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Depik Jurnal Ilmu-Ilmu Perairan, Pesisir dan Perikanan (202x) v(n): 1-3

Jurnal Ilmu-Ilmu Perairan, Pesisir dan Perikanan
Journal homepage: www.jurnal.usk.ac.id/depik

Title: a title should be provided concisely (10-12 words)

First Author1,*, Second Author2, Third Author3
Affiliation Department, Faculty, Universitas Syiah Kuala, Banda Aceh, Indonesia.
Affiliation Department, Faculty, Universitas Syiah Kuala, Banda Aceh, Indonesia.
Affiliation Department, Faculty, Universitas Syiah Kuala, Banda Aceh, Indonesia.


Keywords: Maximum of 300 words, the abstract should consist at least; short background (voluntary), Purpose
Format (mandatory), Design/methodology/approach (mandatory), Main findings (mandatory), Practical
Journal implications (if applicable), and Conclusions. Abstract should be constructed in a single paragraph and
Depik exclusive of any literature review. Please provide minimum five and up to seven keywords which
encapsulate the principal topics of the paper.
DOI: 10.13170/depik.x.x.xxxxx

Introduction Methods divided into several sub-section, for

The introduction should consist at least the example: Time and Site; Experimental design,
problem(s), state of the arts of the research, the Data Collection procedure, Analysis data etc.
gap between reality and theory or previous finding The table and figure title if only 1 row is made
from other studies, and objective(s). centered (Table 1), but if more, it is made as in
Citation writing is made like this (Muchlisin et Figure 1.
al., 2010). If the author's name is outside,
Muchlisin et al. (2010). If more than one citation Table 1. Position of five transects on Mandalika
is arranged based on the youngest year like this Beach.
(Kovacs et al., 2012; Pozio, 2013; Reeves et al., Transect
2013; Wallace et al., 2013; Kaewsrikhaw and Names
Prathep, 2014; Hehanusa et al., 2017; Ma’mun et Transect 1 S 08o54’34.81” and E 116o17’51.35”
al., 2018; Lu et al., 2018; Aswani, 2019; Bachtiar Transect 2 S 08o54’35.34” and E 116o17’52.53”
and Bachtiar, 2019; Kurniawan et al., 2020). In Transect 3 S 08o54’35.69” and E 116o17’53.65”
Transect 4 S 08o54’36.01” and E 116o17’54.67”
the Introduction, at least cite 10 references.
Transect 5 S 08o54’36.49” and E 116o17’56.07”
Materials and Methods
Location and time of research
The procedure of the research should be
prepared clearly, step by steps of the work is
mandatory. All equipment or materials used in the
study should be defined and specification should
be provided. We suggest the Materials and

* Corresponding author.
Email address: xxxxxx@xxxx

p-ISSN 2089-7790; e-ISSN 2502-6194

Received dd mm yy; Received in revised form dd mm yy; Accepted dd mm yy
Available online dd mm yy
This is an open access article under the CC - BY 4.0 license (https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/)
Depik Jurnal Ilmu-Ilmu Perairan, Pesisir dan Perikanan
A et al. (year) Volume x, Number x, Page 1-3

Figure 1. Maps showing the location (red square) H' E C H' E C H' E C
of Pusong Bay, the site of this study this Transplan Non-Transplan
study this study this study this study.
Figure 2. Reef fish ecological index
Data analysis
The data obtained were described Coral reef rugosity
quantitatively. Community indices are calculated
based on the formula in Begon et al. (1990), transplan non-transplan
which includes the Shannon-Winner index (H '), 0.8
uniformity index (E), Simpson index (D), and 0.7
equality index (J).
Reef fish abundance 0.2
1 2 3 4 5

Figure 3. Coral reef rugosity

Tropical and Functional group of reef fish

Figure 1. Reef fish abundance

Discussion will be here
Lokasi penelitian terbagi atas dua karakter
habitat berbeda, yaitu area yang dilakukan
transplantasi dan area yang mengalami kerusakan
terumbu karang namun tidak dilakukan

Berdasarkan kelimpahan individu per area

pengamatan, ikan karang paling banyak
ditemukan pada daerah transplan. Each Figure (Figure 1) and Table (Table 1)
Reef fish ecological index should be supplied within the article itself. All
Figures (charts, diagrams and line drawings) and
Images (photographic images) should be of clear
quality, in black and white and numbered
consecutively with Arabic numerals. Figures
Depik Jurnal Ilmu-Ilmu Perairan, Pesisir dan Perikanan
A et al. (year) Volume x, Number x, Page 1-3

created in MS Word, MS PowerPoint, MS Excel, industry. In: Information and communication technologies in
tourism 2009. Proceedings of the International Conference In
Illustrator and Freeh and should be saved in their Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, 2009. Springer-Verlag, Singapore, pp.
native formats. 12-32.
Tables should be typed and included as part of For unpublished conference proceedings: Surname,
Initials. Year. The title of paper. Paper presented at Name of
the manuscript. They should not be submitted as Conference, date of the conference, place of conference, available
graphic elements. Supply succinct and clear at URL if freely available on the internet (accessed date). e.g.
captions for all tables, figures and plates. Ensure Mukhtar, D. 2004. Public library reconstruction process in Aceh
that any superscripts or asterisks are shown next to after the Tsunami. Paper presented at the 10th Asian
Conference on Tsunami Reconstruction (ACTR), 29 May – 1
the relevant items and have corresponding June, Banda Aceh, Indonesia, available at
explanations displayed as footnotes to the table, http://dbs.tsunami2004.or.id/proc/mukhtar01. pdf (accessed 10
figure or plate. February 2009).
For working papers: Surname, Initials. Year. The title of
the article. Working paper [number if available], Institution or
Discussion organization, Place of the organization, date. e.g. Mukhtar, P.
Discussion should be made comprehensively 2010. How to shape policy decisions: the case of HPA, working
paper, UUM University Business School, University of Utara,
with comparing to other relevant studies, Sintok, 21 April.
limitation and new findings of the study, and their For newspaper articles (authored): Surname, Initials. Year.
implication to science in general. In the Article title. Name of Newspaper, online link. Date of accessed.
e.g. Smith, A., M. Thorms. 2008. Money for old rope. Daily
discussion, at least cite 7 references. News, www.dailynews.com/waterpollution.tml. Accessed on
January 2, 2013. Muchlisin, Z.A., M. Furqan, A.B. Muhammad.
Conclusion 2010. Conflict resolution in the twenty-first century in Indonesia.
The conclusion should inline/answering the Journal of Conflict Resolution, 22(3): 72-80.

objective(s) How to cite this paper:

Author, F., S. Author, T. Author. 2020. Title: a title
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Introduction to strategic development. IASD Publishing, New indexed in an index of international repute,
York. (For two authored book): Muchlisin, Z.A., M.F. Almizan. starting in the 2021 edition, the Depik Jurnal
2014. Introduction to ichthyology. Fajar Harapan, Banda Aceh.
For book chapters: Surname, Initials. Year. Chapter title, I Ilmu-Ilmu Perairan, Pesisir dan Perikanan will
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For journals: Surname, Initials. Year. The title of the article. published in the Depik Jurnal Ilmu-Ilmu Perairan,
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Muchlisin, Z.A., M. Furqan, A.B. Muhammad. 2010. Conflict Pesisir dan Perikanan is still based on the quality
resolution in the twenty-first century in Indonesia. Journal of of the articles submitted and the peer-reviewed
Conflict Resolution, 22(3): 72-80. results.
For published conference proceedings: Surname, Initials.
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A.F., M. Subhan, M. Shabri. 2009. The role of ICT in the tourism
Depik Jurnal Ilmu-Ilmu Perairan, Pesisir dan Perikanan
A et al. (year) Volume x, Number x, Page 1-3

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Best Regards,

Editor in Chief

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