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Topic: Introduction to School as a Learning Institution

At the end of the lesson, the students will be able to...

1. [Cognitive - Knowledge] Define the concept of a learning institution.

2. [Cognitive - Comprehension] Explain the purpose of a learning institution.

3. [Affective - Valuing] Recognize the importance of school as a learning institution in

personal growth and development.

4. [Affective - Organization] Demonstrate respect for the learning institution by

following rules and regulations.

5. [Psychomotor - Manipulation] Organize school materials and resources in a

systematic manner.

6. [Psychomotor - Assembly] Create a visual representation of a learning institution,

incorporating key elements such as classrooms, library, and playground.

Topic: Roles and Responsibilities in a Learning Institution

At the end of the lesson, the students will be able to...

1. [Cognitive - Knowledge] Identify the different roles and responsibilities within a

learning institution.

2. [Cognitive - Comprehension] Explain the importance of each role in maintaining an

effective learning environment.

3. [Affective - Valuing] Appreciate the contributions of different individuals in the

learning institution.

4. [Affective - Organization] Show respect for the roles and responsibilities of others
by cooperating and collaborating.

5. [Psychomotor - Manipulation] Demonstrate effective communication skills in

interacting with different individuals within the learning institution.

6. [Psychomotor - Assembly] Create a visual representation or diagram illustrating

the interconnectedness of different roles in a learning institution.
Topic: School Policies and Procedures

At the end of the lesson, the students will be able to...

1. [Cognitive - Knowledge] Identify and explain the different school policies and

2. [Cognitive - Comprehension] Understand the rationale behind each policy and


3. [Affective - Valuing] Recognize the importance of adhering to school policies and

procedures for maintaining a safe and conducive learning environment.

4. [Affective - Organization] Demonstrate respect for school policies and procedures

by following them consistently.

5. [Psychomotor - Manipulation] Apply knowledge of school policies and procedures

in various scenarios or situations.

6. [Psychomotor - Assembly] Create a poster or infographic summarizing the key

school policies and procedures.

Topic: Collaboration and Teamwork in a Learning Institution

At the end of the lesson, the students will be able to...

1. [Cognitive - Knowledge] Define collaboration and teamwork in the context of a

learning institution.

2. [Cognitive - Comprehension] Explain the benefits of collaboration and teamwork in

achieving common goals.

3. [Affective - Valuing] Appreciate the importance of collaboration and teamwork in

fostering a positive learning environment.

4. [Affective - Organization] Demonstrate respect for diverse perspectives and ideas

in a collaborative setting.

5. [Psychomotor - Manipulation] Engage in effective communication and active

listening during collaborative activities.

6. [Psychomotor - Assembly] Participate in a group project or activity that requires

collaboration and teamwork.
Topic: Continuous Improvement in a Learning Institution

At the end of the lesson, the students will be able to...

1. [Cognitive - Knowledge] Understand the concept of continuous improvement in a

learning institution.

2. [Cognitive - Comprehension] Explain the importance of continuous improvement in

enhancing the quality of education.

3. [Affective - Valuing] Recognize the value of feedback and constructive criticism in

personal and institutional growth.

4. [Affective - Organization] Demonstrate a growth mindset by embracing challenges

and seeking opportunities for improvement.

5. [Psychomotor - Manipulation] Apply feedback and suggestions for improvement in

academic and non-academic endeavors.

6. [Psychomotor - Assembly] Create an action plan for personal and collective

continuous improvement in the learning institution.

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