The Black Cat Essay

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The Black Cat Essay

Crafting an essay on the topic of "The Black Cat" can prove to be a challenging endeavor. This is
primarily because the narrative, penned by Edgar Allan Poe, delves into the realms of psychological
horror and explores the dark recesses of the human mind. The complexity of the story, coupled with
Poe's intricate writing style, demands a thorough understanding and analysis to effectively convey its

The central themes of guilt, remorse, and the descent into madness require careful consideration and
exploration. Unraveling the intricacies of the protagonist's psyche, as well as the symbolism
embedded in the black cat itself, necessitates a deep dive into literary analysis. Interpreting Poe's use
of language, symbolism, and foreshadowing requires a keen eye for detail and a nuanced
understanding of literary devices.

Moreover, constructing a cohesive essay on "The Black Cat" involves navigating through the
ambiguity inherent in Poe's storytelling. The narrative's unreliable narrator adds layers of complexity,
making it challenging to discern truth from distortion. Balancing the exploration of the plot with an
in-depth analysis of the characters and their motivations requires finesse.

In addition to these literary challenges, the essay should strive to offer a fresh perspective or a
unique interpretation that adds value to the existing body of criticism on "The Black Cat." This
requires originality and creativity in thought, contributing something new to the ongoing discourse
surrounding the work.

In conclusion, crafting an essay on "The Black Cat" demands not only a comprehensive
understanding of Poe's narrative techniques but also the ability to navigate the murky waters of
psychological horror and symbolism. It is an intellectual journey that requires careful analysis, critical
thinking, and the ability to convey one's insights effectively.

For those seeking assistance with such essays or exploring topics of similar complexity, various
resources are available. Platforms like offer the option to order essays and receive
professional guidance on literary analysis and composition, providing valuable support for those
navigating the challenges of academic writing.
The Black Cat Essay The Black Cat Essay
The Importance Of Child Care In America
According to the NACCRRA 2014 Child Care in State of Missouri report, thirty eight
(38) percent of all requests for child care to the child care resource and referral
programs were for both infant toddler care and preschool alike. Eighty four (84)
percent, up by 11% since 2010, of families are looking for full time child care with 21%
needing before and after care. An incongruity between supply and demand continues to
exit. As families continue to transition from public assistance to work, school, and job
training, the largest obstacle they face is affordable, accessible child care. In 2015, St.
Louis Cityhad 6,037 children who received subsidized childcare assistance and St. Louis
County had 8,002 children who received subsidized... Show more content on ...
Louis and surrounding communities by offering nutrition and health education to
pregnant and post partum women.
Special Population:
Child Abuse and Neglect In St. Louis City 36% and 27% in St. Louis County of
reported physical abuse were substantiated; reported neglect was substantiated at 48% in
St. Louis City and 58% in St. Louis County; with substantiated sexual abuse in St. Louis
City at 28% and 26% in St. Louis County.
Violent Crime The Violent Crime Rate in St. Louis City is up from last year: 18.26
(violent) to 19%, but overall crimes are down from 81.90 (all) to 78.7% and St. Louis
County: violent crimes are up to 3.8%, and all crimes are up to 28.4%. Over the last
10 years, the number of St. Louis violent crime is higher than the U.S. average. Crimes
has continued to sky rocketed post Ferguson Uprising. As of 2016, because of the high
crime rate in St. Louis City it continues to be labeled as America s murder capital
surpassing Detroit and Chicago. St. Louis remains ranked 42nd out of the 50 largest
metro areas in the country in economic mobility. That means that it is more difficult for
someone here to get from the bottom of the rungs to the top rungs of the economic ladder
than it is just about anywhere. When people do not have equal opportunity to thrive, the
entire region pays the price therefore the Ferguson Commission has
Education And Study At Universities
There are many reasons why people decide to continue their education and study at
Universities. It may be for enjoyment, for learning a new skill, for networking, or for
career advancement, etc. However, for most people, education is an investment for the
future, and is considered as a gateway to obtaining higher earnings in the future either
via the job market or self employment. It s commonly believed that the higher the
qualification you get, the higher the chance you would get a well paid job. However,
what about for entrepreneurs? People who don t want to work in a steady paid job, but
who wants to be their own boss. Do entrepreneurs need to study for a University degree?
Would, in the course of studying a degree, increase the chance of becoming a successful
entrepreneur? Does higher educationteach the necessary skills to help people be
successful in running a business? Thus, lead to my research topic. I would like to
investigate whether successful entrepreneurs obtained their necessary skills whilst
studying at University.

To begin with, how do we define a successful entrepreneur ? The Cambridge Dictionary

defines successful as achieving the results wanted or hope for/ having achieved a lot,
become popular, and/ or made a lot of money [Cambridge Dictionaries Online, 2014], and
the definition of an entrepreneur is someone who starts their own business, especially
when this involves seeing a new opportunity [Cambridge Dictionaries Online, 2014].
Biography of Ernest Hemingway Essay
Biography of Ernest Hemingway

Certainly there is no hunting like the hunting of man and those who have hunted armed
men long enough and liked it, never really care for anything else thereafter. You will
meet them doing various things with resolve, but their interest rarely holds because after
the other thing ordinary life is as flat as the taste of wine when the taste buds have been
burned off your tongue. ( On the Blue Water in Esquire, April 1936)

A legendary novelist, short story writer and essayist Ernest Miller Hemingway was born
on July 21, 1899, in the village of Oak Park, Illinois, close to the prairies and woods west
of Chicago. His mother Grace Hall had an operatic career before marrying Dr. Clarence
Edmonds ... Show more content on ...
After Hemingway s depression he was sent to the Mayo Clinic in Rochester, Minnesota.
There he received electroshock therapy that impaired his memory and stripped from him
the concentration to write. Hemingway also lost the ability to do other things he so
loved like fish and hunt. So perhaps he killed himself because Ernest Hemingway could
no longer be Ernest Hemingway.

2. Hemingway s works

Ernest Hemingway started his career as a writer in a newspaper office in Kansas City
at the age of seventeen. Here he learned to get to the heart of a story with direct, simple
sentences. After the United States entered the First World War, he joined a volunteer
ambulance unit in the Italian army. Here he was wounded near the Italian/Austrian
front. Hospitalized, he fell in love with his nurse, who later called off their relationship.
After his return to the United States, he became a reporter for Canadian and American
newspapers and was soon sent back to Europe to cover such events as the Greek
Revolution. During the twenties, Hemingway became a member of the group of
expatriate Americans in Paris, which he described in his first important work The Sun
Also Rises (1926). After the World War I, Hemingway lived in Chicago. There, he met
Sherwood Andersen and married Hadley Richardson in 1921. On Andersen s advice, the
Micheal Jo Headless
The colonization of Asian countries carried a tremendous force that is still felt in
contemporary time. Micheal Joo, an American South Korean artist, uses this force in
his work Headless. The piece of work is made up of about 20 30 headless buddha
statues, in meditation with their legs in the single lotus position. All of the statues
bodies are eerily similar, each a burnt orange terra cotta color and all having the exact
same draping of robes that cover everything, but their feet, hands, and upper body. What
differentiates them from each other, either than the variation of brown undertones, are
the transplanted heads. The heads attached to each body are heads of iconic figures in
Western media, like Wolverine and Alfred E. Neuman, the cover boy of the famous
magazine MAD. To some, these heads juxtaposed with Buddha s bodies show a clear
message: Western media has become the new god.... Show more content on ...
However, Joo s combining of old and new icons is just that, a combination. Joo is not
hiding the fact that the bodies belong to the Buddha and he is not defacing the heads to
hide their identities. What he did is combined these figures to represent the emergence
of a new culture where Asians embrace the traditional and claim a way of life thrust
upon them. The process of decolonization is a long one that requires a clear knowledge
of native history, understanding of the present, and probable predictions of the future. Joo
s work reflect the current time period where many Asians are subverting colonialist
thought, not only by embracing traditional practices, but by also taking and altering
Western icons so they can reflect their life and
Transgender Bathroom Debate
A man stands in front of two bathroom signs, contemplating door which to enter: use the
bathroom of the gender to which he does not identify, (consequently feeling safer) or use
the bathroom for the gender he identifies as but risk getting kicked out or even
assaulted? Fearing the repercussions the man enters the toilet labelled male, praying the
stalls are empty. This is an example of what a transgenderindividual undergoes every day,
just to accomplish something most people take for granted. The Oxford English
dictionary defines transgender as: Denoting or relating to a person whose sense of
personal identity and genderdoes not correspond with their birth sex. Inversely, a cis
gender individual s gender identityand birth sex do correspond.

The bathroom debate is just one small part of what transgender people go through:
transgender people have to fight for authenticity as well as equality. An average young
person might have ID when buying alcohol or their passport checked at the airport.
However trans people s true gender identity is questioned very often, and in a very
different way. For example, for young people or transgender individuals coming out it
may be dealing with parents insisting ... Show more content on ...
A defining statement form the bill is: the civil rights of a group are more important than
the right of another group not to feel uncomfortable . Thus prevented transgender
individuals from using the bathroom to which they identify. The main argument for the
Bill was the perceived safety of cis gendered individuals from trans attacks. The
invalidity of this argument stems from the fact that there are no reported cases of
transgender attacks on cis gender individuals in bathrooms. As the national coalition of
anti violence programs states 55% of all reported LGBT homicide victims were against
transgender women, and 50% were transgender women of
The Russian Federation Of The Crimean Peninsula
On March 21 2014, the Russian Federation officially annexed the Crimean Peninsula
after a well conducted, hybrid type operation. Throughout the history, Crimea was a
peninsula of numerous disputes and fierce battles among different nations. Its location
made it a strategic objective in the Black Sea Region. The Crimean Peninsula became
even more valuable to a country that desperately needed access to the warm waters of
this sea the Russian Federation (Piticar 2014, 438). Moreover, this peninsula gave Russia
access to the Mediterranean Sea and from there to both the Atlantic and the Indian
Oceans. In order to get this strategic objective, Russia conducted a very complex
operation that shook the whole world and changed the way the... Show more content on ...
This is due to the very complex situations that this peninsula and its inhabitants have
faced throughout the history. Undoubtedly, history is one of the complex factors that
played a crucial role and ultimately led to the seizure of the peninsula. First inhabitants
of Crimea were the Cimmerian people in the 5th century B.C. They were followed by
Greeks in the 1st century B.C. and then by Romans in 1st A.D. During the next
millennium, the peninsula was overrun by many tribes. Among these tribes were
Mongols and the Byzantines. Golden Horde, the Tatars, settled in Crimea in the 15th
century. The Tatars are considered Crimean natives. Although they later became Turkish
vassals, they remained very powerful and culture oriented. (Columbia Electronic
Encyclopedia 2013, 12). Until the Stalin era, the peninsula had been invaded by other
countries, like Russia and Germany (in World War 1). However, it became part of the
USSR in 1921. Same as the other Soviet Republics, the native population was sent to
other parts of the USSR, while native Russians were brought to the peninsula. The
purpose was obvious Russification (a form of cultural assimilation of a nation, making
them pro Russian) of the occupied or annexed territory (Ahsan 2015, 27). While in the
Soviet Union, Crimea became part of the Russian Republic in 1945. Later, it was
transferred to Ukraine in 1954 and remained part of it after the collapse of the Soviet
Union. All these historical facts are important

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