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Graduate Admissions Essays

Crafting an essay on the subject of "Graduate Admissions Essays" is a challenging endeavor that
demands a delicate balance between personal expression and adherence to specific guidelines. It
involves the intricate task of presenting oneself authentically while strategically addressing the
criteria set by the academic institution. The difficulty lies in distilling one's academic and personal
journey into a coherent narrative that not only showcases accomplishments but also communicates a
sense of purpose and passion.

The challenge further intensifies as the writer must navigate the fine line between confidence and
humility, emphasizing strengths without appearing boastful and acknowledging weaknesses without
undermining the overall application. The essay must be a masterful blend of introspection and
projection, providing insights into the individual's character, experiences, and aspirations while
aligning seamlessly with the expectations of the graduate program.

Moreover, the writer must be adept at showcasing a genuine understanding of the program's
offerings, faculty, and resources, demonstrating a clear alignment between their academic and
professional goals and what the institution has to offer. This requires extensive research and a
nuanced understanding of the program's nuances, making the essay not just a self-portrait but a
tailored piece that resonates with the specific values and objectives of the graduate school.

The difficulty is compounded by the limited space allotted for these essays, forcing writers to be
concise yet impactful. Every word must contribute significantly to the overall narrative, making the
selection and arrangement of content a meticulous process. Additionally, the pressure to stand out in
a sea of highly qualified applicants adds another layer of complexity.

In conclusion, writing an essay on "Graduate Admissions Essays" demands a high level of skill in
self-reflection, communication, and strategic alignment with the target institution. It is a task that
requires both creativity and precision, making it a formidable challenge for those seeking to secure a
coveted spot in a graduate program.

For assistance with similar essays and more, one can explore resources to
streamline the writing process and enhance the chances of creating a compelling narrative that
captivates admissions committees.
Graduate Admissions Essays Graduate Admissions Essays
The Real Heroes in Literature
What images are associated with the words hero ? A muscular Hercules saving the
world from Hades? A knight in shining armor bravely riding into combat? Words like
bravery, strength, pride, and self sacrifice are commonly connected with a classic
hero. But are those the only characteristics that make someone heroic? A dictionary
definition of a hero is a man of distinguished courage or ability, admired for his brave
deeds and noble qualities ; however, this is a very elastic definition and there are many
other types and definitions of heroes depending on circumstances. Is there one that is
correct? Do all heroes share any common characteristics? According to Orin E. Klapp, a
hero is a person, real or imaginary, who evokes the... Show more content on ...
Throughout the journey, Bilbo is able to defeat a few enemies, such as when he buys
time during the troll incident, and helps the dwarves escape from the spiders;
however, Diogo Gonçalves, points out that even when he starts becoming useful for
the group... he is humble; Bilbo doesn t mock on those he defeats, as the classic hero
tended to do (44), rather the mockery is used to defeat the enemies. A clear example is
the incident with the spiders, where he angers them by calling them offensive names
in order to give the dwarves a chance to escape. Despite all these differences, Bilbo is
still accepted as a hero in today s society and does share some traits with the classic
hero. One of the reasons I believe he is accepted in today s society is because he is
easy to relate to, demonstrating pleasure in his domestic lifestyle, but at the same
time, possessing a natural curiosity and a desire to enjoy the occasional adventure
outside his comfort zone. He also has the admirable quality of loyalty and persistence.
Even when the dwarves wanted to know why he had ever been brought at all, why he
could not stick to his friends and come along with them, and why the wizard had not
chosen someone with more sense, and that He has been more trouble than use so far,
said one (Tolkien 44), Bilbo still stuck by their side and helped them to the best of his
abilities. Just like the Cinderella hero, Bilbo was probably not the dwarves first choice
Character Relationships In Star Wars
Character relationships For stories that captivate the audiences, they need well developed
plots with characters who have interesting relationships with each other. The relationships
of the characters really drive the story because without the important relationships, there
will not be a story. The three points where it seems that the relationships the characters
have are important to the story would be in Star Wars, alien s relationships with humans,
and in The Day After Tomorrow. There are many key relationships characters share in
Star Wars that without them, the story would actually not have been a hit. Three of the
relationships are Luke and Darth Vader, Luke and Han Solo, and Anakin and Obi won.
Luke and Darth Vader have an interesting relationship. Since Darth Vader is in fact Luke
s father but at the same time his enemy, it definitely draws the audience in to find out
what happens next. It also makes the final battle scene in Star Wars: Return of the Jedi
high tension to see what will happen when Luke finally faces his father. Another
relationship that helps the story would be Luke and Han Solo. This character
relationship is about two friends. It is important to the story because Han Solo has
gone out of his way to make sure Luke is alive, such as when Luke was left out in the
cold on Hoth. If Han Solo did not have the urge to save his friend then there would be
no story without the main character. Also, Han Solo and Luke fight side by side to fight
the galaxy and
The Pony Express In Nevada
Throughout history Nevada has been an outstanding state giving it residents the best it
has to offer, as it still does today in the 1850 s it was no exception.
During the 1850 s the Unites states decided to try to connect the west with the rest of the
country with a mailing system called the Pony Express. The Pony Express was a mailing
system from Missouri to California. In Nevada the Pony Express had about 29 stations
that crossed Nevada. One in particular the Simpson Park Station, this station was named
after Captain James H. Simpson and was built in the spring of 1860 after Simpson
visited Nevada and described it as ..... The grass, water, and timber of this range would be
amply sufficient....
Captain James Simpson was assigned to make
The Last Supper
The Last Supper, by Leonardo da Vinci, is one of the most famous works of art in the
world. This painting represents the religious ceremony with Jesus Christ and his 12
disciples. This is the last meal that was shared between him and his disciples before his
arrest and his untimely crucifixion. Leonardo was commissioned to execute the painting
in the Dominican monastery of this Church by Duke of Milan, Ludovico Sforza.
Leonardo da Vinciwas an artist, scientist, architect, author, engineer, inventor, and
humanist. He was born in 1452 near Vinci in Italy, and died in Amboise, near Tours
France in 1519. The Last Supper and the Mona Lisaare his most famous works of art.
Although it took a little over three years to complete, da Vinci did... Show more content
on ...
The Last Supper measures 460 cm × 880 cm (180 in × 350 in) and till this day covers
an end wall of the dining hall at the monastery of Santa Maria delle Grazie, a church and
Dominican convent in Milan, northern Italy. When I see the painting the shape is
symmetric in the sense that there are the same amount of people on both sides of Jesus.
The genre of this painting is Christian art.There are also four panels on both sides of
the walls. In my opinion, the target audience that this painting was intended for are
those who are believers of Christ. I feel this way because I think that this painting
portrays the event that is talked about in the bible in the scripture Matthew 26, verse
21 where Jesus says ... Truly I tell you, one of you will betray me. . He then continues
in verse 23 saying, The one who has dipped his hand into the bowl with me will betray
me . In the painting, you can clearly see the man two seats away from his right
reaching for the bowl at the same time as Christ. This event lead to the Holy Eucharist,
also known as communion or the Lord s Supper where Christ takes the bread which was
to symbolize his body and wine which was to symbolize his
Tappan Zee Bridge Essay
Tappan Zee Bridge

A symbolic span over which Westchester and Rockland Counties will move virtually
overnight, twenty years into the future When Governor Thomas F. Dewey made this
pronouncement in December of 1955, it does not seem as though even he knew how
true his words would be. It took till 1989 and Field of Dreams to coin the phrase If you
build it they will come , but someone could have very well made the same observation
during the 1950s in reference to Rockland County New York. Both of these statements
cannot fully impress into the minds of readers that changes that came with the opening of
a single roadway.

After World War II ended there was a great difference between the number of people who
wanted to buy houses and ... Show more content on ...
During the first few years of the 1950 s this landscape saw the rapid disappearance of
farms and agricultural lands. This major change occurred from 1950 1954, when the
number of farms in the county shrank from 408 to 139. The majority of the farms lost
were less than 100 acres. At the turn of the twenty first century about 25 farms still
operated in the county, with a total acreage of just over 600. This is a drastic change
from the 18,711 acres that were devoted to farms in 1940. This current farming culture is
dominated by nurseries and greenhouses on about 24 acres. Most farms in pre suburban
Rockland County produced tomatoes, strawberries, apples, and other crops. In 1968
county officials said that since 1960 the urbanizing progress had continued to the point
where the number of rural families and settlements is infinitesimal and number of
operating farms has reached almost the vanishing point thereby recognizing the changes
that were then occurring involving land usage.

This change in land usage during the early 1950 s was precipitated by plans for a bridge
over the Hudson River. This bridge was to connect Rockland and Westchester counties
between Tarrytown in Westchester and Nyack in Rockland. The building of this bridge
would become the first step that facilitated massive changes in the area. Developers and
farmers saw the opportunities that would come with this bridge, it would finally allow

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