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Why I Want To Be A Nurse Essay

Crafting an essay on the subject of why one desires to pursue a career in nursing is no simple task.
The challenge lies not only in expressing personal motivations but also in presenting them in a way
that captivates the reader. To successfully convey the passion for nursing, one must navigate the
delicate balance between sincerity and professionalism.

The difficulty begins with introspection, as the writer must delve deep into their own experiences,
values, and aspirations. This self-reflection demands a level of vulnerability that can be challenging
to express coherently. It's not merely about listing altruistic intentions but weaving a narrative that
paints a vivid picture of one's journey towards choosing nursing as a profession.

Moreover, the essay requires a strong understanding of the nursing profession itself. The writer must
showcase awareness of the responsibilities, challenges, and rewards that come with being a nurse.
This necessitates thorough research and a nuanced understanding of the healthcare industry,
demonstrating a commitment to the chosen path.

Translating these thoughts into a well-structured essay adds another layer of complexity. The
narrative should flow seamlessly, capturing the reader's attention from the introduction to the
conclusion. Striking the right balance between personal anecdotes and broader insights into the
nursing field is crucial for maintaining engagement.

Furthermore, articulating one's passion without resorting to clichés and generic statements is a
constant struggle. The essay should avoid sounding formulaic or insincere, standing out among the
multitude of similar narratives. This demands careful language choice, unique perspectives, and an
authentic voice that reflects the individuality of the writer.

In conclusion, writing an essay on why one wants to be a nurse is a challenging endeavor that goes
beyond the surface of career aspirations. It involves introspection, research, and the ability to weave
a compelling narrative that stands out. While the difficulty is undeniable, the process is an
opportunity for personal growth and a deeper understanding of one's own motivations.

If you find yourself grappling with this task, remember that assistance is available. Various resources
and services can provide guidance or even handle the entire writing process for you. Similar essays
and more tailored assistance can be accessed through platforms like .
Why I Want To Be A Nurse EssayWhy I Want To Be A Nurse Essay
Organizational Changes After Ww1 Essay
WW1 ended with catastrophic destructions and millions of casualties in the old
continent; therefore, many countries and nations were desperate such a great war not to
happen again, but they were preparing for the next war all the time during the interwar
period. The interwar period between WW1 and WW2 is a period of transformation of
the armed forces towards twentieth and twenty first century warfare. Countries were
rapidly improving the already existing technologies that was developed during WW1 and
prior, and they introduced to the world many new technologies that will play major part
in vining the battles in the upcoming war. Furthermore, for all nations it was clear that
they must spend time on developing new organizational structures and... Show more
content on ...
The post WW1 militaries had to make immediate changes in their postwar organization in
order to increase their effectiveness and readiness. For example, the German army
developed mechanized and amour units called Panzer divisions, which during the WW2
crushed their opponent armies. In addition, they focused on redesigning the officer core
in order to be more innovative and have critical thinking skills. After invading Poland, the
Germans made AAR, and made immediate organizational changes and created the
Squads as a more effective unit. The Soviet Union made quality AAR from the WW1
and other so called Small Wars before the Great War and used the gathered experience
to make peacetime innovation into their military organization in which they developed
motorized and mechanized units. Furthermore, militaries were focused on aviation and
as an example is the development of air force as an independent and their use in
combined armed concepts, which was initiated by Giulio Douhet, an artillery officer
who realized the importance of Air power. Giulio added the airpower component as an
asymmetric piece that will change the war and forced the idea that to have command of
the air it means that it will achieve victory. The US developed and organized amphibious
units to conduct Plan Orange which was developed during the interwar period, and
during the Banana Wars, in which they practiced their technology, TTPs and Doctrine
and used lessons learned to improve in peacetime
Notes On Sound And Noise
Sound is the variation of pressure in an elastic medium (such as air) caused by a
mechanical disturbance. The movement of molecules in a transmitting medium caused
by a disturbance results in pressure oscillations above (compressions) and below
(rarefactions) the ambient pressure level. The oscillation of sound pressure variations is
referred to as a sound wave. A sound wave will move through an ideal medium
longitudinally and omnidirectionally. The oscillation frequency of a sound wave
determines the pitch of a sound, which is measured in Hertz (Hz). The healthy human ear
can typically discern frequencies between 20 and 20,000 Hz. The amplitude of the
pressure oscillations of a sound wave describes the amount of ... Show more content on ...
Hard surfaces such as smooth wood or metal often reflect sound waves well but
attenuate sound poorly. Conversely, soft, porous surfaces usually reflect sound waves
poorly but attenuate sound waves well. Reflected sound waves can increase the
overall SPL in an area, as the reflected wave essentially becomes an additional sound
source. Sound behaves predictably in the far field (i.e., far enough away from
individual sound sources relative to the size of the sound sources) and most sound
measurement equipment can only accurately measure SPLs in the far field. The
measurement of sound generated by a source within a reflective chamber (reverberant
field) is more difficult because the large number of reflections increase the overall SPL
if the measurement is also made within the reflective chamber. SPLs measured in the
reverberant field of the ear cannot directly be compared to SPLs in the free field without
first compensating for the higher SPLs at certain frequencies caused by the resonance of
the ear canal.
Audition, or the perception of sound, is accomplished via the complex transformation
from sound pressure waves to electrical nerve impulses and interpretation in the brain.
The human ear is divided into three main parts; the outer ear, the middle ear, and the
inner ear (see Figure 2.1). The outer ear consists of the pinna (or auricle), which is the
visible portion of
William Woolf And The Death Of Ivan
It s the year 2014. We have discovered flight, we have been to outer space, we have the
Internet. We even have GPS shoes for those who can t read a map. What more is there
to learn, to discover, to create? Yet we are never satisfied, constantly hungry for more
answers to our questions. For writers like Leo Tolstoy and Virginia Woolf, understanding
the world and its intricacies is essential. However, their approaches to truthdiffer: Tolstoy
argues in The Death of Ivan Ilych that there is a clear truth while in her short story
Monday or Tuesday, Woolf sees it as more ambiguous. Regardless of whether there is a
definite truth, these two works reveal that it can only be reached through experience. It is
the journey to find truth that is often more important than the truth itself. Woolf and
Tolstoy experiment with perspective and language to illuminate their understanding of
truth. Tolstoy, a Realist, aims to enlighten society through his exploration of fundamental
questions about life, and his narrator is crucial to this mission. In The Death of Ivan
Ilych, Tolstoy s use of third person omniscient narration gives the reader full access to the
necessary information that Ivan and the other characters lack. Although Ivan may not
understand life s essence until his final moments, the mere fact that there is an all
knowing narrator suggests that there is a definite underlying theme to unveil. Moreover,
the narrator encapsulates Ivan s superficial world with simple language
The Discovery Of The Earth s Magnetic Field
The Earth s magnetic field
The discovery of the Earth s magnetic field Over 2000 years ago, the Chinese discovered
that lodestone, a naturally magnetised iron ore, would align itself in a north south
direction. Hundreds of years later, they discovered that their compasses didn t point true
north and in fact that this position changed with time. The compass was first used for
navigation in the 11th 12th century, only arriving in Europe towards the end of this
period. Then, in 1600, William Gilbert (Figure 1.1) published De Magnete, Magnetisque
Corporibus, et de Magno Magnete Tellue (On the Magnet and Magnetic Bodies, and on
the Great Magnet the Earth). He concluded that the Earth itself was magnetic with a
centre of iron, and this is why a compass would point north. Figure 1.1 William Gilbert
(1544 1603) , author of De Magnete, the first printed book written by an academically
trained scholar based almost entirely on actual observation and experiment .
The structure of the Earth s Magnetic Field
The Earth s magnetic field can in fact be closely approximated by a magnetic dipole at
its centre, tilted by 11˚ to the Earth s rotational axis, Figure 1.2. The south pole of this
magnetic dipole actually points northwards such that the north pole on a compass will
point towards northwards, and more precisely, to the Earth s magnetic north pole. The
magnetic field strength decreases from the poles towards the equator. Currently the field
is 56 µT at the magnetic north

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