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Name : Novan Purwadi

Student ID : 2215733

1. What do you know about assessment as learning, assessment of learning, and

assessment for learning? When you elaborate your answer. Please include the
resource/reference (s).

Assessment is a crucial aspect of the education system that allows teachers to evaluate the
progress and achievement of their students. There are three main types of assessments that
educators use to measure learning outcomes: assessment for learning (AfL), assessment as
learning (AaL), and assessment of learning (AoL).

Assessment for learning (AfL) is a type of assessment that focuses on improving

learning outcomes by providing ongoing feedback to students about their progress and areas
for improvement. This type of assessment is formative and helps students understand where
they are in their learning journey, set goals, and make progress towards achieving them.
According to Flórez & Sammons (2013), AfL involves the active participation of students in
the assessment process, including self-assessment, peer assessment, and teacher feedback.

Assessment as learning (AaL) refers to the process of students taking an active role in
their own learning by monitoring and regulating their learning strategies through self-
assessment. In other words, AaL involves students becoming aware of their learning needs and
making adjustments to their approach based on ongoing assessments of their own progress.
According to Tee et al., (2018), AaL requires students to develop metacognitive skills, such as
self-reflection and self-regulation, and can be an effective tool for promoting lifelong learning.

Assessment of learning (AoL) is the most traditional form of assessment and involves
evaluating student learning outcomes at the end of a unit, course, or program. This type of
assessment is summative and typically involves standardized tests, exams, or other forms of
evaluation that provide a final grade or mark. According to Stiggins (1991) in Panadero (2016),
AoL provides valuable information for accountability purposes, such as grading and ranking,
and can help students understand their strengths and weaknesses in a given subject.

In summary, assessment for learning focuses on improving learning outcomes through

ongoing feedback, assessment as learning involves students taking an active role in their own
learning, and assessment of learning involves evaluating student outcomes at the end of a unit
or course. These three types of assessment can be used in combination to provide a
comprehensive picture of student learning outcomes.


Flórez, M. T., & Sammons, P. (2013). Assessment for learning: effects and impact.

Panadero, E., Jonsson, A., & Strijbos, J.-W. (2016). Scaffolding Self-regulated Learning
through Self-assessment and Peer Assessment: Guidelines for classroom

Tee, K. N., Leong, K. E., & Abdul Rahim, S. S. (2018). Effects of Self-Regulation
Strategies Training on Secondary Students’ Attitude and Self-Reflection Toward
Mathematics. Journal of Research in Science, Mathematics and Technology
Education, 1(2), 143–168.

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