Help Writing A College Essay

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Help Writing A College Essay

Crafting an essay on the subject of "Help Writing A College Essay" can be a perplexing endeavor.
Initially, the topic itself poses a paradoxical challenge. One must navigate the irony of seeking
assistance with the task of articulating the need for assistance in essay composition. This meta-
cognitive layer adds a level of complexity, as the writer must strike a balance between vulnerability
and confidence in acknowledging the necessity of guidance.

Moreover, the topic demands a delicate approach to self-reflection. One must introspectively assess
their own strengths and weaknesses in writing, while simultaneously articulating the significance of
seeking external support in honing their skills. This introspective journey can evoke feelings of
vulnerability and self-doubt, as individuals confront their limitations and embrace the humility
required to seek help.

Furthermore, the essay necessitates a nuanced exploration of the multifaceted nature of academic
support services. The writer must navigate the intricacies of differentiating between legitimate aid
and unethical practices such as plagiarism or academic dishonesty. This requires a nuanced
understanding of academic integrity and a discerning approach to evaluating the credibility of
external resources.

Additionally, the topic invites contemplation on the broader socio-cultural context surrounding
academic writing. It prompts consideration of the systemic barriers and disparities that may
influence an individual's access to writing support. This necessitates a critical examination of
privilege, equity, and the democratization of educational resources.

In essence, crafting an essay on "Help Writing A College Essay" requires navigating a complex
interplay of self-awareness, ethical considerations, and socio-cultural dynamics. It demands a balance
of introspection, critical analysis, and effective communication skills to navigate the intricacies of the

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Help Writing A College EssayHelp Writing A College Essay
Heroism In Louisiana
The residents of Louisiana that adhere to the Tea Party highly value Christianity. From
the high number of church goers that mark church as a central social space, to the
understanding of their time here on earth as limited the pollution that burdens them here
will not carry over to eternal paradise the Louisiana residents lives are replete with
embedded forms of Christian identity reproduction (Hochschild 135). This high value of
Christianityis one of the reason why the residents hold strong enmity towards the federal
government. Many resonated with Madonna Massey s sentiment that things regulate
themselves and that God will take care of the rest. Government was simply competing
with God s mandate (Hochschild 73). Nevertheless, the endurance required to reject the
overwhelming force that is government, is another value that the Louisiana residents
cherish.... Show more content on ...
This umbrella of endurance is represented by three branches: Loyalist, Worshipper, and
Cowboy. Each an expression of a self rooted in heroism (Hochschild 90). Interestingly
enough, through the interactions with Mike Schaff, a fourth strand of endurance is seen
to emerge that represents different aspects of Loyalist and Cowboy that aim to combat
/fight against environmental degradation. The nuances in the forms of endurance show
the value of endurance in the many forms of identity and community for the people of
Louisiana. Furthermore, the values of Tea Party, Louisiana folk do not quite translate
over to the elite and privileged group of students at St. Paul s Academy at Concord, New
Oka Crisis Analysis
There were many things that were hidden by the media, as they want to tell the story
that will benefit them. There were a big media presence trying to get in the Kanesatake
but alongside the media presence were many supporters from throughout Canada. The
most angered people were in Quebec since the blockade affected them the most, local
residents rallied up and started getting violent and throwing rocks at cars which
contained mostly of women, young children and elders who tried to leave the reserve.
Also, since people could not go support they ended up protesting across the country and
had blockades in British Columbia and Ontario. In the end it made more Canadians
realize what is going on with the indigenous people and their rights to land.... Show more
content on ...
However the Mohawk people felt very betrayed because the Mercier Bridge was one
of the only things they had as a bargaining tool for their land and as soon as everything
was up and running the government ended any further negotiations. After the day in
September when the Mohawk people were hosed down with water; the Mohawk
people set all their guns and weapons on fire during a ceremonial burning of tobacco
and returning to the reserve, when they were arrested. The Oka Crisis ended up lasting
for seventy eight days with gunfire occurring only a couple of times. Mayor of Oka
eventually stopped the expansion of the golf course. The Oka Crisis made Canada start a
process of developing a First Nations Policing Policy, so we can attempt to avoid or
defuse similar events in the future. However, there were many theories behind how
the Kanehsatake was dealing with a lot of crimes like drug and gang related so that
was why the SQ did not want to patrol Kanehsatake in the first place. In 1994, the Chief
at the time, Jerry Peltier was instructed by the Quebec Native affairs minister to
investigate all the individuals who terrorized the town of Oka. Then in the upcoming
years Kanehsatake was ruled by a pro assimilation band council, which had its own
police force starting in 1997. However, some misshapen happened and in 1999 the
police force ended up shooting and paralyzing an individual who was involved in the
crisis. They even tried to pursue self government with Canada and Quebec. Then again
in 2004 the Kanehsatake were in the headline of the news when they decided to
barricade sixty police officers at the police station and again in the headlines it was
blamed for crimes such as drugs and gang violence. In 1991 there were elections held
and Oka Mayor Jean Ouellette was reelected; he was asked about Oka Crisis and replied
back with not having regrets and if I had to do it all over again, I would (221,
Jack The Ripper Case Study
Jordyn Neighbors
Mr. Ryan
English 4
01 February 2018
Jack the ripper? Or jill the ripper?
Inspector Abberline who was on the jack the ripper case, thought that it was a woman
who had done it the entire time. The theory started after one of the murders of a
woman named Mary Kelly. Mary Kelly was murdered between the hours of 2 and 3 in
the morning. Yet Caroline Maxwell had claimed to see her twice that morning after
the time she was said to have passed. She claimed to have seen Mary Kelly at around
8am looking sick. And again around an hour later talking to some man outside the pub
house. It would be very easy for a midwife to pull of being jack the ripper. It was not
unusual for a midwife to be walking around all hours of the night, let alone have blood
on her clothes because people would have just thought it was from her working. And she
could walk in broad daylight with no one questioning her because everyone was looking
for a man. And not a woman.
Mary Pearcey the only woman suspect at the time
Here is some of the background on Mary Pearcey and to why they picked her as a
suspect at the time of the killings.
Mary lived next door to her neighbors Phoebe and her husband. Well it turns out that
Phoebe s husband is having an affair with Mary. One day Mary invited Phoebe over
for tea at around 4pm. When Phoebe s husband was at home he heard the sound of
breaking glass coming from Mary s house. He shouted over the fence to see if she was
alright but no one ever ... Show more content on ...
Mary Nichols, august 1888. Annie Champman, september 1888. Elizabeth Stride,
september 1888. Cathrine Eddows, september 1888. Mary Kelly, november 1888. Emma
Smith, april 1888. Martha Turner, august 1888. Rose Mylett, december 1888. Alice
Mckenzie, july 1889. The pinchin street torso found september 1889. Frances Coles,
february 1890.
All of these victims were female. One of the big reasons is so the woman killer can just
slip their clothes on and just walk around without any
Examples Of Individuality In The Chocolate War
The positives of being an individual are more present in the media, but the negatives
are normally overlooked . In the novel named The Chocolate War by Robert Cormier
the main character Jerry has to deal with reality that it s not so easy to go against the
grain .The novel does an excellent job highlighting how his individuality affects his
social , personal life, and societal pressures and bullying . The first thing The
Chocolate War highlights are the effects individuality has on the protagonist Jerry
Renault throughout the story. After Jerry decides to not sell chocolates there seems
to be a ripple effect of other students viewing him as a hero with kids slapping him on
the butt and in the school that was a sign of respect. Then the chocolates become
popular the whole thing backfires with the whole student body railing against him in
hatred and disgust. You think you re better than we are? (205 page Cormier) was used
by a fellow student calling Jerry out in front of the class started a kind of fire with as
spark and lit the kindling of disdain they had for him. By making his decision to be an
individual the result is that it makes it hard to make any allies within the school with
everyone falling to conformity. Jerry had been harassed and attacked from all angles of...
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It brought us the Civil Right Movement to help black people get their rights and help
destroy some of the cultural divides in America causing overall equal treatment . So
individuality maybe seem hard and impossible, but people have done great things with
it. In conscience in the novel The Chocolate War by Robert Cormier showcases a story
about a Jerry and showcases some of the negative of individuality with how it affects his
personal,social life and the social expectations and pressures he
Advantage And Disadvantage Of Steel
5.1 STEEL:
Strength of steel is approximately ten times that of concrete. Due to its large strength to
weight ratio, steel structures tend to be more economical than concrete structures for tall
buildings and large span buildings and bridges.
Steel structures can be constructed very fast.
Steel structures are ductile and robust. Steel structures can be easily repaired and
retrofitted to carry higher loads.
Steel is also a very eco friendly material.
Since steel is produced in the factory under better quality control, steel structures have
higher reliability and safety.
Steel structures when placed in exposed conditions leads to corrosion. ... Show more
content on ... of IS 456)
Shrinkage of concrete
Shrinkage is the time dependent deformation, generally compressive in nature. The
constituents of concrete, size of the member and environmental conditions are the factors
on which the total shrinkage of concrete depends. However, the total shrinkage of
concrete is most influenced by the total amount of water present in the concrete at the
time of mixing for a given humidity and temperature. The cement content, however,
influences the total shrinkage of concrete to a lesser extent. The approximate value of
the total shrinkage strain for design is taken as 0.0003 in the absence of test data (cl.

Thermal expansion of concrete: The knowledge of thermal expansion of concrete is

very important as it is prepared and remains in service at a wide range of temperature in
different countries having very hot or cold climates. Moreover, concrete will be having
its effect of high temperature during fire. The coefficient of thermal expansion depends
on the nature of cement, aggregate, cement content, relative humidity and size of the
section. IS 456 stipulates (cl. 6.2.6) the values of coefficient of thermal expansion for
concrete / oC for different types of
The Threat of Censorship Essay
The Threat of Censorship

The First Amendment of the Constitution distinguishes Americans from other citizens in
the world. The right to free speech, press, and religion is at the core of the
Americanvalue system. As a result, when thesefreedoms are challenged people tend to
react strongly. However, at times government officials and theirconstituents would argue
that censorship, or other violations of Constitutionalrights, are legitimate. With the
advent of new technologies, politicians createnew policies to gain control over these
technologies. This attempt to exertcontrol appears in the legislation geared towards the
Internet. Currently free speech thrives on theInternet. A very large variety ofopinions are
expressed on ... Show more content on ...
Byanalyzing the specifics of the bills, and why specific groups support them aclear threat
appears. However, unlikeCongress the Supreme Court does not believethese bill
constitutional, providingsupport for free speech.

To illustrate the ways Congress structured the bills to censorthe Internet it is necessary to
look at the specifics of the three bills. The first of these three bills to beintroduced was
the Communications Decency Act of 1996. In general, this Act dealt with many
issuesregardingtelecommunications and obscenities. The major goals of this billwere:
1)obviously label sites that have graphic material, so as to be easilyidentifiable,2) have
filters built into Internet software, and 3) to make aboard thatwould oversee limiting the
reach obscene sites have concerningchildren (UnitedStates CDA). The maingoalhere
seems to be making sites with adultcontent easily censored byparentsor the community in
general. The Child Online Protection Act was initiated in 1998after the ACLUtookthe
Communications Decency Act to court in Reno v. ACLU,and won; with theSupreme
Court s unanimous declaration that this Actviolated the FirstAmendment. COPA differs
from the previous Act in that itdealt exclusivelywithonline issues. ThisAct states thatthe
government has a responsibility to protectchildren fromthings that mayharm them
psychologically or physically, suchas
Drug History And Policy Changes
Drug History and Policy Changes
There is a debate in the American government system on how to handle the use of drug
and alcohol. In the 1960s drugs were uprising along with youth rebellion and in 1971
Nixon declared a War on Drugs (Citation a brief). This name is not to be confused with
the band War on Drugs, but the term is still popularly used to describe the policies that
Government officials are making regarding drugs and alcohol. This debate got
reheated when Colorado legalized weed for medical and recreational use, followed by
several other states. There has slowly been a shift in mindset from, alcoholics are drug
addicts are all criminals and we (the law) should throw them in jail to addiction is a
disease. Even the way that addicts/alcoholics are treated has changed to treatment centers
with specialist versus throwing them in the hospital to detox and hoping for a change.
Policies that are shifting the penalty from incarceration to treatment reflect these changes
and help the individual suffering from the disease to get back on their feet. The war on
drugs rings on, but changes are being made.
War on Drugs
As I said early, President Nixon issued the War on Drugs. He started by placing
marijuana in the highest restrictive category of drugs, Schedule One, and ignored later
attends to decriminalize drugs. However, starting in 1973, eleven states decriminalized
marijuana usage. Ronald Reagan picked up where Nixon left off. Reagan s wife also
started her own

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