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On the Church

Q: Did God give us a way to go to Q: What is meant by “Apostolic”?

Heaven? A: What is meant by “Apostolic” is it
A: Yes, God made Man (Jesus) created was founded by Christ on His
the Catholic Church in order for Apostles, and is governed by their
people to go to Heaven. lawful successors, and because it has
Q: What does “Catholic” mean? never ceased, and never will cease, to
teach their doctrine.
A: Catholic means “universal”. The
Church is Catholic because it was Q: Who are the successors of the
made for the salvation of all people Apostles?
who wish to be saved in it. A: The successors of the Apostles are
the bishops of the Catholic Church.
Q: How do we know the Catholic
Church to be the true Church? Q: Who makes up the head of the
A: We know the Catholic Church to Catholic Church?
be the true Church because it bears all A: The Catholic Church has Jesus
four marks of the true church. Christ as its invisible Head, and the
Pope, the successor of St. Peter, as its
Q: What are the four marks of the
visible earthly head as set up by Jesus
true Church?
Christ while on earth.
A: The four marks of the Church are that
it is One, Holy, Catholic, and Apostolic. Q: Are there any other titles for the
Q: What do you mean by “One”? A: The Pope is also called the Vicar of
A: What is meant by “One” is that all Christ, the Supreme Pontiff, the Bishop
of the members of the Church believe of Rome, and the Holy Father
in one faith, and are subject to one
visible head.
Q: What do you mean by “Holy”
A: What is meant by “Holy” is that the
Church was created by God (Jesus
Christ), it teaches holy doctrine, invites all
to a holy life, and because of the holiness
of thousands of its children (members).
Q: Can the Church teach Q: Are there other “churches” that
something that is not true? claim to be “Christian”?
A: No, the Church can never formally A: There are thousands of “churches”
teach something that is not true. This which claim to be Christian but none
is in effect whenever the Pope declares of them were created by Jesus Christ
something that must be believed by all or have the marks of the Church.
Catholics, or when all of the world’s Q: Who then created these other
bishops get together at a council and churches?
declare something to be believed.
A: These other churches were created
by men and are therefore deprived of
Q: What is this protection from holiness and cannot lead its members
error called? to Heaven.
A: This protection from error is
called “infallibility” which was Q: Can anyone be saved outside the
granted by Jesus to His Church. Catholic Church?
A: No, nobody can be saved outside
Q: Why can there be only one true the Catholic Church.
religion? Q: What are we to think about non-
A: There can be only one true religion, Catholics?
because a thing cannot be false and true A: We are to view non-Catholics with
at the same time, and, therefore, all sadness that they are not in the Church,
religions that contradict the teaching of and to then have immense fervor in
the true Church must teach falsehood. If praying for their conversion and leading
all religions in which men seek to serve them to the Faith so that they may be
God are equally good and true, why did saved.
Christ disturb the Jewish religion and
the Apostles condemn heretics? Q: Are there different sections of the
Q: What types of members are there A: Yes, there are those Church members
in the Catholic Church? in Heaven (the Church Triumphant),
A: There are two types of members of those Church members on earth (the
the Catholic Church; 1.) Living Church Militant), and those members in
members, being those who are in a state Purgatory (the Church Suffering). The
of grace, and 2.) dead members, being Church Militant are called to pray for
those who are in a state of mortal sin yet the Church Suffering.
still in the Church.
Q: Can someone be removed from the Catholic Church?
A: Yes, someone can be removed from the Catholic Church through apostasy
(rejection of the Church’s teachings), heresy (intentionally believing a false
teaching), and schism (refusal to submit to the Pope, the bishops and other lawful
authority). This process, once legal, is now automatic. One can re-enter the Faith
through the sacrament of Confession.

On the Spiritual Life

Q: What is the spiritual life? Q: What happens if I do not die a
A: The spiritual life is the life we saint?
live in response to God’s grace. A: If you do not die a saint, you will
Q: Can you remind me what either be in a lower level in Heaven,
“grace” is? or, if still not perfected on earth,
suffering in Purgatory until all
A: Grace is the help we receive from
spiritual blemishes are removed.
God. All good things done by man
are a result of God’s grace. Q: I don’t know what the saints
Q: What is the goal of the spiritual did, how may I know how to
life? become one?
A: The goal of the spiritual life is to A: All Catholics must acquire the
become a saint; that is, to be holy habit of learning about the saints so
and show heroic virtue so as to that we may know about their lives
immediately go to Heaven after and therefore be inspired. However,
death. all that is necessary to be perfect is
contained in the four Gospels in the
Q: Is it easy or hard to become a words of Jesus Christ.
A: Sainthood can be easier or harder Q: How do I become perfect?
for people depending on how much A: Jesus answered this clearly when asked
grace they receive and how much by the young man who followed all of
they cooperate with it. the commandments from his youth when
He said; “If you are to be perfect, go sell
Q: Must we all be saints? what you have, and give it to the poor,
A: Yes, that life which does not end and you shall have treasure in heaven: and
in sainthood is a waste of life. come follow me.”
Q: Is Heaven attainable through Q: Can I just copy Jesus to go to
human effort? Heaven?
A: No, for Jesus said “With men this A: Yes, you can and should copy Jesus.
is impossible, but with God all
things are possible.” Q: What must I do to go to
Q: Are some saints greater than A: To go to Heaven, one must have
others? done what God wanted them to do
A: Yes, we know for a fact that the throughout their life and die in a state
Blessed Virgin Mary is the greatest saint of grace in the Catholic Church.
to ever live and She is the greatest
creature that there ever will be. Q: How do I know what God
wants from me?
Q: What is prayer? A: To find out God’s will for your life,
A: Prayer is the lifting of our hearts you need to frequent the sacraments
and minds to God. and engage in both mental prayer and
vocal prayer.
Q: Is prayer necessary to go to
Heaven? Q: Please explain mental prayer
A: Yes, one who does not pray,
and vocal prayer.
cannot go to Heaven.
A: Mental prayer is when we think
about God or a truth He has
revealed and we are then persuaded
to lead saintly lives.
Vocal prayer is when we pray pre-
made prayers which reflect the ideas
acquired in mental prayer.

Q: Is one form of prayer more

important than the other?
A: Vocal prayer is very useful to acquire
grace and to create a routine of prayer,
but mental prayer is where we find out
the truth about God, His will, and the
truth about ourselves.
On the Religious Life
Q: What is a religious? Q: Why do religious swear to
A: A religious is someone who has never marry?
listened to Christ’s counsel to give A: Religious swear never to marry
everything up and follow Him in because Jesus said "For there are
the form of formal isolation eunuchs, who were born so from
(cloister), communal living, a life of their mother's womb: and there are
charity, or the priesthood. eunuchs, who were made so by
men: and there are eunuchs, who
Q: What do most religious swear
have made themselves eunuchs for
to do?
the kingdom of heaven. He that can
A: Most religious swear never to
take, let him take it.”
marry, be poor, and obey those in
higher positions of authority in the Q: Is it better never to marry?
Church. A: Yes, St. Paul states in the Bible;
“Therefore, both he that giveth his
Q: Are most saints religious?
virgin in marriage, doth well; and he
A: Yes, most saints, that we know
that giveth her not, doth better.”
of, are religious.

Q: How do I know if God wants Q: Is it a sin to avoid the

me to be a religious? religious life, if I believe it is
A: Through mental prayer and what God wants for me”
frequenting the sacraments, we may A: Yes, all must consider the
find out if God wants us to be a religious life, and it is a sin to avoid
religious. it if we believe it is what God is
calling us to do.
Q: I’d like to learn more about
the religious life, are there any
saints I should learn about?
A: Of course, for men, great
religious saints are St. Vincent De
Paul, St. Bruno, and St. Francis of
Assisi, and for women, great saints
are St. Teresa of Avila, St. Therese
of Lisieux, and St. Rose of Lima.

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