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Surviving on island for 7 days

Day 1: I wake up on island then I will Assess my

surroundings. I will Gather supplies. Then i will
evaluate any dangers or hazards. And at evening ill go
to sleep
Day 2-5: I will search the island. I´ll try to Find water.
Then try to find some fruit or some sourt of food. Build
a shelter so i can sleep under roof and try to make a
fire so i won´t be cold.
Day 6-7: I will make an signal :I´ll write SOS to sand or
make signal fire.
Threw all 7 days i will try to be Mentaly and physicaly
well-being: because Surviving in a challenging
environment can be mentally and physically
demanding. I ´ll Prioritize my mental health and stay
positive. I will Keep my self occupied by finding
activities like exploring, building tools, or maintaining
your shelter.

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