Compare and Contrast Essay Conclusion Example

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Compare And Contrast Essay Conclusion

Writing a compare and contrast essay conclusion can be a challenging task, requiring a careful
synthesis of ideas and a clear presentation of the main points discussed throughout the essay. The
conclusion serves as the final opportunity to leave a lasting impression on the reader, summarizing
the key similarities and differences between the two subjects. Crafting an effective conclusion
involves not only reiterating the main points but also providing a sense of closure and insight into the
broader implications of the comparison.

One of the difficulties lies in striking the right balance between summarizing the main arguments and
offering a fresh perspective. It requires the writer to avoid mere repetition of information and
instead, present a concise summary that reinforces the significance of the discussed similarities and
differences. Achieving coherence and cohesion in the conclusion is crucial, as it serves as the
culmination of the entire essay, providing a sense of resolution to the reader.

Furthermore, a well-crafted conclusion should go beyond a mere recapitulation of facts and

arguments. It should engage the reader by offering a thought-provoking insight or leaving them with
a question to ponder. This aspect of the conclusion requires careful consideration and creativity, as it
adds depth and resonance to the overall essay.

In conclusion, writing a compare and contrast essay conclusion demands a skillful blend of
summarization, coherence, and a touch of insight. It is a task that requires careful attention to detail
and a thorough understanding of the nuances involved in drawing meaningful comparisons between
two subjects. Despite the challenges, a well-executed conclusion can leave a lasting impact on the
reader, making the effort invested in crafting it worthwhile.

For assistance with similar essays or any other writing tasks, one can explore the services available at . There, a range of writing services and support can be found, providing a helping
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Compare And Contrast Essay Conclusion Example Compare And Contrast Essay Conclusion
Environmental Hazards Due to Dumpyard
A Report on

Under the Supervision of

Ms. Maya Pavithralal
Instructor, Technical Report Writing


April 23,2012


Submitted in partial fulfillment of

Technical Report Writing Course TAC312
* Veesam Naresh Kumar2010A7PS122H * Venu Sushir2010AAPS016H * K.Jeevan
Kumar2010AAPS033H * Lexmann Kumar2010B1A4642H * Aditya
Tibrewal2010B1A7656H * J.Yagnesh Rohit2010B3A3479H * Surabhi

Under the Supervision of

Ms. Maya Pavithralal
Instructor, Technical Report Writing

BIRLA INSTITUTE OF ... Show more content on ...

The campus also gets engulfed in smoke due to burning of the garbage, which adversely
affects the campus population.
This report takes you through the environmental hazards caused due to the close affinity
of the dump yard to BPHC. It focuses on the various problems faced by the students and
staff in the campus, and efforts taken by various individuals and organizations to address
this problem.
This report also highlights possible solutions and recommendations to deal with this

The Problem and its Effects

At the dump yard one can find garbage piles as tall as hillocks from which billow smoke
caused by the rotting of the biodegradable waste. This dump yard had even been
compared to active volcanoes that roll up smoke and lava that keep people living
nearby on their toes. The difference is that there is no lava, but there is smoke that has
been poisoning Jawahar Nagar s air, water and land for more than a decade.
There is perpetual smog in the dump yard of Jawahar Nagar. In the mornings it is so
bad in villages close to the dump yard that the villagers cannot clearly see a person two
feet before them. In fact, they can sense the smog even in the night, as it bears an acrid,
unbearable stench. The situation is so bad that people do not go out in the morning as
they are scared of this fog. Many people suffer from breathing problems and asthma.
People have also lost their loved ones to health
Jimmy Cross Strengths
Theme is an important part of writing, it allows the author to convey the meaning
behind a story. Author Tim O Brien s theme in The Things They Carried is largely
focused on weakness and proving that the soldiers of the story are just trying to cover up
the their feebleness. The soldiers of Alpha Company are trying to seem strong even
though their true selves are shining in the darkness of vietnam.
One such soldier that tries to hide his weakness is Lt. Jimmy Cross. Jimmy is in a
constant flashback to before the war. This flashback was about his friend Martha to
whom he loved, and wished he could be with but Jimmy was allowing this weakness
to affect his leadership and his better judgment. For instance later after the war he
asked Tim O Brien to make him seem like a great platoon leader, strong, brave, and just
the all around leader, but anyone who is a great leader does not have to be painted as
one or have to ask to be made to look like an upstanding officer. If Tim truly believed
Jimmy was a good leader it would not have to be stated by Jimmy to get Tim to write it
in the book Tim would just write it. In this way it can be interpreted that Jimmy is trying
to paint over his mistakes and his weakness in Vietnam. ... Show more content on ...
Because of this Curt sneaks to the dentist tent at night complaining about one of his
teeth hurting. But in fact it was not he was just trying to prove that he was not weak to
the other soldiers and that he was just as strong as anyone of them. Curt uses the tooth
to escape his weakness instead of embracing it or acknowledging it. Curt allows his fear
of being weak over take his true self. Curt s fear of being weak controlled what he did
in this instance. Curt was like the other soldiers in the fact of trying to appear
Confucianism In China
Confucianism is a belief system of thoughts taught by Confucius in China during the 5th
and 6th century BCE during the Zhou dynasty. During this time, China was dealing with
serious political conflicts, moral chaos, and intellectual conflict and order were almost
non existent. During this political struggle, Confuciusbelieved that going back to the
traditional ways was the only path for society to get back on track and developed his
thought into what is known as Confucianism. It has existed for over two millennia and
has changed over time. Some people refer to Confucianism as philosophy while others
view it as a religion. Confucianism is a belief system which can be incorporated into
other religious beliefs and forms of religion. This belief system has heavily influenced
politics and life in China and neighboring places.
Personal conflict is addressed within the home since the family is the foundation for
order and peace within the world. Confucian s believe that family relationships are
crucial in order to have a peaceful and harmonious society. But For a long period in
history, the primary responsibility for family harmony was laid on children. When there
was conflict or tension between siblings, it was dealt with by the younger child showing
respect, service, or payment provided to the elder. When conflicts arose between parents
and children, it was the child s responsibility to apologize and self criticize him or
herself. However, in the early twentieth century, this
ASTYM Treatment Principles
The Treatment FITT Principles A typical ASTYM treatment includes 8 10 treatments,
two times per week, with a 2 day break in between each session (e.g. Mon Th, Tu F, M
F). As for intensity, the pressure of using the tool varies based on the condition being
treated as well as the patient s tolerance. Training is required to use the tools properly and
address the soft tissue dysfunction. After the certified PT uses the ASTYM tool on the
soft tissue dysfunction, exercises are given to the patient to do in order to use that new
range of motion, and for functional purposes. Interventions vary depending on the body
impairment, but could include: strengthening the weak muscles, increasing range of
motion (by using the new motion gained from treatment), performing daily activities
with proper mechanics, etc. Each intervention of ASTYM for treating one body
impairment lasts about 10 minutes each session (or whenever the dysfunction appears to
be less restricted). Maximal results usually achieved in 6 9 treatments. After 12
treatments, a patient probably won t see much more results. 1 Lastly, ASTYM treatment
is administered only by clinicians who have completed a comprehensive training program
and who are certified by Performance Dynamics. 3 The training includes pre reading, pre
tests, specific intensive treatment/anatomy... Show more content on ...
5 Maximal force output of the lower extremity was measured by an isometric squat test,
before and after treatment in all participants. A sham treatment version of ASTYM
treatment was given to randomly selected participants. Results showed that in those
participants who received the actual ASTYM treatment had a significant effect on the
percent change of maximal force output. Study supports that ASTYM can have an
immediate effect on muscle performance for those who have muscle weakness after a
lower extremity musculoskeletal injury.
The End Of The Second World War Essay
After the end of the Second World War Canada was not a major power but enjoyed
international recognition and influence on international issues. Due to this position, it
was classified as a middle power whose influence could be leveraged in solving
international disputes (Paris, 1997). The approach adopted by the country was that of
liberal internationalism which promotes the use of multilateralism, diplomacy and
peaceful methods in solving conflicts. Its traditional values in foreign policy are
neutrality and mediation. The country has also been instrumental in peacekeeping
missions and committed to multilateral organizations (Potter, 1996). However, since the
establishment of the Harper regime, there has been a considerable change in the country
s foreign policy. These changes include a more active participation in the war against
terror, its alignment with the western ideologies especially regarding the Middle East and
its reduced involvement in multilateralism (Boucher, 2009).
A middle power in international relations is a sovereign state that is neither a superpower
nor a great power but nevertheless enjoys international recognition and has influence on
international issues. The concept of middle powers arises from the division of the
world into classes according to their military and economic capabilities. This division
provides a state s relative power in international relations and includes division into great
power, major power, middle power and minor power
Hamlet Soliloquies Analysis
A soliloquy is a long speech spoken by a single character, similar to a monologue and
often found in plays. It usually reveals plot details or motivations that increase the depth
of the work. Several notable instances of soliloquy are found throughout Shakespeare s
tragic play Hamlet. Hamlet tells the tale of the distraught prince of Denmark (the play s
namesake): his quest to avenge his father s murder and his struggles with mortality. The
protagonist s soliloquies provide vital insight into Hamlets personality, his motivations,
and, perhaps most importantly, his spiral into madness. Hamlet s personality, while
hinted at by other characters and his own actions, remains something of an enigma
throughout the play. His soliloquies are necessary, therefore, to gain a fuller
understanding of it. One of two main aspects of his personality revealed this way can
be found in the most iconic lines of the play. Hamlet is shown to be depressed before the
to be or not to be soliloquy, but it is this speech in which he shows the depth of his
grapple with life. He contemplates killing himself outright, questioning [w]hether tis
nobler in the mind to suffer [t]he slings and arrows of outrageous fortune, [o]r to take
arms against a sea of troubles, [a]nd, by opposing, end them? (Act 3, Sn. 1, ln. 58 61).
This soliloquy exposes the depressed mood he has had throughout the play up to this
point and shows it for what it really is. Another key point of Hamlet s personality
emphasized through soliloquy is his devout loyalty to his father, the king. When
Hamlet speaks to the ghost of his father, his suspicions seem to be true: Claudius, the
king s brother, murdered the king in order to gain his crown. Upon learning this,
Hamlet is initially shocked, but then flies into a rage, cursing his uncle and calling him
a smiling, damned villain (Act 1, Sn. 5, ln. 25 112). The fact that Hamlet is willing to
kill his own uncle in order to avenge his father goes great lengths to show his devotion.
It is clear from this that loyalty is a crucial element of Hamlet s character. As well as
allowing the audience a much better understanding of what type of person Hamlet is, this
insight into his personality gives a glimpse of his

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