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2023-1-LT02-KA152-YOU-000141409 Generated on: Feb 2, 2024

Key Action: Learning Mobility of Individuals

Action Type: Mobility of young people

Project Title

Green Peace In Green Peace Out

Project Coordinator

Organisation Asociacija Tavo veiksmo partneriai

Address Tilto g. 23 , 38305 Krekenava , LT

Project Information

Identifier 2023-1-LT02-KA152-YOU-000141409

Start Date Jul 14, 2023

End Date May 13, 2024

EC Contribution 26,022 EUR

Partners SUPERLIKE (MD) , VulcanicaMente APS (IT) , Mercurius (EL) , Creative

Youth Academy Hungary (HU) , Ethos MTÜ (EE)

Topics Environment and climate change ; Green skills ; Preventing racism and

The content of this page is published for information purposes only. The project was funded by the European Union. However, the communication about the project
that is published through this page expresses the views of the project beneficiaries only and it does not represent the views of the European Union or the European
Commission. It shall not be deemed to constitute legal or official notice on behalf of the European Union or the European Commission. Neither the European Union
nor the European Commission can be held responsible for this content nor the use thereof made by any third parties. Page 1 of 4
2023-1-LT02-KA152-YOU-000141409 Generated on: Feb 2, 2024

Project Summary

We, by implementing the youth exchange project “Green Peace In Green Peace Out”, want to raise awareness
and reduce ignorance about veganism, environmental pollution and to reinforce love for all animals. Also, we
want to show the benefits of a plant-based food eating choices not only for animals, but also for nature and, most
importantly, for us humans. We are going to shatter myths about veganism and plant-based food and provide real
facts in order to stop discrimination among youngsters for their eating and living style choices. We will show that
plant-based food is delicious and nutritious, and that our love for all animals creates peace not only with nature
but also with ourselves. This project is a first step in empowering young people to make responsible and peaceful
choices about their daily habits. And finally, all decisions are up to us.

The objectives of the project are:

1. To raise participants’ awareness of climate change and show the importance of our action in order to reduce
the negative impact of our daily habits on the environment;
2. To raise awareness of the negative impact of the meat industry on the environment, human health and animal
rights as well as our moral choices and its consequences;
3. To introduce plant-based diet as a greener, healthier and more nutritious alternative and its benefits for our
health and the environment;
4. To provide knowledge about vitamins and proteins in plant-based diet and give practical tips on how to easily
make plant-based food;
5. To break down myths and misconceptions and provide scientific facts about plant-based diet and vegan
lifestyle in order to empower young people to stop bullying and discrimination;
6. To promote a healthy and active lifestyle among youngsters;
7. To create inner and outer peace with ourselves, nature and animals.

All activities are based on non-formal learning methods and promote critical thinking (how do our everyday
choices and actions affect ourselves, nature and animals?), self-awareness (how does my body feel after
exercising and eating a plant-based diet? What are my values?), physical activities (sports in the mornings,
acro-yoga, yoga, hike), intercultural dialogue and solidarity between participants. In addition to soft skills, the
activities will provide practical experience.
The project can be divided into 3 parts:
We will organize an online meeting 3 weeks before the project with at least one representative from each partner
organization and the team leader of each national team. During the meeting, we will identify challenges and
solutions, discuss the profile of the participants. If we have participants with special needs, we will discuss how to
ensure that those participants can participate in all activities and that the atmosphere is welcoming and
Main YE activity.
Arrival day. Participants will have their first opportunity to get to know each other, the venue and the facilitators.
Day 1.Introduction of the youth exchange, Youth Pass and its 8 Key Competences. We will set group values and
intentions, expectations and fears. Also, we will introduce a "Good Deeds Chart" that serves to share everyone's

The content of this page is published for information purposes only. The project was funded by the European Union. However, the communication about the project
that is published through this page expresses the views of the project beneficiaries only and it does not represent the views of the European Union or the European
Commission. It shall not be deemed to constitute legal or official notice on behalf of the European Union or the European Commission. Neither the European Union
nor the European Commission can be held responsible for this content nor the use thereof made by any third parties. Page 2 of 4
2023-1-LT02-KA152-YOU-000141409 Generated on: Feb 2, 2024

contribution. We will also focus on getting to know each other, building the team and trust between participants,
the team and facilitators. We will end the day with reflection and a meeting with the group leaders. The evening
activity – Lithuanian cultural evening.
Day 2. The day will start with an introduction to acro-yoga. We will then discuss how food is linked to our mood,
behavior, aging and diseases. We will focus on finding out what our diet and eating habits are, how they can be
improved and what plant-based foods we should eat to get the vitamins and proteins we need. Reflection and
finding our identity. The evening activity – bonfire party.
Day 3. Morning with yoga and setting an intention for a day. We will have a hands-on cooking workshop with a
chef, break down stereotypes about veganism and discussion about plant-based diet and athletes. We will watch
a documentary called "The Game Changers". Reflection and meeting with group leaders. Evening activity –
Hungarian and Greece cultural evening.
Day 4. We will hike about 20 kilometers to observe our surroundings, strengthen our love of nature and enjoy
every little detail. That's why we will use the "Forest Bathing" method. In addition, we will clean up the forest along
the way and promote responsible behavior. At the end of the day, we will have a "Mandala Reflection". The
evening activity – movie night.
Day 5. We will start the morning with sport and meditation. Then will discuss shopping mindset and animal rights,
analyze the cosmetics and hygiene products we use, talk about greenwashing and ethics. We will also learn
about alternatives to prevent animal testing. Using the "World Cafe" method, we will discuss the meat industry's
impact on our planet. We will end the day with a reflection. The evening activity – Italian, Estonian and Moldovan
cultural evening.
Day 6. Morning exercise and recognizing our 3 most important values. Learning about green activism and its
types. Creating green campaigns and giving a short presentation. Learning how to give and receive constructive
feedback. Reflection and meeting with group leaders at the end of the day. Evening activity – acro-yoga.
Day 7. Morning exercise and understanding our identity. A community day where we will go to the school and
present our green campaigns and the project, Erasmus+ opportunities. The second half of the day will be
dedicated to getting to know the Krekenava area and promoting dialogue between villagers and participants. In
the evening, a concert by local girls at the Krekenava Regional Park visitor center..
Day 8. Morning with yoga and the Japanese concept of "Ikiga”. Then we will briefly present the results of the
Green Campaigns and decide in our national teams how we will share the results of the youth exchange when we
return to our communities. Finally, we will evaluate the project and the learning outcomes together. In the
evening, we will celebrate and have a closing circle with a cacao ceremony, gratitude practice and songs around
the campfire.
Departure day.
Follow up and dissemination.
The final part of the project focuses on the impact on the participants and their home country. Each national team
will organize at least one dissemination event to attract at least 20 young people
The Youth Exchange will bring together 30 participants aged between 18 and 30 and 6 group leaders over 18
from six partner countries: Hungary, Greece, Lithuania, Moldova, Italy and Estonia. A strong focus will be placed
on the inclusion of young people with fewer opportunities who face social, economic and geographical barriers.

We will create at least 12 digital posters on plant-based products that contain the biggest amount of proteins and
vitamins, what a healthy and tasty plant-based weekly menu could look like, and how to replace animal-based
products with plant-based ones. These posters will be sent to the participants, publicised on the social networks
of the partner countries and of the partners and other organisations with an interest in this topic. QR codes will
also be created and pasted on the tables of the "Laimė kartu" restaurant so that everyone who comes to eat can
see the digital posters and access the useful information. In addition, we aim to carry out dissemination activities

The content of this page is published for information purposes only. The project was funded by the European Union. However, the communication about the project
that is published through this page expresses the views of the project beneficiaries only and it does not represent the views of the European Union or the European
Commission. It shall not be deemed to constitute legal or official notice on behalf of the European Union or the European Commission. Neither the European Union
nor the European Commission can be held responsible for this content nor the use thereof made by any third parties. Page 3 of 4
2023-1-LT02-KA152-YOU-000141409 Generated on: Feb 2, 2024

in the 6 partner countries and to make at least 120 young people aware of sustainable habits that are good for
health, animals and the environment.
During the project, we will try to buy services from small entrepreneurs in Panevėžys district, thus supporting
small businesses in rural areas. YE will also give local residents and students the opportunity to meet and get to
know foreigners who rarely come to the village. This will be beneficial as it will broaden the horizons of the
villagers' and help them to learn more about people living in other countries, their culture and traditions.
Participants will learn about healthy lifestyles and become more environmentally aware, open to trying new things
such as plant-based diets or meditation, improve their foreign language skills, public speaking skills and tolerance
of other cultures. In addition, YE will boost tourism and bring additional income to Lithuania. The YE topic,
activities and project results will also spread the message that everyday habits can be transformed into greener
habits that have a very positive impact on health, animals and the environment. It will also help to tackle the
negative and often mistakenly believes that each partner country has about veganism and plant-based diets. We
believe that by raising awareness of more sustainable lifestyles and choices and explaining their impact on
human health, animals and the environment, we will help to reduce bullying and discrimination against those
whose sustainable living and eating habits differ from those of the general population. We hope that this project
will contribute to a more sustainable society, to reducing animal cruelty, to greener lifestyles and to combating
climate change. We also hope that the project will help participants to feel more European and not only to see the
differences between cultures, but also to realize how similar we all are and how we can work together to tackle
common European challenges.

Link to project card: Show project card

The content of this page is published for information purposes only. The project was funded by the European Union. However, the communication about the project
that is published through this page expresses the views of the project beneficiaries only and it does not represent the views of the European Union or the European
Commission. It shall not be deemed to constitute legal or official notice on behalf of the European Union or the European Commission. Neither the European Union
nor the European Commission can be held responsible for this content nor the use thereof made by any third parties. Page 4 of 4

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