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Essays On The Movie Crash

Crafting an essay on the movie "Crash" can be a challenging endeavor that demands a profound
understanding of the film's intricate layers and thought-provoking themes. The movie itself is a
mosaic of interconnected stories, exploring complex issues such as race, prejudice, and societal
tensions in contemporary Los Angeles.

To embark on this writing journey, one must delve into the film's narrative structure, character
dynamics, and underlying messages. Analyzing the diverse perspectives presented in "Crash" requires
keen observation and the ability to decipher the subtle nuances embedded in each scene.
Additionally, a thorough examination of the film's cinematography, soundtrack, and symbolic
elements is essential to capture its artistic essence.

Moreover, constructing a coherent and insightful essay on "Crash" involves conducting research to
contextualize the movie within broader sociocultural discussions. This may entail exploring related
academic discourse, film criticism, and real-world events that parallel the issues depicted in the film.
The essay should not only dissect the plot and characters but also offer a critical analysis that goes
beyond surface-level observations.

Furthermore, addressing the moral and ethical dilemmas raised by "Crash" requires a thoughtful
reflection on one's own values and beliefs. Engaging with the film's controversial moments and
exploring the grey areas of human behavior demands a delicate balance between objectivity and

In conclusion, composing an essay on "Crash" necessitates intellectual rigor, analytical acumen, and
a nuanced understanding of the film's thematic complexities. It is a task that requires the writer to
navigate through the intricacies of the narrative while weaving together a cohesive and thought-
provoking analysis. For those seeking assistance with such essays or similar academic endeavors,
resources like offer a platform to explore expertly crafted pieces on a variety of
Essays On The Movie Crash Essays On The Movie Crash
Causes And Effects Of The North Sea Flood
The North Sea Flood occurred within Saturday, 31st January 1953, and seemed to remain
persistent prior to subsiding within the morning of Sunday, 1st February. Regardless of
initial concerns regarding a plausible flood arising, citizens within the coastal regions of
England and the Netherlands remained ignorant toward constant cautionary aids. The
North SeaFlood has been considered as a calamitous phenomenon that has forced
detriments upon the citizens that resided nearing the Northern Sea ; coastal areas of
Netherlands, England, Belgium, France as well as Denmark. Oblivion toward the
aftermath of the flooding resulted within fatalities and varying injuries. This remains as
the focal reasoning referring to constant fatalities regarding floods.

(Social Impacts)
Immense devastation was apparent consequential to the occurrence of the disaster, the
number of casualties were intensified through the lack of initial response to warnings,
that hindered individuals to evacuate prior to the flooding. Foregoing the flood
devastating the citizens within several eastern European nations, Princess Victoria; an
English passenger vessel, attempted to journey across the Irish Sea. Once departed, the
passengers ferry experienced the initial developments of the European windstorm. 133
fatalities occurred once the Princess Victoria voyaged across the Irish Sea, the vigorous
windstorm continually developed to form a flood that aimed to devastate the social and
environmental stability
American Recovery Reinvestment
The American Recovery and Reinvestment Act of 2009 The objective of the American
Recovery and Reinvestment act, also known as the stimulus was to end the recession
that had occurred in 2008. The recession had a major impact on the U.S job market.
The United States congress approved the act which consisted of an investment of 787
billion dollars in order to encourage customer spending and also to save old jobs and
create new ones. The act encouraged economic growth by affirming the following:
1)Clean Efficient American Energy Through the Recovery Act, the Energy Department
invested more than $31 billion to support a wide range of clean energy projects across
the nation from investing in the smart grid and developing alternative fuel vehicles...
Show more content on ...
Suspension of taxes on the first $2,400 of unemployment benefits through 2009. In
addition to this package, an amount of 25$ was obtained by unemployment benefits for
a limited period of time, it was the same case for job training and job funding. Moreover,
other services such as food stamps were extended as well. 9)Accountability The
legislation of the ARRA contains on its own a wide range of accountability provisions,
that include the conception of a disclosure website that came to be recognized as This was the doing of both the Obama Administration and the Congress.
Proactively, numerous advocacy groups outside the government were pressing maximum
openness to stimulus spending. Was it a
Patellofemoral Syndrome Essay
Patellofemoral syndrome, often called runner s knee , is deep pain anterior to the patella
usually caused by excessive running, especially downhill. This may be due to a multitude
of abnormal biomechanics or tendencies. Although running is a common and popular
exercise, the knee joint is an extremely mobile and unstable joint. And those who initially
develop patellofemoral pain usually end up with chronic kneepain (Willy et al., 2012).
The patella, only being held in place by ligaments and tendons, is easily manipulated by
the pull of muscles attached to these ligaments and tendons. However, there are gender
differences between males and females in how they each develop patellofemoral tracking
and pain. The patella is held to the knee joint, connecting to the tibia and femur by the
quadriceps tendon as the proximal attachment, and the... Show more content on ...
It has been observed that females are more likely to develop genu valgum than men.
This genu valgum is a direct cause of lateral patella tracking, which is the major cause
of patellofemoral pain. This explains why females are more predominantly affected by
patellofemoral syndrome than men (Willy et al., 2012). It was also found that women
have decreased relative hip abduction strength in comparison with males , which also
explains female patellofemoral pain (Wolf et al., 2014). It was found that males actually
have a decrease in the Q angle, which causes genu varum. This causes medial patella
tracking and patellofemoral pain. Although it is much more rare for males to experience
patella tracking, medial patella tracking was found to have a greater decrease in contact
to the patellofemoral joint than lateral patella tracking. Therefore, decreasing the
quadriceps angle can have an even larger effect on patellofemoral joint stresses than
increasing quadriceps angle an equal amount (Willy et al.,
Question 1:

From this case study, it showed how Lehman Brothers walked down to the end of it
business. Through Lehman Brothers case, it reflects the ugly side of a corporate. A big
recognized company collapse due to it unsuccessful leadership management, culture and
dishonesty by it people caused the company walked down to the end of it business.
There are several points showed how it gone bankrupted. By using the ethical perspective
to look at Lehman Brothers situation, it showed that the company being dishonest to it
clients, failure in the company leadership and corporate management are the major
problems that lead to the company downfalls. As a Wall Street icon, they disappointed
the public and being irresponsible towards ... Show more content on ...
This may caused the unwillingness and disobedience of some employees in Lehman
because their opinion did not get the attention from the management, whereas only those
who did their job just to achieving their personal values and goals get good rewards
from the company. They use to reward employees with lots of money for taking risks, to
encourage risk taking to earn better profit. Because of the rewards, Employees has
drive to work harder to get better money but has forgotten to put their clients into
consideration by lower down the risk and to do better and deeper analyses before
taking every move. Furthermore, in the case of Lehman Brothers, it showed a
company that did not put his people/ employees into consideration or as assets of it
company. This showed when Lehman decided to lower the medical insurance costs just
to get an expense off the balance sheet, and rejected the suggestion of a loyal consultant
than has been worked sincerely 9 years with Lehman just to cover the company s ass
with some unethical decision. Moreover, the third party, Ernst amp; Young aware of the
use of Repo 105 by Lehman but did not voice out or report to the related association.
Being a top professional auditor firm, E amp;Y did not perform it professionalism to
show responsibility to it firm and try to help the unethical party to hide it true situation of
it company. In this scenario, it showed the unethical issue that always happens in the
business industry, Corruption. In my
African American Women And The Civil Rights Movement
Even though African American women have played vital roles in social justice
movements, they are often overshadowed because of their gender. Only a few
organizations like Student Nonviolent Coordinating Committee (SNCC) gave more
access for female leadership. But more often than none, women had informal positions of
Because of gender norms in the 1960 s, society was resistant toward women in power
and leadership, especially African American ones. Even though African American
women had the traits, skills, and personalities to be formal leaders of social justice
movements like the Civil Rights Movement, they were never given a platform to do so,
mostly because their leadership wouldn t be recognized as legitimate ... Show more
content on ...
Wether it was recruitment, mobilization, or obtaining and securing resources, African
American women were the backbone and the unsung heros of these movements. Given
the context of the times, the period 1954 65, women who participated in the civil rights
movement experienced unprecedented power (Robnett 1996).
African American women have been major actors in social activism since their arrival in
the Americas. They have used various strategies like writing articles and books,
organizing demonstrations and more to create cultural change. Using the pressure of
racism and sexism, African American women created a space for a unique form of
leadership that encapsulated both cultural and political, more formally know as bridge

African American women s leadership in the community is translating into political
power. What has once been seen as a political liability, gender and race, is now turning
into political capital. Just as African American women used their exclusive perspective to
further social justice movements, they are using that it in the political world and are
being just as successful. Their presence in local, state, and federal government is
increasing. Because of their ability to connect to those they represent and think outside of
the box, African America women are becoming very successful political actors. Since
they are able to weave traditional
Hotel and Restaurant Industry in Turkish Economy

1. INTRODUCTION 2. Tourism Impact on National Economy 3. Impacts of Hotel and

Restaurant Industry on National Economy 4. Hotel and Restaurant Industry
4.1. Hotel Industry
4.2. Historical Background of Hotel Industry
4.3. Investments in Hotel Industry in Turkey
4.4. Evaluation of Hotel Industry
4.5. Restaurant Industry
4.6. Historical Background of Restaurant Industry
4.7. Investments in Restaurant Industry in Turkey 5. S.W.O.T Analysis for Hotel and
Restaurant Industry 6. CONCLUSION 7. REFERENCES

1. Introduction

The aim of this research is to provide information about Hotels and Restaurants on
tourism industry as well as its contribution to ... Show more content on ...
The hotel and restaurant industry include institutions, facilities, human resources,
financing mechanisms and also organizational structures that connect companies or
investors and resources that cater to the needs of domestic and foreign travelers.
Institutions consist of government departments, private sector providers of lodging and
catering services, such as hotels, motels, restaurants, fast food establishments and finally
educational institutions which provide training activities as well as other types of
organizations, are responsible for the promotion of tourism services.
The local hotel industry is now in its mature stage and mainly characterized by the
overcapacity of available rooms against categories of services. However, the local
restaurant and fast food industry members are in their growing stage and has the chance
to increase the consumer demand for every improving product. The rapid expansion of
food industry is an indicator fort his demand. The popularity of these fast food facilities
emerged in 1980 s and for the last few decades, the industry has a consistent improvement
that has doubled its growth rate digit

5.1. Hotel Industry

The Hotel Industry deals with develop, own, manage, and/or operate lodging facilities,
including motels and full service hotels. This industry is comprised of several sub
industries as following ; * Travel Accommodations * Hotels (except casinos)
Why Do People Support Jim Crow Laws
After reading/viewing the Jim Crow pieces, I conclude that people who supported the Jim
Crow laws thought that African Americans were physically, mentally, and ethically
inferior to Caucasians, They used awfully specific and hateful laws to express their
supremacy . The picture Jim Crow supports my statement by showing animals dressed in
better clothing than the African Americanman featured in the illustration. He seems
cheerful and carefree in those tattered clothes, reinforcing Jim Crow s supporters view
that African Americans are naturally crazy and of a lower class. This steadfast belief
provided the reasoning for the laws and punishments common with places under the
influence of Jim Crow. Speaking of laws, the rules and guidelines

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