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Memoirs Of A Geisha Essay

Crafting an essay on the theme of "Memoirs of a Geisha" can be quite challenging due to the
multifaceted nature of the subject matter. This topic demands a profound understanding of the novel,
as well as a keen awareness of the cultural and historical context in which it is set. Analyzing the
intricacies of the characters, delving into the nuances of the geisha culture, and deciphering the
underlying themes and motifs require not only a comprehensive comprehension of the book but also
a knack for insightful interpretation.

Moreover, addressing the socio-cultural aspects, such as the portrayal of women, the significance of
tradition, and the impact of historical events, adds an additional layer of complexity. Balancing
literary analysis with historical context and cultural sensitivity is a delicate task that necessitates
thorough research and critical thinking.

The challenge lies in presenting a unique perspective or argument that goes beyond surface-level
observations. Crafting a compelling thesis statement and supporting it with well-researched evidence
is pivotal in creating an essay that stands out. Moreover, maintaining a coherent structure and
ensuring a seamless flow of ideas further contributes to the difficulty.

In summary, composing an essay on the topic of "Memoirs of a Geisha" requires a deep

understanding of the novel, a nuanced grasp of cultural and historical contexts, and the ability to
synthesize information into a coherent and insightful piece. It demands a balance between literary
analysis and broader contextual considerations, making it a task that calls for both expertise and

For those seeking assistance with such essays or similar tasks, various resources are available,
including professional writing services like , where a range of essays and academic
writing can be ordered to meet specific requirements.
Memoirs Of A Geisha EssayMemoirs Of A Geisha Essay
Who Is Athena Brave
There s a lot of about Athena that makes her interesting, Athena is goddess of wisdom
and military. She is the creator of the flute and the trumpet and invented the bridle so
horses could be tamed. Athena was born from her father s head, fully grown and clothed
in armour. She is also Zeus s favorite child. She s the best out of all the goddesses
because she s intelligent, unique, and brave. Athenais indeed the best out of all the
goddesses because she is very intelligent. She planned strategies for many battles such
as the Trojan war. She inspired Odysseus and Epeios to build the wooden horse for the
Trojan war. She also helped Perseus on his quest to beat Medusa . She got him a shield
that he could use to see Meduse without him getting turned into stone. Athena even
helped Hercules on his task to defeat the Stymphalian Birds. Before Athena showed up
Hercules was having troubles defeating the birds. She than gave him bronze rattles to
use to scare the birds and from there hercules was able to kill some of the birds which
made his task complete . Athena helped many gods whenever they were in a difficult....
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Out of all of Zeus s children Athena was his favorite. With her being Zeus s favorite he
allowed her to wield the aegis and his thunderbolts. Athena s birth is something else
that also makes her unique. She was born from her father s head this is possible
because Zeus swallowed her mother Metis while she was pregnant. Zeus swallowed
her because he heard that she would have a son after athena and he would be more
powerful than Zeus and eventually overthrow him so he turned her into a fly and
swallowed her. That s how athena was able to have such an unique birth. Her being
Zeus s favorite child allowed her to do things that the other gods and goddesses wasn t
allowed to
The Economy Of Mexico s Macroeconomics
The economy of Mexico is the 15th largest in the world in nominal terms and the 11th
largest by purchasing power parity, according to the International Monetary Fund . Since
the 1994 crisis, administrations have improved the country s macroeconomic
Mexico was not significantly influenced by the recent 2002 South American crisis, and
maintained positive, although low, rates of growth after a brief period of stagnation in
2001. Mexico was one of the Latin American nations most affected by the 2008 recession
with its gross domestic product contracting by more than 6 percent. In spite of the
Mexican economy s unprecedented macroeconomic stability, which was reduced
inflation and interest rates to record lows and has increased
My Preferred Major Is Computer Science
My preferred major is computer science. Computer science is the act of coding and
other operations dealing with computer software. Computer science also deals with
knowing all or most languages of code such as Java, Python, or Linux. Along my path
to deciding that I wanted to major in computer science, I faced many obstacles and
was a part of many experiences that pushed me towards this field. Some events would
be as simple as my family designating me the honorary Tech Guy or my friends coming
to me for advice on their computers. Those things are what sparked my interest. Then
came my first coding class. It was one of the most difficult things I have ever done and
it was so immense. So many commands and combinations and it just didn t seem to
make sense. But then I realized, it was made by someone. People have a knack for
creating patterns. It is how the humanbrain works, we take all the large amount of data
that is thrown at our brains and then we make shortcuts like seeing patterns. So that s
what humans did to the machines. We gave them the same mindset. So I started noticing
shortcuts in the data and patterns and soon everything started to click.
I know I am a good match for computer science because of my mindset. I am very
logical and my mind appeals to common sense, which coding kind of revolves around. I
have a love for technology. The abilities Man has gained just from a few steel and
plastic clumps with electricity in them. It really is amazing to me. Also, I
The Development And Evaluation Of Januvia Essay
The development and evaluation of Januvia® (Sitagliptin Phosphate) are illustrative
of the activities that are needed to assess the efficacy, safety and effectiveness of a
new product for treating type 2 diabetes milieus. It is the first drug of dipeptidyl
peptidase 4 (DPP 4) inhibitors class that is approved as an adjunct to diet and exercise
to improve the glycemic control.1 Januvia was developed by Merck Research
Laboratories and received the FDA approval on 16 October 2006.2 Preclinical/Animal
study: The animal study of MK 0431, the code name for Sitagliptin in early
development phase, was done in mice, rat, and dog. Maximum recommended daily
adult human dose (MRHD) of Sitagliptin was found 100mg/day and NOAEL 50mg/kg
based on dog study.3 Two years of carcinogenic study was conducted on mice and rat.
In rat, liver adenoma/carcinoma has been seen at 60 times of MHRD. This is
probably due to chronic hepatotoxicity of the drug. No tumor incidence was observed
in case of mice up to 70 times of MHRD. Both in vitro assay and in vivo mice assay
was not suggestive of mutagenic and clastogenic nature of MK 0431. Fertility adverse
effect was also not at 12 times of MHRD)3 and Sitagliptin was labeled as pregnancy
category B.4 Based on these preclinical studies on animal, Merck submitted their
Investigational New Drug (IND 65, 495) application to FDA was on August 2002.4
Phase I: Phase I of Sitagliptin study was done on 33 volunteer humans. Following 100mg
of Sitagliptin oral
An Analysis of Harry Brown
Gangsterism is typically defined as the culture of gangs. A definition of what is a
gang varies from countries to countries. However, usually gang is attributed to
criminal street gang or neighborhood based street gangs. They are composed of
teenagers ranging from ages to 16 to 21 years old. Also, they are commonly involved
in many crimes such as armed robbery, assault, auto theft, trafficking, fraud, murder,
etc. Because of these behavioral acts among the gangs, they are generally considered
to be criminals or deviant by most of the society. Moreover, gangs are drug
distributors. They are used by drug syndicate to deliver illegal drugs such as the
marijuana or cocaine or they even become users of it. The world of gangsterism is
definitely a harsh and dangerous one. But, how come that there are teenagers who are
attracted to join a gang? Why would they choose to be in a group where they have no
future at all? There are many reasons why these people choose to be this way. First,
they find protection. One of the reasons why a person would join a gang is for him/her
to find a group that will protect him/her. A gang is very much bounded by brotherhood.
Everyone is willing to help each other. Also, what is the business of one is the business
of all. Second, they find self worth. He/She thinks that joining a gang is cool. Usually,
members of gang wear baggy pants, big and loose t shirts, and bling blings. Some also
wear tattoo. They might find it interesting and attractive which
How Technology Has Changed The World
What has changed in skateboarding photography since the 1960s, what technology has
helped make these changes and how has the technique of skateboarding photography
been altered over the years? Despite what most people think skateboarding
photography is an extremely difficult and artistic form that requires not only does the
talents of skilled photographers but it also requires the knowledge of a skateboarder to
know how these photos should look. In the 1960s skateboarding was hardly seen let
alone photographed, but in todays society skateboarding has become one of the most
popular action sports in the world. The rise in popularity of skateboarding has opened
the door for photographers to not only capture these amazing feats of athleticism, but to
also have a stable career. In this research paper I will discuss how the change in
photographic technology and technique has helped advance skateboarding photography
from the1960s to today.

Even though the first skateboard was made in the 1950s, the skateboarding industry
didn t start to mass produce skateboards until the 1960s when the metal skateboard
wheel was replaced by the clay skateboard wheel. (Tony Owen, 2013) With the
skateboarding industry being so small (In comparison to todays skateboarding industry)
the need for skateboarding photographers was almost none existent. In fact, the majority
of photos taken of skateboarding in the 1960s look as if they were taken over the course
of a few days. Skateboarding photography in
Seinfeld Trip Part 1 And 2
Seinfeld: The Trip, Part 1 and 2 (Season 4, Episode 1 and 2) Seinfeld is a television
sitcom, created by Larry David and Jerry Seinfeld, that ran for nine seasons on NBC
from 1989 to 1998. The sitcom is set in Manhattan s Upper West Side in New York City.
The show revolves around a comedian named Jerome Seinfeld, who goes by Jerry. It
features many of his friends; including Elaine Bennis, George Costanza, and Cosmo
Kramer (who goes by his last name).
This two part episode depicts various storylines. The main story describes Jerry s trip to
Los Angeles. Jerry recruits his friend, George, to accompany him on a work trip. Prior
to the trip, Kramer, Jerry s neighbor, had left already to Los Angeles to pursue a life
long dream of becoming an ... Show more content on ...
Kramer walks up to the table, looks down at Fred and says, Oh did I frighten you? I m
not crazy, I may look weird, but I m just like you, I m just like you, just a guy trying to
make it in this business. Kramer is White and Jewish with a dark complexion,
compared to the rest of the cast. He has puffy curly black hair and at first glance,
seems ethnically ambiguous. It s unclear what exactly this quote means. Kramer has a
history of being an eccentric character who has very spastic movements. This quote
could refer to specifically his movements which are startling to Fred. However, his
words I may look weird addresses his looks and not his movements. Provided that he is
darker looking, the idea of Kramer saying I may look weird but I m just like you
makes it seem like he s compared his appearance and Fred Savage s appearance. Fred is
very clearly White. Because of this, this quote looks like Kramer is acknowledging the
differences in appearances and speaks in an apologetic manner; attempting to dilute the
fear that Fred seemed to have, when approached by Kramer. There seems to be a hint that
notes a racial inequality in the entertainment industry and a hint that notes Fred Savage s

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