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PART 2+3: A PARTY 61


Question: Do you know something about robots?
Answer: Yes, I'm quite familiar with robots. They are autonomous machines
designed to perform tasks without direct human intervention. They can range
from simple machines in factories to advanced humanoid robots used in
research and even entertainment.
● Familiar: Knowledgeable or well-acquainted with.
● Autonomous: Capable of operating independently.
● Intervention: Direct involvement or action.

Question: Did you like any film that has a robot in it when you were a
Answer: Absolutely, I was fascinated by movies featuring robots during my
childhood. One that stands out is "Wall-E". The story of a little robot left to
clean an abandoned Earth was not only heartwarming but also shed light on
environmental issues.
● Fascinated: Extremely interested or captivated.
● Stands out: Noteworthy or memorable.
● Heartwarming: Evoking feelings of warmth and tenderness.

Question: Do you use a robot in your daily life?

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Answer: While I don't have a humanoid robot at home, I do interact with
automated systems regularly. For instance, my smartphone's virtual assistant
uses AI technology, which is a form of robotics. It helps with tasks like setting
reminders, answering questions, and even making calls.
● Interact: Engage in communication or activity with.
● Automated: Operated by largely automatic systems.
● Virtual assistant: A software application that can perform tasks or
services for an individual.

Question: Will you be comfortable if you are on a car driven by a robot?

Answer: Personally, I'm open to the idea of autonomous vehicles. If the
technology proves to be reliable and safe, I would definitely feel comfortable
being in a car driven by a robot. It could potentially reduce accidents caused
by human error.
● Autonomous vehicles: Self-driving cars or vehicles capable of
navigating without human intervention.
● Reliable: Dependable, trustworthy, and consistent.
● Reduce: Decrease or make less in quantity or degree.


Question: How do you feel about geography?
Answer: I find geography utterly fascinating. It's the study of our world,
encompassing everything from landscapes and climates to cultures and
economies. Understanding geography provides a profound insight into how
interconnected our planet is.
● Fascinating: Extremely interesting or captivating.
● Encompassing: Including a wide range of ideas or subjects.

Question: Do you think learning geographic knowledge is useful for you?

Answer: Absolutely, I believe that acquiring geographic knowledge is
immensely beneficial. It not only enhances our awareness of the world but

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also aids in making informed decisions about travel, environmental issues,
and even geopolitical matters.
● Acquiring: Obtaining or gaining possession of.
● Informed: Having or showing knowledge of a particular subject or

Question: Have you ever studied geography at school?

Answer: Yes, I did study geography during my school years. It was an integral
part of the curriculum, and I vividly remember learning about continents,
countries, and various landforms. It laid the foundation for my interest in
understanding different regions of the world.
● Integral: Essential or necessary for completeness.
● Vividly: With clear and detailed memories.

Question: Are you good at reading a map?

Answer: I'd like to think so. Over the years, I've developed a knack for
interpreting maps, which has proved invaluable while traveling. Whether it's
deciphering topographical features or finding my way through a city, I feel
confident in my map-reading skills.
● Knack: A natural skill or talent for doing something.
● Invaluable: Extremely useful or of great value.


Question: Do you usually help people around you?
Answer: Yes, I consider it a natural inclination to assist people in my vicinity.
Whether it's lending a hand to neighbors with their groceries or aiding
friends in their projects, I try to be as helpful as possible.
● Inclination: A natural tendency or urge to do something.

Question: How do you help people around you, such as neighbors, family,
and friends?

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Answer: I offer my support in various ways. For instance, I often help my
neighbors with tasks like mowing the lawn. In my family, I take on
responsibilities like cooking and grocery shopping. Moreover, with friends, I'm
always there to provide a listening ear or offer advice when needed.
● Support: Assistance, encouragement, or backing.
● Responsibilities: Duties or tasks that one is expected to perform.

Question: Do your parents teach you how to help others?

Answer: Absolutely, my parents instilled in me the value of lending a helping
hand from an early age. They led by example, demonstrating the importance
of kindness and compassion. Their guidance has been instrumental in
shaping my willingness to assist others.
● Instilled: Imparted or ingrained a particular belief or attitude in
● Compassion: Sympathetic concern for the sufferings or misfortunes of

Question: Did your parents help you a lot when you were young?
Answer: Yes, they were incredibly supportive during my formative years.
They provided guidance in my studies, encouraged my interests, and were
always there to offer advice. Their unwavering support played a crucial role in
my development.
● Formative: Pertaining to the period when something is developing or
being formed.
● Unwavering: Firm and determined, not faltering or wavering.


Question: Have you ever sent handmade gifts to others?
Answer: Yes, I have a penchant for crafting handmade gifts for special
occasions. I believe they carry a personal touch that store-bought items often
lack. For instance, I once knitted a scarf for my best friend's birthday, and she
was absolutely delighted with the gesture.
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● Penchant: A strong or habitual liking for something.
● Store-bought: Items purchased from a store rather than handmade.

Question: How to choose a gift?

Answer: Selecting the perfect gift involves a thoughtful process. Firstly,
understanding the recipient's interests and preferences is crucial. Then,
considering the occasion and the sentimental value attached to the gift is
equally important. Finally, I try to opt for something unique or personalized to
make the gift stand out.
● Sentimental: Related to feelings of tenderness, sadness, or nostalgia.
● Stand out: Attract attention or be noticeably better or different.

Question: Can you share an experience of giving a special gift to someone?

Answer: Certainly, there was a memorable instance when I presented my
grandmother with a handmade quilt. It took me weeks to meticulously stitch
together the patches, each representing a cherished memory. When I gifted it
to her on her birthday, she was moved to tears, and it was a profoundly
touching moment for both of us.
● Meticulously: Very carefully and precisely.
● Cherished: Held dear or valued greatly.


Question: Is fishing popular in your country?
Answer: Yes, fishing is quite popular in my country, especially in coastal
regions and near rivers. It's not just a recreational activity but also a
significant part of the local economy for many communities.
● Recreational: Done for enjoyment or leisure.

Question: Do you like eating fish?

Answer: Absolutely, I'm a big fan of fish. It's not only a great source of protein
but also incredibly versatile in cooking. I particularly enjoy trying out different
seafood recipes.
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● Versatile: Capable of adapting or being adapted to many different
functions or activities.

Question: Have you ever been to a place where there are lots of fish
around you?
Answer: Yes, I once visited a bustling fish market in a coastal town. The
variety of fish on display was astounding. The vibrant colors and the energy
of the market were truly memorable.
● Bustling: Full of activity, excitement, and energy.
● Astounding: Surprisingly impressive or notable.

Question: Have you watched the TV program about fish?

Answer: Yes, I've seen a few documentaries about marine life and fishing
practices. They provide fascinating insights into the underwater world and
the challenges faced by fishermen.
● Documentaries: Factual films or television programs about real events,
people, or topics.


Question: What films do you like?
Answer: I have a diverse taste when it comes to films. I enjoy a wide range of
genres, from thought-provoking dramas to light-hearted comedies. It really
depends on my mood and what I'm looking for in that particular moment.
● Diverse: Showing a great deal of variety.
● Thought-provoking: Stimulating careful consideration or thought.

Question: Did you often watch films when you were a child?
Answer: Yes, I was quite fond of watching films during my childhood. It was a
favorite pastime, especially on weekends or during school holidays. I
cherished those moments of escaping into different worlds through movies.
● Fond: Having a strong liking or affection for.
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Question: Did you ever go to the cinema alone as a child?
Answer: I didn't go to the cinema alone as a child. I usually went with my
family or friends. The experience of watching a film was more enjoyable
when shared with others, as we could discuss it afterward.
● Enjoyable: Giving delight or pleasure.

Question: Do you often go to the cinema with your friends?

Answer: Yes, I do. Going to the cinema with friends is a fun and social way to
spend time together. We get to enjoy a film we're all interested in, and then
have lively discussions about it afterward.
● Lively: Full of life and energy; active and outgoing.

Question: Do you think going to the cinema is a good way to spend time
with friends?
Answer: Absolutely. It's a fantastic way to bond with friends over a shared
interest. We get to experience a story together, and it often leads to engaging
conversations and debates about the film.
● Engaging: Capturing one's interest or attention; compelling.


Question: What do you prefer, tea or coffee?
Answer: Personally, I lean more towards coffee. I find the rich aroma and the
robust flavor of coffee incredibly invigorating. It's a perfect kickstart to my day
and keeps me energized.
● Lean: Incline or have a preference towards something.
● Robust: Strong and full-bodied.

Question: What do you usually prepare for your guests, tea or coffee?
Answer: When I have guests over, I usually offer a variety of beverages,
including both tea and coffee. This way, they have the option to choose based

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on their preference. Some may enjoy the soothing nature of tea, while others
may prefer the boldness of coffee.
● Variety: A range of different things.
● Soothing: Calming and comforting.

Question: When was the last time you drank coffee or tea?
Answer: Just this morning, I had a cup of freshly brewed coffee. It's become a
bit of a ritual for me to kick off the day with that burst of caffeine. It helps me
feel alert and ready to tackle whatever the day throws at me.
● Brewed: Prepared by soaking, boiling, or steeping.
● Alert: Mentally sharp and focused.


Question: Which musical instrument do you like listening to most? Why?
Answer: I'm particularly fond of the piano. It has this enchanting quality that
allows it to convey a wide range of emotions. The harmonious blend of notes
always strikes a chord with me, pun intended. Whether it's a soothing
melody or a lively composition, the piano has a unique ability to stir deep
feelings within me.
● Enchanting: Delightfully charming or captivating.
● Harmonious: Having a pleasing arrangement of parts; balanced.
● Strike a chord: Evoke a strong emotional response.

Question: Have you ever learned to play a musical instrument?

Answer: Yes, I've had the privilege of learning to play the guitar during my
teenage years. It was a truly enriching experience. The process of mastering
chords and creating melodies opened up a whole new world of creativity for
me. It also taught me discipline and patience, qualities that extend beyond
music into various aspects of life.
● Privilege: A special advantage or benefit.
● Enriching: Making something more meaningful or rewarding.

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Question: Do you think children should learn to play an instrument at
Answer: Absolutely, I believe it's immensely beneficial for children to have
the opportunity to learn an instrument at school. It not only fosters a deep
appreciation for music but also enhances cognitive skills, improves
coordination, and boosts their confidence. Moreover, it provides a creative
outlet and a means of self-expression.
● Foster: Encourage or promote the development of.
● Cognitive: Relating to the mental processes of perception, memory, and

Question: How easy would it be to learn to play an instrument without a

Answer: Learning to play an instrument without a teacher is certainly
possible, thanks to the abundance of online resources and tutorials available.
However, it does require a higher degree of self-discipline and dedication.
Without personalized guidance, one must be proactive in seeking out proper
techniques and practicing diligently.
● Abundance: A very large quantity of something.
● Proactive: Taking the initiative by acting rather than reacting to events.


Question: Are there many quiet places in your city?
Answer: Yes, my city does have quite a few peaceful spots. Parks, especially,
offer a serene escape from the hustle and bustle of urban life. Additionally,
we have some quaint cafes tucked away in less frequented alleys, providing a
perfect ambiance for solitude and reflection.
● Serene: Calm, peaceful, and untroubled.
● Quaint: Attractively unusual or old-fashioned.

Question: Why do people sometimes prefer to be alone?

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Answer: There are various reasons why individuals seek solitude. Some find
solace in it, as it allows them to recharge and rejuvenate. Others value the
introspective time it provides, enabling deeper self-reflection and clarity of
thought. It's also an opportunity for uninterrupted focus, which can be
especially important for creative pursuits or problem-solving.
● Solace: Comfort or consolation in a time of distress or sadness.
● Introspective: Looking inward, examining one's own thoughts and

Question: Is there much noise around your home?

Answer: Fortunately, my home is situated in a relatively tranquil
neighborhood, shielded from the clamor of the main thoroughfare.
Occasionally, we might hear the distant hum of traffic, but it's generally a
peaceful environment conducive to relaxation and concentration.
● Tranquil: Free from disturbance; calm.
● Conducive: Making a certain situation or outcome likely or possible.

Question: Does this noise affect you in any way?

Answer: The ambient noise levels seldom have a direct impact on me.
However, during times when I need to focus or engage in deep work, I do find
it beneficial to create a quieter atmosphere. This is when noise-cancelling
headphones become invaluable, as they allow me to control my auditory
● Ambient: Relating to the immediate surroundings.
● Invaluable: Extremely useful or precious.


Question: When did you start to learn science?
Answer: I was introduced to science at a very early age, probably around the
time I started primary school. From basic experiments with magnets to
learning about the solar system, I was captivated by the wonders of the
natural world.
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● Introduced: To bring something to someone's attention for the first

Question: What is your favorite science subject?

Answer: Among the various branches of science, I find physics the most
intriguing. The laws governing motion, energy, and the behavior of matter
have always fascinated me. Moreover, delving into concepts like relativity and
quantum mechanics adds an element of intellectual challenge that I
thoroughly enjoy.
● Intriguing: Arousing curiosity or interest; fascinating.
● Governing: Controlling or regulating.

Question: Is there any technology that you think is helpful in daily life?
Answer: Absolutely, there are several technological advancements that have
greatly enhanced our daily lives. One that stands out for me is the advent of
smartphones. These devices have seamlessly integrated into our routines,
offering a myriad of functions from communication to navigation, productivity,
and even health monitoring.
● Seamlessly: In a way that is smooth and continuous, with no apparent
gaps or interruptions.
● Advent: The arrival or coming into existence of something significant.

Question: Do you think science classes are important?

Answer: Undoubtedly, science classes play a pivotal role in education. They
equip students with a fundamental understanding of the natural world and
cultivate critical thinking skills. Moreover, in today's rapidly advancing society,
a grasp of scientific principles is essential for informed decision-making,
whether in personal matters or broader societal issues.
● Pivotal: Of crucial importance in relation to the development or success
of something else.
● Cultivate: Foster the growth or development of.

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Question: What’s the most popular means of transportation in your
Answer: In my hometown, the most prevalent mode of transportation is
undeniably the bus system. It's not only the most accessible option for a
majority of residents but also the backbone of the public transit network.
● Prevalent: Widely existing or occurring; widespread.
● Backbone: The fundamental support or most important part of

Question: How often do you take buses?

Answer: I rely on buses quite extensively for my daily commute. On average, I
take a bus at least twice a day, once in the morning to get to work, and then
again in the evening for the return journey.
● Rely: Depend on with full trust or confidence; count on.

Question: Can you compare the advantages of planes and trains?

Answer: Certainly, both planes and trains offer distinct advantages. Planes
are unparalleled in terms of speed and efficiency, making them the preferred
choice for long-distance travel. On the other hand, trains provide a more
leisurely and scenic journey, allowing passengers to appreciate the landscape
in a way that air travel simply doesn't allow.
● Unparalleled: Having no parallel or equal; exceptional.
● Leisurely: Acting or done at leisure; unhurried.

Question: Is driving to work popular in your country?

Answer: Yes, driving to work is a popular choice in my country, especially in
areas with limited public transportation options. It offers a level of
convenience and flexibility that is highly valued by many commuters.
● Convenience: The state of being able to proceed with something with
little effort or difficulty; ease.

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Question: Do you like to stay in a place with a lot of noise?
Answer: Personally, I find it rather challenging to stay in a place with
excessive noise. I prefer environments that are more tranquil and conducive
to concentration.
● Challenging: Difficult in a way that is interesting or stimulating.
● Tranquil: Free from disturbance; calm.

Question: Do you think there is too much noise in today’s world?

Answer: It's undeniable that the modern world is filled with an abundance of
noise. From the bustling traffic to the constant hum of technology, it can be
overwhelming at times.
● Abundance: A very large quantity of something; plentiful.

Question: Is making noise one of people’s rights?

Answer: While individuals do have the right to express themselves, it's
important that this is done in a way that doesn't infringe on the rights of
others. Excessive noise, if not regulated, can disrupt the peace and
well-being of a community.
● Infringe: Actively break the terms of a law, agreement, etc.
● Disrupt: Interrupt an event, activity, or process by causing a disturbance
or problem.


Question: Do you often chat with friends?
Answer: Yes, I do. Maintaining regular communication with friends is
something I highly value. It helps in staying connected and updated about
each other's lives.
● Maintaining: Continuing in the same state or condition.
● Connected: Joined or linked together.

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Question: Do you prefer to chat online or face to face?
Answer: I believe both forms of communication have their merits. Online
chats are convenient for quick exchanges, especially when distance is a
factor. On the other hand, face-to-face conversations allow for a deeper level
of connection and understanding.
● Merits: Advantages or benefits.
● Convenient: Fitting in well with a person's needs, activities, and plans.

Question: Do you prefer group chat or individual chat?

Answer: It really depends on the context. Group chats are great for
coordinating plans or discussing topics that involve multiple people.
However, for more personal or sensitive matters, I lean towards individual
chats as they provide a more focused and private space.
● Coordinating: Organizing and integrating different elements in an
efficient manner.
● Sensitive: Requiring careful handling due to the potential for causing
offense or harm.


Question: Do you go running a lot?
Answer: Yes, I do. Running is an activity I engage in regularly. It not only
helps me stay physically fit but also clears my mind and boosts my energy
● Engage: Participate or become involved in.
● Boosts: Increases or improves.

Question: Where do you usually like to run?

Answer: I prefer to run in natural settings like parks or along scenic trails. The
fresh air and lush surroundings create a more invigorating experience
compared to running on a treadmill indoors.
● Scenic: Having or allowing you to see beautiful natural features.
● Invigorating: Making one feel more energetic.
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Question: What do you think of running?
Answer: I think running is an excellent way to stay active and maintain a
healthy lifestyle. It's a versatile exercise that doesn't require any special
equipment, making it accessible to almost everyone.
● Versatile: Capable of adapting or being adapted to many different
functions or activities.

Question: What do you think of running as a form of exercise?

Answer: Running is, in my opinion, one of the most effective forms of
exercise. It engages multiple muscle groups and is a great cardiovascular
workout. Moreover, it's incredibly convenient and can be done anywhere.
● Cardiovascular: Relating to the heart and blood vessels.
● Convenient: Fitting in well with a person's needs, activities, and plans.


Question: Do you often use a map?
Answer: Yes, I do. While technology has made navigation more convenient
with GPS and mobile apps, I still find myself using a map from time to time,
especially when I'm exploring a new city or going on a hiking trip.
● Navigation: The process of finding one's way to a destination.
● Convenient: Fitting in well with a person's needs, activities, and plans.

Question: What is the difference between mobile maps and paper maps?
Answer: The main distinction lies in their format and accessibility. Mobile
maps, on smartphones or tablets, are dynamic and interactive, providing
real-time information and directions. On the other hand, paper maps are
static and require no battery or signal, making them reliable in areas with
poor connectivity.
● Dynamic: Characterized by constant change, activity, or progress.
● Interactive: Allowing a two-way flow of information.

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Question: Who taught you how to use maps?
Answer: I was introduced to reading maps by my geography teacher back in
high school. She taught us the fundamentals of map-reading, including
understanding symbols, scales, and how to plot routes. It was an invaluable
skill that I've carried with me ever since.
● Fundamentals: The basic principles or essential aspects of a subject or
● Invaluable: Extremely useful or indispensable.


Question: Do you ever give money to charity?
Answer: Yes, I do. I make it a point to contribute to various charitable causes
whenever I can. Whether it's a local charity supporting education or a global
initiative for disaster relief, I believe in doing my part to help those in need.
● Contribute: To give or supply for a common purpose.
● Initiative: A plan or action designed to solve a problem.

Question: Have you ever done any volunteer work?

Answer: Absolutely, I've been involved in volunteering for several years now.
I've worked with organizations that focus on environmental conservation, as
well as those that provide food and shelter for the homeless. It's been a
fulfilling experience.
● Involved: Participating or engaged in an activity.
● Conservation: The act of preserving, guarding, or protecting something.

Question: Would you like to work as a volunteer?

Answer: I would definitely be interested in taking up a volunteer role. I think
it's a wonderful way to give back to the community and make a positive
impact. Plus, it allows you to learn new skills and gain valuable experiences.
● Interested: Having an interest in or curiosity about something.
● Impact: A marked effect or influence.

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Question: What could you do to help if you had no money?
Answer: Even without financial resources, there are still many ways to
contribute. One can offer their time, skills, or expertise. For instance,
providing mentorship or assisting in community projects can be just as
valuable as monetary donations.
● Contribute: To give or supply for a common purpose.
● Expertise: Specialized skill or knowledge in a particular field.


Describe a photo that makes you feel happy
You should say
● What the photo like
● When and where you took this photo
● How often you watch the photo
● And explain why it makes you feel happy

The photo that never fails to bring a smile to my face is a candid shot taken
during a family picnic last summer. In the picture, we're all gathered around a
checkered picnic blanket, surrounded by lush greenery and bathed in the
warm golden glow of the setting sun.

It was a beautiful Sunday afternoon in July, and we decided to escape the

hustle and bustle of the city for a day in nature. We chose a quaint little park
on the outskirts of town, known for its tranquil lakes and sprawling
meadows. The weather was impeccable – clear skies and a gentle breeze –
making it the perfect setting for a memorable day out.

The photo was snapped by my younger brother, who managed to capture a

moment of genuine joy and togetherness. We're all wearing bright smiles,
and there's a spread of delectable homemade sandwiches, fruits, and
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refreshing lemonade laid out before us. The children are giggling as they
chase each other around, and the adults are engrossed in cheerful

I find myself revisiting this photo quite often, especially during hectic or
stressful times. It serves as a reminder of the importance of family and taking
moments to appreciate life's simple pleasures. The sight of those genuine
smiles and the warmth of that day never fail to uplift my spirits.

What makes this photo particularly special is the sheer authenticity it exudes.
It's not a staged portrait, but rather a candid snapshot of a moment filled
with laughter, love, and the beauty of nature. It encapsulates the essence of
happiness for me, and each time I look at it, I'm transported back to that
idyllic day.

Highlighted words/phrases:
● Candid shot: A photograph taken informally, often capturing people in
a spontaneous and unposed moment.
● Lush greenery: Thick and healthy plant life, particularly with vibrant,
green leaves.
● Bathed in: Covered or immersed in a particular quality or element.
● Impeccable: Flawless or perfect.
● Tranquil: Peaceful and calm.
● Spread of delectable: A variety of delicious and appealing food.
● Uplift my spirits: Improve or enhance my mood and outlook.
● Exudes: Gives off or radiates.
● Essence: The fundamental nature or quality of something.

1, Do you think it’s important to be a professional photographer?

Answer: While being a professional photographer certainly has its merits, I
believe that the importance lies in the passion and skill one brings to
photography rather than professional status alone.

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● Merits: Refers to the advantages or benefits of a particular situation or

2, Do you think people take more photos now than in the past?
Answer: Absolutely. With the advent of smartphones and easy access to
cameras, people nowadays tend to capture moments incessantly. This is a
notable shift from the past when photography was more reserved for special
● Advent: The arrival or creation of something significant.
● Incessantly: In a way that continues without interruption.

3, Is equipment important to photography?

Answer: Equipment certainly plays a crucial role in photography, but it's not
the sole determinant of a great shot. A skilled photographer can work
wonders with even basic gear.
● Crucial: Extremely important or necessary.
● Sole: The only or exclusive.

4, Do you think being a professional videographer is a good job? Why?

Answer: Being a professional videographer can be an immensely fulfilling
career, especially for those who have a passion for storytelling through
motion pictures. It allows one to capture and convey emotions, narratives,
and experiences in a powerful and evocative manner.
● Fulfilling: Providing a sense of satisfaction or achievement.
● Narratives: Stories or accounts of events.
● Evocative: Arousing strong emotions or memories.


Describe a place in your country that you are interested in
You should say:
● Where it is
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● How you knew it
● Why you are interested in it

The place that has always piqued my interest is the ancient city of Hoi An,
located in the central region of Vietnam. I first came across this captivating
town through a documentary on travel. The moment I saw the vibrant
lantern-lit streets and the well-preserved historic architecture, I was instantly
drawn to it.

Hoi An, a UNESCO World Heritage Site, boasts a unique blend of cultures,
with influences from Chinese, Japanese, and European traders evident in its
architecture, cuisine, and traditions. The town's centuries-old houses and
temples stand as living testaments to its rich history. The quaint Thu Bon
River that winds through the town further enhances its charm.

Moreover, what fascinates me the most about Hoi An is its commitment to

preserving its heritage. The local government has implemented strict
regulations to maintain the authenticity of the town, prohibiting modern
developments that might disrupt its historical ambiance.

Hoi An is also famed for its culinary traditions. The local street food is
renowned worldwide, and taking a cooking class there is something I've
always dreamt of. The tantalizing aroma of dishes being prepared in the
open-air markets is an experience I long to immerse myself in.

In summary, Hoi An's blend of history, architecture, culture, and cuisine

makes it a place that I am not only interested in but deeply passionate about.
It's a living testament to the beauty of preserving traditions in a rapidly
changing world. I hope to visit it one day and experience the magic it exudes

Highlighted words and phrases:

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● Vibrant: something full of energy and life. In this context, it emphasizes
the lively atmosphere of Hoi An.
● Quaint: something attractively unusual or old-fashioned, typically in a
charming or endearing way. It highlights the nostalgic and picturesque
quality of Hoi An.
● Preserving: protecting and maintaining the original state of something.
● Tantalizing: enticing or making someone feel eager or excited,
especially in terms of taste or smell. It emphasizes the sensory allure of
the food in Hoi An.

1, Do you travel a lot?

Yes, I consider myself quite the avid traveler. Exploring new places, cultures,
and cuisines is something I'm deeply passionate about. Whether it's a
weekend getaway to a nearby town or an extended vacation to a foreign
country, I always find joy in discovering the unknown.
● Avid Traveler - This phrase signifies a person who has a keen interest
in traveling and often engages in it enthusiastically.
● Weekend Getaway - It refers to a short trip or vacation taken over a
weekend, typically to a nearby destination.

2, Do people have different personalities in different regions of your

Absolutely, it's quite fascinating how the cultural diversity in my country
influences people's personalities. For instance, individuals in the northern
regions tend to be more reserved and traditional, reflecting the mountainous
terrain and centuries-old customs. On the other hand, those in the southern
parts exude a more vibrant and outgoing demeanor, in harmony with the
coastal lifestyle and warmer climate.
● Cultural Diversity - This term refers to the presence of various cultural
groups within a society, each with its own unique traditions, languages,
and behaviors.
● Reserved - It describes a person who is often quiet, introspective, and
not very inclined towards expressing themselves openly.
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● Vibrant - This word suggests a lively, energetic, and dynamic quality,
often associated with lively social interactions.

3, What causes the differences between different regions of your country?

The differences between regions in my country stem from a combination of
historical, geographical, and cultural factors. Centuries of distinct historical
events and rulers have left a profound imprint on each region's traditions and
way of life. Additionally, the varied topography, from mountains to plains to
coastlines, has led to diverse livelihoods and practices. Moreover, the
presence of different languages and dialects further reinforces these regional
● Topography - It refers to the physical features of an area, including its
terrain, elevation, and landforms.
● Livelihoods - This term denotes the means and methods by which
people earn their living, often influenced by the local environment and
available resources.
● Dialects - These are regional or social varieties of a language, often
with distinct vocabulary, pronunciation, and grammar.

4, Do youngsters like to try new things, or do people of your parents’ age

also like to try new things?
It's interesting to observe that the appetite for trying new experiences is not
confined to any specific age group. While youngsters are often associated
with a sense of adventure and a desire to explore the uncharted, I've noticed
that people of my parents' generation are also increasingly open to trying
new things. Whether it's embracing technology, adopting new hobbies, or
even traveling to unfamiliar destinations, there's a growing enthusiasm
among them to break out of their comfort zones.
● Appetite - In this context, it refers to a person's inclination or eagerness
towards a particular activity or experience.
● Sense of Adventure - This phrase represents a willingness to engage
in new and exciting activities, often associated with a spirit of
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● Comfort Zone - It describes a state of familiarity and routine where a
person feels at ease and in control, but may be less inclined to take
risks or try new things.


Describe a person who likes to cook for others
You should say:
● Who this person is
● What he/she likes to cook
● Why he/she likes to cook
● And explain how do you feel about the cooking

One person who comes to mind when I think about someone who enjoys
cooking for others is my aunt, Maria. She's an exceptional cook and has a true
passion for creating delicious meals.

Maria is known for her diverse culinary skills, but what she truly excels at is
preparing traditional dishes from our hometown. From hearty stews to
delicate pastries, there's a genuine artistry in the way she combines
ingredients and flavors. One of her signature dishes is a savory lamb stew,
slow-cooked with a medley of aromatic spices. The aroma alone can
transport you to our family kitchen, where every meal becomes a special

For Maria, cooking is an expression of love and a way to nurture those around
her. She believes that a well-prepared meal has the power to bring people
together, to create moments of joy and connection. It's her means of showing
affection, and you can taste it in every bite.

Personally, I feel incredibly fortunate to have an aunt like Maria. Her cooking
not only satisfies the taste buds but also warms the heart. There's a sense of
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comfort in knowing that she puts so much care and effort into every dish. It's
a reminder of the importance of sharing meals with loved ones and
appreciating the effort that goes into each creation.

Highlighted words and phrases:

● Passion for creating - This phrase emphasizes the strong enthusiasm
and creativity involved in the act of cooking.
● Exceptional cook - It signifies someone who is extraordinarily skilled
and talented in the art of cooking.
● Culinary skills - This refers to the ability and knowledge required for
cooking, especially in a professional context.
● Signature dish - It denotes a specific dish that a person is particularly
known for, often reflecting their unique style or expertise.
● Aromatic spices - These are fragrant and flavorful substances derived
from plants, commonly used to add taste and aroma to dishes.
● Expression of love - This phrase highlights the idea that cooking can be
a way of showing affection and care for others.
● Moments of joy and connection - It emphasizes the emotional and
social significance of sharing a meal with others.
● Satisfies the taste buds - This means that the food is enjoyable and
pleasurable to eat.
● Warm the heart - It conveys the idea that something brings a feeling of
comfort, happiness, or emotional warmth.
● Appreciating the effort - This refers to recognizing and valuing the hard
work and dedication put into cooking.

1. Have you ever cooked for others?

Yes, I have had the pleasure of preparing meals for my family and friends on
several occasions. It's something I truly enjoy, as it allows me to share my
love for cooking with my loved ones.
● Pleasure of preparing - This phrase indicates that cooking is something
the speaker finds enjoyable and fulfilling.

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● Share my love for cooking - It emphasizes the speaker's passion for
culinary arts and their desire to express it through cooking for others.

2. What do we need to prepare when we need to cook?

When it comes to cooking, the first thing we need is a well-thought-out
recipe. This should outline all the necessary ingredients and provide clear
step-by-step instructions. Additionally, having the right kitchen equipment
and utensils, such as pots, pans, knives, and cutting boards, is essential.
Ensuring that all the ingredients are fresh and of good quality is also crucial
for a successful dish.
● Well-thought-out recipe - This phrase indicates that a recipe should be
carefully planned and organized.
● Step-by-step instructions - These are detailed guidelines that break
down the cooking process into manageable stages.
● Kitchen equipment and utensils - These are the tools and appliances
needed for cooking.
● Fresh and of good quality - This emphasizes the importance of using
high-quality, unspoiled ingredients.

3. Do you agree that food is an important part of Vietnamese festivals?

Absolutely, food plays a central role in Vietnamese festivals. It's not only
about nourishment but also a way to celebrate our rich culinary heritage.
Each festival has its signature dishes that are prepared with great care and
shared among families and communities. The act of cooking and enjoying
these special dishes together fosters a sense of togetherness and cultural
● Central role - This means that food is a crucial and significant aspect of
Vietnamese festivals.
● Culinary heritage - It refers to the traditional and cultural aspects of
cooking that are passed down through generations.
● Signature dishes - These are specific dishes that are associated with
and commonly prepared for a particular festival.

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● Sense of togetherness - This means a feeling of unity and closeness
among people.

4. Which dishes are a must at festivals?

Certain dishes are indispensable at Vietnamese festivals. For instance, "Bánh
Chưng," a square-shaped glutinous rice cake filled with mung beans and
pork, is a quintessential dish for the Lunar New Year celebration, known as
"Tết." Another example is "Mid-Autumn Festival," which is incomplete
without "Mooncakes" symbolizing family reunion and togetherness.
● Indispensable - This means absolutely necessary and cannot be
● Quintessential dish - It refers to a dish that is representative and
essential for a particular festival
● Symbolizing family reunion and togetherness - This indicates that
"Mooncakes" represent the values and sentiments associated with
family gatherings during the Mid-Autumn Festival.


Describe your favorite painting/drawing
You should say
● Where did you first see the artist
● What the painting is about
● Who the painter is
● And explain why you enjoy it?

The painting that holds a special place in my heart is a personal piece of art I
created during a painting workshop a few years ago. The workshop was held
at a local community center, and it was the first time I had delved into the
world of visual art.

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My painting depicts a tranquil lakeside scene during sunset. The water
reflects the warm hues of the setting sun, creating a mesmerizing play of
colors. A lone boat is peacefully anchored by the shore, surrounded by lush
greenery. The overall ambiance exudes a sense of serenity and calm, inviting
the viewer to embrace the tranquility of the natural world.

As for the artist, well, that would be me! This painting was a result of my
exploration into painting, guided by the workshop instructor who provided
invaluable advice and techniques. It was a wonderful experience to see my
vision come to life on the canvas.

The reason I cherish this painting is not only because it's a product of my own
creativity, but also because of the emotions and memories it holds. Every
brushstroke represents a moment of self-expression and discovery. The
serene atmosphere captured in the painting takes me back to that workshop,
where I felt a profound sense of contentment and accomplishment.

Highlighted words and phrases:

● Holds a special place in my heart - This expression conveys a deep
emotional attachment and significance.
● Delves into the world of visual art - This phrase signifies the speaker's
initial exploration and immersion in the realm of visual creativity.
● Tranquil lakeside scene - These words vividly describe the peaceful
setting of the painting.
● Play of colors - This phrase highlights the interplay and blending of
different hues in the artwork.
● Exudes a sense of serenity and calm - This indicates the calming and
peaceful atmosphere conveyed by the painting.
● Exploration into painting - This phrase emphasizes the speaker's
venture into the art form.
● Guided by the workshop instructor - This shows the influence and
guidance received during the creative process.

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● Emotions and memories it holds - This suggests that the painting
evokes specific feelings and recalls particular moments.
● Profound sense of contentment and accomplishment - This expression
conveys a deep feeling of satisfaction and achievement.

1, Differences between painting and drawing:

The key distinction between painting and drawing lies in the medium used
and the level of detailing. Painting employs a wider range of mediums,
offering a more expansive palette for artists. Drawing, on the other hand,
emphasizes precise lines and intricate detailing.
● Medium: The materials used in art, such as paint, ink, or pencil.
● Detailing: The process of adding specific elements or intricate features
to a work of art.

2, Why do some people keep a painting for a long time?

People tend to hold onto paintings for extended periods due to the
sentimental value they carry. A painting can evoke cherished memories and
emotions, creating a deep attachment. Additionally, a beautifully executed
painting can enhance the aesthetic appeal of a space, becoming an integral
part of the decor.
● Sentimental Value: The personal or emotional significance attached to
an object.
● Aesthetic Appeal: The visual attractiveness or beauty of something.

3, How does building style affect people’s lives?

The architectural style of a building significantly impacts daily life. The layout
and design can affect how spaces are utilized and navigated. Additionally,
architectural styles often carry cultural or historical significance, shaping the
character of a community and influencing the way people interact with their
● Architectural Layout: The arrangement and design of a building's
spaces and structures.

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● Cultural Significance: The importance of a building style in reflecting
the values or history of a culture.

4, Should children learn to draw?:

Yes, children should be encouraged to learn to draw. It promotes creative
expression and allows them to convey their imagination visually. Moreover,
drawing aids in the development of fine motor skills, which are essential for
tasks requiring precision and coordination.
● Creative Expression: Using art as a way to convey feelings, thoughts, or
● Fine Motor Skills: The coordination and control of small muscle
movements, often involving the hands and fingers


Describe a park/garden you have enjoyed visiting
You should say
● When you often go there
● Where it is
● Who you often go there with
● And explain what it is like

One of my favorite parks to visit is the Green Haven Park, located right in the
heart of the city. It's a place I find myself frequenting whenever I need a break
from the hustle and bustle of daily life.

I usually visit the park on weekends, especially early in the morning or during
the late afternoon when the sunlight filters through the trees, creating a
magical ambience. It's a stone's throw away from my apartment, which
makes it incredibly convenient.

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I often go there with my close friend, Sarah. We share a mutual love for
nature and often find ourselves seeking solace in the serene surroundings of
the park. Our visits have become somewhat of a tradition, where we catch up
on each other's lives, discuss books we're reading, or simply enjoy the
tranquility in companionable silence.

The Green Haven Park is truly a gem. As you enter, you're greeted by a lush
canopy of trees, creating a natural roof that shields you from the sun. The
pathways are lined with vibrant flower beds, and strategically placed
benches offer perfect spots to sit and absorb the beauty around. In the center,
there's a charming pond with a small bridge that adds to the park's
picturesque charm. The symphony of birdsong provides a delightful
soundtrack, making it an oasis of calm in the midst of urban chaos.

What I love most about this park is its versatility. Whether you want to read a
book, have a quiet conversation, go for a jog, or simply lie on the grass and
watch the clouds drift by, it caters to every need. The Green Haven Park is not
just a place; it's a sanctuary that rejuvenates the soul.

Highlighted words:
● Hustle and bustle: This is a phrase that refers to the busy, noisy activity
of a crowded place. It's often used to describe the fast-paced
atmosphere of a city or a commercial area.
● Ambience: This word refers to the character and atmosphere of a place.
It encompasses the overall mood, feeling, and quality of the
● Tranquility: This term indicates a state of calm and quiet. It's often used
to describe a peaceful and serene environment.
● Symphony of birdsong: This is a vivid metaphor describing the
harmonious and melodious sounds of birds singing.
● Oasis of calm: This phrase conveys the idea of a peaceful and quiet
place in the midst of a busy or chaotic environment.

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● Rejuvenates: This word means to make someone feel young, fresh, and
full of energy again. It's often used to describe the process of restoring
vitality and freshness.

Do young people like to go to parks?

Answer: Yes, many young people find parks to be an appealing destination.
They often appreciate the opportunity to engage in various recreational
activities and enjoy the natural environment.

What do old people like to do in parks?

Answer: Older individuals tend to gravitate towards more leisurely pursuits in
parks. They often relish the opportunity to bask in the tranquility of the
surroundings, perhaps engaging in activities like reading, having picnics, or
simply soaking in the natural beauty.
● Bask in the tranquility: To enjoy the peaceful and calm atmosphere.
● Soaking in the natural beauty: Taking in and appreciating the natural

What are the benefits of going to the park for young people and old
Answer: The benefits of visiting parks are multifold for both the young and
the elderly. For young people, it offers a chance to partake in physical
activities, promoting a healthier lifestyle. It also serves as a conducive
environment for social interactions, aiding in the development of crucial
interpersonal skills. On the other end of the spectrum, parks provide older
individuals with a space for low-impact exercises like gentle strolls that are
conducive to their health. Additionally, it can be an effective avenue for them
to combat loneliness, fostering a sense of community and belonging.
● Healthier lifestyle: A way of living that promotes good health and
● Interpersonal skills: The ability to communicate and interact effectively
with others.
● Gentle strolls: Slow, relaxed walks.
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● Belonging: Feeling connected and a part of a community or group.
● Therapeutic: Having a healing or soothing effect.

Why do some people like planting flowers?

Answer: Some individuals find great joy in cultivating flowers for a variety of
reasons. Firstly, it's a therapeutic hobby, allowing them to unwind and
de-stress. Secondly, it enables them to nurture and care for living organisms,
which can be incredibly fulfilling. Finally, there's an artistic element to it, as it
allows for creative expression through landscaping and gardening.
● De-stress: To relax and release stress or tension.
● Nurture and care for living organisms: Taking care of and fostering the
growth of living things.
● Landscaping and gardening: Designing and cultivating outdoor spaces
with plants and other elements.


Describe a foreigner you know who speaks Vietnamese well
You should say
● Who this person is
● Where he/she is from
● How he/she learns Vietnamese
● And explain why he/she can speak Vietnamese well

One foreigner I know who speaks Vietnamese exceptionally well is my friend

Sarah. She hails from Canada, a country known for its multiculturalism and
diversity. Sarah's proficiency in Vietnamese is truly commendable, and it often
surprises locals when they hear her speak fluently.

Sarah's journey in learning Vietnamese is truly inspiring. She moved to Hanoi

a few years ago to work as an English teacher. From the outset, she was
determined to immerse herself in the local culture and language. She took
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formal Vietnamese classes to learn the basics, but what set her apart was
her dedication to practicing with native speakers. Sarah made it a point to
engage in conversations with locals whenever she got the chance, be it at
markets, in cafes, or during community events. She also sought out language
exchange partners, which allowed her to practice Vietnamese while helping
others with their English. This reciprocal learning approach not only
enhanced her language skills but also fostered meaningful connections
within the community.

What truly sets Sarah apart, however, is her genuine interest in Vietnamese
culture and history. She took the time to delve deep into the intricacies of the
language, understanding its nuances and idiomatic expressions. This level of
cultural sensitivity and linguistic appreciation is reflected in her ability to
converse effortlessly with locals on a wide range of topics, from everyday life
to more complex subjects.

In essence, Sarah's commitment to learning Vietnamese, her active

engagement with the community, and her genuine interest in the culture have
been instrumental in her ability to speak the language fluently. She serves as
a testament to the notion that with dedication and a genuine passion for a
language, one can truly master it.

● Proficiency: A high degree of skill or expertise.

● Commendable: Deserving praise or approval.
● Dedication: The quality of being committed to a task or purpose.
● Immerse: To involve oneself deeply in a particular activity or subject.
● Language exchange partners: Individuals who come together to
practice each other's native languages.
● Reciprocal learning: A mutual exchange of knowledge or skills.
● Intricacies: The complex details or elements of something.
● Nuances: Subtle differences or distinctions.
● Idiomatic expressions: Phrases or expressions that have a meaning
different from the literal interpretation.
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● Cultural sensitivity: The awareness and understanding of different
cultural practices and perspectives.

Question: What foreign languages do Vietnamese children learn?

Vietnamese children commonly learn English and sometimes other
languages like French, Chinese, or Japanese as part of their formal education.
● Commonly: Frequently or typically occurring.
● Formal education: Structured and organized learning provided in
institutions like schools.

Question: Why do Vietnamese children learn English?

Vietnamese children learn English primarily because it is considered a global
lingua franca. It opens up opportunities for higher education abroad and
enhances their employability in an increasingly interconnected world.
● Lingua franca: A language adopted as a common language between
speakers whose native languages are different.
● Employability: The ability to be employed or to find a job.

Question 3: Why are so many people learning English?

There is a surge in people learning English due to globalization. English is the
dominant language in various fields like business, technology, and academia.
Moreover, it facilitates international communication and collaboration.
● Surge: A sudden and significant increase.
● Dominant: Having power, authority, or influence over others.

Question 4: How can you help children learn English?

One effective way to help children learn English is through immersive
experiences. This includes activities like watching English-language movies,
reading books, and engaging in conversations with native speakers or
language exchange partners.
● Immersive experiences: Engaging in activities that involve complete
participation and immersion in the language or culture.

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Question 5: Do you think the way people learn English today is the same
as in the past?
The way people learn English today has evolved significantly from the past.
With the advent of technology, there are various online platforms, language
learning apps, and interactive resources available, providing a more dynamic
and self-paced learning experience.
● Advent: The arrival or coming of a notable event or person.

Question 6: What are the benefits of the internet for people’s learning?
The internet offers a plethora of resources for learning. It provides access to a
vast repository of information, interactive tutorials, and educational platforms.
Additionally, it allows for real-time communication with people from different
linguistic backgrounds, facilitating language exchange and practice.
● Plethora: An abundance or excess of something.
● Repository: A place where things are stored or kept.
● Facilitating: Making a process or action easier.


Describe someone you don’t know but would like to know more about
You should say
● Who this person is
● What interesting things he/she has done
● Why you want to know more about him/her

The person I find particularly fascinating and would love to learn more about
is Elon Musk, a visionary entrepreneur who has made remarkable strides in
the realms of technology and space exploration.

Elon Musk hails from South Africa and is the CEO and founder of several
pioneering companies, including SpaceX, Tesla, Neuralink, and The Boring
Company. His journey in the business world is nothing short of extraordinary.
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SpaceX, under his leadership, has achieved milestones like launching the
Falcon Heavy, the most powerful operational rocket globally, and regularly
resupplying the International Space Station. Tesla, on the other hand, has
revolutionized the automobile industry with its electric vehicles and
renewable energy solutions. Neuralink, one of Musk's more recent ventures,
is working towards developing brain-computer interfaces that have the
potential to transform healthcare and communication. Not to forget, The
Boring Company is dedicated to solving urban congestion issues through the
construction of underground transportation tunnels.

What truly captivates me about Elon Musk is not only his ability to turn
audacious dreams into reality but also his unwavering commitment to
sustainable and futuristic technologies. His ambitions extend far beyond
profit, and he is dedicated to addressing some of humanity's most pressing
issues, from climate change to space colonization.

To delve deeper into his life and thoughts, to understand the challenges he
faced, and to grasp his vision for the future would be an invaluable
experience. Learning from his experiences and insights could not only inspire
my own endeavors but also provide a unique perspective on innovation,
perseverance, and the boundless possibilities of human achievement.

Highlighted words and phrases:

● Fascinating: Extremely interesting and captivating.
● Pioneering: Leading the way in new developments or ideas.
● Milestones: Significant achievements or stages in progress.
● Revolutionized: Brought about a radical or fundamental change.
● Audacious: Bold, daring, and adventurous.
● Unwavering: Steadfast and resolute.
● Dedicated: Committed and devoted to a cause.
● Pressing Issues: Urgent and important problems.
● Endeavors: Efforts or projects undertaken to achieve something.
● Perseverance: Persistence and determination in the face of difficulties.
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Question: Are there any differences in the relationship between you and
other people?
Every relationship is distinct. With family, it's love and shared experiences.
Friends are about shared interests. Colleagues, it's about respect and
teamwork. Casual acquaintances are polite but not deep.
● Distinct: This term emphasizes that each relationship is unique and has
its own special characteristics or qualities.

Question: Do people feel lonely in crowded cities?

Yes, despite the crowd, cities can be isolating. The pace, transience, and
anonymity contribute. Deep connections can be harder. So, in bustling cities,
loneliness can lurk.
● Isolating: This term conveys the feeling of being separated or cut off
from others, even in the midst of a large number of people.
● Transience: Refers to the impermanent or fleeting nature of interactions
in a city where people often come and go, making it harder to establish
lasting connections.
● Anonymity: Signifies the state of being unknown or unidentifiable in a
crowd, which can lead to a sense of disconnection and loneliness.
● Lurk: Implies that loneliness may exist in a hidden or unexpected way,
despite the bustling activity of the city.


Describe a person you know who you think is successful
You should say
● Who the person is
● How did you know the person
● What he/she has achieved
● And explain why do you think the person is successful

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One person I consider remarkably successful is my former colleague, Sarah.
We first crossed paths about five years ago when we both worked for a
multinational corporation. Sarah's journey to success is nothing short of

I got to know Sarah through our shared projects and team meetings. From
the outset, it was evident that she possessed a unique blend of determination
and creativity. Her approach to problem-solving was both innovative and
pragmatic, and she never shied away from taking on challenging tasks.

Over the years, Sarah achieved a series of significant milestones. She

spearheaded a crucial project that resulted in a substantial increase in the
company's market share. Her ability to lead and inspire a diverse team was
truly commendable. Additionally, she played a pivotal role in the
development of a cutting-edge product that received widespread acclaim
within the industry.

What sets Sarah apart, in my opinion, is her unwavering commitment to

personal and professional growth. She consistently sought out opportunities
for further education and skill development, attending workshops and
seminars to enhance her knowledge. This proactive approach, coupled with
her innate leadership qualities, enabled her to ascend the corporate ladder

Furthermore, Sarah maintained a work-life balance that many would envy.

Despite her demanding role, she always made time for her family and
pursued her interests outside of work. This equilibrium between professional
success and personal fulfillment is a testament to her exceptional time
management and prioritization skills.

In essence, Sarah's journey exemplifies the true essence of success. Her

accomplishments are not only a result of her technical proficiency but also
her ability to lead, adapt, and remain committed to lifelong learning. She
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serves as a prime example of how diligence, a forward-thinking mindset, and
a balanced approach to life can lead to remarkable achievements.

Highlighted words and phrases:

● Remarkably successful: the exceptional level of success
● Innovative and pragmatic: approach to problem-solving, showcasing
both creativity and practicality.
● Pivotal role: the significant contribution
● Unwavering commitment: consistent dedication to self-improvement.
● Ascend the corporate ladder: rapid progression in the career.
● Work-life balance: ability to manage both her professional and
personal life effectively.
● Equilibrium: a state of balance and stability between different aspects
of life.

Question 1: What are the elements of success?

Success is a multi-faceted concept, and it encompasses various elements.
Firstly, determination plays a pivotal role. This involves setting clear goals
and persistently working towards them. Additionally, acquiring skills and
knowledge is essential. It empowers individuals to tackle challenges
effectively. Adaptability is another crucial factor. In today's rapidly changing
world, the ability to adapt to new technologies and methodologies is
indispensable. Networking and collaboration also contribute significantly.
Establishing meaningful connections with others and working in tandem
towards shared objectives often leads to remarkable achievements.
● Determination: This word emphasizes the importance of unwavering
commitment and resolve in achieving success. It signifies a strong,
focused mindset.
● Acquiring: This term means to gain or obtain something, in this context,
referring to the process of gaining skills and knowledge.
● Adaptability: This quality allows individuals to adjust to new
circumstances and challenges. It's particularly crucial in a
fast-changing environment.
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● Pivotal: Signifying something of crucial importance or significance, it
underlines the critical role determination plays in the path to success.

Question 2: What are the sacrifices for success?

Achieving success often entails making sacrifices. For instance, individuals

may need to invest a considerable amount of time. This means dedicating
long hours to work or study, sometimes at the expense of leisure or family
time. Stepping out of one's comfort zone is another sacrifice. This involves
taking risks and facing unfamiliar situations. In terms of personal
relationships, individuals might need to strike a balance between their
ambitions and nurturing meaningful connections. Moreover, there's often a
financial aspect, where one might need to allocate resources strategically,
creating a sort of financial safety net.
● Invest: In this context, it means to allocate resources, such as time or
effort, in pursuit of a particular goal or outcome.
● Comfort Zone: This refers to a state of familiarity and ease, where
individuals feel most at ease. Stepping out of it involves taking risks
and facing new challenges.
● Nurturing: This means to care for and encourage the growth or
development of something, in this case, meaningful relationships.
● Strategically: Doing something in a way that is carefully planned and
designed to achieve a particular goal or outcome.

Question 3: Is it easy to succeed in the college entrance examination in

Vietnam, and is it easy for companies to succeed without damaging the
Succeeding in the college entrance examination in Vietnam is a challenging
endeavor. It demands rigorous preparation, academic proficiency, and often a
high level of competition. As for companies, achieving success while
maintaining environmental integrity is a complex task. It involves
implementing sustainable practices and technologies. This ensures that

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business operations do not harm the environment. Striking this balance
requires a significant level of commitment and investment.
● Rigorous: This term means thorough, exhaustive, or exacting. It
highlights the intense nature of the preparation needed for the college
entrance examination.
● Environmental Integrity: This phrase refers to the state of being
environmentally sound, where actions and operations do not cause
harm or degradation to the environment.
● Striking a Balance: This is an idiom that means finding a suitable
compromise between two often conflicting aspects or goals. In this
context, it's about finding a balance between business success and
environmental responsibility


Describe a person who has interesting ideas and opinions
You should say
● Who this person is
● How you know this person
● What interesting ideas/opinions he/she
● And explain you think why his/her ideas are interesting

Sarah, my colleague at the creative agency, is a real idea machine. We often

bounce ideas off each other, and what sets Sarah apart is her knack for
exploring uncharted territory. She has this way of flipping ordinary concepts
on their head, showing us new layers of potential we might have missed.

We chat a lot at work, and Sarah's take on things like sustainability really
gets me thinking. She sees a deep connection between sustainable practices
and economic growth, which is pretty eye-opening. And she's not just about
work—her interests range from art to tech. Just the other day, she pitched this

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cool project that blends augmented reality with traditional art forms, offering
viewers an immersive experience.

But what I love most is how Sarah's ideas fire up our imagination. They're not
just interesting; they challenge us to think beyond the usual. They've
definitely changed how we approach our projects. Sarah's ideas are a
game-changer, shifting how we see and engage with the world. Chatting
with her is always a breath of fresh air, and I'm always excited to see what
new perspectives she brings to the table.

Highlighted good words and phrases:

● Knack: A natural skill or talent for doing something. In this context, it
means Sarah has a natural talent for exploring new ideas.
● Uncharted territory: Refers to areas or subjects that have not been
explored or understood fully. In this context, it means Sarah is not
afraid to explore new and unfamiliar ideas.
● Flipping (something) on its head: Completely changing the way
something is traditionally viewed or done. Here, it means Sarah has a
unique way of looking at things from a different perspective.
● Eye-opening: Something that is surprising or enlightening, often
making you see things in a new way.
● Immersive experience: A situation where the viewer feels completely
involved in an activity or environment, often through advanced
technology like virtual or augmented reality.
● Fire up our imagination: To inspire or stimulate our creativity and ideas.
● Game-changer: Something that has a significant and often
transformative impact on a situation or process.
● Breath of fresh air: Something that is refreshing, new, or invigorating,
often bringing a positive change to a situation.
● Bring to the table: To contribute something valuable or useful to a
discussion or project.

Question: When do children begin to have their own ideas?

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Children typically start to develop their own ideas around the age of four or
five. I noticed this with my niece, who, at that age, began expressing her
preferences and opinions about various activities and toys.

Question: Why are there more and more differences between children and
their parents these days?
I believe one of the main reasons for the increasing differences between
children and their parents today is the rapid pace of technological
advancements. Children are growing up in a digital age, which gives them
access to information and experiences that their parents didn't have at the
same age. This can lead to varying perspectives and interests.
- Perspectives: Refers to the way individuals perceive or understand

Question: What are the advantages and disadvantages of setting rules for
Setting rules for children has its benefits and drawbacks. On one hand, it
provides them with a sense of structure and helps instill important values like
discipline and responsibility. For instance, having a bedtime rule ensures they
get enough rest for healthy development. However, too many rules can
sometimes stifle creativity and hinder their ability to make decisions
independently. It's a delicate balance that parents need to strike.
- Instill: This means to introduce or establish something firmly.


Describe a period of time that changed your life
You should say
● When it was
● Who you were with
● What happened at that time
● And explain why it changed your life
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One of the most transformative periods in my life was during my college
years, specifically in my sophomore year. It was a time of immense growth
and self-discovery.

I was fortunate enough to be surrounded by a group of incredibly inspiring

friends. We were a tight-knit bunch, always pushing each other to explore
new horizons and challenge our own limits. Together, we decided to embark
on a volunteer trip to a rural village during our summer break.

During our time there, we were exposed to a way of life vastly different from
our own. We worked with the locals on various community development
projects, from building basic infrastructure to conducting educational
workshops. The experience was eye-opening, to say the least. It made me
realize the immense privilege and opportunities I had in my own life.

This period not only broadened my perspective but also ignited a passion for
social impact. It motivated me to become more involved in community service
and eventually influenced my choice of career path.

In retrospect, that transformative period during college was the catalyst for
many positive changes in my life. It instilled in me a sense of responsibility
towards society and a drive to make a meaningful difference.

Highlighted Words with Meanings:

● Transformative: Bringing about a significant change or alteration.
● Self-discovery: The process of learning about oneself, including one's
strengths, weaknesses, and passions. Tight-knit: A close, cohesive
group of people. The speaker's group of friends was described as
● Embark: To start or undertake a journey or adventure. Eye-opening: A
term used to describe an experience that provides a new or deeper
understanding of a situation or issue.
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● Privilege: A special advantage, immunity, or benefit enjoyed by a
particular group of people.
● Catalyst: Something that initiates or accelerates a change or process.

Question: Do children like to change schools when they are young?

It really depends on the child and the circumstances. Some children are
adaptable and find excitement in the prospect of new experiences and
making new friends. However, others may find it daunting and prefer the
familiarity of their current environment.
● Adaptable: Capable of adjusting to new conditions.
● Daunting: Intimidating or overwhelming.

Question: The impact of changing schools at an early age on children

(positive/ negative)
Changing schools at a young age can have both positive and negative effects.
On the positive side, it can foster adaptability, resilience, and an ability to
navigate new environments. It can also broaden a child's perspective and
help them develop social skills. On the negative side, it may initially cause
anxiety and disrupt established routines, potentially affecting academic
● Resilience: The ability to recover quickly from difficult situations.
● Established Routines: Regular, fixed patterns of behavior or activities.

Question: What children will learn in their new school?

In a new school, children will not only gain academic knowledge but also
learn important life skills. They'll develop social skills by interacting with a
diverse group of peers. They may also discover new interests through
exposure to different subjects, extracurricular activities, and teaching

Question: Do children like change?

Again, this varies from child to child. Some children are naturally more
adventurous and thrive on change, while others find comfort in stability and
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routine. It's important to consider each child's unique personality and

Question: How do people face big changes and what preparations do they
Facing significant changes involves a combination of mental preparedness
and practical steps. Mentally, individuals might adopt a growth mindset,
embracing change as an opportunity for growth. They may seek support from
friends, family, or professionals. Practically, they might engage in research or
seek advice to understand and plan for the changes ahead. They may also
establish a routine or support system to provide a sense of stability during
the transition.
● Growth Mindset: The belief that abilities and intelligence can be
developed through dedication and hard work.
● Support System: A network of people who provide practical or
emotional support.


Describe a beautiful city that you have visited
You should say
● Where the city is
● When you went there
● Why you went there
● And explain why it is beautiful

Let me tell you about the charming city of Hoi An in Vietnam. It's this
beautiful coastal town on the eastern side, right by the South China Sea. I
had the pleasure of exploring Hoi An a couple of years back, during the early
winter. I went there mainly to soak in its rich history and take in the stunning
natural sights.

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The Ancient Town in Hoi An is quite the spectacle. It's this UNESCO World
Heritage site with these adorable old streets, lined with ancient buildings,
temples, and homes. And when night falls, the town comes alive with these
vibrant lanterns that just light up everything – it's like something out of a
fairy tale.

What really struck me was how Hoi An brings together so many different
cultural flavors. You can see bits of Chinese, Japanese, and French influences
in everything – the buildings, the food, the way of life. It's all woven together
seamlessly. As you stroll along the Thu Bon River, watching those traditional
wooden boats glide by, you can't help but feel this sense of calm wash over

And let's talk about food! Hoi An is a total foodie's dream. They've got these
local dishes like Cao Lau and Banh Mi that are just out of this world. I
remember sitting at this riverside spot, chomping down on these delicious
treats, while the lanterns lit up the river as the sun set – it was like a painting
come to life.

So yeah, Hoi An is this magical mix of history, peaceful vibes, and amazing
food. It's the kind of place that leaves an imprint on your heart. The blend of
old-world charm and natural beauty creates this unforgettable experience for
anyone who visits.

● Charming: Delightfully pleasing or attractive.

● Pleasure: A feeling of happy satisfaction and enjoyment.
● Soak in: To fully experience or enjoy something.
● Spectacle: A visually striking display or performance.
● Adorable: Inspiring great affection or delight.
● Seamlessly: Smoothly and continuously, with no apparent gaps or
spaces between.
● Stroll: A leisurely walk.
● Sense of calm: A feeling of tranquility or peacefulness.
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● Foodie's dream: A place that offers an abundance of delicious food,
especially for those who love to eat.
● Out of this world: Exceptionally good or impressive.
● Chomping down: Eating with gusto or enthusiasm.
● Delicious treats: Highly enjoyable and tasty food items.

Question: What’s the difference between big cities and small cities? Why?
Answer: Big cities are bustling metropolises with towering skyscrapers,
extensive public transportation, and a vibrant cultural scene. Small cities, in
contrast, offer a more relaxed pace of life, closer-knit communities, and often
have a stronger connection to nature. The main distinction lies in the scale
and lifestyle. Big cities provide a wide array of opportunities and amenities,
but they can also be fast-paced and crowded, while small cities offer a more
intimate environment, but may have fewer career options.
● Bustling: Full of activity, energetic.
● Metropolises: Large, busy cities.
● Towering: Very tall.
● Extensive: Covering a large area; broad.
● Vibrant: Full of life and energy.
● Closer-knit: Closely united or connected.
● Scale: Size or level.
● Intimate: Closely acquainted; cozy.

Question: Do you like historical cities? Why?

Answer: Absolutely! Historical cities are like living time capsules. Every
street, building, and monument carries stories from the past. It's fascinating
to walk in the footsteps of our ancestors and imagine the events that
unfolded. Moreover, historical cities often have unique architecture and a
distinctive atmosphere that transport you to a different era. It's like
experiencing history firsthand.
● Time Capsules: Containers preserving moments from the past.
● Monument: A structure or statue built to commemorate a person or
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● Distinctive: Clearly different from others.
● Atmosphere: The particular feeling or mood of a place.

Question: How to protect historical cities? Why?

Answer: Preserving historical cities involves a multi-faceted approach.
Implementing strict zoning laws to limit modern construction, restoring and
maintaining old buildings, and educating the public about the city's heritage
are crucial. Additionally, tourism should be managed responsibly to prevent
over-commercialization. Protecting historical cities is vital to maintain cultural
identity and offer future generations a glimpse into the past.
● Multi-faceted: Having many different aspects or features.
● Zoning Laws: Regulations that control the use of land and buildings.
● Over-commercialization: When an area becomes too focused on
making money from tourists.

Question: Do you think old buildings should be broken down, and give
place for modern buildings?
Answer: It's a delicate balance. While modern buildings bring innovation and
comfort, old buildings have historical and architectural value. Instead of
demolition, a better approach is adaptive reuse, where old structures are
repurposed for modern needs. This way, we preserve the past while
embracing progress.
● Delicate Balance: A situation requiring careful judgment.
● Adaptive Reuse: Repurposing old buildings for new functions.


Describe a problem you have when you use computer
You should say
● What is the problem?
● When and where does it happen?
● And explain how you solve the problem?
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I understand how frustrating it can be when your computer freezes,
especially during crucial tasks. This is a challenge many of us face.

For me, it's not limited to just the office; even at home, when I'm knee-deep in
creative projects or simply trying to manage multiple applications, this issue
can rear its head. Picture this: you're in the zone, working on a video edit, and
suddenly, everything grinds to a halt. It's like hitting a brick wall, and the
timing is usually impeccable, right when you least expect it.

To tackle this, I've adopted a multi-pronged strategy. First off, I've upgraded
my system's hardware - a bit of a power boost, if you will. More RAM, a
stronger processor - it's like giving it an energy drink. Alongside, I've become
a stickler for closing unnecessary background processes and keeping my
software up-to-date. These steps have made a noticeable difference.

Moreover, I've enlisted the help of monitoring tools. They're like vigilant
guards, keeping an eye on my system's performance. This preemptive strike
prevents potential hiccups from escalating into a full-blown crisis. As an
added layer of defense, I've set up a routine maintenance schedule. It's like a
regular check-up for my computer - disk cleanup, defragmentation, you name
it. These small but consistent efforts ensure my system operates at its prime,
without any lag. It's all about keeping things running smoothly, you know?

Highlighted words and phrases:

● Vexing - This means causing annoyance, frustration, or worry.
● Manifested - It refers to when something becomes apparent or evident.
● Exasperating - This describes something that is intensely frustrating or
● Circumvent - To find a way around or overcome a problem or difficulty.
● Proactive - Taking action to prevent a situation from occurring rather
than reacting after it has happened.

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● Preempting - Acting before an anticipated event or situation occurs to
prevent it from happening.
● Hiccups - Small, temporary disruptions or problems.
● These words are effectively used to express the challenges and
strategies in dealing with computer issues. They add depth and nuance
to the narrative.

Question: How do people learn to use equipment?

Answer: People often learn to use equipment through a combination of
methods. Firstly, many rely on user manuals or instructional guides provided
by the manufacturer. Additionally, video tutorials and online forums have
become invaluable resources, allowing individuals to visually grasp the
workings of the equipment. Moreover, hands-on experience, either through
trial and error or guided training, plays a pivotal role in familiarizing oneself
with the machinery.

● Manuals: Written instructions provided along with a product.

● Instructional Guides: Documents or booklets that provide step-by-step
information on how to use something.
● Tutorials: A video or written guide that teaches how to do something,
especially on a computer.
● Forums: Online platforms where people discuss various topics.
● Familiarizing: To become familiar with or accustomed to.

Question: Why do some people don’t know how to solve these problems?
Answer: There are several reasons why some individuals might struggle with
problem-solving. One common factor is a lack of exposure or training in the
particular domain. Additionally, a fear of making mistakes or a reluctance to
seek help can hinder problem-solving skills. Furthermore, the complexity of
the problem itself or a lack of access to necessary resources can be
significant barriers.
● Exposure: Being subjected to or experiencing something.
● Reluctance: Hesitation or unwillingness to do something.
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● Hinder: Create difficulties for (someone or something), resulting in
delay or obstruction.
● Barriers: Factors that make it difficult for someone to do something.

Question: Why do teenagers spend a lot of time on their screen?

Answer: The extensive screen time among teenagers can be attributed to
various factors. One prominent reason is the pervasive influence of
technology in their daily lives. Social media platforms, online entertainment,
and educational resources are all easily accessible through screens.
Additionally, the need for social connection and peer interaction in the digital
age encourages screen-based communication. Moreover, the immersive
nature of video games and virtual experiences can be highly engaging,
contributing to prolonged screen usage.
● Pervasive: Spreading widely throughout an area or a group of people.
● Accessible: Easy to approach or reach; obtainable.
● Immersive: Providing an intense, deeply engaging experience.
● Prolonged: Extended in duration; longer than usual.

Question: Do you think teenagers can live without technology?

Answer: While it's conceivable for teenagers to survive without technology, it
would undoubtedly pose significant challenges. In today's interconnected
world, technology facilitates not only communication but also essential tasks
like education, information gathering, and even basic services. Detaching
entirely from technology could potentially lead to isolation and hinder their
ability to thrive in a digitally-driven society.
● Conceivable: Capable of being imagined or grasped mentally.
● Thrive: To grow or develop well; prosper.


Describe a rule that is important in your school or at work
You should say
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● What the rule is
● If the people break this rule, what will happen
● Why do you think this is an important rule?

One rule that holds great significance in my workplace is the "no-phone

during meetings" policy.

This rule essentially means that during any official meeting, the use of mobile
phones is strictly prohibited. If someone is found using their phone, especially
for non-work-related matters, they might receive a gentle reminder from our
supervisor. In more severe cases, it could potentially lead to a formal

I consider this rule to be of paramount importance for a few reasons. Firstly, it

ensures that everyone is fully engaged and attentive during the meeting,
which promotes a culture of active participation and collaboration. Secondly,
it reflects a sense of professionalism and respect towards colleagues and
superiors. It demonstrates that we value and prioritize the time and efforts
put into these discussions.

On a personal note, I find this rule particularly beneficial for my own

productivity and focus. Knowing that I won't be distracted by notifications or
messages during a meeting allows me to concentrate fully on the agenda at
hand. It also encourages me to take thorough notes, which in turn, aids in my
understanding and retention of important information.

In a broader context, I believe this rule contributes to a more efficient and

dynamic work environment. It encourages effective communication and
decision-making, ultimately leading to better outcomes for our projects and
tasks. Overall, the "no-phone during meetings" policy is a rule that I
wholeheartedly support and believe greatly contributes to our collective

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● Paramount - of highest importance or significance.
● Prohibited - officially forbidden or disallowed.
● Engaged - actively participating or involved.
● Collaboration - the action of working with others to produce or create
● Professionalism - the competence or skill expected of a professional.
● Superiors - people higher in rank, status, or position.
● Promotes - encourages or advances.
● Active participation - fully engaging and contributing in an activity or
● Productivity - the state or quality of producing something.
● Retention - the continued possession, use, or control of something.
● Efficient - achieving maximum productivity with minimum wasted effort
or expense.
● Dynamic - characterized by constant change, activity, or progress.
● Decision-making - the process of making choices or judgments.

Question: What rules should children abide by at home in your country?

Children in our country should abide by several rules at home. Firstly, they
should respect their elders, which means listening to and obeying their
parents and grandparents. This includes following their instructions and not
talking back. Secondly, they should be responsible for their belongings and
chores. This means keeping their room tidy, taking care of their toys, and
helping with household tasks when asked. Additionally, they should practice
good manners, such as saying "please" and "thank you," and be polite to
guests and visitors.
● Respect: Showing consideration and regard for others.
● Responsible: Being accountable and reliable for one's actions and
● Practice: Engaging in a repeated activity or habit to improve proficiency.
● Good manners: Socially acceptable behavior in a given society.
● Polite: Displaying courteous and respectful behavior.

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Question: What rules can be forgiven for children breaking at home?
When children break rules at home, it's important to impose consequences
that teach them a lesson. For minor infractions, parents can give time-outs,
which means having the child sit quietly in a designated area for a short
period. For more serious offenses, parents may choose to revoke privileges,
such as taking away a favorite toy or not allowing them to watch TV for a
period of time. This helps them understand the importance of following rules
and instills discipline.
● Impose consequences: Enforce appropriate penalties or measures for
● Time-out: A method of discipline involving a short period of isolation or
● Revoke privileges: Withdraw or suspend certain benefits or rights
● Instills discipline: Teaches the value of self-control, obedience, and

Question: What rules should people obey in public transportation?

In public transportation, there are several rules that people should obey to
ensure a safe and comfortable experience for everyone. Firstly, it's important
to yield seats to the elderly, pregnant women, and disabled individuals. This
demonstrates consideration for those who may have difficulty standing.
Additionally, passengers should refrain from playing loud music or making
excessive noise, as this can be disruptive to others. Finally, it's crucial to
queue in an orderly manner when boarding and exiting the vehicle, which
helps maintain an organized flow of passengers.
● Yield: Give way or surrender a seat to someone in need.
● Refrain: Avoid or abstain from doing something.
● Disruptive: Causing disturbance or interruption of normal proceedings.
● Queue: Forming a line in a structured and organized manner.

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Describe a time when you give advice to others
You should say:
● When it was
● To whom you gave the advice
● What the advice was
● And explain why you gave the advice

The most recent instance where I offered advice was just a few months ago,
in the midst of summer. My younger cousin, Sarah, was preparing for her
college applications and was feeling utterly overwhelmed by the entire

Knowing that I had gone through a similar experience not too long ago, she
reached out to me for guidance. She was torn between choosing a major that
aligned with her passions and one that seemed more "practical" in terms of
job prospects.

I shared with her my own journey of selecting a major that I was genuinely
passionate about and how it had positively influenced my academic
performance and overall satisfaction with university life. I emphasized the
importance of pursuing what truly resonated with her, as opposed to making
decisions based solely on external expectations.

Furthermore, I encouraged her to seek out academic advisors and career

counselors who could provide tailored advice and insights. I also
recommended joining clubs and attending workshops related to her areas of
interest to gain a deeper understanding of the field.

I gave this advice because I wanted Sarah to embark on her academic journey
with confidence and a sense of purpose. I remembered how valuable it was
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for me to receive guidance from those who had walked a similar path, and I
hoped to provide her with the same level of support.

In the end, Sarah appreciated the advice and applied it to her

decision-making process. She eventually chose a major that genuinely
excited her, and I could see a newfound sense of determination and
enthusiasm in her approach to college.

● Overwhelmed - feeling defeated or unable to cope with a situation.

● Amidst - in the middle of or surrounded by.
● Passions - strong and intense interests or enthusiasms.
● Practical - relating to what is realistic, feasible, or useful rather than
theoretical or ideal.
● Resonated - evoked a positive feeling or response.
● Tailored - customized or specially designed for a particular purpose or
● Embark - to begin or set out on a course of action or adventure.
● Confidence - a feeling of self-assuredness, trust, or belief in one's
● Purpose - a sense of direction, intention, or reason for doing something.
● Enthusiasm - intense and eager enjoyment, interest, or approval.

Question: Is it good to ask advice from strangers online?

Seeking advice from strangers online can be a valuable source of diverse
perspectives and experiences. However, it's crucial to exercise caution and
verify the credibility of the source before implementing any advice.
● Caution: Careful consideration and attention to potential dangers or
● Credibility: The quality of being trusted and believed in.

Question: What are the problems if you ask too many people for advice?

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While gathering advice from multiple sources can provide a range of insights,
relying too heavily on external opinions can lead to information overload. This
can result in confusion, making it difficult to make a clear decision.
● Information Overload: Overwhelming amount of information that
makes it hard to process effectively.
● Confusion: A state of being uncertain or unclear about what to do or

Question: What are the personalities of people whose job is to give advice
to others?
Individuals in advisory roles tend to possess strong communication skills,
empathy, and a deep understanding of the subject matter. They are often
patient, objective, and have the ability to analyze situations critically to offer
well-informed guidance.
● Communication Skills: The ability to convey information effectively and
understand others.
● Empathy: The capacity to understand and share the feelings of another
● Patient: Able to remain calm and not become annoyed when faced with
delays, difficulties, or suffering.
● Objective: Not influenced by personal feelings or opinions in
considering and representing facts.
● Analyze: To examine something in detail, typically to discover more
about it or understand it better.


Describe an activity that made you feel tired
You should say
● When it happened
● Where it took place
● What the activity was
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● And explain why it made you feel tired

One particularly exhausting activity that comes to mind occurred during my

hiking trip last summer. It was a warm Saturday morning, and a group of
friends and I decided to explore a challenging trail in the nearby mountains.
We set out early, filled with excitement and anticipation. The trail wound
through dense forests, rocky terrain, and steep inclines, promising
breathtaking views at the summit.

The journey was arduous, especially as we ascended higher. The air grew
thinner, and each step required more effort. Along the way, we encountered
unexpected obstacles like fallen trees and loose rocks, which further added
to the physical strain. Eventually, after what felt like an eternity, we reached
the peak.

The view from the summit was truly spectacular, rewarding us for our
strenuous efforts. However, by that point, I was utterly drained. My muscles
ached, and every movement felt like a monumental task. We spent some
time taking in the scenery before beginning the descent, which, although less
demanding on the lungs, still tested our endurance.

By the time we returned to the base, I was thoroughly fatigued. It was a

unique blend of exhaustion and exhilaration, knowing that I had pushed my
physical limits. The experience taught me the value of perseverance and the
incredible sense of accomplishment that comes from conquering a
challenging feat.

● Exhausting: (adjective) Making one very tired; physically demanding

and draining.
● Challenging: (adjective) Difficult; requiring a great deal of effort and
● Terrain: (noun) A stretch of land, especially with regard to its physical
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● Ascended: (verb) Climbed; moved upwards.
● Obstacles: (noun) Something that obstructs or hinders progress.
● Spectacular: (adjective) Impressively large, beautiful, or striking.
● Drained: (adjective) Extremely tired or completely without energy.
● Endurance: (noun) The ability to withstand hardship or adversity; the
ability to sustain a prolonged physical or mental effort.
● Conquering: (verb) Overcoming; successfully dealing with or controlling
a difficult situation.
● Perseverance: (noun) Steadfastness in doing something despite
difficulty or delay in achieving success.

Question: Does learning make people tired today?

Answer: Learning can indeed be mentally taxing, especially with the current
demands of education. The constant information intake and the need to
process and retain it can lead to mental fatigue.
● Taxing: Demanding or burdensome, requiring a lot of effort.

Question: When do people usually feel tired?

Answer: People usually feel tired after engaging in activities that require
physical or mental effort. This could be after a long day at work, strenuous
exercise, or even after a mentally demanding task like studying for exams.
● Strenuous: Requiring a lot of physical or mental effort; challenging.
● Mentally demanding: Requiring a lot of cognitive effort or brainpower.

Question: What do you think about striving for learning and striving for

Answer: Both striving for learning and striving for sports have their own
merits. Learning provides knowledge and skills that are essential for personal
and professional growth. On the other hand, sports promote physical fitness,
teamwork, and a competitive spirit. A balanced approach that incorporates
both can lead to a well-rounded and healthy lifestyle.
● Merits: Advantages or benefits.
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● Well-rounded: Having a wide range of abilities or interests.


Describe a party that you enjoyed
You should say
● When you went to the party
● Where the party was held
● What kind of party it was
● And explain why you enjoyed this party

I attended a memorable party last summer, which was an absolute blast. It

was held at a charming rooftop venue in the heart of the city. This was no
ordinary gathering; it was a lively summer soirée thrown by a close friend of
mine who knows how to throw a party that lingers in your memory.

The atmosphere was electric, with fairy lights casting a warm glow, and a
playlist that seemed to have been curated just for us. What made this party
exceptional was the mix of people - friends from various walks of life, all
coming together under the starry night.

One thing that stood out was the attention to detail in the arrangements.
From the delectable spread of finger foods to the refreshing signature
cocktails, every aspect was meticulously planned. The host had even set up a
cozy corner with cushions and a mini bonfire, creating an intimate space for

What truly made this party enjoyable was the sense of camaraderie. There
was an unspoken understanding that we were all there to have a great time,
and that created a warm and inviting ambiance. I found myself engrossed in
conversations that ranged from light-hearted banter to deep, meaningful
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As the night wore on, the laughter grew louder, and the bonds between us
seemed to strengthen. It was one of those rare gatherings where time
seemed to fly. As I left, the cool night air seemed to carry with it a lingering
sense of happiness and contentment. This party was a perfect blend of great
company, a fantastic setting, and a host who knew how to make everyone
feel special. It's an evening I'll cherish for a long time.

● Blast: Used metaphorically, it means a very enjoyable or exciting

● Charming: Delightfully pleasing or attractive.
● Soirée: A formal evening party, typically held in someone's home.
● Electric: Highly exciting or thrilling; full of activity and excitement.
● Camaraderie: Mutual trust and friendship among people who spend a
lot of time together.
● Meticulously: Very carefully and precisely.
● Delectable: Extremely delicious; highly enjoyable to taste or eat.
● Banter: Playful and friendly exchange of teasing remarks.
● Engrossed: Completely absorbed or occupied, often in one's thoughts
or activities.
● Lingering: To remain or stay on in a place longer than is usual or
● Contentment: A state of happiness and satisfaction.

Question: Why do people like parties?

Answer: People relish parties primarily because they offer an opportunity to
unwind and socialize. It's a chance to escape the daily routine, catch up with
friends or make new acquaintances, and simply have a blast.
● Unwind: To relax and de-stress after a period of work or tension.
● Socialize: To interact and engage with others in a social setting.
● Acquaintances: People one knows slightly, but who are not close

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Question: Why do some people not like going to parties?
Answer: Well, not everyone is a fan of large gatherings or the lively
atmosphere that parties usually entail. Some people prefer quieter settings
or more intimate gatherings, finding large crowds and noise a bit
● Fan: Someone who is enthusiastic about a particular activity or thing.
● Intimate: Involving close relationships or a very private and personal
● Overwhelming: Too intense or extreme to handle comfortably.

Question: Do you think music and dancing are a must at a party?

Answer: While music and dancing are often associated with parties, they're
not an absolute must. The essence of a party is to have a good time with
others, and that can happen in various ways. Some might prefer games,
engaging conversations, or even themed activities.
● Essence: The fundamental nature or quality of something.
● Engaging: Attracting and holding the interest or attention of someone.
● Themed: Having a particular subject or setting that creates a specific
atmosphere or mood.

Question: What would you do if you were disturbed by a neighbor’s party?

Answer: If I found myself disturbed by a neighbor's party, I'd first try to gauge
the situation. If it's a special occasion or a one-time event, I'd probably let it
slide. However, if it's a recurring issue, I might consider having a polite
conversation with my neighbor about finding a compromise that respects
everyone's need for peace and enjoyment.
● Gauge: To evaluate or assess a situation or condition.
● Let it slide: To ignore or overlook a minor issue.
● Compromise: Finding a solution or agreement that is acceptable to
both parties.
Question: Is there any difference between parties held at home and in
public spaces?

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Answer: Yes, there are distinct differences. Parties at home tend to have a
more personal touch. They're cozier, and guests often feel more relaxed. On
the other hand, public space parties can be grander in scale, offering more
room for elaborate setups and potentially drawing a larger crowd. Each has
its unique charm and suits different preferences.
● Elaborate: Detailed, carefully planned, and complex.
● Scale: The size or extent of something.
● Grandeur: The quality of being impressive, majestic, or magnificent.


Describe a nice thing that you’re waiting for a long time
You should say
● What the thing is
● Why did you wait so long
● And explain how you felt

One thing I've been eagerly awaiting for quite some time now is a
much-anticipated vacation to the serene countryside. This getaway promises
a break from the bustling city life, offering a chance to reconnect with nature
and recharge my senses.

The reason for this prolonged anticipation lies in a combination of factors.

Initially, there were work commitments that needed to be fulfilled, making it
impossible to take time off. Following that, there were a series of unexpected
events that demanded my attention and delayed any vacation plans.
Additionally, coordinating schedules with my travel companions proved to be
a bit of a logistical challenge.

The build-up of waiting, however, only heightened the sense of excitement

and anticipation. The thought of breathing in fresh, unpolluted air, taking long
walks amidst lush greenery, and gazing at star-studded skies in the
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tranquility of the countryside had become a beacon of solace during hectic

As the departure date draws nearer, the thrill is palpable. It feels like
counting down to a grand adventure, filled with the promise of relaxation and
rejuvenation. The waiting, though long, has made the prospect of this
vacation all the more sweeter, and I can hardly contain my excitement for the
peaceful retreat that awaits.

● Anticipated: This means eagerly expected or looked forward to.

● Getaway: A getaway is a short vacation or trip, usually taken to escape
from everyday life.
● Prolonged: This term signifies something that has been extended or
stretched out in duration.
● Lush: Lush describes something that is rich, green, and flourishing,
often referring to vegetation.
● Tranquility: Tranquility means a state of calm or peacefulness, where
there is no disturbance or agitation.
● Solace: Solace refers to comfort or relief in times of distress or sadness.
● Palpable: Something palpable is so intense or noticeable that it can be
felt or sensed.
● Rejuvenation: Rejuvenation is the process of restoring or renewing
something, often associated with feeling refreshed or revitalized.

Question: On what occasion do many people wait for a long time?

Many people often find themselves waiting for a long time at airports,
especially during peak travel seasons or when flights are delayed.

Question: People like waiting for a long time or not?

Generally, people don't enjoy waiting for extended periods. It can be quite
frustrating and often feels like a waste of time.
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● Extended - a longer or prolonged duration.

Question: Why do children have difficulties waiting for a long time?

Children have difficulties waiting for a long time because they are naturally
more impulsive and have shorter attention spans. They may struggle with
delaying gratification and get easily bored or restless when made to wait.

● Impulsive - acting on instincts or immediate desires without thinking

through the consequences.


Describe a science subject that you are interested in (Biology, Robotics
You should say
● Which subject is it?
● How and where did you know this subject?
● How do you usually get information about this subject?
● And explain why you are interested in this subject

One science subject that has always fascinated me is Astronomy. I was first
introduced to this subject during a stargazing event organized by a local
astronomy club. Under the vast, clear night sky, I got to observe celestial
objects through powerful telescopes, and it was a truly awe-inspiring

Since then, I've been hooked. I often delve into books, documentaries, and
online resources to quench my thirst for knowledge about the cosmos.
Websites like NASA's official page and platforms like YouTube have been
invaluable sources.

What intrigues me the most about Astronomy is its boundless nature. It's not
confined to Earth; it encompasses the entire universe. The sheer scale of it all,
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from distant galaxies to enigmatic black holes, is mind-boggling. It makes me
realize how small we are in the grand scheme of things.

Moreover, Astronomy has a profound impact on our perspective of life and

existence. It raises existential questions about our place in the universe, the
possibility of extraterrestrial life, and the fate of our own planet. It's a subject
that constantly challenges and expands my understanding.

Studying Astronomy also fosters a sense of wonder and curiosity. It's a field
where there's still so much to discover, and new revelations frequently
reshape our understanding of the cosmos. This sense of ongoing exploration
is what truly captivates me and keeps me engaged with this subject.

Question: Did you ever tell anybody that you are interested in this subject?
Yes, I've shared my passion for Astronomy with friends and family. It's a topic
that never fails to spark interesting conversations.
● Passion: An intense, deep-seated interest or enthusiasm.
● Astronomy: The scientific study of celestial objects like stars, planets,
comets, and galaxies.

Question: Some children don't like studying science subjects in school,

For some, it might be the way it's taught. Science can be presented in a dry,
theoretical manner that doesn't resonate with all learning styles. Also,
complex concepts can be daunting if not explained in an engaging way.
● Resonate: To have a particular meaning or importance for someone.
● Daunting: Intimidating or discouraging through size, complexity, or

Question: Is it important to study science in school?

Absolutely. Science is the foundation of understanding the world around us.
It cultivates critical thinking, problem-solving skills, and a deeper
appreciation for the complexities of nature.
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● Foundation: The basis or groundwork on which something is built or
● Critical Thinking: The objective analysis and evaluation of an issue or
situation to form a judgment.

Question: Which science subject is the most important for children to

While all sciences are valuable, Biology is especially important as it delves
into the fundamental aspects of life, health, and ecosystems. It's directly
relevant to our daily lives.
● Fundamental: Forming a necessary base or core; of central importance.
● Ecosystems: A biological community of interacting organisms and their
physical environment.

Question: Should people continue to study science after graduation?

Certainly. Science is ever-evolving. Keeping up with advancements ensures a
broader perspective and an ability to adapt to new discoveries.
● Ever-evolving: Constantly changing and developing.
● Advancements: The process of making progress, especially in

Question: What channels do you use to learn about scientific research

I rely on various sources like science magazines, reputable websites, and
science-focused documentaries. They provide accessible and up-to-date
information on the latest research and breakthroughs.
● Reputable: Having a good reputation; trustworthy.
● Breakthroughs: A sudden, dramatic, and important discovery or

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Describe a time you received bad service in restaurants/shops
You should say
● When it happened
● Why you went there
● What happened in the restaurants/shops
● And explain why you thin their service was bad

I can share an experience when I received bad service at a restaurant. It

happened about six months ago when I went out to celebrate my friend's
birthday at a popular restaurant in town.

We chose this restaurant because it had received excellent reviews online,

and some friends had recommended it. We were expecting a fantastic dining
experience. However, as soon as we arrived, things started to go wrong.

Firstly, we had made a reservation, but they seemed unprepared for our
arrival. It took almost 20 minutes for them to set up our table, even though
we had booked well in advance. We were patient and understanding, hoping
that things would improve.

Unfortunately, they didn't. The service was incredibly slow. It took ages for
the waitstaff to take our orders, and when the food finally arrived, it was cold.
They got our orders wrong too, so we had to send some dishes back.

To make matters worse, the waitstaff seemed disinterested and barely

acknowledged our complaints. They didn't even apologize for the mistakes. It
felt like they didn't care about providing good service at all.

The overall experience was disappointing. It wasn't just about the mistakes; it
was the complete lack of professionalism and customer service that bothered
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us. We had gone there to celebrate a special occasion, but the bad service
put a damper on the evening.

In retrospect, I think their service was bad because they were understaffed
and untrained. It's essential for restaurants to ensure that they have enough
well-trained staff to handle busy nights and to prioritize customer
satisfaction. This experience taught me the importance of reading recent
reviews and not solely relying on past recommendations when choosing a

● Unprepared: Not ready or organized for a particular situation.

● Dining experience: The overall quality and enjoyment of a meal at a
● Acknowledged: To show or express recognition or realization of
● Disinterested: Not interested or showing lack of concern towards
● Understaffed: Having fewer employees than needed or required.
● Professionalism: The competence or skill expected of a professional,
such as a high standard of work or ethics.
● Customer satisfaction: The extent to which customers are happy or
content with a product or service.
● Damper: Something that has a depressing or subduing effect.

Question: What kinds of services are considered bad services?

Answer: Bad services encompass a wide range of experiences, including
instances where customers encounter rudeness, incompetence, delays,
inaccuracies, or any failure to meet reasonable expectations.
● Incompetence: Lack of ability or skill in performing tasks or jobs.
● Rudeness: Behaving in a way that is impolite, uncivil, or lacking

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Question: Why do some people choose to remain silent when they receive
bad services?
Answer: There are several reasons why individuals might opt for silence
when faced with subpar services. It could be a desire to avoid confrontation, a
belief that complaining won't yield results, or simply a reluctance to escalate
the situation.
● Confrontation: A situation where people come face to face in a hostile
manner, often to address a problem or dispute.
● Reluctance: Hesitation or unwillingness to do something.

Question: Who should be held responsible for instances of bad services?

Answer: The onus of responsibility typically lies with the service provider,
whether it's an individual employee or a company. It's their duty to ensure
that their staff is adequately trained and motivated to deliver service of a high
● Onus: The responsibility for something.
● Adequately: Sufficiently; to a satisfactory degree.

Question: As a boss, what strategies would you implement to prevent

instances of bad services?
Answer: In my capacity as a manager, I would prioritize comprehensive
training and ongoing professional development for my team. Additionally, I'd
cultivate a work environment where feedback is actively encouraged and
promptly acted upon. This continuous improvement approach is crucial to
maintaining service excellence.
● Comprehensive: Covering all aspects; complete.
● Cultivate: Foster, promote, or nurture.

Question: Do you believe that services today surpass those of the past?
Answer: Overall, I do believe that services have improved, largely owing to
technological advancements and an increased focus on customer satisfaction.
However, it's important to acknowledge that there are still instances of
subpar service. This underscores the ongoing need for improvement efforts.
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● Surpass: Exceed; be greater or better than.
● Ongoing: Continuous; not stopping.


Describe a sportsperson you admire
You should say
● Who he/she is
● What you know about him/her
● What he/she is like in real life
● What achievement he/she has made
● And explain why you admire him/her

One sports personality I deeply admire is Serena Williams, the legendary

tennis player. Serena's story is awe-inspiring. She emerged from a humble
background and faced numerous challenges, yet she persevered with
unwavering determination.

In real life, Serena comes across as a fiercely competitive yet remarkably

gracious individual. Off the court, she exudes confidence and carries herself
with a quiet dignity. She's also known for her philanthropic efforts, which
reflect her compassionate side.

Serena's achievements on the tennis court are nothing short of remarkable.

With 23 Grand Slam singles titles, she's one of the most successful players
in the Open Era. Her unmatched power, speed, and precision on the court
have revolutionized women's tennis.

What truly sets Serena apart for me is her unyielding spirit. Despite facing
criticism and adversity, she never let it deter her. Instead, she used it as fuel
to become even better. She's a role model not just for her incredible
athleticism, but also for her resilience and determination in the face of
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Serena's journey from Compton, California, to the pinnacle of global tennis is
a testament to the power of hard work and self-belief. She's broken barriers
and shattered stereotypes, paving the way for future generations of athletes.
Her legacy extends far beyond the tennis court, making her an icon in the
world of sports and a source of inspiration for millions, including myself.

● Awe-inspiring: Evoking a feeling of reverence or admiration tinged with

fear or wonder.
● Persevered: Continued in a course of action in spite of difficulties or
● Unwavering: Not wavering or hesitant; resolute and steady.
● Gracious: Courteous, kind, and pleasant, especially towards someone
of lower social status.
● Compassionate: Feeling or showing sympathy and concern for others'
● Revolutionized: Brought about a radical change or transformation.
● Unyielding: Not giving way to pressure; inflexible or resolute.
● Resilience: The capacity to recover quickly from difficulties; toughness.
● Deter: Discourage or prevent from taking action.
● Icon: A person or thing regarded as a representative symbol or as
worthy of veneration.
● Legacy: Something handed down from an ancestor or a predecessor or
from the past.

Question: Should students have physical education and do sports at

Answer: Absolutely, students should receive physical education and actively
participate in sports at school. This not only fosters their physical well-being
but also instills values like teamwork, discipline, and a healthy lifestyle.
● Fosters: Encourages and supports the development of.
● Instills: Imparts or ingrains (a quality or value) in someone.

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Question: What qualities make an athlete?
Answer: Athletes are characterized by a combination of physical prowess,
mental resilience, and an unwavering determination to improve. They exhibit
discipline, focus, and an exceptional drive to excel in their chosen sport.
● Resilience: The ability to recover quickly from difficulties or toughness.
● Unwavering: Steadfast and determined, not wavering or faltering.

Question: Is talent important in sports?

Answer: While talent offers a natural advantage, it isn't the sole determinant
of success in sports. Hard work, dedication, and effective training play equally
significant roles. Many accomplished athletes have honed their skills through
relentless practice.
● Determinant: A factor that decisively affects the nature or outcome of

Question: Is it easy to identify children’s talents?

Answer: Identifying children's talents can be a bit challenging. It requires
keen observation and encouragement to explore various activities.
Sometimes, a talent may not manifest until later in life, so it's essential to
provide opportunities for diverse experiences.
● Manifest: To become evident or noticeable.

Question: What is the most popular sport in your country?

Answer: In my country, [provide the name of your country], football (soccer)
takes the top spot as the most popular sport. It's a national passion, bringing
communities together and creating a sense of unity and excitement during
● Unity: The state of being united or joined as a whole.


Describe a good advertisement that you think is useful
You should say
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● Where you can see it
● What it shows
● Why you think it is useful
● And explain how you feel about it

One standout advertisement that I find exceptionally useful is a campaign by

a popular fitness app that I often come across on social media platforms like
Instagram and YouTube. This ad is brilliantly designed to cater to a wide
audience, and it effectively encapsulates the app's key features.

The advertisement showcases individuals from various walks of life, each

with their own fitness goals and starting points. It ingeniously portrays their
progress over time, illustrating how the app's personalized workout plans
and nutrition guidance have positively impacted their lives. What's
particularly striking is the authenticity of these testimonials – they feel
genuine, relatable, and devoid of any artificiality that often plagues fitness

What makes this advertisement highly useful is its ability to resonate with a
broad demographic. It caters to everyone, from beginners to seasoned fitness
enthusiasts, offering tailored solutions for diverse fitness levels and
objectives. The clarity and transparency in conveying how the app works and
the actual results it can deliver are commendable. It doesn't promise
overnight transformations, but rather emphasizes the value of consistent

Personally, this advertisement has left a positive impression on me. It

promotes a healthy and sustainable approach to fitness, which aligns with
my own beliefs about health and wellness. It also serves as a reminder that
progress is a personal journey, and it celebrates the achievements, big or
small, of real people. This ad has successfully translated its message into
action, compelling me to explore the app and consider integrating it into my

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own fitness routine. Overall, it's a prime example of an advertisement that
not only captures attention but also adds genuine value to the viewer's life.

● Standout: Something that is noticeably better or more significant than

● Exceptionally: To a greater degree than usual or expected.
● Brilliantly: In an extremely intelligent, skillful, or effective way.
● Cater: To provide what is needed or wanted.
● Ingeniously: In a clever, original, and inventive manner.
● Resonate: To have a particular meaning or importance for someone.
● Authenticity: The quality of being real or true, as opposed to being fake
or artificial.
● Devoid: Completely lacking in something.
● Broad: Including or covering a wide range of things.
● Transparency: The quality of being easy to understand or see through.

Question: What do you think of online advertising?

Online advertising has become ubiquitous in today's digital age. It's an
essential tool for businesses to reach a wide audience. However, it can
sometimes be intrusive and overwhelming.
● Ubiquitous: Present, appearing, or found everywhere.
● Intrusive: Causing disruption or annoyance through being unwelcome
or uninvited.

Question: Are there any great online advertisements?

Certainly, there are some online advertisements that stand out brilliantly.
They are the ones that not only cater to the audience's needs but do so in an
exceptionally creative and engaging way.
● Stand out: Be clearly noticeable or significant.
● Cater: Provide what is required or desired.

Question: What do people usually buy?

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People usually buy items that cater to their day-to-day needs, such as
groceries, clothing, and household items. Additionally, they invest in products
or services that resonate with their interests and lifestyles.
● Resonate: Evoke a positive feeling or response.
● Lifestyle: The way in which a person or group lives.

Question: Why does buying new things make people happy?

Buying new things often brings a sense of fulfillment and satisfaction. It's a
form of instant gratification, and the feeling of possessing something new,
especially if it's been long desired, can be incredibly rewarding and uplifting.
● Fulfillment: A feeling of satisfaction at having achieved one's desires or
● Gratification: Pleasure or satisfaction derived from one's own
achievements or from qualities or possessions that are widely admired.

Question: Do people watch useless advertising in this day and age?

In this day and age, with the prevalence of ad-blockers and skip options,
people tend to avoid or ignore advertisements that they find devoid of value.
However, if an advertisement is ingeniously crafted and offers something
authentic and relevant, it's more likely to capture and retain the viewer's
● Prevalence: The fact or condition of being prevalent; commonness.
● Ingeniously: In a clever and original way.

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