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Veterans Day Essays

Crafting an essay on the subject of "Veterans Day" is no simple task, as it demands a delicate balance
of respect, historical accuracy, and a thoughtful exploration of the significance of honoring veterans.
The challenge lies not only in presenting factual information about the origin and purpose of Veterans
Day but also in capturing the essence of gratitude and appreciation for those who have served in the

To begin with, one must delve into the historical context, tracing the evolution of this
commemorative day and understanding its roots. This requires extensive research to ensure that the
narrative is not only accurate but also compelling. The writer must navigate through the complex
layers of history, uncovering key events and individuals that have shaped the significance of Veterans

Moreover, an effective essay on this topic should go beyond mere historical accounts. It should delve
into the emotions and sentiments associated with honoring veterans, exploring the impact of their
sacrifices on the nation and its citizens. The challenge is to strike a balance between a factual,
informative piece and a heartfelt tribute that resonates with the readers.

Another difficulty arises in addressing the diversity of experiences within the veteran community.
Veterans hail from different branches of the military, served in various conflicts, and come from
diverse backgrounds. Acknowledging this diversity while maintaining a cohesive and engaging
narrative requires skillful handling of the material.

Additionally, the essay should encourage readers to reflect on the broader implications of Veterans
Day. It should prompt thoughtful consideration of the ongoing challenges faced by veterans,
including issues like post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD), healthcare, and societal reintegration.

In conclusion, writing a compelling essay on Veterans Day is a formidable task that requires a
nuanced understanding of history, a genuine appreciation for the sacrifices made by veterans, and the
ability to convey these sentiments effectively. It demands not only skill in research and composition
but also a deep respect for the subject matter.

For those who find themselves grappling with the complexities of such an essay or seek assistance
with academic writing, offers a solution. Similar essays and a myriad of other
topics can be expertly crafted to meet individual needs, providing a valuable resource for those
navigating the challenges of essay writing.
Veterans Day Essays Veterans Day Essays
Product Management and Lego
Lego Case Study for
ISM class 5014
How did the information systems and organization diging changes implemented by
Knundstorp align with the changes in business strategy.
The Lego Cast Study is about how the toy company has been affected by the rapid and
vast change in the way children play with toys and their preference of the same.
Historically, Lego s have been a top rated toy for children and when that quickly
changed Lego was not expecting it and furthermore not prepared. The company began
to lose money, by 2004, the company found itself close to extinction, losing $1 million
a day. (Saunders Pearlson , 2013) A new CEO, Jorgen Vig Knudstorp, was hired in an
effort to bring the company back to its feet and the Lego toys back ... Show more content
on ...
This allowed Lego to better serve customers by enhancing their overtaxed order
management and fulfillment systems. (Pearlson Saunders)
At first glance many would discount the idea that Lego deployed a strategy of hyper
competition. However, when we consider some of the characteristics of hyper
competition, such as profit maximization, emphasis on customer satisfaction, and the
ability to dynamically adjust allocation of organizational resources, we see that Lego did
adopt a hypercompetitive strategy.
4. What advise would you give Knudstorp to keep Lego competitive, growing and
I think Knudstorp did an amazing job with coming into Lego and taking a failing
business to a successful one by building a block style work environment. He made
standards which the employees were to follow which allowed them more creative
freedom and incentives to want to improve upon the great quality of their products.
One suggestion I would give Knudstorp would be to spend more time focusing on his
competition and to see what Lego could do to model what has worked for their
company and how it would fit in best with Lego. Mattel is Lego s biggest competition in
the market place. Mattel has advanced in the market place due to their new product
development effort. Toy developers are encouraged to think globally from
When Saturday Comes Along One Can Only Hope Hope For A
When Saturday comes along one can only hope hope for a lazy morning filled with
back to back episodes of cartoons. However, only in a perfect world can we watch
back to back episodes without commercial breaks. For children that world is non
existent at the moment. Many times the commercials that come after Phineas and ferb
or Spongebob are as enjoyable as the show itself. It seems like children enjoy keeping
their eyes glued to the television screen more than they should. According to Jennifer
Pomeranz, , mentions that the FCT (Federal Trade Commision) defines children as
between the ages of two and eleven and adolescents as ages of twelve to seventeen
(Pomeranz).However, to a parent a child can simply be anyone under... Show more
content on ...
This can be problematic because the ads children see after shows can shape all sorts of
habits into them : food preferences, norms, tastes, behaviors, and preferred portion
sizes are established during childhood and adolescence and are very difficult to change
(Pomeranz). That is to say that the ads that children see after shows can have profound
impacts in a child s life. Watching a repetition of a sugary cereal commercial can
influence a child into buying that product when grocery shopping. Children are power
holders and can shape the buying habits of a family: two to fourteen year olds have
sway over 500 billion a year in household purchasings (Calvert). Children really do hold
power in a family. They can become targets and fall under the influence of advertisers.
In return, advertisers can make children want needs that they don t really need.
Therefore, conflict can arise when a child is denied a product by a parent. There are
some ads that can influence a child s buying habit while others can hammer in trends
into a child, influence certain actions or habits. Some commercials can become
problematic for children. For instance, the Pakistan Observer mentions that a television
commercial of a biscuit manufacturing company shows a youth jumping off an
apartment to force his girlfriend to marry him (Pakistan Observer). Imagine if a child or
adolescent were exposed to this commercial on a daily basis. This type of ad can have a
Human Side of Change and Its Relation with Success Essay
Matriculation/Exam Number: s1158302 / B020676
Course Name and Code: Organisation Studies/BUST08011
Tutor s Name: Dr Tom Calvard
Assignment Due Date: 27/10/2011

Question Number: 2

Text of Question: A survey by McKinsey amp; Company (2008) reported that two thirds
of organisational change initiatives fail. In what ways could a fuller understanding of the
human aspects of change help improve this success rate?


Everyday, a new idea occur , a new technology changes our view, a new customer with
novel tastes join into our market , our economic conditions change, the time is ticking
away so fast that even our social and cultural values change. ... Show more content on ...
In these case, unlike the theory of Warren Bennis, mechanical base management ,which
includes lots of bureaucratic structures,control and rigid authority over employees and
vertical communication lines, becomes necessary. The reason is, while making
decisons during the change process, consultation takes time since there is high
possibility of different ideas and solutions to occur by each employee. Also, in order to
consult employees, using the methods like surveys, focus groups interviews and hiring
an expert in this area would cost to a company. Nevertheless, is it really make sense to
avoid employee consultation just because it requires money and time? Wouldn t the
results of ignoring the human side of change cost more to an organisation in long term?
For instance, a change can be easily placed in an organisation structure theoretically in a
cost and time efficient way, however when it s comes to practice, these changes might
backfire because employees may not be able to see the real reason of these changes and
they can assess them as a treat for their current wealth. Moreover , being aware of the fact
that organisational changes are being applied without consultation, employees might feel
unvaluable which in return causes the decay of commitment, loyalty and diligence. In
severe cases, they might
Mars Pathfinder Sojouner
The Mars Pathfinder Sojourner was a rover that explored Mars. The Sojourner was a
part of an American spacecraft called the Mars Pathfinder. The Pathfinder included a
lander that was called the Carl Sagan Memorial Station and the rover itself, Sojourner.
The spacecraft launched on December 4, 1996 and landed on July 4, 1997. The
Sojourner rover is considered a robot. A robot is a system that depends on sensors, control
systems, manipulators, power supplies, and software to complete a task. A robot also is
always programmed with artificial intelligence that is usually vital in completing it s
designated task. The article on states, Well it is a system that contains sensors,
control systems, manipulators, power supplies and software... Show more content on ...
Robotics are also used to complete tasks that are dangerous, considered boring, or not
very appealing to most of us. A few different types of robots include preprogrammed
robots and autonomous robots. Preprogrammed robots are used in controlled
environments that don t require much artificial intelligence to complete a job.
Autonomous robots work independently and are less secure compared to preprogrammed
robots. Human supervision isn t as necessary for them. The Sojourner s mission was to
demonstrate the technology needed to get a lander accompanied with a rover to Mars,
while managing to do so effectively, cost effective, and bring back data. The Sojourner
accomplished these goals, and even brought back a great amount of data. The robotic
rover also outlived it s predicted design life. The data provided by the Sojourner had
helped scientists suggest that Mars had possibly been wet and quite warm, and had liquid
water alongside a much thicker

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