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Hypokalemia -wacth out for numbness and tingling , muscle weakness

Diretics to remove sodium, lowers blood pressure or volume

RAAS -renin-angiotensin-aldosterone system (RAAS) is a well known

regulator of blood pressure (BP) and determinant of target-organ
damage. It controls fluid and electrolyte balance through coordinated
effects on the heart, blood vessels, and Kidneys.ABSORBS SODIUM
Chest pain from the ehart espeically for mycardium

Coronary arteries - for oxygentaitng heart muyscles or myocardium

Pain in chestr ,s houlder , arm
Lactic acid cauyse pain

For plaque coronary arteries

4. 3 doses o=for subliqgual, last 3-15 mins
5. Transderm patch attached in chest
Non slective beta blockers - be careful like bronco constriction
Selective - wiill only work with heart

Metoprolol very cmmon inphilippines

For hypertension, increases work load of heart, cause angina of you have athero sclerosis

Calcum blocker lower blood pressure

Sinus trhythm - for normal
Dysththmias - not getting the right blood
Normal sinuis rhythm
Slow iv push
For accurate dosage- volumetruuc infusion

Essential - unknown cause

Secondary - we have reasons
Hypertension no symptoms, a silent killer

Always check blood preussure before givng anti hypertensive

Decrease epinepheirne

Vagus activity - increase parasympathetic response

Angiotensin 2 - contsrict

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