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Compare And Contrast Essay Point By Point

Writing a compare and contrast essay using the point-by-point method can be a challenging task that
requires careful planning, organization, and attention to detail. The point-by-point method involves
addressing specific points of comparison and contrast between two or more subjects. This approach
requires a deep understanding of the chosen topics and the ability to analyze them critically.

One difficulty lies in the need for a thorough knowledge of both subjects to draw meaningful
comparisons. Research becomes crucial, as a comprehensive understanding of each topic is essential
for a well-informed essay. Gathering relevant information, synthesizing it, and presenting it in a
coherent manner can be time-consuming and demanding.

The point-by-point method also requires a keen sense of organization. Each point of comparison
needs to be clearly identified and discussed in a structured manner. Ensuring a smooth flow between
points while maintaining clarity and coherence can be challenging, and writers must be adept at
transitions to prevent the essay from becoming disjointed.

Additionally, striking a balance between highlighting similarities and differences is essential. It's
crucial to avoid a one-sided analysis and to provide a nuanced perspective that demonstrates a deep
understanding of the subjects. This requires critical thinking and the ability to weigh the significance
of various points.

Time management is another challenge. Writers need to allocate sufficient time for research, planning,
drafting, and revising. Procrastination can hinder the quality of the essay, as last-minute rushes may
lead to a lack of depth in the analysis and weaker arguments.

In conclusion, writing a compare and contrast essay using the point-by-point method demands a
combination of research skills, organization, critical thinking, and time management. Overcoming
these challenges can result in a well-crafted essay that effectively compares and contrasts the chosen

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Compare And Contrast Essay Point By Point Method Compare And Contrast Essay Point By Point
Benefits Of Faculty And Staff Of Universities
Mutual Benefits. Faculty and staff of universities also benefit from student athletes.
Specifically, among these faculty and staff, a major topic of debate has been the
salaries of college coaches. As coaches have continued to be paid more over the past
years, the debate to pay college athletes has gained momentum. Through the disparity
between student athletes compensation and coaches salaries the unbalanced system
allows athletes to earn below minimum wage while coaches like Nick Saban of Alabama
or John Calipari of Kentucky earn over five million dollars per year (Acquaviva, 2013).
As college athleticscontinue to become more and more competitive, universities feel the
pressure to pay coaches more and to build better facilities in... Show more content on ...
The only significant money makers are men s basketball and men s football the rest
either don t make any money, others make a little, or end up losing money (Hartnett,
2013). Least popular sports like soccer, tennis, or volleyball don t earn the university
money, the revenue sports have to make up for the lost difference (Zimbalist, 2001).
While college football may appear to generate giant revenues, some of this money
must be allocated to keep these non revenue sports afloat. Other arguments suggest
that not all college sports make enough money but evidentially, universities spend a
significant amount of their revenue on nonessentials including construction of sports
facilities. This has been deemed as an arms race where universities are spending
significant amounts of money on infrastructure (Prewett, 2014). The University of
Cincinnati, for example, is going to spend more than $80 million expanding its
football stadium by 2015 (Peale, 2013). Salaries of coaches and upper level faculty
have also been an aspect of college athletics under scrutiny. According to the USA
Today (2014a), 70 NCAA football coaches were paid over $1 million dollars in 2013, a
few being paid as much as $5 million. University coaches are the highest paid public
employees earning huge salaries (Zimbalist, 2001). While most universities have more
expenses than they do revenues, a significant amount of these expenses are
How Different Are Branding Strategies in the...


The objective of this paper is to analyse the branding strategies used currently in the
pharmaceutical industry and compare it to the best practices in Fast Moving Consumer
goods. First the authors review the differences in the way branding is defined and
organised in

pharmaceuticals versus FMCG and identify why branding could be leveraged in the
pharmaceutical industry to help it return to strong growth in the future. Second, the
authors analyse in detail what branding The

strategies are currently used within pharmaceuticals and FMCG.

choice of brand names strategies, the level of brand globalisation, the use of ... Show
more content on ...
Branding, however, represents a new competitive advantage that could be leveraged by
the industry, in line with the success seen in the FMCG (fast moving consumer goods)
area over the last two decades. Branding strategies could then help to maximise return on
investment for new products whilst helping to alleviate the inevitable growth of generics
in the future.

The objective of this paper is to first investigate what is the current branding situation in
the pharmaceutical industry and how it compares versus the FMCG experience; second
develop a rationale for branding; third to analyse how pharma s existing branding
strategies differ versus current best practise in the FMCG area e.g. in the choice of brand
name strategies, global branding, brand extension, co branding and brand portfolio
management and then finally to recommend actions that could make a difference
resulting from the lessons learned from successful FMCG branding.

The current branding situation in the pharmaceutical industry

Brand definition

Traditionally when a pharmaceutical product is launched the product positioning is based

on the product licence i.e. its indications and the established efficacy, safety and
tolerability seen in registration clinical studies. Post launch studies then tend to lead to a
broadening of the

indications, the development of new dosage forms and the strengthening of claims versus
the competition (Moss 2001).

In the
I. Accounting Standards. Currently,There Are 26 Account
I. Accounting standards
Currently,there are 26 Account Standards was drafted by Vietnam government, which
was identified by the Ministry of Finance, and practicable to every industrial in business.
Any changes of divergences from Vietnamese Accounting Standards and System requires
to be recorded with the Ministry of Finance with paper confirmation.
There are two parts of Accounting Standards which are accounting principles and
methods, in order to contemporize elementary accounting fundamentals and approaches
for sustaining appropriating social development of books and readying for financial
There are several rules of Law on Accounting that enterprises should be follow in
financial statements. The first on is framework, ... Show more content on
Presentation of Financial Statements
A entire set of financial statement relied on IASB s International Accounting Stand (IAS)
1. Incorporates the following
Balance Sheet
Income Statement
Cash Flow Statement
Statement of Changes in Equity
Notes, including a summary of significant accounting policies and other notes
Components of VAS of financial statements
Balance Sheet
Income Statement
Cash Flow Statement
Based on VAS 21, the Statement of Changes in Equity is belong to Notes, or not a
essential element of the financial statement. What is more, it is unnecessary that VAS
should be disclosure of management s crucial judgment, it is hard to evaluate future and
sources of appraisal uncertainty.

Cash Flow Statements

Under IFRS 7, the first and final period accounting reports which cash flow statements
are depended on, and some information can be incorporated from the ledger. It can be
separated between receivable accounts and trade capables with the sale of fixed assets or
long term assets. Consequently, there are some differences between cash flow from
business and cash flow from financial investment.
In Vietnam, according to VAS 24, cash flow statements which are a part of element of
cashbook and ledger bank deposits. The government of Vietnam adjust cash flow
statement by adoption the straight method originating from pre tax profits plus or minus
accommodation, incorporating disparity of payables and excluding

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