Mi Mundo en Otra Lengua

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pagina 17,238

a.-¿Cómo se saluda a un amigo?

b.- ¿Qué palabra se usa para contestar el teléfono?
c.- ¿cómo se saluda de manera formal?
Good morning,good afternoon, good evening, good night
d.- ¿Cuál de ellas elegirías para conversar con un cliente?
The correct answer is c?)
**Two students are in the cafeteria.
Alison: Hello I’m Alison
John: Hi, I’m John
**One of them goes to the school’s principalship to see the principal.
**(Uno de ellos va a la dirección de la escuela para ver al director)
-John: Good morning, I want to see Mrs. Robison
(Buenos días, quiero ver al señora robinson)
-Secretary: Good morning, She can’t see you now. She is busy
(Good morning, ella no puede verte ahora. Ella está ocupada)
**** You are going to see a friend in the restaurant. How do you greet him?
**** Vas a ver a un amigo en el restaurante ¿como lo saludas?
You: Hello
You Friend: Hi.
**** You are going to have dinner with your boss. How do you greet him?
**** Vas a cenar con tu jefe. ¿como lo saludas?
You: Good night
Boss: Hi

Write: escribe
That you know: que conozcas
Recuerda que en estados unidos los nombres constan de dos componentes, recuerda uqe
si un nombre lleva acento al traducirlo en inglés no se coloca dicho acento asi que de esta
manera no es considerado falta de ortografía.
*How many names do you see in it?
¿cuántos nombres ves en la fotografía?
*Are they familiar to you?
¿te parecen familiares?
*Write them down and see the difference between them and the others you wrote.
Escribirlos y ve la diferencia con respecto a los escritos en el ejercicio anterior.
I am (yo soy…)
What is your name? (cual es tu nombre?)
I am from (yo soy de…)
Where are you from? (¿de dónde es usted?
**********PRONOMBRES PERSONALES*********
You- tu
He- el
She - ella
It - eso
We - nosotros
You- ustedes
They - ellos

verb to be

Affirmative Negative

full form short form or full form contraction


I am I’m I am not I’m not

You are You’re You are not You aren’t
He is He’s He is not he isn’t
She is She’s she is not she isn’t
It is It’s it is not it isn’t
We are We’re we are not we aren’t
You are You’re you are not you aren’t
They are they’re they are not they aren’t

verb to be

interrogative short answers

affirmative negative

Am I…? yes, i am No, i’m not

Are You…? yes, you are. no, yo aren’t
is he? yes he is. no, he isn’t
is she…? yes, she is. no, she isn’t
is it…? yes, it is. no, it isn’t
Are we…? yes, we are no, we aren’t
Are you…? yes you are no you aren’t
Are they…? yes they are. no, they aren’t.
They are best friend
Pablo is from argentina
I am a student
Your name is alejandro
i am fine, thank you
Jurgen and Klaus are German.

1. Country where the Great Wall is. CHINA

2. Person from Egypt. EGYPTIAN
3. A plate from Oaxaca is… MEXICAN
4. Barak Obama is President of USA. He is… AMERICAN
5. The Japanese born in… JAPAN
6. Leo Messi is from Buenos Aires, … ARGENTINA
7. European country in a boot form. ITALY
8. Michael Ballack plays in the… soccer team. GERMAN
9. Fernando Pessoa is from Portugal. He is… PORTUGUESE
10. Country in Africa. ARGELIA
11. Person from Liberia LIBERIAN

pagina 28, 240

ADJETIVOS POSESIVOS: se usan para ablar de caracteristicas u objetos que le

pertenecen a una persona.

Possessive Adjetivos posesivos possessive adjetives adjetivos posesivos


My Mi Its Su

Your Tu Our nuestro

His Su Your Su

Her Su Their Su
What is (your) name?
His name (is) Roger?
Where is (he) from?
He is from japan
*What is (her) name?
(her) name i(is) Catherine.
Where is she from?
she is from France.
*What is your name?
My name is Louis.
where are you from?
I am from the United states
*what are their names?
Their names are michael and susan.
where are they from?
They are from England.


financial adsirver
financial analyst
meeting planner
public relacions specialist
sales manager
training specialist
commercial piloto
film and video editor
gaming manager
translador/ interpreter
athletic trainer
physical therapist
firefighter: bombero
social worker
biomedical engineer
civil engineer
computer software designer
computer support specialist
computer engineer

****La comunicación no es asertiva si las palabras que se usan para comunicarse no se

refieren de forma precisa a lo que quien habla trata de decir. El uso de los artículos (a o an);
para usarlos se toma en cuenta como suena la primera letra de la palabra que va despues
del artículo, si suena como vocal entonces se usa el artículo (an), si suena como
consonante entonces se utiliza el artículo (a) ejemplo:
a banana
a man
a user
a university
a unicycle
a euro
an apple
an old man
an hour
an actress
a helicopter
a therapist
an accountant
a trip
an interview
an hour
a flight
she is not beautiful, she is ugly
ella no es hermana, ella es fea
Charles is five years old, he is a child
charles tiene cinco años, el es niño
They have no hair, they are bald
ungly: feo
short: corto
slim: delgada
old: viejo
child: niño /niña
bald: calvo/calva
blonde: rubio
overweight: exceso de peso
Los adjetivos anteriores ter permiten calificar las cualidades fisicas pero no describir



happy, merry, gland, pleased, joyful, sad, unhappy, lonely, depressed, afflicted,
delighted, cheerful, jolly, ecstatic. angry, annoyed, irritated, upset.
energetic, alive, vital, active tired, sleepy, ea, fatigued.
relaxed, at ease, peaceful, calm, easy nervous, uneasy, afraid, worried, fearful.

1 excessive or extra weight - Overweight

(peso excesivo o extra)
2 good-looking Handsome
3 having hair light gold.- Blonde
(tener el pelo ligero)
4 gracefully thin - slim
(elegantemente delgado)
5 A young human being below the age of full physical development - chilld
(un ser humano joven por debajo de la edad de pleno desarrollo)
6 Having lived for a long time - old
(después de haber vivido durante mucho tiempo)
7 Pleasing to the senses or mind aesthetically - beautiful
(agradable a los sentidos o a la mente estéticamente)
8 small in height.- short
(pequeño en altura)
9 Not advanced in lids - young
(No avanzado en etapas)
10 Of great or more than average height. - tall
(De altura grande o superior a la media)
Full name: nombre completo
Nationality: nacionalidad
Date of birth: fecha de nacimiento
Place of birth: lugar de nacimiento
Marital status: estado civil
Occupation: ocupación

**WHAT (que) example: what is your name?, what I can’t hear you
**WHEN (cuando) example: when is your birthday?
**WHERE (donde) example: where are you from?
**WHICH (cuál) example. Which is your favorite color?
**WHO (quien) example: who is that?
**WHOSE (de quien) example: whose are these keys?
**WHY (porque) example: why are you sad?
**HOW (como) example: how are you?
**HO OLD (cuántos años) example. how old are you?

FIRST NAME: nombre

LAST NAME: apellido
ADDRESS: direccion
HOME PHONE NUMBER: numero de casa
WORK PHONE NUMBER: numero de trabajo
CELL PHONE NUMBER: numero celular
E-MAIL ADDRESS: direccion de correo electronico
BIRTHDATE: cumpleaños

Good- bye, Bye, Bye-Bye. **adios, chau, hasta luego, nos vemos
See long! See you later, See you soon **hasta pronto
See you (till) tomorrow! **hasta mañana
See you at noon *** hasta el mediodía
See you in the evening (at night) ** hasta la noche
Till next time **hasta la proxima
Have a nice day ** Que pases un lindo dia

UNIT 2 PAGE 53, 244

● BATHROOM: baño
● KITCHEN: cocina.
● WALL: recamara.
● BEDROOMS: dormitorios
● CLOSET: guardaropa
● LAUNDRY ROOM: cuarto de lavado
● DINING ROOM: comedor
● LIVING ROOM:sala de estar
<< Partes básicas de una casa>>
● WINDOW: ventana
● LAMP: lámpara
● STOVE : estufa
● SINK: coladera
● REFRIGERATOR: refrigerador
● BED: cama
● W.C.TOILET: baño
● DOOR: puerta
● SHOWER CABIN: regadera
● CHAIR: silla
● PICTURE: imagen
● TABLE: mesa
● FLOOR: piso
● COFFE TABLE: mesa de centro
● SOFA: sillon


● blue: azul
● yelo: amarillo
● red: rojo
● black negro
● beige:
● pink: rosa
● bron: cafe
● purple: purpura
● orange: naranja
● green: verde
● gray: gris
● white: blanco
● Navy blue: azul marino

-the combination of red and blue gives: purple

-the combination of red and white gives ****pink****
-the combination of blue and yellow gives ***green**
-the combination of red and yellow gives **orange**

-dress: vestido
-skirt: falda
-gown: vestido
-socks: calcetines
-high heels (high- heeled shoes): zapatillas
-Sult: traje
-shoes: zapatos
-coat: abrigo
-sandals: sandalias.
-shirt : camisa
-flats: zapatos de piso
-jacket: chaqueta
-shoelace:cordon de zapato
t-shirt: camiseta
-slippers: pantunflas
-shorts: pantalones cortos
-bag/hanbag/purse: bolso
-belt: cinturon
-boots: botas
-tie: corbata
-gloves: guantes
-minisirt: minifalda
-leather jacket: chaqueta de cuero
-scarf: bufanda
-underpants/boxer: calzoncillos
-raincoat: impermeable
-vest: chaleco
-bra: sujetador
-pijamas: ropa para dormir
-blouse; blusa
-swimsuit: traje de baño
-cap: gorra
-trousers: pantalones
-nightgown: bata de noche
-hat: sombrero
-panties: bragas

Alarm clock: reloj alarma
glasses: lentes
watch: reloj
hairbrush: cepillo de pelo
books: libros
lipstick: lapiz labial
lighter: encendedor
toothbrush: cepillo dental
mirror: espejo
wallet: cartera
bracelet: brazalete
keys: llaves
briefcase: maletin
umbrella: sombrilla
sunglasses: lentes de sol
comb: peine
ring: anillo

● short/long (corto/largo)
● heavy/light (pesado/ligero)
● narrow/wide (angosto/ancho)
● little/big (pequeña/grande)
● bad/good (malo/bueno)
● new/old (nuevo/viejo)
● easy/ difficult (facil/dificil)
● near/ far (cerca/lejos)
● slow/ fast (lento/rapido)
● cheap/ expensive (barato/caro)
● terrible/ good (horrible/buena)


A nice- linda rounded table

A great- excelente big window
An intelligent - old man
An inteligente round table
ugly- fea/feo
página 72, 246

Excuse me, Luis, are those your keys?

Disculpa Luis, esas son tus llaves?
—What keys?
¿Que llaves?
—Those keys on that desk over there.
Esas llaves en ese escritorio de allí
—Oh, no. Those keys are not mine.
Oh, no. Esas llaves no son mías
—My keys are here in my drawer. See? These are my keys.
Mis llaves están en este cajón. ¿ves?. estas son mis llaves
—So, whose keys are those?
Entonces, de quién son estas llaves
—Maybe they are Elizabeth’s keys
Talvez sean las llaves de lizeth

*Those: esas/esos/estas/estos
*These: estas
Maybe: talvez
*So: entonces

There is a bed and a large window in my bedroom. There is a kitchen near the diring room.
A table and four chairs are next to the door. An armchair is in front of the wall. A white
refrigerator is in the kitchen.
Personal pronouns possessive adjectives possessive pronouns

I my (mi/mis) mine (mío/a/os/as)

You your (tu/tus) yours (tuyo/a/os/as)
He his (su/sus) his (suyo/a/os/as)
She her (su/sus) hers (suyo/a/os/as)
It its (su/sus) its(suyo/a/os/as)
We our (nuestro/a/os/as) ours (nuestro/a/os/as)
You your (su/sus) yours (suyo/a/os/as)
They their (su/sus) theirs (suyo/a/os/as)

There is a bed and a large window in my bedroom. There is a kitchen near the diring room.
A table and four chairs are next to the door. An armchair is in front of the wall. A white
refrigerator is in the kitchen.


The The is used in singular and plural forms. The key.

(el / los) The skirt
la / las) The shoes

The can be used with non count nouns. The blue dresses.
The milk is in the glass
The water is cold

The can be used with geographical The Atlantic.

nouns. the nile river


at (en) We use (at) for a point; at the door, at the ● Amanda is at the bus stop.
trance, at the door, at the train station ● We live at 927 Lincoln Rd.

in (en We use (in) for an enclosed or ● There’s no one in the house

espacios) surrounded space: in the garden, in a ● The milk is in the fridge
town, in a city, in the water, in the house,
in Mexico, in a row, in the bag.

on (en la / en We use (on) to show position on a ● The cat is on the mat

el) horizontal or vertical surface: in the wall, ● there is a notice on the
on the table, on the ceiling, on the floor, notice board
on the page, on a cover.

Susan can’t find her wallet. It is’t in her purse, It isn't in her coat pocket, it isn’t on her des.
Where is it? It’s not at the train station, nor at the bus stop. It’s not in her office, not in her
house, not on the floor, nor on the roof. Susan’s mon opens her closet and finds it, it was in
her drawer.


next to (junto a) -Where is the umbrela?

-It is next to the chair

Under (debajo de) -where is the hat?

It is under the table.

In front of (delante de) -where is the red comb?

-It is in front of the mirror

behind (detras de) -where are the sunglasses?

-they are behind the ring

Near (cerca de) -where is the briefcase?

-It is near the wallet




Swimming (nadar) tennis (tenis)

Diving (buceo) soccer (futbol)
waterpolo (polo acuático) baseball (beisbol)
gymnastics (gimnasia) basketball (baloncesto)
squash (deporte de squash) golf -
boxing (boxeo) roller skating (patinaje sobre ruedas)
running (correr)
biking (andar en bicicleta)
skateboarding (patinar)
rowing (remo)

painting (pintar)
sculpture (escultura)
singing (cantar)
drawing (dibujar)
playing a musical instrument (tocar un instrumento musical)
dancing (bailar)

1.- The activity of using a hang-glider -Hang fling

2.- Game played in water in which two teams of swimmers try to get the ball into the other
team’s goal. - water polo
3.- Moving in water - swimming
4.- To ride a bike -biklng
5.- Game played using rackets to hit a small ball across a center net. -tennis
6.- Jumping into water - diving
7. The activity of fighting ith or without gloves. -boxing
8.- Game played outside on grass in which each player tries to hit a small ball into a series of
9 or 18 small holes, using a long thin stick. -golf
9.- Game played by two teams of five men or six women who score points by throwing a
large ball through an open net hanging from a metal ring. -basetball

Los deportes que se juegan al aire libre (I go hiking on weekends.

El verbo (do) para referirse a los deportes cuando involucran un grupo de actividades
(Chuck do exercises in the gym)

a) Chris and Mary (go) jogging every day.

b) I play hockey on sundays.
c) My best friend an I go horseback riding whenever we can
d) My kids do athletics in school
e) No wonder why you are in great shape, you go gymnastics.

******* I CAN… ************

Can you swim? sabes nadar
Can you play tennis? puedes jugar tennis
can you do aerobics? puedes hacer aeróbicos
can you go hiking? puedes ir de excursión


Personal Modal Main verb personal Modal verb Main verb

pronoun verb pronoun

I can play It can play

you can play We can play

He can play You can play

She can play They can play

Can se utiliza para:

hablar de que algo es probable: You can see the ocean from our bedroom’s window
Habla sobre habilidades lo que es capaz de hacer:
Allison can speak french fluently
Courtney can't sing
-Solicita a pide algo: Can you do me a favor?, Can you mae a cup of coffe, please?
-Solicita a da un permiso.
Can i go to the party? Yes, you can.

Can he play baseball? Yes, he can. No, he can’t

Can she dance? Yes, she can. No she can’t

Can they sing? Yes, they can No, they can’t

what can you do?

who can play water polo?
what can you things do?
who can drive a tuck?
can you read and study the handbook for today

***** MY BODY IS… ***********

head - cabeza
shoulder - hombro
stomach - estomago
hand - mano
thigh (leg) - muslo
calf (leg) - pantorrilla
heel- talón
foot - pie
fingernail - uñas del dedo
finger - dedo
arm - brazo
elbow - codo
chest - pecho
neck - cuello
face - rostro
knee - rodilla
ankle- tobillo
toe- dedo del pie
toe nail. - uña del dedo del pie.

hair - cabello
ear - oreja
earlobe lóbulo de oreja
cheek - mejilla
mouth - boca
tooth - diente
lip - labio
forehead -frente
eyebrow- ceja
eyelash - pestaña
eye- ojo
nose - nariz
nostril - fosa nasal
jaw - mandíbula
chin - mentón

pasatiempos por diversion

drink - beber
eat - comer
cry - llorar
smile - sonreir
talk - hablar
sing - cantar
read - leer
run - correr
sleep - dormir
walk - caminar
write - escribir
think - pensar

UNIT 4 THIS IS WHAT I LIKE page 107, 252

You like dislike
he likes dislikes
she likes dislikes
it likes dislikes
we like dislike
you like dislike
you like dislike
El verbo like en las terceras personas sel singular he, she, it se agrega una s, esto ocurre
porque al conjugar un verbo en tiempo presente con dichos pronombres se agrega una ‘’s’’
al verbo. Con los otros pronombres i, you, we, they el verbo se escribe en tiempo presente
sin la ‘’s’’.


Love ( when you like, it very much) Hate (when you dislike someone or
something very much)
Can’t stand (when someone or something
needs support remain stand)

enjoy dislike
be keen on -estar interesado
be fond of - ser aficionada
rainy: lluvia
cloudy: nublado
windy. ventosa
winter: invierno
spring: primavera
summer: verano
autumn (fall) : otoño


In spring it’s warm

it’s hot.

in summer it’s hot

it’s sunny

in autumn it’s often windy

it’s cloudy
it’s cool.
it’s a but cold.

in winter it’s cold.

it’s windy.
it’s rain’s (it’s rainy)
it snows (it’s snowy)

sun: sol
fog: niebla
rainbow: arcoiris
Downpour: aguacero
snow: nieve
rain: lluvia
wind: viento
lightning: iluminación
cloud: nube
tornado: tornado
flood : inundación
thunder: trueno
hail: granizo

● A thunder is.. a resounding loud, deep noise.

● A lightning is… a brief natural high-voltage electrical discharge between a cloud and
the ground.
● Hail… little balls of frozen rain falling in showers.
● A rainbow is… an arch of colors visible in the sky.
● A tornado is… a destructive vortex of violently rotating winds.
● Rain… drops of water falling from the sky.
AFFIRMATIVE: I like apples.
NEGATIVE: I do not (don’t) like apples.
Interrogative: do you like apples?
Short answer:
NEGATIVE: No, I don’t

(Do) se utiliza con los pronombres; I, you, we, they

(Does) se utiliza con las terceras personas del singular, He, she, It.
Se utilizan con verbo principal, en el que do/ does dignifica ‘’hacer’’
example: I do my homework , she does her homework.

Como verbo auxiliar se usa para preguntas y negar en el tiempo presente:

Negative: I don’t do my homework. She doesn’t do her homework
Interrogative: Do I do my homework?
short answer: Yes, i do./ No, i don't. Yes, she doesNo, she doesn’t.


I don’t like apples

YOU don’t like apples
HE doesn’t like apples
SHE doesn’t like apples
IT doesn’t like apples
WE don’t like apples
YOU don’t like apples
THEY don’t like apples


Do I like apples?
Do You like apples?
Does He like apples?
Does She like apples?
Does It like apples?
Do We like apples?
Do You like apples?
Do They like apples?

a) What city do you want to visit? que ciudad quieres visitar

b) In which season do you want to go? en que estacion quieres ir
c) In what type of weather do you prefer to travel? en que tipo de clima prefieres viajar
d) What do you want to eat? (Mention at least five things). que quieres comer
e) What do you want to drink? (Mention at least five things). que quieres beber
f) Where do you want to eat? donde quieres comer
g) What places do you plan to visit? (Mention at least five places). que lugares piensas
h) What places you don't want to visit? (Mention at least five places que lugares no quieres
UNIT 5 what time do you get up?
● FIRST - primero
● AFTER - después
● THEN - entonces
● AFTER THAT - despues
● LATER - mas tarde
● FINALLY - finalmente

150, 257
I watch a movie. veo una pelicula.
I listen to the radio. Escucho la radio
I play the guitar. Toco la guitarra
I use the Internet. Utilizo el internet
I read magazines. Leo revistas
I have a drink. Me tomo una copa
I wear clothes. llevo ropa
My friend and I eat food. mi amigo y yo comemos
I visit my family visito a mi familia


start -empezar Quick - rápido After - Day - dia Gym -

Make-hacer Hot - caliente después Morning- gimnasio
Take - tomar Long-largo Around - mañana park-parque
Have Lot - lote alrededor Evening- Home-casa
Brush - cepillo Big- grande Early - noche Office-oficina
Sleep - dormir Tired - temprano Night- noche Pool-pscina
Go back- cansado Always - Bed- cama Community
volver siempre Breakfast- center- centro
work- trabajo Later- mas desayuno comunitario
teach- tarde School-
enseñar Finally- escuela
go - ir finalmente Homework-
like - gustar Then- deberes
look around - entonces Friends-
mirar a tu Before- antes amigos
alrededor Dinner- cena
Give - Dar Family- familia
Think -pensar Televisión -
sit down - Dance- bailar
sientate Cup of coffee-
practice - taza de cafe
practicar Wateragua
play - jugar Dog- perro
watch - reloj Lunch-
talk - hablar almuerzo
get up - Meetings-
levantate reuniones
drink - beber Computer-
read - leer ordenador
walk- caminar Newspaper-
Mientras la actividades de la semana (weedays) son bajo reloj, las que se realizan
el fin de semana son (weekend)
Family members

Parents - padres
children- niño
son: hijo
brother- hermano
mother -madre

Husband -wife esposo- esposa

Uncle- aunt -tio-tia-
grandfather- grandmother -abuelo-abuela
brother - sister -hermano-hermana
son - daughter - hijo-hija

mother - female parent

uncle - your father’s brother
parents - father and mother
father - male parent
grandparents - grandfather and grandmother
grandfather - male grandparent
niece - sister’s daughter
aunt - father’s sister
brother in law - sister’s husband
sister in laww- brother’s wife
ife- married woman
husband - married man
mother - father’s wife.

a) Your mom and dad are your. . (parents)

b) Your father and mother’s daughter is your. . (sister)
c) Your mother’s sister is your . (aunt)
d) Your uncle’s son is your . (cousin)
e) Your father’s mother is your . (grandmother)
f) Your mother’s father is your . (grandfather)
g) Your brother’s son is your . (nephew)
h) Your brother’s daughter is your (niece)

Bank president: presidente de banco

Carpinter: carpinteria
Cashier: cajero
Chef: cocinero
Clerk: oficinista
nurse: enfermera
Company director: director de la empresa
conductor: director
dance instructor: intructor de baile
disk jockey
doctor: doctor
engineer: ingeniero
flight attendant : aeromoza
lawyer: abogado
receptionist: recepcionista
sales manager: gerente de ventas
secretary: secretaria
singer: cantante
student: estudiante
supervisor: supervisor
teacher: maestro.

El verbo (to have) tiene dos significados ‘’haber y tener’’ Cuando lo utilizamos con
las formas simples de los tiempos verbales suele significar tener. Cuando lo
utilizamos con las formas compuestas por lo general significa ‘’haber’’ . Ejemplo
I have a beautiful family (yo tengo una hermosa familia)
Barbara has to daughters (Barbara tiene dos hijas).
Para negar o hacer preguntas, se utilia con el verbo auxiliar do, por lo que se escribe
de la siguiente manera:
Do you have a sister? Yes, I do.
How many brothers does he have? He has two.
Como sucede con los verbos en presente simple, a las terceras personas del
singular (He, She, It) se les agrega una ‘’s’’ al conjugarlos, en este caso se cambia
‘’have’’ por ‘’has’’.



I have relatives
YOU have relatives
HE has relatives
SHE has relatives
IT has relatives
WE have relatives
YOU have relatives
THEY have relatives




I don’t have relatives

YOU don’t have relatives
HE doesn’t have relatives
SHE doesn’t have relatives
IT doesn’t have relatives
WE don’t have relatives
YOU don’t have relatives
THEY don’t have relatives




DO I have relatives
DO YOU have relatives
DOES HE have relatives
DOES SHE have relatives
DOES IT have relatives
DO WE have relatives
DO YOU have relatives
DO THEY have relatives
Have, has, do, does, don’t y doesn’t don verbos auxiliares basicos para plantear preguntas
sobre la familia.
A/an antecede a sustantivos desconocidos, es decir, objetivos no definidos o que no son
especificos. ejemplos:
He works in a cafeteria. (El trabaja en una cafeteria)
Her house has attic. (Su casa tiene un atico.)
El articulo determinado (the) lo hace a un objeto determinado, es decir, a algo especifico
tanto para el emisor del mensaje como para el receptor del mismo. ejemplos:
The car over there is fast
The teacher is very good, isn’t he?
por lo general , la primera vez que se habla de algo se usa (a o an), las veces que siguen a
este se usa (the)
I live in a house. The house is pretty big, it has four bedrooms.
Los articulos no se utilizan para referir paises, estados, condados, logos y montañas, a
menos que el articulo forme parte del nombre del pais como en el caso de The Unites
States. Ejemplos:
Sally Live in washington near Moun Rainier.
Andre and Leila live in northern British Columbia.
Usamos articulos para referirnos a masas de agua, oceanos y mares.
Mexico bordes on he pacific ocean
No usamos articulo para referirnos a cosas en general.
My mom lies Chinese tea
My grandfather lies reading book.
No usamos articulos para referirnos a las comidas o los lugares.
Tony has breakfast in bed
Luis goes to school
****There is/there are
son expresiones que se utilizan para expresar la cantidad de objetos o personas que se
encuentran en un determinado lugar. Ambas formas significan ‘’hay’’ la diferencia es que en
there is se utiliza para el singular y there are para el plural
Affirmative: there is a kitchen in the townhouse
Negative: There isn’t any garden in the townhouse
Interrogative: Is there a bathroom in the townhouse?
Short answer: Yes, there is/ no, there isn’t
Affirmative There are two bedrooms and one bathroom in the townhome
Negative: There aren’t any parking place in the townhouse
Interrogative: Are there any paring place in the townhouse?
Short answer: Yes, here are/ no there aren’t

above: encima
across from:frente a
around: alrededor
at the end of: al final de
beside:al lado de
next to: cerca de
before: antes
between: entre
opposite to:opuesto a
behind: atras
in from of: a partir de
on the comer of: en la esquina de
below: abajo
inside of: dentro de
under: debajo.

city/ town: ciudad / pueblo
factory: fabrica
street: calle
traffic light: semaforo
crossroads/junction: encrucijada cruce
signpost:poste indicador
building: edificio
bridge: puente
cinema: cine
shopping mall centro comercial
police station: comisaría
market: mercado
school: escuela
park: parque
parking lot: aparcamiento
restaurant: restaurante
mountain: montaña
beach: playa
sean/ocean: oceano
hill: loma
lake: lago
valley: valle
stream: corriente
river: rio
waterfall: cascada
bay: bahía

a) The Eiffel Tower is in Paris, France.

b) The Coliseum is in Rome, Italy.
c) The Statue of Liberty is in New York, United States.
d) The Gizeh Pyramids are in Cairo, Egypt.
e) The Iguazu Falls are in the borderline of Argentina and Brazil.
f) The Kukulcan Pyramid is in Chichen Itza, Mexico.
g) The Taj Mahal is in Agra, India.
h) The Acropolis is in Athens, Greece.
i) Machu Picchu is in Cuzco, Peru.
j) Christ, the Redeemer, is in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil

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