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Marijuana Should Be Illegal Essay

Crafting an essay on the topic of whether marijuana should be illegal can be a challenging task,
primarily due to the multifaceted nature of the subject. The debate surrounding the legalization of
marijuana involves intricate layers of social, medical, economic, and legal considerations. As a writer,
you would need to navigate through a plethora of information, statistics, and opposing viewpoints to
present a comprehensive and well-reasoned argument.

Firstly, the issue has deep historical roots, and exploring the historical context of marijuana
prohibition requires careful research and analysis. The essay must delve into the origins of marijuana
criminalization, examining the societal attitudes and political motivations that led to its prohibition.

Secondly, the medical aspect adds another layer of complexity. Research findings on the potential
medicinal benefits of marijuana have generated considerable debate. Addressing both the positive
and negative health effects, as well as the implications for medical use, requires a nuanced and
evidence-based approach.

Additionally, one must consider the economic impact of marijuana prohibition and legalization. This
involves analyzing the costs of law enforcement, incarceration, and the potential revenue generated
through taxation and regulation in legalized markets.

Moreover, legal considerations such as the clash between federal and state laws in some countries,
the impact on criminal justice, and the potential effects on public safety should be explored in-depth.
It requires a thorough understanding of legal frameworks and their implications.

Lastly, the essay should incorporate various perspectives, acknowledging and addressing
counterarguments to strengthen the overall argument. This demands a balanced and fair presentation
of contrasting viewpoints, adding an extra layer of difficulty to the writing process.

In conclusion, writing an essay on whether marijuana should be illegal is a challenging endeavor that
demands a deep dive into history, medicine, economics, and law. Navigating through the intricacies
of this topic requires a balanced and informed approach to provide a comprehensive analysis. For
those seeking assistance with such essays or other academic writing, various resources, including , offer support and services to facilitate the writing process.
Marijuana Should Be Illegal Essay Marijuana Should Be Illegal Essay
The United States Marine Corps War Memorial
The United States Marine Corps War Memorial, which stands in Arlington National
Cemetery, is among the most famous statues in Washington D.C. Upon the conclusion
of World War II, it was erected and dedicated to the Marine dead of all wars and their
comrades of other services who fell fighting beside them (US National Park Services).
The statue was based on a photograph taken by Joe Rosenthal of six marines raising the
flag over Mount Suribachi after an arduous battle with the Japanese. The photo was an
instant sensation, and it became known as one of the most iconic and inspirational war
photos ever taken. The image of the Marines raising the American flag over Iwo Jima
illustrates the depth of America s commitment to freedom, the ideal in which America s
identity as an exceptional nation is founded.
Though all people desire true freedom, most people in the world have never
experienced it. Even today, true freedom is still but a dream for millions. At the time of
Rosenthal s photo, America was mired in a protracted war with two major powers.
Germany and Japan were strong aggressors who were prepared for global conflict. The
United States was hesitant to enter the fray until the bombing of Pearl Harbor because
of its isolationist background. Even then, the country was ill prepared for war. For most
of the war, there were no quick and easy victories, but victories, however small, were
jolts of energy to the psyche of the American people. One thing was for certain: losing
Information Of The Translink Go Card

Student Name: Justin Johnstone

Student Number: N9428127
Course: IFB101 Impact of IT
Assessment 2: Individual Report
Tutorial: Thursday 6 8PM. GP O303A
Due Date: Friday 17th of April
Word Count: Executive Summary.

This report contains information of the Translink Go Card. Section One explains what
the card is, who developed the card, information about the history of the technology
development. Also described is the reason the smart card system was introduced. How
and where the card is used. The theories of Technology Acceptance Model and
Technology Task Fit will be used to analyze the products impact on the individual
commuters of South East Queensland. Section Two will provide information on new
technology benefits that could improve the service, areas the service can improve and
also enhancements to existing benefits.

Table of contents

Part 1: The Impact of the Translink Go Card for Individual Commuters on the South East
Queensland Transport Network.

What is the Translink Go Card?

The Go Card is an electronic smart card ticketing system which has been implemented on
the South East Queensland public transport system. It uses smart cards to record journeys
and charge fares to account balances
The Battle Of The Diamond Ring
Quite a few women dream about that day when a loved one gets down on one knee and
asks that extremely important question. As long as we can remember, this has been a
tradition; from our parents to our grandparents this has been the way. Whether it was a
ring handed down from generation to generation or newly bought putting your own little
touch on it. Engagement rings have been in our history for as long as anyone can
remember, but the diamondring is something no one can forget and its history is even
more memorable. Originally, the ancient Greeks and Romans were the first to have
engagement rings. However, the engagement rings they used did not include diamonds
they included a key, which initiated that it was more of a sign of... Show more content on ...
After Rhode s time as a prime minister, he went to South Africa in pursuit of riches and
gold. He got his start by renting equipment to miners to pump out the floodwater that
had destroyed their claims. Saving up his money from his business, he bought his own
claims which progressed to more, slowly beginning an incredible monopoly (Raden
36). Over time, more diamonds and diamond mines started emerging all over South
Africa. Rhodes knew that if this continued, diamonds would lose their value and
become worthless. The reason this would be is because the more supply of diamonds
that were available the lower the demand would be on them since there would be such a
large quantity. In 1888, Rhodes found a solution to this problem: if diamonds were not
rare then he would just need to convince the consumers that they are. De Beers did this
by controlling not only the price of diamonds but was also able to control the supply,
which impacted the demand for diamond rings (Otens and Scott 35). By 1890, De
Beers owned all the mines in South Africa and only let out diamonds as it pleased. In
1902, Rhodes died and the new owner became Ernest Oppenheimer (Raden 39).
Oppenheimer had some trouble while he was in leadership from almost losing the
company to losing some of the profit from other competitors. By the 1930s De Beers had
complete control over the diamond industry. As stated from Eugene Fram and Robert
Baron DeBeers has been

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