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Booial ^udiice,


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hy Hilaire Belloc

I N O W go on to talk of the plague of

monopoly, which is one of the very worst
results of modern capitalism, and is ruining
society quite as much as the b u r n i n g sense of
injustice suffered by the worker under
capitalism. I shall speak of the monopoly of
production gradually killing men's choice in
what goods they shall enjoy; the monopoly of
distribution, gradually killing men's choice of
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where they shall buy and of whom; the virtual
monopoly of credit, through the concentration
of banking and the stranglehold of the
bankers on the modern capitalistic world. When Bonds Are Issued to Yield a Profit But supposing the contract were worded so
Out of Destruction, or Exact Interest that the capitalist did not get his 10 per cent
But before we can understand the growing
From Non-Productive Investment, the as part profit, b u t got it as interest on money
monopoly of credit we must understand
Evil Will Eat Society Up. Denounced lent: not as instruments and reserves of food,
by Ancient P a g a n s a n d Christian etc., lent. T h e n he has a perpetual claim to
First, let us understand what we are talking Moralists Alike, Usury Has Become a $50,000 a year, payable out of wealth that is
about. T h e word "Usury" is used today in Term Almost Forgotten Although Its not there. T h i s is called "interest on the
two very different senses. It is used to mean Practice Is of Daily Experience. unproductive loan" and such interest is Usury.
excessive interest on money: that is the T o pay that tribute the borrower has to get
popular meaning of the word. It is also used further and further into debt or to sell other
to mean interest on money as distinguished interest for a few generations would demand
wealth of his, until he is ruined; and that is
from profit: any interest, large or small, a tribute more than all the wealth of the
how Usury eats u p society.
demanded for the "use of money" as distin- world could meet. A sum of money lent at
guished from payments for goods or services 5 per cent doubles, at compound interest, in
just over 14 years. T h e debt increases a TS.T O W when money claims interest merely
and from profit on trade. T h i s is the strict •'- ^ because it is money and without reference
original meaning of the word "Usury" and in thousandfold in 144 years; in 288 years a
millionfold! In 432 years it increases a btllion- to the way that money is used, a large propor-
that sense I use it here: interest on money or tion of the interest must always be interest on
credit alone. fold—one thousand million times! One cent
put out at such interest when Columbus what has become an unproductive loan. Part
It is a strange thing that though Usury has landed would now claim over $20,000,000. of the vast sums paid to the money lenders
been denounced as an accursed sin, a destruc- annually represents real profit, real wealth,
But, clearly you are doing no wrong if you
tion of society, ever since h u m a n society has real goods. But part will always represent, if
put your wealth into some profitable enter-
existed, it has in modern times been left alone, money lending instead of partnership is at
prise and claim a portion of the profit thereon.
and, until quite lately, was not seriously work, interest on a loan which has become, or
T h a t is where the confusion arises.
discussed. It was taken for granted that Usury was from the beginning unproductive.
was quite natural and would do no harm. T h e Supposing a man owns a piece of land
For instance, nearly all the great war loans
ancient pagan philosophers denounced it; the througli which, deep down, runs a rich vein
demand interest on an unproductive loan.
Christian Church denounced it vigorously of copper ore. T h e amount of ore that could
T h e money was spent in buying goods which
from the appearance of this Church until the be extracted in a year's labor would be worth,
were consumed, not in producing more
• Reformation. All our moral theologians have by the time he had got the ore to the surface,
wealth, b u t in producing no wealth—or even
denounced it. And yet, for a time, after the 1100,000. But to get it to the surface needs
in destroying wealth. It went to support
seventeenth century, until quite recently. instruments and reserves of food and clothing
soldiers and sailors who produced no wealth
Usury was more and more accepted until it and tiousing and the rest of it to maintain
and often actually destroyed wealth. It went
became a matter of course. Only when the human energy while the ore is being extracted.
to buy guns and ammunition which produce
enormous harm that it had done was begin- T h e owner of the vein had nothing. H e no wealth, b u t were often actively employed
ning to be felt was the question raised again. gets a partner with $500,000 and this partner in destroying wealth. You spend $100,000 in
Now, Usury being the taking of interest on buys the required machinery and reserves of buying guns and ammunition for knocking
money merely as money, why is that wrong food, etc., so that the work can be under- down in war an industrial building which, in
and harmful? Money is a social instrument taken. H e liargains to halve, at the end of a peace, produced $5,000 worth of wealth a
devised for the exchange of goods. Its proper year, the value of the ore extracted: that is, year; and you go on asking $5,000 interest on
function is to work as currency. It does not 150,000: one-tenth of the amount that he has the money represented by worn out guns,
breed. T h e r e is no natural profit attaching to put up as capital. T h e other $50,000 of ore is exploded ammunition and a factory that has
it merely as money. If you keep it back from to be kept by the owner of the land. Year been destroyed.
general circulation and take advantage of after year one goes on taking his share as
having it thus in your power and say to the capitalist. H e is getting 10 per cent on his T h e r e are other ways in which the recogni-
man who needs to buy or sell "You shall not capital. But the other man has the advantage tion of money's right to interest, merely
have this necessary currency unless you pay of his share, which he could never have had because it is money, eats u p society, b u t this
me still more money for the use of it" you without the help of his partner. T h e contract one major case of the unproductive loan is
are doing wrong. is perfectly just. sufficient to show the evil that Usury does.

Now suppose after 20 years the mine peters When money lending ("the providing of
nnUE P R I N C I P L E of taking Usury once out. T h e r e is no more profit to be shared and credits," as it is called) carries interest as a
-L admitted. Usury would end by eating u p therefore the original contract comes to an matter of course, it is an activity which
society. A few dollars lent out at compound end from lack of matter. devours mankind.

10 BocdxU ^u^iice

Fl M E R I C A was jarred out of its complacent

• n . normalcy on "Black Thursday," October
24, 1929, when the stock market took a mael-
strom plunge and carried "Coolidge-Hoover
prosperity," as it was known, into the swirling
From that point of disappearance national
prosperity has never returned. It struggled to
the surface briefly during 1937, fifth year of
the Roosevelt regime, but before it could structure. T h e list began at the close of the His ears open to every strange theory of
catch its breath, another funnel formed and last century when the frontiers closed up; government aged in the minds of academic
this time the nation was whirled downward when the individual's life line of economic thinkers, the President gathered about him
at a more rapid rate than before. freedom was shortened by industrial concen- men renowned in fields of learning, but
Immersed in the depths of the depression's tration, and the concentration of wealth in unlettered in every-day enterprise. H e listened,
maelstrom, the nation has been soaked with the hands of a few men. heeded, put their theories to effect. T h e n , as
moody questioning. Misguided leaders of Sins against Democracy found ready abso- failure succeeded failure, he vetoed the pro-
political and economic thought—both sincere lution during the time of President Coolidge. grams one by one, and threw out their creators,
and insincere —have engaged in special plead- "Coolidge prosperity," that glamorous era of one by one. Those he missed were taken care
ing for this "ism" or that "ism." Traditional low credit rates and plentiful production, of by the Supreme Court.
policy, traditional liberty, the competence of dazzled the eyes of the masses and shut from Schemes of government enterprise spanned
the nation's founders, the very foundations their sight the realities of slow destruction the nation. Swarms of political job-holders
of Democratic government—all have been that gnawed their way into Democracy's infested every city and county. Relief was
questioned. tower.- attempted on a gigantic scale. "Made work"
And well might the nation weigh these Herbert Hoover was elected to the presi- became the order of the day, and "boon-
things, for, the reason that on two occasions dency in the wake of President Coolidge's doggling," a colloquial term of contempt for
the nation plummeted to the bottom; the famous choose-not-to-run because the Repub- indolence, was applied to government proj-
reason that "prosperity" has failed to answer lican party preached that it had a monopoly ects. Meanwhile more bricks fell out of
its curtain call, is that the form of govern- on prosperity. But the monopoly soon was to Democracy's tower. Meanwhile the essential
ment that nourished the seed of prosperity expire. Came the crash of October, 1929, and causes of the entire difficulty, causes that pre-
long before it blossomed under the rays of the awful aftermath. dated Republican "prosperity" and Demo-
golden speculation in the fabulous 1920s; the T h r o u g h more than three years President cratic misrule, causes that continue as a potent
form of government that vested in the citizens Hoover toyed with this aftermath. At first, threat to the very structure of Democracy,
of the United States the greatest measure of unwilling to concede its existence, willing went untouched.
political liberty, has been replaced in office. only to prate, parrot-like, that "business is
Democracy, as it was defined and propa-
gated by the nation's founders, has been
fundamentally sound," his administration was
forced to admit eventually that a disaster
T ODAY'S condition needs little review. T h e
"dark days" spoken of by President
Roosevelt in his first inaugural address are
leaning at a precarious angle for more than u n i q u e in national history had come home back again. Federal statisticians have supplied
two decades. Pulled off its firm foundation by to roost. the evidence.
an unprecedented speculation spree in the
nS BREAD LINES and bank-run lines From 12,000,000 to 15,000,000 workers
middle twenties—aided and abetted by a
-CT. competed for sidewalk space, the Demo- have no jobs. T h e automobile industry,
capricious Federal Reserve Board that short-
crats stepped into the breach. Franklin spark plug of the nation's enterprise, is off 50
ened, then raised, its rediscount rate to
Delano Roosevelt, hope of the hour, stepped per cent. Steel operations are only 30 per cent
bankers—the structure was supported only by
before the nation and asked Congress to give of normal. Farm prices have plunged from y
flimsy props thrown u p in the decadent
him an implicit trust and power all out of 35 to 50 per cent during the year. Freight / i
Hoover era.
proportion to the Constitutional balance loadings are down. Thousands of industrial
T h e Roosevelt regime, which promised a between the legislative and executive branches plants have closed their doors, and tens of y^
new foundation, has exhausted the nation's of government. thousands of others are working only part
resources in undermining the old one. It time. Millions of workers have only part time
" . . . I shall ask the Congress for the one
failed to straighten Democracy's leaning work.
remaining instrument to meet the crisis," he
tower, and now the tower is in grave danger
said, "broad executive power to wage a war Stocks and bonds have declined in value y
of toppling.
against the emergency, as great as the power more than $30,000,000,000 in the last year.
Democracy — the ideal of Washington, that would be given to me if we were in fact Business concerns have seen their surpluses
Jefferson and Adams—has been penetrated by invaded by a foreign foe." shrink 17,000,000,000 since March, 1933. T h e
a covert kind of Capitalistic Fascism. It is national debt has rocketed to $38,000,000,000 y,
T h a t President Roosevelt realized Democ-
covert because it operates within the skeleton and Governmejit obligations now stand at the /
racy's tower was swaying is evident from that
of democratic government; because if its true dizzy total of $45,000,000,000! Representative
statement. H e referred more directly to the
nature were known it would be repudiated John Robsion, of Kentucky, pointing to these
condition a moment later when he said:
summarily, and because the soul of America figures, observed: "Everything is going down
"We do not distrust the future of essential
still is Democracy—honest. God-fearing, except taxes, deficits, debts and the cost of
Democracy. T h e people of the United States
dinner-bucket Democracy that forged the living." ,
have not failed."
world's most progressive nation out of a " T h e Administration has had the money X .
No, truly the people of the United States
did not fail. It was their elected representatives
T ^ H E CONGRESS of the United States, in who failed. T h e people imposed a trust. T h e
-L whom the Constitution vests all the business trust was not fulfilled. President Roosevelt
of law-making, supposedly is representative of realized that Democracy was threatened. He
all the people. Hoxvever, the Congress no found it necessary to reassure the nation that
longer represents the people. T h e Demo- he would do his utmost to preserve Democ-
cratic ideal still is workable only on election racy's structure.
day. On other days, Congress represents those H e immediately inaugurated such "demo-
special interests which have the most power, cratic" systems as regimentation of industry,
be they a political party, a financial overlord regimentation of agriculture, regimentation
or group of overlords, industry, commerce, of relief, and regimentation of political jobs.
transportation, corporation "agriculture," a Where was Congress as this regimentation
labor leader who claims to represent millions sped along the highway to collectivism?
of votes, or a political leader from whose Congress was at the side of the road watching
hand they eat the bread of patronage. the parade. Congress, it must be remembered,
And against this array of special interests had surrendered much of its Constitutionally-
stands the common man —armed only with a delegated power to Mr. Roosevelt, because an
soul full of trust and hope, and a single ballot! emergency existed. Congress stamped the bills
Democracy's list to leeward is not essentially as they raced along the production line. T h e
the product of the Coolidge-Hoover-Roosevelt representatives of the people found their
administrations. T h e responsibility of these function fulfilled in raising and lowering the
men is their failure to right the tottering rubber stamp of automatic approval.


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