BDMST) problem framed by the researchers named: Nghia and Binh [2], and the
Capacitated Minimum SpanningTree problem [2]. Another one called the deterministic
MST problem has also been well calculated and many effective algorithms have
beenintroduced by many researchers. However, the Kruskal s algorithm and
Hercules is thought to be one of the world s greatest hero. There are children s movies
about him, but they all have a happy ending. Hercules, originally born Heracles lived a
short cruel, yet heroic life. The 12 Herculean tasks he performed over a period of 12
years have been immortalized in everything from classical poetry to Garrison Keillor s
A Prairie Home Companion. (French 1). Hercules, in Greek mythology, was a hero
known for his strength and courage and for his legendary adventures. Hercules is the
Roman name for the Greek hero Heracles. He was the son of the god Zeus and a human
mother Alcmene, wife of the Theban general Amphitryon. Hera, Zeus jealous wife, was
determined to kill Hercules, and after Hercules was born, she... Show more content on
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As the renowned hero approached the flock, he made a noise with a great rattle. The
birds took flight, and Hercules, whose prowess as a marksman evidently equaled his
strength, was able to slay them as they flew.
The Cretan Bull. The Cretan bull was a magnificent but terrible brute owned by King
Minos of Crete. When it got out of control, Hercules was ordered to capture it. Once
again, having used his great strength and skill to advantage, Hercules entered the halls of
Eurystheus with a huge beast draped over his broad shoulders. The Horses of Diomedes.
Diomedes, the cruel king of Thrace, fed his horses on human flesh. They were swift,
beautiful beasts, but violent and difficult to restrain. Hercules was ordered to snatch them
from their owner.
He succeeded in capturing them, but Diomedes and his men pursued him. Hercules
turned on his pursuers. They fought, and he was victorious. He threw the body of
Diomedes to the horses. After they had eaten their master, they became tame, and
Hercules had no trouble leading them back to Eurystheus. The Girdle of Hippolyta.
Hippolyta was the queen of the Amazons, a band of warrior women whose reputation for
courage was untarnished.
Among the Amazons only female children were raised; the boys were either put to
death or given to neighboring tribes. Hercules was ordered to secure the girdle of the
warrior queen. Because of Hercules great reputation, Hippolyta received him with respect
Cardiovascular Disease (CVD)
Cardiovascular disease (CVD) is the leading cause of death and disability worldwide,
with conditions of atherosclerotic (e.g. coronary heart disease [CHD] and stroke)
origin representing roughly 80% of all cardiovascular (CV) death (Global Atlas on
Cardiovascular Disease Prevention and Control. Mendis S, Puska P, Norrving B
editors. World Health Organization, Geneva 2011). In the U.S. alone, the cost of CVD
and stroke is staggering with more than $320 billion (U.S. dollars) in both direct and
indirect cost (Mozaffarian D, Benjamin EJ, Go AS, et al. Circulation. 2015). In attempts
to change the current trajectory of CVD, considerable efforts have focused on reducing
modifiable risk factors, such as smoking, diet and exercise, and ... Show more content on
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One sensitivity analysis was conducted to evaluate a scenario where ezetimibe was
removed from therapy if not effective at getting patients to goal. For example, in
patients on atorvastatin 80 mg plus ezetimibe but not at goal, we removed ezetimibe
(with adjustments of a corresponding increase in LDL C) and added alirocumab
instead. Additionally, a separate sensitivity analyses was conducted to determine the
impact of lowering the LDL C goal to the achieved levels seen in the IMPROVE IT
study, 55 mg/dL. Finally, we also simulated a scenario which only allowed for
alirocumab if the LDL C was 75mg/dL. In other words, if oral intensification was
successful at achieving an LDL C 75 mg/dL, we made the assumption that most
physicians would think that level of attainment was sufficient in lieu of adding

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