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1. "Can you give me ...?

a) an advice;
b) some advices;
c) advices;
d) some advice.

2. "Have you seen her?" "Yes, I ... .":

a) did;
b) saw;
c) have seen;
d) have.

3. He doesn't like ... television.:

a) watch;
b) looking;
c) watching;
d) see.

4. There are a few things that can be done for her, ...?
a) are there;
b) can't they;
c) aren't there;
d) can they.

5. They have hardly ever talked to you, ...?

a) have they;
b) haven't they;
c) didn't they;
d) did they.

6. I can't help ... at her funny hat.

a) not laughing;
b) laughing;
c) laugh;
d) to laughing.

7. After the play ... we'll see our friends home.

a) will be over;
b) is over;
c) was over;
d) will have been over.

8. I'll call you as soon ... ready for the trip.

a) I am;
b) as I will be;
c) as I am ;
d) as I would be.

9. By the time they ..., we'll have prepared everything for the party.
a) will come;
b) are coming;
c) come;
d) came.

10. This is the man ... in the restaurant.

a) who I saw;
b) who I saw him;
c) whom I saw;
d) who did I see.

11. This is Jennifer, ... prepares dinner.

a) that;
b) what;
c) which;
d) who.

12. The book you recommended me, ... was very funny, was a
pleasure to read.:
a) which;
b) who;
c) that;
d) what.

13.Unless you ... him, he will not help you.

a) will ask;
b) ask;
c) don't ask;
d) won't ask.

14. If they ... the alarm clock, they wouldn't have missed the plane.
a) set;
b) would set;
c) had set;
d) were set.

15.Generally, summer is a hot season. But ... summer of 2005 was

rainy and preety cold.:
a) a;
b) the;
c) -;
d) this.

16. If my car had had good brakes I ... it on time.:

a) could have stopped;
b) could stop;
c) stopped;
d) had stopped.

17. "Where is the money?", John asked:

a) John asked where is the money;
b) John asked where the money is;
c) John asked where the money was;
d) John asked where was the money.

18. By the time we arrived at the airport, the plane ...:

a) has just taken off;
b) had just taken off;
c) took off;
d) had just take off.

19.When you came I ... the garden.:

a) watered;
b) have been watering;
c) was watering;
d) had watered.

20. She can't come right now. She ... on the project:
a) works;
b) is working;
c) worked;
d) work.

21. He said that he ... as soon as he ... working:

a) would come, would finish;
b) had come, was finishing;
c) would come, finished;
d) came, would have finished.

22. The police ... investigating a serious murder case for three weeks
a) are;
b) have been;
c) is;
d) has been.

23. He arrived ... London ... 7 a.m. ... a foggy November day. We
often have fog ... November:
a) in, at, on, in;
b) at, at, on, during;
c) to, at, in, on;
d) by, on, in, in.

24.You hardly ever go to cinema, ...?:

a) isn't it;
b) don't you;
c) are you;
d) do you.

25. If I'd known we'd have to wait so long, I ... a book.:

a) would bring;
b) had brought;
c) brought;
d) would have brought.

26. Who has written this novel? It's good. Who ... written by?:
a) this novel has been;
b) has this novel been;
c) has been this novel;
d) was this novel.

27.He insisted ... the documents:

a) to see;
b) that he sees;
c) in seeing;
d) on seeing.

28. Everyone ... quietly when suddenly the door ... open and a
complete stranger ... in:
a) was reading, burst, rushed;
b) were reading, bursted, rushed;
c) was reading, bursted, rushed;
d) read, was bursting, has rushed.

29.At this time on Monday, the handball team of our school ... be
training on the new sports ground:
a) will;
b) would;
c) should;
d) must.

30. My sister drives ... than my brother, but I must also admit that she
drives ...:
a) faster ... worse;
b) fast ... badly;
c) faster ... worst;
d) fast ... worse.
Grammar tenses

This is the most frightening experience ... in my life!:

a) I ever saw;
b) I have ever been seen;
c) I have ever seen;
d) I ever see.

Helen ... eighteen. Surely she's younger than that.:

a) can't be;
b) must be;
c) should be;
d) needs to be.

. We wish you ... here with us now.:

a) are;
b) had been;
c) have been;
d) were.

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