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i n t e r n a t i o n a l j o u r n a l o f h y d r o g e n e n e r g y 4 8 ( 2 0 2 3 ) 1 2 4 6 1 e1 2 4 7 3

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Modeling of cooperative defect transport and

thermal mismatch in a planar solid oxide fuel cell

Sen Yang a, Yongjun Lu a,1, Bingbing Liu a,b, Qi Che a, Fenghui Wang a,*
Bio-inspired and Advanced Energy Research Center, Department of Engineering Mechanics, Northwestern
Polytechnical University, Xi'an, Shaanxi 710129, China
Huawei Digital Power Technologies Co., Ltd, Xi'an, Shaanxi 710129, China

highlights graphical abstract

model of SOFC considering defect
diffusion is proposed.
 Defect diffusion relieves bending
of the overall multilayer structure.
 The cathode stress convert
compressive to high tension stress
during defect transport.
 Oxygen partial pressure is the
critical parameter for the overall
stress level.

article info abstract

Article history: Mixed ionic-electronic conducting (MIEC) membranes are widely applied as cathode ma-
Received 15 September 2022 terial in solid oxide fuel cells (SOFCs). Nonetheless, the chemical expansion of an MIEC
Received in revised form membrane caused by point defects (oxygen vacancies and small polarons) during oxygen
26 November 2022 transport induces cell failure. In this study, a multilayer thermo-chemical-mechanical
Accepted 8 December 2022 model was proposed to consider defect diffusion under sudden changes in the cathode
Available online 4 January 2023 atmosphere, thermal expansion mismatch, and mechanical bending deformation. Under
the set boundary conditions, the overall structural curvature of the multilayer system was
Keywords: relieved when the cathode was subjected to a high tensile stress. The influences of relevant
Planar solid oxide fuel cell parameters on the transient stress field were also investigated, and the overall stress of the
Defect diffusion multilayer structure decreased significantly when the oxygen partial pressure in the inlet
Transient stress distribution channel was constrained. Reducing the sintering temperature and chemical expansion
Thermo-chemo-mechanical coefficient could improve the reliability of the planar SOFC. In addition, the effect of con-
coupling straints in different directions on the multilayer system stresses is also investigated. This
study provides theoretical support for use in designing the stabilities and gas supply
strategies of planar solid fuel cells.
© 2022 Hydrogen Energy Publications LLC. Published by Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

* Corresponding author.
E-mail address: (F. Wang).
These authors contributed to the work equally and should be regarded as co-first authors.
0360-3199/© 2022 Hydrogen Energy Publications LLC. Published by Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
12462 i n t e r n a t i o n a l j o u r n a l o f h y d r o g e n e n e r g y 4 8 ( 2 0 2 3 ) 1 2 4 6 1 e1 2 4 7 3

1) The concentration of oxygen vacancy is a function of ox-

Introduction ygen partial pressure (PO2 ), and temperature [25], and
changes continuously as the SOFC system begins to heat
Solid oxide fuel cells (SOFCs) have drawn significant attention up and cool down.
owing to their attractive features such as environmental 2) When the atmosphere on one side of the electrode sud-
friendliness, high conversion efficiencies, and diverse sizes denly changes [26], which causes a sudden change in the
[1e3]. The factors hindering the commercialization of SOFCs concentration of point defects. The point defects gradually
from design and manufacturing to operation have been diffuse uniformly in the cathode, its concentration
investigated extensively, including their carbon depositions/ constantly changes, and it causes a continuously changing
gas poisoning [4,5], thermal mismatches [6,7], redox stabilities chemical stress distribution (transient chemical stress
[8,9], and active metal migrations [10e12]. Meanwhile, chem- distribution) in the electrode.
ical expansion during the operation of SOFCs has received
considerable attention. Mixed ionic-electronic conducting Therefore, transient chemical stress is vital in electrode
membranes, which are cathode/electrolyte materials used in stability [27]. In an investigation by Euser et al. [28,29], the
SOFCs, undergo a series of defects reactions when storing and transient chemical stresses in membranes were studied by
transporting oxygen. The valence of the cations (small po- the expanding Nernst-Planck-Poisson (NPP) equation, and the
larons) change, and oxygen vacancies are formed, which in- stress varied considerably with time during defect diffusion.
duces chemical expansion [13e15]. The damage to the cell The PO2 on one side of a membrane suddenly changes, and the
caused by the resulting chemical stress cannot be membrane likely to fail or be damaged. However, studies have
underestimated. only considered defect diffusion in investigating the distri-
To our knowledge, one potentially efficient strategy to bution of transient chemical stress within membranes, and
resolve chemical expansion is the development of novel ma- the effects of transient chemical stresses on the multilayer
terials, e.g., the recently proposed ceria-based heterostructure structure of planar SOFCs have received little attention.
composites [16] that may overcome the limitations of the A thermal stress analysis model based on a multi-layer
electrolyte, and the developed Ruddlesden-Popper perovskite elastic system has been established [30] and was well
(Anþ1BnO3nþ1) [17], which exhibits an oxygen-storage capacity applied to determine the thermal residual stress distributions
beyond that of a conventional perovskite, in addition to rela- within planar SOFCs. Meanwhile, a model may be used to
tively stable chemical expansion. The other solution is to determine the stress-strain field and change in curvature, and
construct a mathematical model of the chemical expansion of structural optimize the PEN structure [31e33]. Therefore,
the cell to evaluate and control the parameters under the adding the contribution of the chemical stress term to extend
operating conditions. Regarding the second solution, Atkinson the original model is necessary to analyze the distribution of
et al. [18,19] quantified the chemically induced stresses in transient chemical stress in a multi-layer system under defect
SOFC electrolytes caused by defects in doped ceria. However, diffusion. The internal stress field of the cathode under a
owing to the complex operating conditions of SOFCs, multiple sudden change in atmosphere may thus be investigated.
physical stress fields interact strongly with each other, and In this study, a multi-layer thermo-chemical-mechanical
thus, in addition to chemical stresses, other physical factors model is proposed, considering the defect diffusion under
were also considered. In the most advanced study, Jin et al. sudden changes in the cathode atmosphere, residual thermal
[20] established a microscopic model, which coupled chemi- stress during fabricating period, and mechanical deformation
cal, thermal, and structural stresses. Chemical stress signifi- during structural bending. The purpose is to describe the
cantly influenced the stability of the electrolyte/cathode instantaneous stress field under realistic conditions and pro-
interface. In this model, the constraints of the anode layer on vide suggestions for use in designing and manufacturing
the interface between the cathode and electrolyte were not planar SOFCs.
considered, and the analytical process was regarded as a
steady-state process. In another study [21], the chemical
stress distribution in a positive-electrolyte-negative (PEN) Theory/calculation
button battery was analyzed, and this model was still based
on a steady-state analysis. In addition, as an essential factor Researchers have conducted detailed studies regarding cath-
leading to structural failure, the thermal mismatch stress was ode materials with high mixed ionic-electronic conductivities,
not considered, and thus, the analyzed stress field was not the from the original fluorite-ceria to the current perovskite.
working state. Dubois et al. [22] developed a model of 2D Notably, the chemical expansion coefficient of the perovskite
protonic-ceramic button fuel cell, that coupled chemo- is generally an order of magnitude lower than that of fluorite-
thermo-mechanical stress. Furthermore, Wu et al. [23] ceria [13]. Typical perovskite oxides include
considered the chemo-electro-thermo-mechanical stress of a Lax Sr1x Co1y Fey O3d (LSCF), Bax Sr1x Co1y Fey O3d (BSCF), and
3D model of a button SOFC during the fabricating and opera- Lax Sr1x MnO3 (LSM). They are the optimal candidates for use
tion. Lenser et al. [24] investigated the electro-chemo- in cathode materials for application in SOFCs, but, the doping
mechanical stresses in fuel cells and electrolysis modes levels of these mixed materials lead to changes in the elec-
based on defects in doped ceria. trochemical and mechanical performances. LSCF exhibits a
Chemical stress is a transient-to-steady-state process, superior electrical performance in cathodes compared to that
which is reflected in the start-stop process of SOFCs. of LSM owing to its higher ionic and electronic conductivities
i n t e r n a t i o n a l j o u r n a l o f h y d r o g e n e n e r g y 4 8 ( 2 0 2 3 ) 1 2 4 6 1 e1 2 4 7 3 12463

[17,34,35]. In addition, LSCF displays a higher stability at

500e800  C than that of the BSCF cathode [36e38]. In addition,      
BB L þ BB L þ B0B ¼ 1 (3)
the thermo-kinetic parameters and stability of LSCF also vary
with different Fe/Co ratios. According to an experimental     
VO L þ O
O L ¼3 (4)
study, the doping of Fe into the material may inhibit the
mobility of Co, enabling superior bonding of the material with        
BB L þ 2 VO L ¼ Sr0La L þ B0B L (5)
the electrolyte during sintering and reducing the coefficient of
thermal expansion. Consequently, Fe-rich compounds exhibit In these formulations, the concentration unit (½Xk L ) of each
stronger stabilities than those of Co-rich compounds [39]. ion is the lattice unit, which is related to the molar concen-
Furthermore, Y2O3 stabilized ZrO2 (YSZ) and LSCF react tration unit (½Xk ) as follows:
extensively at the interface to generate La2Zr2O7, SrZrO3, and 
spinel phases, reducing the chemical stability and electro- ½Xk  ¼ ½Xk L VM (6)
chemical performance of the SOFC after long-term operation The molar volume of LSCF6428, VM , is 3.3  10 m mol1
5 3

[38,40]. Gd-doped ceria (GDC) may be used to replace YSZ as an [21]. The defect concentrations of ½Sr0La L and ½VO L are assumed
electrolyte in SOFCs. Therefore, La0:6 Sr0:4 Co0:2 Fe0:8 O3d as equal to the doping level. That ½Sr0La L ¼ 0:4 and the non-
(LSCF6428) and GDC were used as the respective cathode and
stoichiometric oxygen vacancy concentration ½VO L ¼ d.
electrolyte materials in the analytical calculations in this
The equilibrium constants of the two reactions Eqs. (1) and
study as conclusion.
(2) are indicated in the form of the Gibbs free energies as
Model assumption
    0 2  
OO L B B L DH0i  TDS0i
Before conducting the simulation, some assumptions were Ki ¼    2
¼ exp  (7)
made as shown below:
1. The materials for planar SOFCs are homogeneous and BB L BB L DH0d  TDS0d
Kd ¼   2 ¼ exp  (8)
isotropic, and comply with linear elasticity theory. BB L RT
2. The planar SOFCs are in a start-stop process (Gas supply
In Eqs. (7) and (8), DH0 and DS0 represent the standard en-
changing: N2 4 Air). The effect of applied cell voltage on
tropy and enthalpy changes of the two reactions, respectively.
the oxygen vacancy distribution is neglected [41].
R is the gas constant with the value of 8.314 J mol1K1 and T is
3. The PO2 is imposed at the cathode/air channel interface,
the temperature. Associating Eqs. (3)e(8), the functional rela-
and the effects of gas-phase flow is not considered [42,43].
tionship PO2 ¼ f ðd; TÞ is obtained. The standard enthalpy and
4. Chemical expansion of the electrolyte and anode at equi-
entropy were gained from the experimental data [47,49]. They
librium is not considered [24,44].
are then substituted into the equations. It should be stated
here that the experimental sample is LSCF6428 with a
Lanthanum vacancy (from an intentional 0.5% A-site defi-
Defect equilibrium model of LSCF6428
ciency) [47]. Table 1 shows the changes in the standard en-
thalpies and entropies changes obtained via fitting. The
During oxygen transport, LSCF6428 undergoes different defect
concentration of three mobile charge-carrying defects at a
reactions internally and many different defect equilibria
steady-state thus be obtained and used as the boundary
models have been investigated, including metallic, and itin-
condition for the defect transport model.
erant or small polaron which belong to semiconductor models
[45,46]. Semiconductor models that have received more
Defect transport model
attention are analyzed in this study [47]. Furthermore,
The conservation equation governing the concentration of the
although Co is more reactive than Fe ions, the Fe content
charged defect is:
within LSCF6428 is higher than the Co content, and thus, Co
and Fe are involved in the defect reactions [48]. The Co and Fe v½Xk 
þ V,Jk ¼ Q (9)
ions occurred in three states (Co2þ, Co3þ, and Co4þ; Fe2þ, Fe3þ, vt
and Fe4þ). The ratio of these two metals involved in the re- ½Xk  are the molar concentration of defects, and t is time. Jk
action is unclear, and B-sites were used instead of Fe and Co. represents the molar flux of the defects, and Q is a source
The incorporation Eq. (1) and the disproportionation reaction term, which is not considered in the following analysis. B
B and
shown in Eq. (2) are expressed in Kro € ge-Vink notation as:
OO are regarded as immobile. Hence, they remain
O2 ðgÞ þ VO þ 2B  
B #OO þ 2BB (1)
Table 1 e Thermodynamic parameters of
2B  0
B #BB þ BB (2) La0:6 Sr0:4 Co0:2 Fe0:8 O3d [47].
In the defects reactions of LSCF6428, the charge equilib- DH0 kJ mol1 DS0 J mol1 K1
rium conditions, oxygen sites, and B-site equilibrium condi- Ki 111 64.5
tions are given by Eqs. (3)e(5), as follows: Kd 19.3 37.3
12464 i n t e r n a t i o n a l j o u r n a l o f h y d r o g e n e n e r g y 4 8 ( 2 0 2 3 ) 1 2 4 6 1 e1 2 4 7 3

Fig. 1 e Principle of chemical expansion via defect diffusion.

electroneutral. The molar flux of defects could be expressed

using the equation as

Jk ¼ uk ½Xk Vmk (10)

where uk and m ~ k represent the species mobilities and electro-

chemical potential, respectively. uk is related to the defect
diffusion coefficient, and m ~ k consists of the standard-state
chemical potential m+k , electrostatic potential F, hydrostatic
stress sh , number of charges for defects zk (z½VO  ¼ þ 2;z½BB  ¼ þ 1;
z½B0B  ¼  1) and the Vegard constant of chemical expansion bk .

uk ¼ (11)

~ k ¼ m+k þ RT ln½XK  þ zk FF  3bk sh

m (12)

bk is assumed as independent of the species concentration

[28]. The chemical expansion coefficient of the molar unit is Fig. 2 e Total conductivity of LSCF6428 as a function of
related to that of the lattice unit, as indicated by b½VO  ¼ oxygen partial pressures at different temperatures.
bL½V  VM . Notably, chemical expansion results from a combi-

nation of lattice contraction around oxygen vacancies and energy Ek , and correction factors ak and єk (see Fig. 1). These
lattice expansion due to cation radius changes, ultimately parameters can be derived by fitting the experimental con-
resulting in a net expansion. Nevertheless, there is not enough ductivity data [51] using 1stOpt 9.0 (7D-Soft High Technology,
information to assess the contribution of each defect indi- Beijing, China), and the D+k and Ek values of the small polarons
vidually [29,50]. Thus, it is assumed that the net chemical were constrained based on their physical definitions. The
expansion is related to oxygen vacancy concentration and parameters of the diffusion coefficient of the oxygen va-
b½BB  ¼ b½B0B  ¼ 0. cancies were obtained from Tan et al. [52], the fitting results
According to basic mechanical theory, the hydrostatic are demonstrated in Fig. 2, and the defect transport parame-
stress can be expressed as: ters derived from the conductivity are shown in Table 2.
The fitting results are expressed using Eq. (16).
sh ¼ sxx þ syy þ szz (13)
3 Xz2 F2 ½Xk 
s¼ k
Dk (16)
The extended Nernst-Planck flux is expressed as: k

zk F½Xk  3b ½Xk  F an the local charge density re can be formulated in the form
Jk ¼ Dk V½XK   Dk VF þ k Dk Vsh (14) of Poisson's equation as:
Ek þ єk d V , ðεr ε0 VFÞ ¼  re ¼  F k¼1 zk ½Xk  (17)
Dk ¼ D+k ð1 þ ak dÞexp  (15)
The defect diffusion coefficient Dk shown in Eq. (14) is V , i ¼ F k¼1 zk Jk (18)
expressed using the pre-exponential factor D+k , activation
i n t e r n a t i o n a l j o u r n a l o f h y d r o g e n e n e r g y 4 8 ( 2 0 2 3 ) 1 2 4 6 1 e1 2 4 7 3 12465

The system exhibits a planar geometry, and thus, sxx ¼ syy

Table 2 e La0:6 Sr0:4 Co0:2 Fe0:8 O3d defect transport
parameters. and szz ¼ 0. Layer i of the system contains a normal stress that
 can be formulated as:
Dk ðm2 s1 Þ Ek ðkJmol1 Þ ak εk ðkJmol1 Þ
VO$$ 1.58  106 [52] 73.60 [52] 0 0 X
sxx:i ¼ syy:i ¼ E*i ε  ai DT  ðbk D½Xk Þi (20)
B$B 5:08  105 24.98 - 4.19 - 63.97
B;B 2:50  106 - 3.60 - 5.48 62.95
where D½Xk  ¼ ½Xk   ½Xk 0 and ½Xk 0 is the reference defect
concentrations, assuming that the oxygen vacancy concen-
εr and ε0 are the relative permittivity and vacuum permittivity,
tration at PO2 ¼ 0:21 atm is the reference defect concentration
respectively. Solving Poisson's equation, a strictly electrically
neutral boundary condition is deemed imposed at the cath- [55]. E*i is the biaxial modulus, which is expressed as E*i ¼
P Ei =ð1  mi Þ, where mi is Poisson's ratio. ai is the coefficient of
ode/electrolyte interface ( kk¼1 zk ½Xk  ¼ 0).
thermal expansion of each layer of the material.
In the multilayer elastic system, the stress-strain distribu-
Thermal-mechanical model
tion may be determined by three parameters: ε0 , zb , and r.
These parameters are solved in the three boundary conditions
The elastic multilayer system is shown in Fig. 3. Planar SOFCs
without constrains as follows:
are considered the elastic multilayer system, the thickness of
each layer is indicated by ti , and the subscript i denotes the ZHi !
Xn X
number of layers varying from one to n. The coordinate sys-
E*i ε0  ai DT  ðbk D½Xk Þi dz ¼ 0 (21)
tem is defined on the lower surface of the first layer, where Hi1
z; ¼ 0, with the relationship defined as: Hi ¼ ij¼1 ti ði ¼ 1  nÞ,
and thus, on the outermost surface, z ¼ Hn . Suppose the Xn ZHi
z  zb
multilayer system is stress-free state at the sintering tem- dz ¼ 0 (22)
i¼1 r
perature [53,54], when thermal and transient chemical Hi1

stresses occur under a sudden shifts in the oxygen partial

pressure on sides of the cathode at the operating temperature, Xn ZHi
in order to maintain displacement compatibility and conti- i¼1
sxx;i ðz  zb Þdz ¼ 0 (23)
nuity of the structure, the system buckles. In the multilayer Hi1

system, the total strain ε may comprise the respective uniform

The three parameters are obtained as follows:
strain and bending strain ε0 and εb . Hence, the total strain ε in
Z !
the multilayer system can be depicted as: Pn Hi X
i¼1 E*i ai DT þ ðbk D½Xk Þi
z  zb ε0 ¼
ε ¼ ε0 þ εb ¼ ε0 þ (19) *
r i¼1 Ei ti

In Eq. (19), r is the radius of curvature, zb is the location of Pn *

the neutral axis. i¼1 Ei ti ð2Hi1 þ ti Þ
zb ¼ P (25)
2 ni¼1 E*i ti

Z !
Pn Hi X
3 i¼1 E*i ai DT þ ðbk D½Xk Þi  ε0 ðz  zb Þ
1 Hi1 k
¼ Pn *
r i¼1 Ei t3i þ 3t2i Hi1  zb þ 3ti Hi1  zb

The mechanical parameters of the composites are ob-

tained via the following calculations [56,57]:

Ki ¼ (27)
3ð1  2mi Þ

KNiGDC ¼ KGDC þ (28)
1=ðKNi  KGDC Þ þ 342 =ð3KGDC þ 4GGDC Þ

1=ðGNi  GGDC Þ þ 642 ð3KGDC þ 2GGDC Þ=½5GGDC ð3KGDC þ 4GGDC Þ

ENiGDC ¼ (30)

aNi 4Ni KNi þ aGDC 4GDC KGDC

aNiGDC ¼ (31)
Fig. 3 e Schematic diagram of the multi-layer structure. 4Ni KNi þ 4GDC KGDC
12466 i n t e r n a t i o n a l j o u r n a l o f h y d r o g e n e n e r g y 4 8 ( 2 0 2 3 ) 1 2 4 6 1 e1 2 4 7 3

decrease as PO2 increases, whereas the trend of the concen-

Table 3 e Properties of electrode materials.
tration of ½BB L reveals the opposite. Meanwhile, comparing
Anode Cathode Electrolyte Ni the results of the ½VO L of LSCF6482 [28], increasing the doping
(Ni/GDC) (LSCF6428) (GDC)
ratio of Fe would enhance its stability. Fig. 4 (b) shows the
Elastic modulus 201.7 152 [58] 187 [59] 219 [57] predicted non-stoichiometry oxygen vacancy concentrations
at different PO2 values compared with experimental data [47].
Poisson's ratio m 0.324 0.32 [58] 0.334 [21] 0.313
The defect equilibrium model predictions are relatively small
TEC að106 =KÞ 14.95 15.3 [60] 12.63 [61,62] 16.5
ta ; tc ; te ðmmÞ 400 30 10 e compared to the experimental results, but the deviation is
within 5%. It is mainly due to the charge neutrality equations
in the model do not consider the A-site deficiency.
where Ki is the bulk modulus of material i, 4i denotes the The calculated concentrations of charged defects at
volume fraction of material i. E and G are the respective different PO2 values were imposed at the cathode/air and
modulus of elasticity and shear modulus of the material. The cathode/electrolyte interfaces as the boundary conditions in
volume fractions of Ni and GDC are assumed to be 1:1. Previ- defect diffusion. This is a conceivable assumption based on
ously studied material properties are listed in Table 3. the experiment [26], with the introduction of N2 during heat-
ing, and the PO2 values at the cathode/air and cathode/elec-
Constraint conditions trolyte interfaces are extremely low at approximately
104 atm during this period. The three mobile charge-carrying
In practice, planar SOFCs are constrained by current collectors defects within the cathode are: ½VO L ¼ 0:11656, ½BB L ¼
and seals [24]. Three cases, in terms of constraints, were 0:17198, and ½B0B L ¼ 0:0051, which a considered as reference
considered in this study: concentrations. When heated to a pre-set temperature, N2
stops at inlet and oxygen is injected, and the PO2 at the cath-
Case 1. The current collector prevents the bending of the ode/air interface could change abruptly to 0.21 atm. The
multilayer structure (1/r ¼ 0). Tape-casted sealant may deform concentrations of charged defects at the cathode/air interface
and accommodate this difference [63]. suddenly become: ½VO L ¼ 0:01047, ½BB L ¼ 0:38036, and ½B0B L ¼
0:0013, and the boundary conditions are fixed during the
Case 2. The rigid seal constrains the multilayer structure, analysis.
wherein the cell may not move laterally, but may bent (ε0 ¼ 0). Fig. 5 demonstrates the distributions of the three mobile
The collectors are ductile materials, such as Au rings [64]. charged-carrying defects concentrations and the electrostatic
potential with time at the cathode. Significantly, the diffusion
Case 3. Rigid current collectors and seals act together on a of defects in the cathode reaches equilibrium at approxi-
multi-layer structure (1/r ¼ 0, ε0 ¼ 0). mately 0.4 s. At 0.005e0.01 s, a high defect concentration
gradient is observed at approximately 5e10 mm from the
cathode/air interface. After 0.05 s, the defect diffusion rate
within the cathode slows, and the defect diffusion reaches
Results and discussion basically a steady state from 0.1 to 0.4 s, the defect diffusion
basically reaches the steady-state. The direction of ½BB  diffu-
Transport of charged defects sion is from the cathode/air interface (high PO2 ) to the cathode/
electrolyte interface (low PO2 ), whereas ½VO  and ½B0B  diffuse in
The relationship between PO2 and equilibrium defect con- the opposite direction, as shown in Fig. 5(aec). Notably,
centrations for LSCF6428 are obtained based on Eqs. (3)e(8), as although the defect diffusion coefficients of ½BB  and ½B0B  are
indicated in Fig. 4 (a). The concentrations of ½B0B L and ½VO L three or four orders of magnitude larger than that of ½VO , the

Fig. 4 e (a) Model-predicted equilibrium defect concentrations for LSCF6428 at 1073.2 K. (b) Model-predicted non-
stoichiometry oxygen vacancy concentrations vs experimental data.
i n t e r n a t i o n a l j o u r n a l o f h y d r o g e n e n e r g y 4 8 ( 2 0 2 3 ) 1 2 4 6 1 e1 2 4 7 3 12467

Fig. 5 e The concentrations of charged defects and electrostatic potential transient profiles after the cell is suddenly started:
(a) VO L , (b) BB L , (c) B'B L , and (d) F.

time scales of diffusion during defect transport are similar. interface is large, and the cathode is easily damaged. As
Therefore, the electrostatic potential strongly promotes the defect diffusion is completed, the oxygen vacancy concen-
diffusion of oxygen vacancies. tration within the cathode gradually becomes uniform, and
the external stress reaches to 70.0 MPa. Brittle materials are
Stress distribution and variation sensitive to a high tensile stress, which could occur potential
problems. The calculation assumes a stress-free temperature
The hydrostatic stress in each layer of the planar SOFC also of 1100  C [62,65].
varies with time during defect diffusion, and the variation of Although the cathode stress reaches the characteristic
in the stress in each layer with time is shown in Fig. 6 (aec). At fracture strength of LSCF6428 [66], it does not represent the
the beginning of defect diffusion, the anode substrate is stress level under the operating conditions: 1) PO2 is fixed at
slightly compressed, and the anode is subjected to tensile the interface, and is not real PO2 under the operating condi-
stress at the interface between the anode and electrolyte. As tions. 2) This is a transient analysis, and the oxygen vacancies
diffusion proceeds, the shrinkage of the cathode layer reduces diffuse into the electrolyte after the steady-state is reached.
the curvature of the multilayer structure, thereby partially Meanwhile, Fig. 6 (d) shows that the chemical stress caused by
releasing the stress in the anode. At the steady-state, the hy- the charged defects could reduce the bending of the multi-
drostatic tensile stress decreases to 53.5 MPa at the anode- layer system. Hence, chemical stress may induce fracturing
electrolyte interface, and the stress gradient in the electro- and damage the cathode material, yet it is beneficial for the
lyte is small owing to its thickness. After defect transport, the stability of the entire multilayer system.
compressive stress on the electrolyte increases from 53.8 to
approximately 79.9 MPa, and thus, the diffusion of defects Model validation
aggravates the compression of the electrolyte layer. The stress
relationship in the cathode layer exhibits a high degree of The proposed transient thermochemical-mechanical model is
nonlinearity owing to charged defects. At 0 s, compression validated and compared with the modeling results of similar
acts on the inner and outer interfaces of the cathode due to SOFCs in the cited references. The results are subject to de-
thermal expansion, uniform stress, and bending stresses. viations due to differences in geometry, reference tempera-
After a sudden change in PO2 on the exterior, the oxygen va- ture, and operating conditions of similar models, but these
cancy concentration decreases rapidly, and the exterior deviations are within acceptable limits. Therefore, the com-
shrinks under tension. In the initial 0e0.02s of defect diffu- parison of the results is accompanied by remarks on the
sion, the stress gradient at 5e10 mm from the cathode-air conditions, and all the configurations are listed in Table 4.
12468 i n t e r n a t i o n a l j o u r n a l o f h y d r o g e n e n e r g y 4 8 ( 2 0 2 3 ) 1 2 4 6 1 e1 2 4 7 3

Fig. 6 e Variation of stress distribution and structural curvature with defect diffusion in planar SOFC: (a) Anode layer; (b)
Electrolyte layer; (c) Cathode layer; (d) structural curvature.

Table 4 e Comparison of simulation results for planar SOFCs against literature data.
This study Zhang et al. [33] Wu et al. [23] Euser et al. [28,29]

Stress-free temperature ( C) 1100e1200 1360 e e
Chemical expansion (m3 mol1 ) 7.11  107 e 8.15  107 8.15  107
Geometry Multilayer Multilayer Button-cell Single layer
Conditions Transient-state Steady-state Steady-state Transient-state
Cathode stress (MPa) 250e60 50 -1e10 330e15

Parameter study Case 1. The three layers are sintered at 1100  C [62].

The commercialization of a planar SOFC requires a good bal- Case 2. The anode and electrolyte are co-fired at 1100  C, and
ance between the electrochemical performance and struc- the entire cathode is calcinated at 1200  C [56,67].
tural stability. During stress field analysis, the sintering
(stress-free) temperature of the SOFC mainly affects its re- Fig. 7 indicates the influence of the sintering temperature
sidual thermal stress, resulting in the different chemical on the stress distribution. The cathode in Case 1 is subjected
expansion coefficients for the same material reported in the to an intense compressive stress of approximately 259.2 MPa
literature and different PO2 values under the operating condi- with no defect diffusion. However, when the sintering tem-
tions. Optimizing these parameters may improve the stability, perature is increased to 1200  C, the stress at the cathode
durability, and integrity of the SOFC during start/stop or converts to a low level of compressive stress. Therefore, the
extreme conditions. sintering temperature significantly affects the initial stress
distribution. When defect diffusion commences, the inter-
Effect of sintering temperature acting thermal and chemical stresses determine whether the
The mismatch in the thermal expansion coefficient of each strains within the cathode are under tension or compression.
electrode layer causes different shrinkages during cooling A lower sintering temperature can significantly reduce the
after sintering, and residual thermal stress is generated in tensile stress within the cathode, mainly because a higher
each layer. The two cases considered are as follows: stress-free temperature causes the cathode to shrink to a
i n t e r n a t i o n a l j o u r n a l o f h y d r o g e n e n e r g y 4 8 ( 2 0 2 3 ) 1 2 4 6 1 e1 2 4 7 3 12469

Fig. 7 e Effects of stress-free temperature: (a) the stress of each layer of cell at t ¼ 0.4s; (b) structure curvature at different
stress-free temperature.

larger extent at the operating temperature. The electrolyte is seen the stress levels within the cathode may be efficiently
subjected to a more significant compressive stress to ensure reduced by decreasing PO2 at the cathode/air interface. When
the continuity and integrity of the interface. As shown in Fig. 7 PO2 in the inlet channel is altered to 0.01 atm, the stress within
(b), with the defect diffusion, the Case 2, the high stress-free the internal cathode shifts from tension to compression, which
temperature experienced a reversal of curvature. Although a is critical in the safe operation of the SOFC. However, lowering
higher stress-free temperature implies a decrease in curva- PO2 at the inlet channel should inevitably impact on the elec-
ture [68], which contributes to the stability of that overall trochemical performance of the SOFC, and thus, the advan-
multilayer structure. However, it causes a further increase in tages and disadvantages should be weighed.
the fracture probability of the electrolyte and cathode.
Therefore, the lower sintering temperature is recommended. Effects of material properties
Nevertheless, the low sintering temperature may increase the Chemical stress within the cathode layer is related to the
cell polarization resistance and thus reduce the electro- chemical expansion coefficient. However, the chemical
chemical performance [69]. expansion coefficient is not uniform and is influenced by the
manufacturing process, material dimensions, study condi-
Effect of oxygen partial pressure tions [39,70e72], etc. The chemical expansion coefficients are
The practical oxygen partial pressure during cell operation is shown in Table 5. Therefore, the chemical expansion coeffi-
related to the ambient temperature, gas flow rate, and quantity, cient may be used to investigate its influence on the stress
indicating that the oxygen partial pressure may be used as an field. The PO2 values at the cathode/electrolyte and cathode/air
adjustable parameter. PO2 at the cathode/electrolyte interface is interfaces are fixed, and the results of the calculations are
fixed, and PO2 at the inlet gas channel is adjusted to analyze the shown in Fig. 9 (a). As the chemical expansion coefficient in-
influence of PO2 on the stress distribution. Fig. 8 demonstrates creases, the stress within the cathode increases from 69.8 MPa
the stress field of the cathode after defect diffusion. It can be to 92.8 MPa, and the stress magnitude of the stress within the
electrolyte decreases from 79.9 MPa to 57.8 MPa. Mean-
while, an increase in the chemical expansion coefficient raises
the difference in the stress at the electrolyte/cathode interface
from 210 to 383 MPa, which may lead to delamination at the
cathode/electrolyte interface. In conclusion, chemical stress
displays a more significant influence on the multilayer system
than that of residual thermal stress if the chemical expansion
coefficient increases. Porosity significantly affects the me-
chanical properties. Hence, the porosity was analyzed as a
material parameter of the electrode, as shown in Fig. 9 (b). The
porosity of LSCF6428 is linearly related to its modulus of
elasticity [73]. As the porosity increases, the tensile stress at
the cathode/air interface gradually decreases from 102 to

Table 5 e Chemical expansion coefficients of

La0:6 Sr0:4 Co0:2 Fe0:8 O3d
bL½V  0.02153 [39,71] 0.031 [70] 0.032 [72]
b½VO  (m3 mol1 ) 7.105  107 1.023  106 1.056  106
Fig. 8 e Effects of oxygen partial pressure.
12470 i n t e r n a t i o n a l j o u r n a l o f h y d r o g e n e n e r g y 4 8 ( 2 0 2 3 ) 1 2 4 6 1 e1 2 4 7 3

Fig. 9 e Effect of the material properties on stresses. (a) Effect of chemical expansion coefficients on stresses in each layer at
0.4 s. (b) Effect of Porosity on cathode stress at 0.4 s.


A coupled thermo-chemical-mechanical model for planar

SOFCs based on defect transport has been established in this
study. The effects of sintering temperature, material proper-
ties, and partial oxygen pressure on the stress distribution of
planar SOFCs were considered. The crucial conclusions are
summarized in the following points:

1. Mobile charged-carrying defects on both sides of the

LSCF6428 reaches equilibrium after approximately 0.4 s.
2. During the start-stop process of the SOFCs, before the
defect diffusion reaches equilibrium, the stress in the
cathode has already attained the characteristic fracture
strength (64 ± 4 Mpa) of LSCF6428.
3. Defect diffusion relieves the stress of the anode and elec-
Fig. 10 e Effects of the different constraints on the stress in trolyte while inducing the cathode stress field to change
each layer of the electrode. from compressive to tensile.
4. The cathode stress field increases with increasing the
chemical expansion coefficient of LSCF6428 and the PO2 of
22 MPa, but the fracture strength of the cathode inevitably gas channel. Lower sintering temperature (900e1000  C)
decreases with increasing porosity (64 ± 4 / 21 ± 3 MPa). reduces thermal stress and improves the electrochemical
performance of SOFCs.
Effect of constraint conditions 5. The chemical stress caused by the defect transport could
The assembly of a planar SOFC constrains the bending and lessen the bending of the multilayer system.
deformation of its structure. This causes compressive stresses
on the electrodes, with three cases described in Section 2.5. The conclusions have practical significance for developing
The effect of thermal stress was not considered because the the safe operation of the battery and prolonging the life span
assembly of cells at sintering temperatures is impractical. The of planar SOFCs, especially during its sudden start-stop pro-
internal stress fields of the three constrained cases are shown cess. This study could provide theoretical support for the
in Fig. 10. When the cell is free to bent, the stress within the stable design and fabrication of planar SOFCs.
cathode decreases by approximately 10 MPa compared with a
fully free condition. The stresses are reduced by 27 and 36 MPa
in the constrained plane and fully constrained conditions. CRediT authorship contribution statement
These results consider only chemical stresses. When consid-
ering a temperature change from 20  C to 800  C, adding Sen Yang: Data curation, Formal analysis, Investigation,
constraints does not change the trend of stress described Methodology, Software, Visualization, Writing - original draft,
above. However, the cathode/electrolyte interface can be Writing - review & editing; Yongjun Lu: Investigation, Meth-
subjected to excessive compressive stresses, which would odology, Formal analysis, Writing - review & editing; Bingbing
cause delamination. Liu: Investigation, Methodology, Formal analysis, Writing -
i n t e r n a t i o n a l j o u r n a l o f h y d r o g e n e n e r g y 4 8 ( 2 0 2 3 ) 1 2 4 6 1 e1 2 4 7 3 12471

original draft; Qi Che: Methodology, Formal analysis, Writing - model study. J Power Sources 2021;516.
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