Argumentative Essay Global Warming

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Argumentative Essay Global Warming

Crafting an essay on the subject of global warming can be a challenging task, as it involves delving
into a complex and multi-faceted issue that encompasses scientific, environmental, social, and
political dimensions. The difficulty lies not only in presenting a cohesive argument but also in
navigating through a plethora of scientific data, statistics, and divergent opinions on the topic.

To construct a compelling argumentative essay on global warming, one must first thoroughly research
and understand the various contributing factors, consequences, and potential solutions associated
with climate change. This requires sifting through a vast amount of scientific literature, reports, and
studies, which can be both time-consuming and mentally demanding.

Furthermore, the writer must be adept at critically analyzing and synthesizing the information
gathered, ensuring that the essay maintains a logical flow and coherence. The challenge lies in
presenting a well-structured argument that effectively communicates the urgency of addressing
global warming while addressing counterarguments and alternative perspectives.

In addition to the intellectual demands, the emotional aspect of the topic can also pose a challenge.
Global warming is often associated with alarming environmental consequences, and crafting an essay
that conveys the gravity of the situation without succumbing to alarmism or despair requires a
delicate balance.

Ultimately, writing an argumentative essay on global warming demands not only a strong command
of language and persuasive writing skills but also a commitment to staying informed about the latest
developments in climate science and policy.

For those who find themselves overwhelmed by the complexities of this topic or lack the time to
engage in extensive research and writing, there are resources available. Services
offer assistance in crafting essays on a variety of subjects, providing support for those seeking well-
researched and professionally written content.
Argumentative Essay Global WarmingArgumentative Essay Global Warming
Correctional Facilities in The United States Essay
Throughout United States correctional history, it has been heavily debated as to whether
or not prisons have positive effects on inmates and society. Today, many prisons attempt
to have a positive impact on the lives of the inmates, while giving society the satisfaction
on punishing criminals. The correctional system achieves this goal through the use of
four techniques. The four techniques used by the correctional system include
rehabilitation, deterrence, incapacitation, and retribution. These four methods work
individually as well as collectively to produce felons who can be productive citizens of
society. Firstly, one main, effective method used by correctional facilities today is
rehabilitation. Prisons aim of rehabilitation is to... Show more content on
(Cei) The effects of rehabilitation programs are influential to other inmates as well. In A
Pleas For Help an uneducated inmate realized that the effects would help him to never
return to prison. The inmate was quoted saying, Please give me some education, or a
trade, because I don t want to come back to prison. (Cei) This show the positive effects
of such programs will give this inmate a chance to be productive in society.
Correctional facilities use a wide range of programs to effectively rehabilitate inmates.
There are two categories for correctional programs, one category is habilitative services,
and the other is treatment programs. Habilitative services aim to teach inmates basic
skills needed for a productive life in society. These skills include education classes on
reading and writing, vocational training, religious programs, and life skill development.
Education programs are the most effective in prison because they help reduce recidivism
by encouraging self discipline, and promoting a sense of investment that discourages
criminality. Also, recidivism is reduced through academic programs by increasing an
offender s post release earnings and job security. (Quinn 249) All federal prisons, and
91% of states prisons offer educational programs. This is significant because having the
ability to read and write and essential for daily tasks in everyday life. If inmates are
determined enough to become productive citizens, prisons also offer GED preparation
Dramatic Monologue In Porphyria s Lover By Robert
Robert Browning s Porphyria s Lover is a narrative poem, since it delineates the events
taking place at a cottage (line 9) during one night ( tonight , line 1). It is a dramatic
monologue which reveals the speaker s character by what he says and does. The
continuing action of the poem (i.e. one event after the other) as well as the speaker s
frenzy are indicated by the immense number of run on lines (e.g. and still it grew
/ While I debated what to do , line 34f; in one long yellow string I wound / Three times
her little throat [...] , line 39f). Regarding the rhymescheme, the lines can be grouped into
pairs of five (although there are no real stanzas indicated), with the first four being

alternating rhymes (abab) and the fifth rhyming ... Show more content on
These lines are highlighted by being the only feminine ended verses in the poem (/evə
/). Furthermore, her attempt to set her passion free is compared to a battle with the
metaphor struggling passion (line 23). He, in contrast, can easily release his passion,
as can be seen in line 48: His burning kiss (a metaphor for his kiss being full of passion,
like fire) is additionally emphasized by the alliteration of /b/ ( blushed bright beneath [...]
Ethical Concerns For Rehabilitation
Rehabilitation In our reading some of the ethical concerns for rehabilitation were that it
does not work and studies showed offenders still committed crimes once released. I
think that rehabilitation can work in some cases. The main thing is that the he or she
must want the help and skills needed for rehabilitation. There also needs to be a service
available for them to continue treatment or training after being released from jail. I
believe that the crimecommitted needs to meet the punishment given. For example: if a
person willingly takes someone s life he or she is found guilty beyond a doubt, they
should not be receiving these opportunities. Now if a person is sentenced to jail for a
drug possession or petty theft, they should be able
Essay On Irish Dancing On Gait And Flexibility
Research Proposal.
An examination into the effects that Irish dancing has on gait and ankle flexibility.
The topic that will be discussed in this proposal is the effects of dancing on gait and
ankle flexibility in dancers. The population being researched is dancers and will make
comparisons between dancers and non dancers. The purpose of this research is for
examining the effects dancing has on ankle flexibility and gait patterns in dancers and
determining whether or not there is a difference between the gait patterns of dancers in
comparison to non dancers. Dancing requires extreme ankle postures and unique balance.
Intensive and long term practice of extreme ankle postures can cause changes in gait
patterns in dancers during normal walking (Lung, Chern, Hsieh, Yang, 2008).
Literature Review:
The aim of the research carried out by Lung, Chern, Hsieh, and Yang (2008), was to
investigate the differences in gait patterns between dancers and non dancers. This study
hypothesized that gait patterns in dancers will be significantly different to non dancers.
Thirty three subjects were recruited for the purposes of the study. Thirteen of the subjects
were dancers and twenty of the ... Show more content on ...
These injuries that occur as a result of dancing have a clear knock on effect on the gait
and foot and ankle kinetics of a dancer as shown in the research articles outlined in the
literature review. There are numerous studies surrounding the injuries caused by dancing
and the effect these injuries have on gait, however the majority of these studies focus on
Ballet or modern dance and do not focus on Irish dancing. There appears to be a gap in
research surrounding Irish dancing and its effects on normal gait and ankle flexibility.
The purpose of carrying out this research is to acknowledge this gap in previous
My Airplane Experience
Most Filipino families have family living abroad. My family is one of those. My
grandparents lived in Barrow, Alaska the majority of their lives. When I was six, they
convinced my mom to bring her family to America. After six months of testing and
vetting, we were on our way to Alaska. As a six year old I did not think much of it, not
until it was actually happening. When we were driving to the airportI had a moment of
realization that I was going to be riding in an airplane for the first time of my life. It
was always my dream to go inside an airplane because everyday of my life in the
Philippines, I would see airplanes flying high above our house everyday, and I would
always imagine myself inside the airplane and what it looks like. To this day, I still
have a vivid memory of my first experience traveling in an airplane. My first time
flying was a defining moment in my life because it was the beginning of the transition
to my new life in a new country. After getting through all the security checks and
screening checks, we finally reached the actual fun part of the airport. I found out that
waiting in the airport was an actual experience itself. It was basically a mall with
designer stores like Prada and Rolex. As my sister and I were looking at expensive
jewelry in the one of the airport stores, my mom called us to get in line for boarding.
My heart started to pound faster and faster as we got closer to the kiosque because I
knew that I was getting closer and closer

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