Creative Essay Titles

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Creative Essay Titles

Crafting an essay on the subject of "Creative Essay Titles" may seem deceptively simple at first
glance, given the apparent flexibility of the topic. However, delving into the intricacies of this theme
reveals a complexity that challenges even the most adept writers. The difficulty lies not only in
generating catchy and engaging titles but also in understanding the nuanced interplay between
creativity, relevance, and the central theme of the essay itself.

The paradox arises from the very nature of creativity; it is both boundless and bound by certain
parameters. Striking the right balance between uniqueness and coherence can be a formidable task.
The writer is tasked with navigating the fine line between capturing the reader's attention with an
innovative title and ensuring that it aligns seamlessly with the essence of the essay.

Additionally, the challenge intensifies when considering the diverse perspectives on creativity. What
might be perceived as a captivating title by one reader may not resonate as strongly with another.
The essayist is thus confronted with the challenge of crafting a title that possesses a universal appeal
while maintaining its individuality.

Moreover, the continuous evolution of language and the shifting trends in creativity further
complicate the process. Staying current and relevant requires not only a keen understanding of
linguistic nuances but also a finger on the pulse of contemporary culture and thought.

In conclusion, writing an essay on "Creative Essay Titles" demands more than just a flair for
language. It necessitates a profound exploration of the intricate relationship between creativity and
communication. The writer must grapple with the paradoxes inherent in the subject, striving to
produce a title that not only captivates but also encapsulates the essence of the essay.

For those seeking assistance in navigating this intricate terrain or exploring a myriad of related
topics, a wealth of resources is available. Similar essays and much more can be explored and ordered
on , where skilled writers provide expert guidance to unravel the complexities of
creative writing.
Creative Essay TitlesCreative Essay Titles
Concrete And Its Effects On The World After Water

1.1Background to the Study

Concrete is the second most utilized substance in the world after water and is the most
widely used construction material with an annual global production of about 10 billion
tonnes. It is preferred in most structures because of its unique properties such as
durability and high compressive strength. It is however relatively weak in tension, its
tensile strength being about 10 15 % of its compressive strength requiring that it be
reinforced with materials such as steel rods, glass or plastic fibers in order to improve
its ductility. It is also prone to slight shrinkage during the drying process and may lead to
cracking especially in normal strength concretes. (R. I. Gilbert, 2001). As defined by the
Portland Cement Association, the durability of concrete is its ability to counteract
abrasion, weathering action and chemical attack, and still maintain its desired
engineering properties. The proportioning and interactions between concrete ingredients,
placement and curing practices as well as the service environment determine this ultimate
durability and life. The ideal situation therefore in any construction project is to choose
the correct concrete type which will be more durable based on the project requirements.
Traditional vibrated concrete is most commonly used but it has limitations such as
difficulty to place in areas of congested reinforcement, difficulty to place in irregular
complex formwork and lack of compacting assurance
Children And Their Use Of Technology
Toddlers and Technology Children and their use of technology is a debate that has
existed since using technology in a home became customary. At some point in
everyone s earlier years, they heard adults say don t sit too close to the TV or it will
rot your brain out, or cause you to go cross eyed? It is now 2014 and there has never
been a confirmed case of brain rotting or crossed vision due to the television! In recent
years this discussion has turned to the interaction young children have with cell phones
and tablets. Weekly, if not daily, there are new apps specifically designed for these
young minds hitting the market, our toddlers now have dexterity that adults are trying to
master! How much is too much? What are the long term effects? Are we raising un
social little techies? These questions consume minds of parents today, and researchers
have put much time and effort into researching this topic for decades. The objective of
this study was to observe young children in a public setting to see how many were
actually interacting with mobile devices.
The observation technique used was as a participant observer, the specific goal to
observe the use of mobile technology directly by children appearing four and under in
a variety of public settings. At a local restaurant, two toddlers from different families
were observed, one was perfectly happy with crayons and a color page, the other begged
for his mother s cell phone until she gave in. Shortly thereafter, during a stroll
Henry David Thoreau Accomplishments
What you get by achieving goals is not as important as what you become by achieving
goals. Quote, Henry David Thoreau. An accomplishment is just another definition of a
goal. They may take a long time to complete; however, just have faith and great things
can come from it. Just like how Columbus never gave up to find the new world, even
though he always thought that the world was flat. The world has always been a place of
innovation and discovery. One of the many personal accomplishments I would like to
have is to travel and learn about the world. All the countries around the world have their
own culture and history, along with stunning national monuments and landscapes. Every
continent, country, and state, have different personalities. ... Show more content on ...
All my life, I ve been dreaming about knowing who I truly am. Years pass and I
discover that I don t need to be ashamed or to feel left out, that doesn t matter, being
special is something to be proud of. Even though I m a dual citizen and not extremely
patriotic, It s something that makes me unique. Later I would learn that my DNA
contains mostly Scandinavian, Irish, British, and Western European. This goes back to
when I was younger when my Dad taught me the culture of his home country. Also,
some other facts I ve learned are my birthday lands on the same day as Queen Elizabeth
ІІ, and my middle name is the national flower of England. Currently, I would like to study
Swedish, German, and some others. In the meantime, I ve been teaching myself about the
ancient civilizations and the European Revolutions. At school, we only get to learn about
certain subjects and don t get involved in international studies, until we re at a certain
grade. My dad taught me that during his school years, he learned about different
countries and how they function, including their governments and economy. During my
life, I ve only traveled the world three times and visited three countries, France, Denmark,
and Sweden. Next time I get the chance, I would see all of what the world has in
Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. And Congressman John Lewis
There is little debate among historians that Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. and Congressman
John Lewis are arguably two of the most important men in the Civil Rights Movement.
Both of these men, Dr. Martin Luther King, in context of his involvement with the
Southern Christian Leadership Conference, and John Lewis, in context of his
involvement with the Student Nonviolent Coordinating Committee, left indelible impacts
on the trajectory and success of the civil rights movement writ large. While it is
important to recognize the collective achievement of each of these men and the
organizations in which they served, it is also important to recognize the reality that both
of these men occupied distinct political positions within the movement which ultimately
changed the ways in which they both would foresee the actions that they thought would
be important and essential to the success of the movement.
Politics, while more often observed in context of institutional power structures like
governmental systems, i.e the federal government of the United States, is an important
and fundamental feature of transgressive social movements as well. In the Civil Rights
Movement, the fundamental differences in political ideology and direct action are best
highlighted between King and Lewis in context of the each of the initial speeches that
both of these men intended to give to attendees of the 1963 March on Washington for
Jobs and Freedom. Hence, this essay will provide a comparative analysis of
The World s First Idea For A Credit Card
In the year 1949, a businessman by the name of Frank McNamara, conceived the
world s first idea for a credit card. The idea was intended for when McNamara went out
for an important diner. While he was out, he realized he had left his wallet at home and
was unable to pay for the dinner so he needed something that could allow him to come
back and pay for the balance later. Overtime McNamara s credit cardidea has evolved
into an electronic way of making payments, we now use credit cards to purchase
groceries at the local market and make payments online since handing cash through the
Internet is virtually impossible. This small dinner idea was created for the purpose of
basically generating and IOU for a man who forgot his moneyat home has... Show more
content on ...
A centralized financial system is when a government assigns all economic responsibility
to a specific entity within its branches of government. Some say the Federal Reserve is
the most powerful entity within the United States government. Leaders within our
government have the ability to manipulate the Dollar s value in order to try and control
the economy s flow of goods and services. If the economy is seeing a spike in prices at
the grocery store that means there is inflation and the Federal Reserve can withhold
dollars from entering the system creating a lower amount of available dollars to spend,
ultimately increasing the value of the dollar and lowering the prices at the grocery
store back down to normal. The value of the American dollar can be a very powerful
tool when it comes to the government trying to balance the American economy, the
Federal Reserve could use this same strategy to manipulate the financial system when it
comes to the desired amount of goods being imported or exported between the United
States and other nations.. This being said, the money in your pocket is susceptible to
becoming trivial in the matter of hours, days, weeks, or months. This has been seen
before in the late 1970 s and early
Maya Angelou Literary Analysis
Literary works represent an important part of culture. Literary has many elements that
serve as levers that every literary work stands on. Settings compose the nucleus for
literary works and depend on time and place, which help to establish the background of
the work. Plot, character, theme, and style also compose fundamental components of
settings. I ll discuss characters roles and presentation in three different works, which are
Jump and Other Stories by Nadine Gordminer, My Beautiful Laundretteby Hanif Kureishi
and I Know Why The Caged Bird Sings by Maya Angelou.

Nadine Gordimer is a famous novelist and writer. She was born in 1923 in South Africa,
to immigrant Jewish parents. She is known for her position against the racial ... Show
more content on ...
She is one of the most Influential voices of our time. Angelou is a celebrated poet,
memoirist, novelist, educator, dramatist, producer, actress, historian, filmmaker, and
civil rights activist. She was born in April 4th, 1982, in Missouri; Angelou was raised in
Louis and Stamps, Arkansas. The work, which is considered as Maya s autobiography
was published on 1969. On her book, she values and focus on some issues like: traditional
African American family, being independence, personal dignity, self definition, Identity,
rape, racism and segregation which are the most important issues for her, community,
and culture. As a teenager, Angelou s love for the arts won her a scholarship to study
dance and drama at San Francisco s Labor School. Maya and her brother Baileyr were
sent to live with their grandmother Henderson who owned a general store, In Stamps,
Arkansas after their parents divorce, she had very hard time since childhood until
adulthood. She experienced the bad treatment racial discrimination. She was raped at
the age of eight by her mother s boyfriend while on a visit to St. Louis, but she refused
to speak for approximately five years, she became a mother at age of sixteen. Maya
speaks in the first person as she recounts her childhood. She writes both from a child s
point of view and from her perspective as an adult. The book thus explores a wide
range of timeless topics: child abuse, race relations and a lot of important general
issues of adolescence such as awakening sexuality, tension between the children and
their parents and friendship. Angelou basically tells us the story of her search for her
place in the world. The book inspires me and provides a roll model for self confidence,
ambition and overcoming life s

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