Reckless Driving Essay

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Reckless Driving Essay

Crafting an essay on the topic of "Reckless Driving" poses a considerable challenge due to the
multifaceted nature of the subject. This task requires a delicate balance between presenting factual
information, analyzing statistical data, and incorporating a persuasive tone to effectively convey the
severity of reckless driving. Moreover, one must delve into the root causes and consequences of
reckless behavior on the road, exploring the psychological and social aspects that contribute to such

In addition to the complexity of the topic, researching and gathering credible sources to support the
arguments can be time-consuming. The essay demands a comprehensive understanding of traffic
regulations, accident statistics, and the legal implications associated with reckless driving. Striking
the right balance between an informative and engaging narrative is essential to ensure the essay
resonates with the audience, compelling them to reflect on their own driving habits.

Furthermore, addressing the emotional impact of reckless driving incidents adds another layer of
difficulty. Balancing empathy for victims while emphasizing the need for responsible driving requires
a nuanced approach to maintain the essay's coherence and persuasiveness.

In conclusion, writing an essay on reckless driving is no easy feat. It necessitates a thorough

understanding of various aspects, including legalities, statistics, and human behavior. Crafting a
compelling narrative that effectively communicates the gravity of reckless driving while maintaining
a balanced tone requires both skill and dedication.

For those seeking assistance with similar essays or other writing challenges,
provides a platform where expert writers can be engaged to navigate the complexities of various
topics. Whether it's exploring the dangers of reckless driving or delving into diverse subjects, the
platform offers a valuable resource for those in need of proficient writing support.
Reckless Driving Essay Reckless Driving Essay
The Advantages of Conscription
It has long been a controversial topic of debate in the United States, whether or not our
young men and women should be required to serve in the armed forces. There is proof
that compulsory military service would be in our nations best interest. It has historically
shown to improve military preparedness, and also has evenly balanced the burden of
military service. It also helps to instill a sense of duty into those who serve. From an
economic standpoint, there are numerous arguments to be made in support of conscription
, including government savings. Numerous scholars write in favor of the subject as well.
The government has been debating this topic since the draft system was removed from
our country, and many reports written also... Show more content on ...
If however, a draft was imposed, with these deferments eliminated, then the burden of
military service would fall less on the minorities and the impoverished, but rather on all
men of military age.
Professor Charles Moskos, a former draftee, and currently a professor at Northwestern
University makes several good arguments in support of the draft. He points out the large
number of volunteers who fail to fulfill their initial enlistments: A reality often
overlooked in the all volunteer force is that one third of entering members fail to
complete their initial enlistments. Contrast this with the one in 10 draftees who did not
complete their two year obligation. It s much better to have a soldier serve a short term
honorably than be discharged prematurely for cause .
He raises an excellent point when he says that it would be detrimental to allow our
troops to be dishonorably discharged. Another excellent point brought up by Professor
Moskos. He argues that because for some jobs it takes a higher level of technical skill,
that cant possibly be met by short term service, higher compensation should be offered to
those who serve longer. Higher compensation should be aimed at those whose skills
require extended training and job experience. A two track pay system could be devised to
give long term enlistees higher compensation than their drafted counterparts (many of
whom, however, may have
Rational Emotive Behavior Therapy Model Analysis
Cognitive Behavior Therapy (CBT) focuses on changing behavior by changing
perception and proposes behavior is learned. When used as a treatment for children, CBT
teaches children to challenge thinking by understanding and acknowledging negative
feelings and developing a positive attitude that leads to problem solving and emotional
balance. Willing participation of the child is most effective when used with
reinforcement and involvement of parents. Counselors must have a clear understanding
of the complexities of this treatment from an integrative, contextual, and multicultural
perspective since the personal and environmental experiences of the child are the
framework for change through knowledge and self awareness. The greatest change
reflects... Show more content on ...
42). In a 2007 interview, Glasser noted, People have nothing wrong with their brains,
they have a lot wrong with their lives. Glasser believed by improving the relationship
you also improve mental health by following the Choice Theory (Onedera Greenwalt,
2007, p. 89). Reality Therapy is not thought to be suitable for earlier therapeutic
intervention. However, this process is found to be helpful later when teaching social
skills, which help except logical consequences of behavior by taking responsibility for
their actions and is useful in social skills training (Geldard et al., 2014, p.
Employees And Soldiers Assigned For The Disbursing
3.SCOPE: The provisions of this memorandum apply to all Employees and Soldiers
assigned to the Disbursing Operations. 4.RESPONSIBILITIES: a.Disbursing personnel
will be appointed to or terminated from their assigned duty position prior to the effective
date of the change in status. It is the responsibility of the outgoing disbursing personnel to
ensure the appointment/termination orders are prepared correctly. The Disbursing Office
will maintain all current appointment orders and termination orders for one year after the
date of termination. The Internal Review section will maintain all terminated
appointment orders on file for six years and three months after the individual s
termination date. All DD Form(s) 577 are maintained... Show more content on ...
d.Cashiers will follow the oral and written instructions of the Commander/Director,
Disbursing and/or other appointed deputies. e.It is important for Cashiers to possess a
detailed knowledge of the functions and operations of the Disbursing Office, and a
general knowledge of the DMPO as a whole. f.Cashiers are responsible for verifying
the accuracy of the amount of cash received as collections to the Disbursing Office
and for ensuring disbursements made are accurate and proper for payment. Other
customer services will be as directed by the Commander/Director, the Disbursing
Officer, or other appointed Deputies. g.Cashiers are expected to be courteous to all
personnel reporting to the Defense Military Pay Office, and are required to maintain
acceptable standards of appearance, performance, and conduct. Cashiers will not argue
with Customers. If a problem surfaces with a Customer, it will be referred to the
Disbursing Officer or Deputy, and if necessary will be brought to the attention of the
personnel who prepared/approved the voucher. h.Embezzlement of Public Funds,
Property, or Records: Under 18 U.S.C. 653 (reference(s)), Disbursing Officers or any
accountable Officials shall be guilty of an embezzlement if they in any manner convert
funds to personal use; loan funds with or without interest; deposit public funds entrusted
to them in any place or in any manner, except as authorized by law; or for any purpose
not prescribed by law,
Corning Glass Work Case Study

1. Enumerate the conditions why Corning had to undergo the series of structural changes.

Following the international growth and expansion of Corning, the following problems
were being faced in the organization s structure and management processes:

i) With the international expansion of CGW, the company was becoming too big and
complex to be managed by its current structure. Hence a need was felt to create the
international arm as a separate legal entity and hence Corning International Corporation
(CIC) was born.

ii) CIC was created as a subsidiary to CGW to emphasize the growing importance of
Corning s overseas business. The management felt that the creation of CIC as a ... Show
more content on ...
vii) Furthermore, the capital allocation process also changed following the majority
shareholding in foreign subsidiaries. Before the consolidation, the decision process for
capital allocation was done primarily by the local managers of the foreign affiliate, who
would then go out and raise the capital on their own.

However, after these subsidiaries were acquired by Corning, they were required to
submit a formal capital appropriation request prepared in English. The subsidiary
general manager then had to chase it to the end through a series of corporate decision
making filters. This allocation system had other major implications on the relationship
between the technical personnel on each side. Whereas before, the technical managers
from the parent company provided assistance to subsidiaries on projects, the former
now became a part of the judge and jury system to decide on the capital allocation to
these subsidiaries. As a result, the technical managers tended to become more
conservative with their advice and assistance to the subsidiaries. viii) Due to the
incoherency of its area based organization structure, CIC found itself grappling with the
global marketing coordination necessary for some businesses. There was no one who
was responsible for coordinating between different foreign subsidiaries on global actions
like price, product, sourcing etc. The needs of global product development were not
being communicated to the R amp;D
The standard way of thinking about the truly phenomenal issue of Climate Change is
represented by the idea of danger and damage caused by this change in the nature.
However, a number of scientists skeptics have recently suggested that consideration of
climate change as a significant and destructive problem is scarcely relevant and rather

According to R. Lindzen (2016), there are two already mentioned groups of science
persons: scientists from the United Nation s International Panel on Climate Change or
IPCC and skeptics whom the narrator belongs to. These people present two opposite
points of view on the issue of climate change, it s importance and reasons of appearance.
The first group emphasizes that global warming is a considerable and serious problem
which everybody should take into account. In other words, these scientists believe that
burning of fossil fuels such as oil, coal and natural gas is the major reason for climate
change as well as CO2 s penetration into the atmosphere. However, the second group
represented by scientists skeptics offers an alternative and apparently assumes that there
are many reasons for climate change: the sun, clouds, oceans, orbital variations of the
Earth and other inputs. They ... Show more content on ...
The danger to people caused by these topics has enhanced considerably over the last
decades, and governments should place emphasis on these problematic issues. Climate
change is still a controversial question, while the already mentioned problems have
plenty of empirical evidences of the ongoing crisis caused by these issues. So, if group
of scientists skeptics is right that climate change is not as dangerous as some people try
to position it, as I think they are, then we need to reassess the popular assumption that
changes in nature are the primary problem for the
Nietzsche s Views On The View Of Life Is Worth Living And...
Schopenhauer was a philosopher in the 19th century who made the striking case for
view of nihilism and he argued that for a life to be worth living, it must include a
preponderance of happiness over suffering. However, he argued that there is no life
include preponderance happiness over suffering. Therefore, he concluded that there is no
life worth life and that leads to nihilism. Yet, that is a relatively implausible argument,
because the life to be called a meaningful life do need the preponderance happiness over
suffering. In that way, a life is worth living and an outstanding good life. Furthermore,
Nietzsche was also a philosopher in late modern western philosophy. His naturalistic
perspective on the meaning of lifestates that the meaning of life is to be an overhuman
which consist of strongly exercising the will of power. In his argument, the will of
power refers to the concept of striving to overcome one s limitation in life. To be more
specific, one people will have the will of power to endeavor their problems and despite
of the hardness, people still fight for the difficulties and overcome their limitations in
their experiences. There is another term overhuman, which represent someone who
constantly strive to overcome her limitation in life. To explain that term, people having
the will to strive for their limitations and pay effort in it is so called the overhuman.
Besides, it is easier for people to accept naturalism instead of nihilism and supernaturalism
Singing In The Rain Analysis
The film Singing in the Rain was produced in 1952 but still takes the world with storm.
The musical film, which was directed by Gene Kelly and Donen Stanley stars Donald O
Connor, Gene Kelley, Jean Hagen, and Debbie Reynolds has a lot for the audiences to
desire and learn from. The film presents a skillful use of setting, music, makeup, costumes
and standard photography (Cannon 2). The piece combines many effects together to
catch the attention of the audiences. In fact, the viewers enjoy both the musical part and
the visual element separately, something that makes it a well thought piece. In other
words, it is both a romantic piece, though a smog as well.
Being a musical film, Singing in the Rain represents a classical music, making it an

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