Eco380 A2 Q1

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Q1 Bertrand Competition

p1100 p 10100 p
Foc 100
sp 10 0
P 55
a too P 100 55 45
Tu 5510345 2025

b Since thetwocompanies produce homogeneous services

thetwocompanies compete by choosing price simultaneously andsupply theirresultingdemand
No capacityconstraint forthis question
marginalcostis constantandsameforall firms MC c
Thetwofirmsare playing a PureBertrand PricingGame
theTheorem the onlyNash EquilibriumofthePure Bertrand PricingGame is
Accordingto P P c
WeknowthattheNashEquilibrium forthisduopoly game is Pa Pa 10
Thus Tub Tun lo lo a 0
profits are o
Co Because
ofperfectsymmetryofthe game wecan discussonlyoneside and theothersidefollowsthesamelogic

if Pa PB7 10then Bill's canincreaseprice tojustunderPit toearnmoreprofies Cut then H R willundercutand

if PB
PB Pa 10then Bill's is
Pit 10 then
andcanincreaseprofits byraising price

if profies
forboth firmsarestill0 Not a profitabledeviation
if PB 10 Pit then Bill's is makingnegativeprofits andcanincreaseprofits byraising price

Therefore thereis no profitable deviation fromtheNE in Cb

d No Pit P 10 is nota NEanymore

Suppose H R Block firstraises its price to 11
Thenthedemand willshifttoBill's who hits its capacityconstraint 9 40
Thentheresidual demand a 60 P HARBlockcanearnpositiveprofitsbyservingcustomerswho can'tbuyfromBill's

Forexample Pa 35 andPB 11 is a profitabledeviation as Tun 35 10725 625 Tu 11 1040 40

e No Pa PB 10 isnot a NE
P 50 P 50
9 20 9 30
TUB 150 10720 800 run 50 1030 81200

f Yes This is a NE
Sincethe capacity
ofthetwofirms areverylow weknowthat in thepurestrategyNE bothfirmswill produce at
capacityandmarketwill clear atsomepriceabove the marginalcost 10
ForBill's theresidualdemand is a 70 P
Bill's should chargethemonopolyprice inthisresidualmarket
my Tu 70 91379 109

FOC 60 29 O
913 30
as Bill's capacity is at 20 thebest Bill's cando is to produce GB 20 and

charge PB 70 96 70 20 50 toachieve maximumprofits

ForH RBlock theresidualdemand is a So P

H R Block shouldchargethemonopolyprice in thisresidualmarket
May Tu 8094 q 109h

Foc 70 29 D
q 35
However as HERBlock's capacity is constrained at30 thebest theycando is to produce
9 30 andcharge PH so 30 50 to achievemaximumprofits
Therefore no profitabledeviation as shownabove

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