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Causal Analysis Essay

Writing a causal analysis essay can be a challenging task that requires a thoughtful and analytical
approach. The difficulty lies in the intricate process of identifying and analyzing the cause-and-effect
relationships within a given topic. Unlike other types of essays, a causal analysis essay demands a
thorough understanding of the subject matter and the ability to connect various elements in a logical
and coherent manner.

To successfully craft this type of essay, one must delve deep into research to gather relevant
information and data. The writer needs to identify the primary causes and their subsequent effects,
establishing a clear and persuasive relationship between them. Developing a compelling thesis
statement that encapsulates the essence of the causal chain adds another layer of complexity to the
writing process.

Furthermore, organizing the essay in a structured and cohesive manner is crucial. Each paragraph
should seamlessly transition from one point to the next, guiding the reader through the causal
connections without causing confusion. Balancing the depth of analysis with clarity and conciseness
is an additional challenge, ensuring that the essay remains focused on the chosen topic without
becoming overly complex or convoluted.

Moreover, the writer must be adept at presenting evidence and supporting arguments effectively. This
involves not only providing relevant examples but also explaining the significance of each cause-and-
effect relationship. Creating a persuasive narrative that compels the reader to understand and accept
the proposed causal connections is a skill that requires careful attention to detail and a mastery of

In conclusion, writing a causal analysis essay demands a combination of research skills, critical
thinking, and effective communication. It involves navigating through complex causal relationships
and presenting them in a coherent and compelling manner. The process requires dedication, time, and
a keen understanding of the subject matter. However, with the right approach and commitment, one
can overcome the challenges and create a well-crafted causal analysis essay.

On a related note, if you find yourself struggling with essay writing or require assistance with similar
tasks, various resources are available to help. Services like offer support in crafting
essays, research papers, and more. Professional assistance can provide valuable insights and
guidance, ensuring that your academic endeavors are met with success.
Causal Analysis EssayCausal Analysis Essay
Advantages And Disadvantages Of Systematic Review
Introduction and Statement of the problem
The most important criterion that distinguishes and characterizes systemic reviews from
other narrative reviews is being comprehensive . That s why developing an explicit and
comprehensive search strategy is considered a must and an indispensable step of
systematic reviews, failure to attain such step through searching all available channels of
information is a potential threat to the validity of the systematic review.
The information sources for systematic review comprise three main fold:
Academic bibliographic databases
Hand searching for printable journals, conferences and databases.
Informal channels for further data searching.

Limitations of quick searches:

Searching only one academic database suffers major shortcomings. First, that won t
ensure retrieval of all relevant literature, according to previous study only 30 80 % of
the available studies will be retrieved during searching a single database. Second, most
databases tend to publish studies which shows effectiveness of interventions, not adverse
effects. And finally databases like Medline for example English articles represent most
of the indexed studies. To sum up searching a sole data bases will ends up with a
systematic review that suffers selection bias, language bias and publication bias.(Suarez
Almazor, Belseck, Homik, Dorgan, ... Show more content on ...
Considering it s ease of use, simplicity and capability of obtaining a great number of
relevant studies in a minimum time. It s worth noting that electronic searching should
be pertained mainly to academic databases like PubMed and Cochrane central. The use
of search engines like Google scholar, Intute and TRIP or publisher s website as
springer link and science direct should limited. Making a systematic review from articles
obtained from such sources will surely suffer publication and selection bias.(Higgins
Rheumatoid Arthritis Essay
New criteria for identifying rheumatoid arthritis (RA) earlier in the disease progression
was developed by the European League Against Rheumatism (EULAR) and American
College of Rheumatology (ACR) in 2010 to allow for earlier intervention and treatment
strategies therefore improving outcomes (Aletaha et al., 2010; de Hair et al., 2012;
Villeneuve, 2013; Wasserman, 2011). This paper will explore prevention and treatment
strategies for Rheumatoid Arthritis(RA).
Rheumatoid Arthritis Prevention Strategies
RA prevention strategies include the implementation of conventional and biologic
disease modifying antirheumatic drugs (DMARDs) (Bykerk Massarotti, 2012, Heidari,
2011). Conventional DMARDs also known as traditional DMARDs are intended ... Show
more content on ...
DMARDs are considered the foundation of treating RA with an aim to achieve
remission, where the patient does not exhibit any signs of the disease within the body,
with early DMARDs initiation demonstrated to be cost effective (Arthritis Foundation,
n.d.; Heidari, 2011; Wasserman, 2011). The early initiation of DMARDs has shown to
reduce progression of radiologic damage such as joint erosions by 60% (Luime et al.,
2016; Wasserman, 2011). Luime et al. (2016) reported treatment initiation should begin
within three to four months of the onset of symptoms and benefits are dependent on how
early treatment is initiated.
In 2015, the ACR conducted a systematic review of the literature evaluating the benefits
and risks of treatment options and established a guideline for initiating treatments for
early diagnosed RA patients defined as having RA symptoms or the disease for less
than six months and for established RA patients defined as having RA symptoms or the
disease for greater than six months or having met the 1987 ACR RA classification
(Singh et al., 2016). Physicians should not consider the guidelines as prescriptive but a
tool for discussion with the patient to determine an appropriate treatment course
considering the patient s wishes and the decision should be shared between the physician
and the patient (Singh et al., 2016). Treatment strategies are based on each RA patient
and are dependent upon disease severity and tolerance of medications. Typically, a RA
The Thirteen Colonies Essay
Thirteen Colonies The thirteen colonies started in 1607, before this England tried to do a
colony called Jamestown unfortunately it failed to become a colony. Later the king that
had tried to start the Jamestown colony died, then in 1607 the new king and queen
Elizabeth I decided to try again this time it worked the first colony was called Virginia
and was named after Queen Elizabeth I. Virginia was not dominated by a specific religion
they welcomed Baptists, Anglicans, and others. The thirteen colonies included Virginia,
Delaware, New York, Massachusetts, Maryland, Rhode Island, Connecticut, New
Hampshire, North Carolina, South Carolina, New Jersey, Pennsylvania, and Georgia.
Before the colonies became states they had a few issues. They had a statement that said
no taxation without representation this means that they believed that the parliament
could not tax them and that only their own government could tax them. After the French
and Indian war, the British had a really bad debt from the war and they were already
having everyone in England pay enough so they decided that they were going to tax the
colonists. The first thing they passed was a law called the Stamp Act. The Stamp Act
taxed anything that was printed that included legal documents, bills of sale, calendars,
pamphlets, contracts, ships papers, donations, diplomas, certificates (including marriage),
Any kind of decelerations, official documents, advertisements in papers, licenses
including liquor, playing
Polyphonic Hmi Marketing Strategy Essay
Recommendation: Target the record labels for promotion of HSS reports. Start with
the initial enthusiasts like Ken Bunt of Hollywood Records and use their testimonials
to win other record labels. Make use of the business connections of the advisory board
at Polyphonic to get better reach to decision makers at record labels. Offer free trial
reports to convince record labels and an initial lower cost for buyers along with
discounts for high volumes ordered over a fiscal year. In the long run, promote Human
Music Interface as a complement for Hit Song Science to maximize the revenue earning
capability of a song (by ensuring better listener penetration) that is marked as a winner by
HSS. Rationale: Target segment rationalization: The... Show more content on ...
In addition, the software doesn t produce enough value for the artist segment.
Suppose, HMI promotes specifically to this group and the members show enough
enthusiasm resulting in satisfactory initial penetration. Once, the initial curiosity
about the quality of her own performance is satisfied the artist won t find any
alternative use of the report. If the report says their song has enough potential to be a
great hit, that conclusion does little for them because the record labels are not likely
to acknowledge the credibility of the HMI report. All exhibits are restricted to the US
Market. Exhibit 1: Why USA is the best choice of geography? The rationale behind the
choice is obvious when we consider that it has the highest music market in the world
and is [(12609 5001) / 12609] ~ 60% more in dollar values than the second highest,
Japan. Graphically, when compared to the top 5 music markets, USA looks
significantly higher (for 2002): Exhibit 2: Cost savings to record labels The HSS
software will identify potential top 40 singles at an 80% success rate (based on trial
run) as compared to the industry average of 10% success rate. However, assuming a
conservative approach let us assume that the actual success rate for HSS will be 50%.
Now let s run our analysis based on Sony where Polyphonic has the highest chances of
making a good penetration. There are about 3000 singles released per year; of which 10%
Eharmony Case Summary
UMESH MISRA MKT 6301 eHarmony 1.A description of what you believe to be the
key issue(s)/challenge(s) facing this organisation and justification. Marketing issues
/challenges: eHarmony only focused on particular segment of customer and did not
focus on other fragment of the society that were interested in casual online dating. They
were mainly concentrated on customers that were serious about relationships and dating
who wanted to get married. They focused less on casual daters who were targeted by
other companies. eHarmony, expanded its TV and radio advertising campaign to appeal
to broader audience. Company advertised on national cable network and avoided
spending on broadcast television. Match, eHarmony s close competitor leveraged... Show
more content on ...
Expanding globally could result in more profitable scenario for the organization, as
different countries have different cultures. Unlike United States, Asian countries are
more marriage oriented which has been a core focus for eHarmony from start. Markets
such as China and India would be great for the organization to establish there foothold
globally. Keeping the population of the two countries in mind, company can leverage it
to maintain its market leader position. Pros of Alternative 1: It would bring large revenue
and market share for the organization. It would publicise the organization globally.
Ability to exchange best practices across locations. Enhanced Brand Equity from
generating product awareness. Cons of Alternative 1: It would require huge initial
investment Research and Development team has to work hard, as they would need to
develop new algorithm for new markets. Different countries have different culture, if
anything goes wrong it would affect the image of the organization as a whole. 3.Identify
the best alternative. The best alternative that best solves company s problem is
alternative 1. It explains that the company should expand its scope and include a
platform that would address people who are not interested in marriage related
relationships but casual daters who are more into short term or medium term

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