Best Teacher Essay

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Best Teacher Essay

Crafting an essay on the subject of the "Best Teacher" might seem like a straightforward task at first
glance. After all, we've all had teachers who left a lasting impact on us, making it seemingly easy to
pen down our thoughts and gratitude. However, the challenge lies in capturing the essence of what
makes a teacher truly exceptional and conveying those sentiments in a coherent and compelling

To start with, one needs to reflect on personal experiences, recalling specific instances that highlight
the teacher's influence. This introspective journey, while undoubtedly valuable, can also be
emotionally taxing as it demands the writer to delve into their memories and articulate the intangible
qualities that set their chosen teacher apart.

Moreover, expressing appreciation in a way that resonates with the audience while avoiding clichés
can be a formidable challenge. Describing the impact of a teacher on one's life requires careful
consideration of language, tone, and structure. Striking the right balance between being sincere and
avoiding excessive sentimentalism is a tightrope walk that demands finesse.

Additionally, the writer must navigate the fine line between portraying the teacher as an
extraordinary figure and maintaining a relatable and realistic portrayal. This requires a nuanced
understanding of the teacher's qualities and a keen ability to translate those into words that paint a
vivid and authentic picture.

Lastly, the process of honing the essay involves multiple drafts and revisions. Each iteration aims to
refine the narrative, ensuring that the essay captures not just the writer's admiration but also
communicates a broader message about the significance of effective teaching.

In conclusion, while the "Best Teacher" essay may seem like a simple tribute, its intricacies lie in the
emotional and intellectual challenges it poses. Crafting a sincere and impactful piece requires a
delicate blend of introspection, expression, and storytelling prowess. It's a task that demands time,
effort, and a genuine connection with the subject matter to create an essay that goes beyond the
superficial and resonates with readers.

For those who find themselves grappling with such a task or seeking assistance in essay writing, it's
worth exploring resources like , where similar essays and more can be ordered to
provide guidance and support in navigating the complexities of expressing appreciation for
exceptional educators.
Best Teacher Essay Best Teacher Essay
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According to Allison James, Children are often discouraged in the United States, from
making minimal decisions on their own or showing evidence of autonomy at young ages.
She asserts that childhood can denote more than one ideology, depending on where you
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interjects that there was no concept of childhoodduring the mid evil era. Thus alluding to
the cultural and social influences that factor into the structure of how a particular society
defines what it means to be a child. James Poses the idea of childhood takes on the
identity of systemic cultural practices as they pertain to children s needs and maturity
levels. (James 28). Thus there are many societal
Theme Of Politics In Paradise Lost
Let us now examine the question of politics in Milton s Paradise Lost. Milton opened
his poem by the fundamental story of man s creation and his first disobedience, with
which most readers would be familiar. He informed us about the aim of his epic poem
and explained why god expelled Adam and Eve from the Garden of Eden:
I may assert eternal providence,
And justify the ways of God to men. (PL, 1: 25 26)
According to Professor Armand Himy, in her essay Paradise Lost as a republican tracttatus
theologico politicus , Milton used the biblical setting to raise the question of government
and the source and foundation of political authority . She thinks that Milton chose
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If God created a hierarchy in Heaven, then, he was responsible for Satan s rebellion, and
by that responsible for man s fall. It is important to relate these events to 17th century
England in order to grasp Milton s reason behind this representation. Charles I s
absolutism and divine kingship is the first cause of the civil war according to Milton
and his puritan community. They refused to obey to Charles I s authority and
considered him as a tyrant. Moreover, puritans do not believe in divine kingship, they
believe in a direct relation with God. As a result, they discredited Charles I s divine
authority and encouraged the puritans to execute him. In Paradise Lost, Satan not only
disobeyed God s authority but he had questions about God s origins too. Like the
puritans, demonstrates Armand, Satan was wondering if God s authority is just a result
of customs and
Hull House Thesis
Research Paper
The Hull House was the flagship of movement in the late 19th century and early 20th
century (Chicago Planning History). It was established in 1889 by Ellen Gates Starr and
Jane Addams to help poor immigrants with many of their needs, including education. The
Hull House started out small, solving small problems in its neighborhood, but soon grew
bigger as more immigrants joined and sometimes even protested for causes on the
government level. The Hull House helped immigrants achieve their dreams for their new
lives in Chicago. When Jane Addams encountered a problem in immigrant education, it
led her to explore the new concept of educating immigrants. The teachers at the Hull
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Jane Addams and Ellen Gates Starr employed others to work with them such as Miss
Dow a specialist in child education, Dr. Lelia Bedel a specialist in physiology and
raising children, and Miss Stevens who specialized in educating reformers, activists, and
protesters. The Hull House also brought in many educated and successful people to give
free lectures like John Dewey, Susan B. Anthony, and Frank Lloyd Wright. Josephine
Goldmark stated after listening to a lecture given by Florence Kelley, No other man or
woman whom I have ever heard blended knowledge of facts, with satire, burning
indignation, prophetic denunciation (Simkin). The lectures given at the Hull House
inspired and awed many immigrants while giving them new knowledge. They helped
educate the immigrants not only on the specific topic of that lecture, but on proper
speech, and the importance of confidence, tone, and accuracy, that would help them get a
good job and achieve their dreams. They also showed the immigrants the great things
they could do with their lives, and the impact they had on their
The Book Of Ruth And The Abrahamic Covenant
Scripture is a story of redemption made up of sixty six books. Each of these books,
even when they were written over a span of hundreds of years, fit perfectly together in
the narrative story about God and man. On of these books, even with only four chapters,
connects the structure of the entire Bible so well. It point to the redemption of Israel and
the Gentiles, while also carrying out the Abrahamic Covenant; furthermore laying down
the foundation for the Davidic Covenant, while ultimately pointing to the future Messiah.
It is incredible to see how the Lord can use the least likely person to help accomplish
everything listen above in the book of Ruth. Considering the fact Ruth was a women, a
widow, and a Moabite, who the Israeliteshated,... Show more content on
Linafelt states, The scene in private at the threshing floor in chapter three is in many
ways the climactic scene of the book, setting up the final, public resolution of the plot
that follows in chapter four. While Ruth is resting at Boaz s feet on the threshing floor
she says, Spread your wings over your servant, for you are a redeemer (3:9), Victor
Hamilton says that this phrase clearly refers to marriage. This is the turning out
because through Boaz, Ruth is able to receive a new husband and Naomi is able to
receive a son (which eventually happens when Obed is born). This also takes away all
Naomi s bitterness because she how has someone to take he late husband s place, which
she is experiencing through Boaz by Ruth. Naomi is able to experience this because they
practiced Levirate marriage, which was incorporated into the Law of Moses (Deut.
Weed In The Film
Family teaches us the importance of knowledge, education, hard work and effort. If
you don t put enough effort in anything you do, don t expect the best in return. Not
everyone will knows the true meaning of family until the situation is bigger than you
can handle and when you need someone there to listen or grade you to do the right
thing, also to educate you to make the right choices. Never underestimate a person in
your life that s always there for you, that will go out of their way to make sure you re
alright. People have different stories to how they live their life. Whether it is it going to
church every day with your familyliving a good life or at the bottom where you re selling
weed to make money so your family can have a roof over their heads. The four texts I
have... Show more content on ...
When their father died, their mother got depressed. She was drinking alcohol daily and
was never sober. So June being the oldest had to step in and take care of his family.
June had to sell weed to put food on the table and have money for his family if they
needed anything they want. In this film the director gives the message that you should
stick with your family and trust your instinct no matter what the situation or what
people say. Also some issues of class/wealth. In each of these films we see how
important it is to never give up on your family and how important it is to stink with
your family through anything and everything. The director s Patricia Riggen (Miracles
from Heaven) and Jamal Hill (Brotherly love) of these films give the same purpose.
That you should always stick with your family and trust your instinct no matter what
people say about what s happening. For an example from Miracles from Heaven is
when Anna was in hospital. Christy went to church and people came up to Christy
saying maybe this isn t a mistake, bad things happened to bad people. Christy didn t take
Julius Robert Oppenheimer, the Man Who Created the
One man created a nuclear bomb, ended a world war, saved hundreds of thousands of
lives, all while creating a new wave of theoretical physics. He was born on April 22,
1904 in New York. His father, who had come to the United States from Germany at the
age of 17, was a prosperous textile importer. His mother, Ella Freedman, was a painter
who studied in Paris and came from Baltimore. He is Julius Robert Oppenheimer.
Oppenheimer was the most important person of the twentieth century due to his creation
of the School of Theoretical Physics in Berkeley, his crucial work on the development of
the atomic bomb, which ended World War II, and his thoughtful opposition to the great
destruction that could be wrought by the atomic bombs.
Oppenheimer ... Show more content on ...
in H. A Bethe 191 192). Oppenheimer s role in the Manhattan Project was important for
the United States to develop the nuclear bomb before its opponents. If Oppenheimer
was not involved, the nuclear bomb may not have been created in time for its use in
Japan, leading to hundreds of thousands of unnecessary deaths. Estimates from the
Radiation Effects Research Foundation, a cooperative Japan US research organization,
say that there were an estimated 90,000 to 166,000 casualties from the bomb dropped in
Hiroshima, Japan, and an estimated 60,000 to 80,000 casualties from the bomb dropped
in Nagasaki, Japan. If the United States had not had atomic bombs as a negotiation
technique, Imperial Japan would have kept fighting to keep their honor. This would have,
most likely, led to a land invasion, which would resulted in many more Japanese and
American casualties. Oppenheimer saved hundreds of thousands of lives and ended the
second world war with his work at the Manhattan Project.
However, the massive destruction wrought by the atomic bombs troubled Oppenheimer.
He had not considered the human toll that would be caused by the atomic bombs he and
his team were working so hard to create. At
Slaves In The Iliad
Enslaved by Honor When the term slave comes to mind, it is generally viewed upon as
the ownership of another human being, whether it is based on their race, gender, social
status, or place of birth. As a slave, the person is bound to devoting their time and
energy into satisfying their master(s), which is generally accomplished by completing
gruesome tasks. The slaves, in the book Iliad by Homer, are the cupbearers, war
prisoners, and the oppressed, necessary to build the infrastructure of a city. The
characters in the Iliad consist of three categories, the powerful, the sheep, and the slaves.
The sheep are the essential advocates of the powerful, supporting their every allegation
and admiring their achievements, regardless of the consequences. The... Show more
content on ...
The words exchanged between Achilles and Agamemnon in book 1 represents the
importance of dignity and glory. Agamemnon is forced to give up his war prize,
Chryseis, after the priest of Apollo, who happens to be the father of Chryseis, prayed
to Apollo to get his daughter back. Achilles and Agamemnon indulge themselves in a
war of words, which results in Agamemnon apprehending Achilles war prize, Briseis.
Had Agamemnon given Chryseis back without obtaining a new form of glory, he
would have been viewed as a weak leader, or worse, a coward, which would
undoubtedly affect his honor. This act, impaired by Agamemnon s hubris, not only
enrages Achilles, it also dishonored him, which led to him begging to his mother, Thetis,
and Zeus for a war between the Trojans and Greek. The war between the Trojans and
Greeks ultimately took place to restore Achilles honor and give him glory. Had Achilles
gone into the war without waiting until the Trojans were at the Greek s ships,
Agamemnon and the other Greeks would have taken advantage of Achilles forgiving
nature and treated him with less respect, without expecting any

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