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By: Brynley and Abby

Aqua Vista
Population: 170, 847

Size: 50 miles long by 35 miles wide

Weather: 75 degrees year round with occasional

Island Drawing
Natural Resources:
Aqua Vista has a variety of natural
resources, however we are mostly
know for our fresh fruits and tropic
plants. We have crops of pineapple,
mango, bananas, and cocoa trees. We
also farm some essentials like wheat,
and corn. Aside from crops we have
lots of fish and fishing boats that
supply the island with the best source
of meat. As for water our mountain
has lots of freshwater lakes and
waterfalls to supply the island. Aqua
vista is also pretty rainforest like so
we get lots of rain and moisture on
parts of our island. .

We offer 3 resorts that are right on the beach as well as a luxury resort with
bungalows over the water. There is a golf course that you can enjoy as well as
restaurants all around. There is an easy accessible airport as well as a port for
cruises to come and stop. We had a large mall full of luxury stores and restaurants.
There is a mountain that you can go hiking and see the waterfall at. There is
snorkeling and scuba diving along with surfing for beach activities.
Trade and Transportation
There is a port on the far side of the island close to the farms and
crops, for incoming ships to trade and sell goods. There is an airport
where we can also transport our goods as well as where tourists can
come. The tourists could also come by ship or on a cruise ship to a
different port by the airport.
Aqua Vista is home to one preschool+daycare, one
elementary school, one middle/high school, and one D1
college. All of our schools are best of the best and
provide top quality education. Preschoolers will learn
the basics while having fun they will take lots of field
trips and play hard. 1st-6th will have a perfect balance of
great schooling and learning about nature and the island
first hand taking lots of field trips and hands on
assignments. At Aqua Vista High School kids will get
the education that will prepare them for the real world
and get them off to college. They will have lots of
opportunities and internships. The athletes will be able
to island hop to play other teams and compete. Finally
UAV (University of Aqua Vista) is a top college for
We have already built one main neighborhood with houses that are
close to the beach and the farms. There is enough to supply the
amount of people on our island currently but if needed there is much
more space to expand and build another neighborhood and/ or build
more luxurious housing. There are apartments on campus at UAV for
the students.

Our island will have well, kept high quality roads, bridges, cell phone lines,
and other infrastructure. We will have one three lane (6 total) That goes in
one large circle around the island connecting all of the necessities
We also have a series of smaller roads that get you where you need to be. We
have electricity running to all buildings and we have generators ready for any
big storms if needed. Throughout the island we have a series of cell towers
that will provide any company with at least 3 bars of service everywhere on
the island.
Financial Services
We have one bank located in the middle part of the island but closer to
where the locals live so that they have easy access to it whenever need
be. We also will have ATMs located throughout the island in multiple
places for locals and tourists to be able to use easily.

There is one main hospital that is located nearby to

tourists and the college so that it is easily accessible
to the whole island. There is also a different
healthcare center where you can get your doctors
treatments and other medical checkups such as
dentist, vision, hearing, and eye.

Aqua vistas government is very similar to the united states. We have a democracy and vote for one person to run. Due to
the fact that we are a small island our government is really easy to get to know and be a part of. We have civilized laws
and if any citizen would like to see a change they can put in a request or email the governor.
We hope to see you soon at
Aqua Vista!
Thank you!

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