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Essay On Bhagat Singh

Writing an essay on Bhagat Singh can be both challenging and rewarding. On one hand, the subject
matter is rich and historically significant, providing ample material for exploration. Bhagat Singh, a
revolutionary freedom fighter in India, played a pivotal role in the struggle against British colonial
rule. His life, ideologies, and the events leading to his martyrdom offer a plethora of themes to delve
into, such as nationalism, sacrifice, and the quest for justice.

However, the difficulty lies in the need for extensive research to grasp the nuances of Bhagat Singh's
life and the socio-political climate of that era. Comprehending the historical context, understanding
the ideologies that influenced him, and analyzing the impact of his actions require meticulous study.
Moreover, crafting an essay that does justice to the profound impact Bhagat Singh had on the Indian
independence movement demands a delicate balance between factual accuracy, empathy, and critical

Expressing thoughts coherently while maintaining the reader's interest poses another challenge.
Striking the right tone to convey the significance of Bhagat Singh's contributions without
oversimplifying or becoming overly academic requires a nuanced approach. The challenge is to create
a narrative that not only informs but also evokes an emotional response, making the reader connect
with the essence of Bhagat Singh's struggle.

In conclusion, writing an essay on Bhagat Singh necessitates a deep dive into history, political
ideologies, and the human spirit. It demands the ability to synthesize information, convey complex
ideas clearly, and infuse the narrative with a sense of purpose. Despite the challenges, the process can
be immensely fulfilling as it allows one to explore and appreciate the legacy of a true hero.

For assistance with similar essays or any other writing needs, a helpful resource is ,
where professional writers can provide support tailored to your specific requirements.
Essay On Bhagat Singh Essay On Bhagat Singh
Homer Research Paper
Biography of Homer

Homer was a greek poet that was born sometime between the 12th and 18th century.
There has been much speculation of when Homer was born, scholars would guess that
his birth was somewhere around 1200 BC to 750 BC. One of homers works The lliad,
have made scholars widely believe he was born around the Trojan war event. Homer was
also believed to live before The olympic games, where the Greeks actually started their
calendar, meaning that Homer was born before there was an actual calendar. This
makes it even harder for scholars to pinpoint his birth date. Like his birth date, where
Homer was born was also a mystery. It is believed that Homer was born in places like
Ionia, Smyrna, Asia Minor or the island of Chois. Homer is best known for his two epic
poems: The lliad and The Odyssey. The lliad ... Show more content on ...
Like Homer, Hesiod s life is largely unknown. The few things that are known is that he
lived in Boetia and his father had migrated from Cyme in asia minor before. Hesiod
used to be a shepherd in the mountains, but after his father passed away, he became a
farmer working the hard land. Hesiod is best known for his poems: Theogony and
Works and Days . Theogony is the story of the gods, in this poem, Hesiod recounts the
history of the gods, he talkes about how Cronus rebels against Uranus and Zeus rebels
against Cronus. In Hesiod s other epic poem works and days , Hesiod talks about the
story of Pandora in which pandora opens a jar out of curiosity and unleashes evils onto
the world. It is said that the story of Works and days was a way of Hesiod addressing
his brother who unfairly secured a significant amount of the family inheritance and was
planning on doing so again thus this was Hesiod s attempt to sway his brother away
from this path. Hesiod s epic became the one and only version of stories that linked all
the Greeks in ancient
The Youth Criminal Justice Act
In Spring 2009, three offenders, all in grade eleven , set two houses is Sherwood park
on fire. The youth criminal justice Act (YCJA) provided opportunities for them to
reintegrate and rehabilitate, instead of throwing them in jail. YCJA covers kids
between the ages twelve to seventeen years old. It s purpose is to handle youth
offenders more differently than adults because of their undeveloped minds. The YCJA
was released back in 2003. By protecting the rights and providing Youth Canadians the
support they need, the YCJA benefits the offenders in a positive way. The act gentrust
the youth a second chance to make sure they don t reoffend by rehabilitating and
reintegrating them. Also youth over the age 14 years can get an adult sentence if
necessary. Therefore, the YCJA is an effective law because it supports everyone; youth
will acquire the help they need and Public Safety is insured.

One of the most important components in the YCJA is that it allows youth to receive a
second chance. After they have been rehabilitated, and five years have passed, their
criminal record will be sealed. In addition, the act will enforce and conceal the identity of
the young offender. The media ban allows the twelve year old girl who murdered her
family (consists of three people) will eventually be able to apply for the job of her
preference. She is less likely to be rejected and the will not be recognized by the public
since she was covered by the media ban. Criminal record
Shakespeare And 130 And Sonnet 130 Comparison
Using the technique of comparison, William Shakespeare describes how deep his love is
for his significant other in both Sonnet 18 and Sonnet 130. Shakespeare takes an
unconventional approach by utilizing compare and contrast to make his point. Although
he writes the sonnets differently, the moral theme happens to be the same. The two
sonnets begin in total opposite tones but conclude the same. Shakespeare proves that the
same underlying theme can be proved by using different poetic styles and techniques,
such as rhyme scheme or comparisons, thus leads to the comparison and contrast
between Sonnet18 and Sonnet 130. In Sonnet 130, William Shakespeare inadvertently
uses blazon, a popular form of poetryduring the sixteenth century, to give a detailed
summary of his beloved s physical features in a negative manner. A typical blazon
would describe a female s body from head to toe. It allowed writers to project an
idealized woman whose features could be admired from afar. In the first four lines,
Sonnet 130 slowly reveals the conflicting image. The first line begins as a stereotypical
love poem, but by the conclusion of the second line, the intent of the poem is unclear.
The poem is shocking because instead of using common love poetry techniques,
Shakespeare suggests that the woman he is portraying is unattractive and more beautiful
things exist, for example, coral is redder than her lips. (Shakespeare, Sonnet 130) The
poem continues in this same manner throughout, until line 12. Here Shakespeare sets a
tone of criticism. Ironically, he still uses stereotypical love images such as perfume,
roses and music to compare his love.
The other method used by Shakespeare in Sonnet 130 is the element of surprise.
Throughout the poem, he states a beautiful characteristic then shortly follows up with the
diminishing of his significant other, almost giving no meaning to the characteristic
previously stated. In An Overview of Sonnet 130, Joanne Woolway states, Roses are the
stuff of love poetry, but the positivity of line 5 is quickly destroyed by line 6 which
negatively affects the praise that the previous line had hinted. The timing is perfect; the
surprise that is given from this non comparison is far
Charles Darwin Research Paper
Charles Darwin was Born on February 2, 1809, in Shrewsbury New England. Charles
grew up in a house his father built when he got married to Susannah. Charles was born
into a large family with four older siblings. Charles Darwin had three sisters, whose
names are: Marianne, Caroline, and Susan. Charles Darwin also had an older brother
named Erasmus. Charles was quiet but he still had no trouble making friends. Charles
parents were Dr. Robert Darwin and Susannah Darwin. Charles motherdied when he was
only eight years old on July 15, 1817. Susannah died of stomach cancer. After her death
Dr. Robert became depressed. Because of his depression, Dr. Robert spent much more
time working.Because of him working more he left the house to be run by... Show more
content on ...
The Shrewsbury school however lacked the subjects Charles was interested in.The
shrewsbury school taught the classics, which Charles found irrelevant. However,
Charles made up for his lack of interest in the subjects his school taught be conducting
many experiments on his older brother Erasmus. Charles continued to conduct
experiments on his older brother Erasmus until Erasmus went to college. Erasmus went
to college at Cambridge university where he studied medicine. Charles became very
fond of collecting, Charles collected minerals as well as insects. Another one of charles
hobbies was bird watching as well as hunting. At age sixteen Charles father Dr. Robert
told him it was time for him to make something of himself.
The first college Charles enrolled to the University of Edinburgh, Which is also where
his father Dr. Robert as well as his brother Erasmus went to get their degree. Because
Charles did not enjoy the study of medicine, Charles later dropped out of the University
of Edinburgh. After dropping out of the University of Edinburgh, Charles enrolled at
Cambridge University. Charles went to Cambridge University to become a clergyman in
the Church of England. The degree Charles received at Cambridge University was a
degree in
The Negative Impacts of Shift Work on Nurses Essay
In the past two decades, a lot of changes have been characterised in the healthcare
working systems. One of these changes has been the assimilation of shift work systems
and the flexibility in work schedules. The need for 24 hour care makes the healthcare
professions to work with different shift systems such as 12 h, 8 h, 9 h or 10 hour shifts.
However, the common shift worksystems divide a 24 h day in two (12 h) or three (8 h)
shifts. Nonetheless, this requires the staff to be adapted with the various forms of shift
work schedules.

The negative impacts of shift work on workers health such as fatigue and sleep which are
the main complain among the staff, job performance, psychosocial well being, and job
dissatisfaction have been ... Show more content on ...
With regard to sleepiness, several studies indicated that the average of sleep duration
in 1910 to 2002 have decreased from 9 to 6 hours on workdays (National sleep
foundation, 2002; Groger et al., 2004). Recently, a survey study of Roger et al. (2004)
shows that an American Nurses have an average of 84 minutes more sleep on non
workdays. Thus, shift work suggested as a cause of sleeping disorder among nurses
where they feel of sleep during the shift. Considering the contributing factors of
sleepiness, the literature identified that long working hours and rotating shifts are
causing sleeping disorder. In the night and rotating shifts, the nurses are rarely obtained
adequate amount of sleep. In fact, the nurses experiencing less sleeping hours (1 to 4
hour) than normal sleeping (Zeisler et al.,1980). Nevertheless, insufficient sleep is a
significant reason of damaging planning, decision making, and integration of
information (Krueger, 1994; Harrison and Horne, 2000). More recent studies have
revealed that long hour shifts and overtime are strongly linked to the difficulties of
being a wake through the shift which leads to increase the risk of making an error (Scott
et al., 2006; Roger et al., 2004).

Despite the fact that the accurate amount of

Hamlet Disillusionment In Hamlet
William Shakespeare s dramatic presentation of disillusionment within Hamlet, to a great
measure presents the notion that the quality of a leader is derived from one s possession
of integrity. Hamlet s disillusionment which emerges from the discovery of Claudius
regicide and the usurpation of his father s divine position, produces a plethora of human
dilemmas, such as the moral struggle between renaissance and medieval ideologies, the
paralysing effect of uncertainty and the defining nature of mortality. Thus by exploring
the universal complexity of human condition and its ability withhold integrity,
Shakespeare connects to audiences of various historical contexts.

Hamlet s disillusionment with medieval values establishes an insurmountable ... Show

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This is explicated within Act 3 Scene 3 where Hamlet is given the perfect opportunity
to slay the praying king. However, Hamlet s rhetorical question, Am I to take in the
purging of his soul when he is fit and seasoned for his passage? , illustrates his
envisagement of the moral ramifications, recognising that he would be condemned by
god whilst Claudius would be permitted to heaven with a forgiven soul. Hamlet s
deferment of his enormous burden is therefore not a cowardice act, but rather the
philosophical reasoning of a new age man caught in a situation where archaic and
barbaric conducts are required to accomplish his task. Additionally, Shakespeare s
juxtaposition of
How Does Walt Kowalski Show Guilt
Guilt can be all consuming. It can slowly creep into a person s life and leave them
emotionally crippled towards others, and even towards themselves. In the film Gran
Torino Walt Kowalski carries guilt and burden from the things he had to do during his
years in the Korean War. He is plagued by loss and memories with the effects of war
but, more than that, he also battles with his personal war. He searches for redemption,
even if it is unconscious. He knows that he made choices that would allow him to
survive, however killing others brought on feelings of guilt; guilt he carried since 1952.
He carried this guilt for so long and it lead to remorse, this is what allowed him to
search for redemption. As the plot develops, Walt proves himself

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