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Examples Of Persuasive Essay

Crafting an essay on "Examples of Persuasive Essay" is akin to navigating a labyrinth of intricate

ideas and nuanced arguments. The challenge lies not only in presenting compelling examples but also
in weaving them into a coherent narrative that persuades the audience effectively.

Firstly, one must delve into the realm of persuasive writing, understanding its principles and
techniques. It requires a meticulous selection of examples that are not only relevant but also resonate
with the audience's beliefs and values. This demands extensive research to find examples that
illustrate the desired points persuasively.

Moreover, structuring such an essay demands finesse. It's not merely about listing examples but
organizing them logically to build a compelling case. Each example must be analyzed,
contextualized, and presented in a way that reinforces the central argument while addressing
potential counterarguments.

Furthermore, there's the challenge of maintaining a balanced tone. Persuasion requires a delicate
balance between assertiveness and empathy, ensuring that the audience feels compelled rather than
coerced. Achieving this balance requires careful consideration of language, tone, and rhetorical

Lastly, crafting a persuasive essay requires honing one's writing skills over time. It's a process of trial
and error, refining each draft to achieve maximum impact. It demands patience, perseverance, and a
willingness to revise tirelessly until every word serves its purpose.

In conclusion, writing an essay on "Examples of Persuasive Essay" is no small feat. It entails

navigating through a myriad of challenges, from selecting relevant examples to crafting a compelling
narrative. However, with dedication and perseverance, one can overcome these hurdles and create a
persuasive piece that leaves a lasting impact on the audience.

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Examples Of Persuasive Essay Examples Of Persuasive Essay
Comparing the Opening Sequence of The Italian Job (1969)...
Comparing the Opening Sequence of The Italian Job (1969) and the Opening Sequence
of The Italian Job (2003)

In this essay I will be comparing the opening sequences of The Italian Job (1969) and
its modern day remake The Italian Job (2003). The original was directed by Peter
Collinson and starred famous actors such as Michael Caine. It was a huge success and
gained a massive cult following. The remake in 2003 was directed by Gary Gray and
stared Mark Wahlberg and Seth Green. Again this was a huge success and introduced
the film to a new generation. The opening sequence is a very important one as it gives
the viewer a feel for the movie and what s to be expected from the film. Keep in mind
that the ... Show more content on ...
One minor flaw is the amount of damage actually done to the car, all the paint work
seems to be in immaculate condition with some light body damage not what you would
expect from a massive explosion. You then see Charlie Crocker getting released from
prison. This immediately gives you ideas on this person s personality as he has been in

In the 2003 version the action is quite different; as the credits are rolling, fast paced
orchestral music is playing in the back ground with shots of plans of what you
presume are for some type of crime. The music builds up to a climax before stopping
and going into the movie. A man in his mid sixties walks out of the shop on the phone
to his daughter as they talk about where he is and if his Parole Officer knows about it.
Within the first few sentences you can tell that the man has something to do with the
plot as he talks about breaking out of prison which makes the viewer feel suspicious
about his past. He informs you that he s in Venice and the cameras pan towards the
trademark features such as the gondolas and Rialto Bridge. He meets up with work
colleagues and they begin to initiate their plan. All of this creates a sense of anticipation,
you are expecting something to happen shortly. During the boat chase scene, there is a
dramatic difference in the music. Loud and fast paced music is being
Richard Joseph Daley
Richard Joseph Daley, the grandson of Irish immigrants, was born in the Bridgeport
area of Chicago on May 15, 1902. He was graduated from De La Salle Institute in 1918
and worked in the stockyards for several years before studying law. While studying, he
worked as a clerk in the Cook County Controller s office. In 1936 Daley married
Eleanor Guilfoyle, and the couple had three daughters and four sons. One son, Richard
M. Daley, served in the Illinois Senate and as CookCounty state s attorney before being
elected mayor of Chicago in 1989.

Daley held several elected posts before becoming mayor. He was state representative
from 1936 to 1938, state senator from 1939 to 1946, county deputy controller from 1946
to 1949, and county clerk from ... Show more content on ...
A machine politician in the old tradition, Daley will use patronage to control the Illinois
state vote and obtain tax breaks and zoning law favors for real estate interests and others
that support him.

Although Daley remained popular and influential during his several terms, his
administration was marred by a number of political scandals, by civil rights disturbances,
and by a riot at the 1968 Democratic convention. Daley was among John F. Kennedy s
key supporters in the 1960 presidential election, providing him with the delegates who
helped him win a first ballot nomination and a massive Chicago vote that delivered
Illinois for Kennedy in his narrow victory over Richard M. Nixon. Daley hosted the
1968 Democratic National Convention at President Lyndon B. Johnson s request. Daley
s national reputation was seriously tarnished as the result of violence between anti
Vietnam War demonstrators and Chicago police. Ironically, Daley had been a private
critic of the Victnam War and had urged Johnson to withdraw U.S. forces. In 1972,
Daley was dealt another blow when the Democratic National Convention refused to seat
his Illinois delegation because of noncompliance with new selection rules. In 1976,
Jimmy Carter said that Daley s endorsement clinched his first ballot nomination for the
presidency, but Daley failed to deliver Illinois for Carter in the election. Controlling
The Legend Of Malintzin Essay
The story and identity of Malintzin has evolved continually since it was first told and
each change came with the change of political climate in Latin America. In each of the
three main depictions of Malintzin, her original depiction by the original chroniclers of
her legend, her identity as a scapegoat starting a few decades after her death, and the
modern interpretation of her legend which is being revised to vindicate her, she has
been used to push the agenda of those seeking political power. In accordance with this
these political climates the notions surrounding Malintzin s gender and race have also
changed throughout the history of her story. To fully understand how her story has been
viewed to create political meaning we must first discuss her story. Malintzin was a
young, beautiful slave given to Cortéz and his men in 1518 as... Show more content on ...
In the eyes of the other natives, Malintzin role as speak for the Spanish made her a
very important person. She is not seen as a traitor as she is later depicted, but is in fact
compared to the virgin Mary and called the mother of Mexico (Townsend p. 79). The
character of Malintzin becomes this matriarchal figure in Mexican history, a figure that
she could only fulfill because of her gender. This role of motherhood is very important
in the ideas of what femininity is often defined as, it means being nurturing, caring,
creating something beyond oneself, this is what Malintzin was originally perceived as.
This perception of Malintzin was mostly perpetuated by the Spanish to help bathe them
in a better light. Cortez s conquest of Latin America was not the reason he had been
sent to Latin America, he was supposed to explore. By portraying the conquer of Latin
America as a way to bring Catholicism to the savages and by having it a native woman
be apart of this conquest it showed there was support in the native
Fear Of Clowns In Pop Culture
Riding a fear of clowns through clowning
Clowns have been present in almost every culture for over X years; often being used to
say what is needed to be said or to tear down misunderstood ideas. The nature of clown is
to act as a social commentary while still remaining grounded in what makes humans
human. It is because of their nature in connecting to their emotions and saying what is
socially unacceptable that coulrophobia or the fear of clowns has become a growing and
relatively new problem. Mostly mediated by the portrayal of clowns in pop culture, this
phobia ranges from young children to fully grown adults. For some people, the image of
a clown or even just the red nose of a clown is enough to bring them to tears while for
others clowns are merely uncomfortable to be around. Generally, clowns are easy to
avoid on a daily basis but for those who are genuinely want to ... Show more content on ...
Clowns are known to play the fool but they also serve to project society s illusions,
repressed longings, or the socially unacceptable side of humanity. Without the clown to
project these socially unacceptable values addressing them would be uncomfortable.
The mask of the clown does little to make a person with coulrophobia feel comfortable
and as a result, they are even further perturbed by the content being addressed. It is
possible that there is an underlying portion to the fear of clowns where the two parts,
clown, and content, are part of each other and cannot be separated. This may have further
implications through the current media portrayal of clowns. Since clowns are seen as
being creepy, dishonest, and killers in the media they create a forced commentary on
death and murder without making the content feel safe. This lack of safety moves to
further perpetrate the removal of innocence from a clown and promoting the bastardized
killer clown
Any art medium can be utilized to tell a story or evoke emotion in a viewer. Artistry is
unique in that it is purely visual and can be left to interpretation if the artist chooses to
stay ambiguous in the message they are trying to convey. As an artist, I am always trying
to analyze the meanings behind famous works of art, whether those meanings happen to
be incidental or purposeful. So, when contemporary artist, Enrique Chagoya expressed
his adoration for the social commentary expressed in Francisco Goyas Los Caprichos
sketches, I was intrigued. Francisco José de Goya y Lucientes is regarded as one of the
most important Spanish artists from the late eighteenth and early nineteenth centuries.
His work spanned the time of four... Show more content on ...
It should come as no surprise that Chagoya s style was heavily influenced by the late
eighteenth century artist. In his Met featurette, Chagoya mentions that he has a
background in political economy that has inspired him to add social commentary to
his art. This inspiration original stemmed from his love for Francisco Goya s art
pieces, especially his series of sketches titled, Los Caprichos. He mentions how Goya s
art is like a window to the world of the late 1700 s (Chagoya, The Artist Project ). What
is so magical about these sketches though is that the sketches are not representative of
a specific time or place which allows the messages conveyed to still ring true. The
figures in his sketches are metaphorical and represent themes such as greed, vanity, and
fear. Chagoya believes that we are meant to see a piece of ourselves reflected in these
figures but the dark and humorous style of the sketches keep the message from
damning us. His overall message in this series seems to be that we, as humans, shouldn t
aim to appear good but we should instead make the world a better experience for
Comparison Of 1930 And 1940 s Inventions
In the 1930 s and the 1940 s, there were many new and creative inventions that make
life easier today. Just imagine life without television, a microwave, or even air
conditioning. Well, thanks to the 1930 s and 1940 s you aren t devastated and grateful
for what you have. In the early 1930 s air conditioning was invented by Willis Carrier. It
was not like the air conditioning we have today, back then the air conditioning systems
were not aimed at human comfort, however they were designed to control the humidity.
Another inventionthat many people use today is colored television. In 1940 CBS began
experimenting with color field tests using films as early as August 28, and live cameras
by November 12. One of the greatest inventions

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